US BG player looking for Fractal Guild EST
Hey Cyrrin! From your post, it sounds like we can offer what your looking for! Triple Velocity of Blackgate [TVB], although new, we currently run nightly fractals/dungeons. We currently have anywhere from 2-5 guildies that will join us on our paths on a given night, looking to make that a solid 5.
As far as your friends go, that will be no problem either as we showed a member her first fract last night! We currently use mumble and are a mature/laid back group. Our runs usually happen right after reset (8pm EST).
PM me in game if you are interested! I will be on around the same time as you (6pm).
The Hardcore Caravan [HC] is recruiting. Although we are a PvX guild, we are a small group of people primarily focused on fractals. Our current line up completes 50 40 30 20 tiers daily.
We are actually looking to expand our guild so we can have multiple teams running fractals. Since you have a few friends that also want to learn, this could be really beneficial for you guys.
We also run weekly all guild missions (currently 2 hours after reset). There is no rep requirement, although if you want to increase in guild rank repping would help with that.
Our only requirement is that you utilize Teamspeak when we’re running fractals so we can communicate with each other easier.
Lemme know if you’re interested.