[VOX] VOX Invictus (on DR) - WvW Focused

[VOX] VOX Invictus (on DR) - WvW Focused

in Looking for...

Posted by: Varkarian.7914


[VOX] Vox Invictus or “Unconquered Voice,” has been a gaming community for many years across several games. We’re a mature group that enjoys spicing up our TS and running tight. The guild focuses on having a good time, but make no mistake, this is a competitive group that wants to win. Our overriding goal has always been to mesh an entertaining, openly adult friendly atmosphere with a hard hitting competitive group. For many years now, we’ve achieved that goal.

VOX is a primarily WvW focued group. We also run weekly guild missions and have many members that enjoy dungeons (particularly fractals), but the passion and energy of the guild goes into WvW. We approach WvW with a fun, but competitive attitude. Part of that competitive edge includes requiring the use of TeamSpeak, running required specs, and coming with lvl 80 toons.

We’re 100% open to new and inexperienced players, but they must be willing to use TS, run the specs, and put in the effort to become part of the team. If you’re willing to meet those requirements, then we’ll happily get you up to speed and find you a seat at the bag buffet table!

VOX is open to multi-rep. As long as you rep VOX while you run with us, we don’t care who you rep or what you do during your other playtime.

Our current schedule is as follows:

Monday @ 8:30 PM EST (WvW Raid)
Wednesday @ 8:30 PM EST (Guild Missions -> WvW after)
Friday @ 8:30 PM EST (WvW Raid)
Saturday @ 8:30 PM EST (WvW Raid)
Sunday @ 8:30 PM EST (WvW Raid)

Our raids start at 8:30 PM EST and run until 11 – 11:30 PM EST. We usually run with between 20 – 30 people. Raid attendance is never mandatory. All of our events/raids are voluntary. This is a game after all!

Leadership to whisper with questions:
• Varkarian.7914 (that is me) (Guild Leader)
• HazeBot.3147 (Officer)
• zuzimb.8609 (Officer)
• laranta.8046 (Officer)
• DoRnbush.4986 (Jr Officer)
• Erin snow.9623 (Jr Officer)
• Cbonex.1352 (Jr Officer)
• Soronn.1985 (Simply Awesome)

You can read more about us at our website, www.voxinvictus.com

For those of you that need the VOX Recruitment TLDR:

• 18+ Adult Friendly Atmosphere
• Competitive WvW Focused Guild
• Required TS, Class Traits/Specs, Teamwork
• Weekly Guild Missions & Regular Dungeon Groups

Lastly, here is VOX’s introduction video to the DR community! Enjoy

Vulkarian Winter (80 Ele)
[VOX] Leader
Borlis Pass

[VOX] VOX Invictus (on DR) - WvW Focused

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sus.3610


This is a great group! Lots of knowledge to share with anyone that joins their ranks! A valued part of a great server… Oh and they are super fun and have a great rapport that makes it easy to be around them

Leader of [GIT] Git Off My Lawn
Devona’s Rest

[VOX] VOX Invictus (on DR) - WvW Focused

in Looking for...

Posted by: Annathema.3174


Fun fights so far for the begining of season 3

If you would like to join in the fun, please contact one of the officer listed above.

Ann Athema

[VOX] VOX Invictus (on DR) - WvW Focused

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


You guys are alot of fun, its been a pleasure working with you.


[VOX] VOX Invictus (on DR) - WvW Focused

in Looking for...

Posted by: leviN.4390


Big VOX!

Lovely bunch of people!

Seraph Siegfried – BoM – Guild Leader
The beating continues until order is restored

[VOX] VOX Invictus (on DR) - WvW Focused

in Looking for...

Posted by: Varkarian.7914


VOX is looking for a few more guardians, wars, necros, and eles.

We run an adult friendly atmosphere. You bring a team attitude and we’ll bring you to the bag buffet!

Here’s one of our latest vids tearing it up!

Vulkarian Winter (80 Ele)
[VOX] Leader
Borlis Pass

[VOX] VOX Invictus (on DR) - WvW Focused

in Looking for...

Posted by: krmatth.3904


BUMP for a great group of people and fighters

[VOX] VOX Invictus (on DR) - WvW Focused

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sergie.7865


Great people in a great WvW guild! They play hard, and have fun doing it. Easy to coordinate with and absolutely wreck it in game. Hit them up for an outstanding WvW experience.

Svid -FiST – SoS – “Here Since the Earth Cooled”

[VOX] VOX Invictus (on DR) - WvW Focused

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


VOX is a class act I love you guys! Such good fights when we run with these guys!

[VOX] VOX Invictus (on DR) - WvW Focused

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sergie.7865


Bump for a great guild on a great server. Hit ’em up..you wont be sorry.

Svid -FiST – SoS – “Here Since the Earth Cooled”