Vet Player/Blackgate/Seeking Casual Guild

Vet Player/Blackgate/Seeking Casual Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cynister.2865


Hey All,

I’m going to be brief-ish. I’ve been playing since launch and have been in a couple of very large guilds (400+). I’m now looking for a smaller guild, that actually likes to do things as a guild and group together for these things. Whether it’s World Boss Trains, Cursed Shore stuff, Living Story, really anything the game offers.

My experience in larger guilds is that there’s no sense of “guild pride”. It seems like a bunch of random people thrown together that are just soloing the game anyway. Pugging, not participating in guild chat, etc…. Really not understanding the purpose of what a true guild should be.

I seek a guild that is comprised of casuals/hardcores/ etc.. that really want to play the game with their guildmates. My home server is Blackgate (doesn’t really matter unless WvW is your thing), and i"m not interested in transferring (did that once already). So if your guild is a tight crew, and has room for a new member, let me know. I’m on Eastern time, and I usually play after 4pm if you need to catch me in game. Thanks!