Vet Player for Dungeon-centric Oceanic Guild

Vet Player for Dungeon-centric Oceanic Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Danny Tsui.7840

Danny Tsui.7840

Looking for a sizable Oceanic guild that try to run most dungeon paths and have a
running voice chat server.

About me:

  • I am located in Sydney, Australia. Like to join a guild that is very active after
    6:00pm GMT+10 on weekdays. My server is Sanctum of Rall, I don’t mind guild from
    another server. I probably will play for 2-4 hours each day.
  • Started playing after the game was launched for a month and now returning after 3
    months break.
  • May or may not join guild missions, a bit bored of it. I hosted 3 months of guild
    missions assisting new players through rush, challenge, puzzle, still pretty weary
    of that even after a long break.
  • Now try to accomplish other achievements that cost lots of gold, thats why I want
    to run dungeon paths to get a little more gold. Not quite interested in advancing
    FoTM levels unless it can be done quickly like in an hour.
  • I have earned the title Dungeon Master, but may have to learn some newly patched
    mechanics if any. I love to run some of those not so popular paths. Was meleeing
    Lupi before my break.
  • Wanted to learn how to trait again since all traits have reseted.
  • I have ALL professions at level 80, FoTM at level 30, WvW at level 111 [Champion], PvP level ZERO [Rabbit]
  • Master crafter: lvl 500 all types of weapon, now working towards higher 400+
    cloth, leather, armorsmith.
  • Not much a WvWer or PvPer, but can take part if the guild wanted to play together.
Danny Tsui
Physically located in Sydney Australia
Virtually located in Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Danny Tsui.7840)