(edited by CBsquared.1074)
[VT] is recruiting for NA/PvE/Fractals/Raids
Mail is the easiest way to get in touch with us in game. — That way even if we are not on or are afk, we will still get your message.
We are actively recruiting for people interested in Raids (as well as other content obviously). We have our Raid Leader, but need to fill up the team.
Please don’t hesitate to send me mail if you are interested or have any questions!
Always recruiting!
Our guild is holding a raid night tomorrow (Friday, 11/20) at 11 PM EST. This is not our official raid day/time, but rather a chance to players to experience the raid and learn what adjustments need to be made.
Because only 10 players can enter a raid, it will be first-come first-serve on this raid night. However, if there is a lot of interest, we will actively work to incorporate everyone over the course of the next week. As of now our official raid team is not set, so we encourage anyone interested in raids to contact us!
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UPDATE: We had our first raid night on 11/21/15 (last night, at the time of this update) and we experienced some success (got the boss to 5-10% a couple of times, and to sub-20% relatively regularly). We are still recruiting raiders, and we have a specific need for condi builds. (That does not mean we will turn away others who are interested; but condi builds will have an easy time finding a role. As always, flexibility is key for raid success as a guild.) We will be setting some scheduled raid evenings soon, but at this time we have not scheduled those days/times.
Classes of particular interest:
Condi Engie
DPS Revs/Heralds
One more update:
We are in need of the following classes to complete our raid team: 1) Condi (anything, except Thief), 2) DPS Rev/Herald.
Hi! I’d like to join! I am currently in EU server but I live in NA so timezone should not be an issue for fractals/dungeons/raids. I’m currently playing my fresh 80 revenant. I’m about 50% on my herald spec so I currently play zerk shiro/mallyx. I’m only full exotic except one ascended ring. I raided in WoW until the current expansion and got burnt out. I just returned to GW2 and got my rev to 80 two days ago. I am willing to listen and learn. I have ts3/vent for voice comm if needed.
Grahf — To my knowledge, because you are on the EU server, we will be unable to join parties together. (That being said, I have never tried to get onto the EU server, so perhaps there is a way?)
GENERAL UPDATE: We are currently evaluating our new recruits for fit, classes, and time availability for the raid team. For the time being, we are not looking to specifically add more members to our main raid team. If you are interested in joining our guild for other areas of the game (e.g., achievements, fractals, guild missions, etc), we will likely need alternates when members of the raid team miss a scheduled raid night. I will post an update in the future once we learn if we have finalized our raid team or if there are any open slots left.
Always recruiting for all areas of PvE. We also do sPvP from time-to-time.
Always recruiting — feel free to mail us with any questions/interest!
Always recruiting — feel free to mail us with any questions/interest!
Always looking to add new members to the guild!
To the person who whispered me:
If you happen to read this again, it sounded like you’d be a great fit for out guild. Unfortunately, with the update, I lost your info and was not able to invite you. Send me a mail in game and we’ll get you in! Hope to see you soon.
Bump. Need a few more consistent players. Revs would be nice, or a healer. Next raid is Friday.
Working on gorseval tonight 8 pm EST. Hit us up in game if you’re interested. May need to fill a spot or two.
Raid Update — we are still looking to add a few more consistent members to the raid team. Mail us with your preferred class(es) and we will let you know if we think you will fill a role we do not have covered. Ascended armor strongly preferred.
We have a particular interest in people who can tank/heal (even if it is your back-up class, just so if our dedicated tank/healer is offline or needs to fill another role)
Looking for a solid healer and/or tank. If someone can fill both roles that would be awesome too. Also need consistent DPS members. Revs would be nice, but we can work with you. Just hit us up via mail or on these forums.
We actively do fractals every day, even 50+. Lot of members working on backpack so we can help you with certain motes or fractals you may need.
We’re also involved in a lot of world events including any meta events throughout the jungle.
Just need consistent members to log on for raids every Tuesday and Friday @ 8 PM EST.
Hi there! I’m really interested in joining an active raiding team, as it stands i have a full ascended herald kitted out for raids. I’ve raided with my guild a number of times in the past week but we can only usually manage two runs a week for a number of hours at most. My most successful attempt was getting vg to around 15% with them, im really interested in getting more practice in. At the moment i’m working towards an ascended set for a necro(either tank or viper condi) and i can play a fully ascended guardian as well.
I’m based in perth, australia and play on NA servers, i have a pretty flexible availabilty, I’ll also try In game mail but at the moment I’m not at my computer so hopefully you can read this whist i get home. Best wishes!
As Red said, our raid nights are Tuesday/Friday at 8pm. We are still looking for people, so feel free to send us a message if you are interested.
Still looking for people interested in all PvE content (including Raids). Please contact us with an interest/questions!
We will be raiding tonight (Tuesday) from 8pm-12pm. Please let us know if you are interested in raiding.
We decided to switch our raid day to tonight, Wednesday, from 8pm-12pm EST.
We almost have a full raid team, we just need consistent members for our raid days.
Next raid is tonight, Friday 8PM EST. Working on gorseval.
We need a reliable tank and healer who can show up consistently, 1 more consistent condi player (preferrably warrior, but any will do), and maybe 1-2 solid DPS players one of them being rev.
We usually end up pugging 5 or 4 players, but we would like to not have to do that moving forward with say 10-12 raid members.
Hit me up with in-game mail preferrably. I will periodically check this as well.
If you like fractals we also run 50+ daily. Guild missions usually on Thursdays.
Getting gorseval to p3. Need to squeeze a bit more dps. Need fully ascended geared people that know meta builds. Definitely need a tank. Should be downing gorseval hopefully by next week and moving on to Sab shortly after.
Need members who prioritize raids over everything else. Still searching for active, reliable players. Hit us up in game mail or on forum with what you play and how well you’re geared, etc.
Recruitment post has been updated. Biggest update includes changing raids to Mondays/Fridays.
(edited by CBsquared.1074)
If you’re serious about raiding, hit us up.