Want friendly, active guild for new player

Want friendly, active guild for new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: Serenity.5749


Hello! I am very excited to be coming back to GW2 as it seems to have everything I was hoping for in an MMO, especially the varied end-game between dungeons, fractals, exploring and collecting.

However, one of the biggest things for me in an MMO is finding an active guild that just has fun chatting and makes a fun community experience. I joined the NOOB dungeon mentors guild and it seems awesome, but nobody seems to chat in it. Perhaps I just don’t understand how “representing” in a guild works though. I’d love the opportunity to join other fun noob friendly guilds though just to have people to chat with as I level up and explore this wonderful game.

Want friendly, active guild for new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: EriskRedLemur.7153


Be an Xtraordinary Slacker! :P Oh and WB to GW2! This message probably will disappoint you actually (boy great start to my pitch eh? We are newer and growing; thus pretty small and currently prob wouldn’t quite meet your requirements for a while but our goal is to do that stuff – and what the heck you can join multiple guilds :p. Can check my crazy thread out (site linked there too):


Short: We have an active SWTOR guild, which doesn’t help u here clearly BUT are making GW2 our next home for our longtime (since 2004 in SWG) goofy fun cupcake devouring nappy nap community of royal slackers. Many of us are new in GW2 too. We, in theory, are a chatty/sociable bunch (aka SWTOR) but in GW2 as said – we’re in that small awk phase of finding our feet. We like quality > quant. never will be a 200 person guild. But have to begin somewhere.

Also, for a slacker I write a dang lot :P Anyways, awesome pitch too me basically saying you’ll be disappointed. No wonder we’re slacking at the growth :P (<- quirky/goofy). Good luck man! Finding the right guild is tough!

King Slacker, GM LXS (NA) League of Xtraordinary Slackers

(edited by EriskRedLemur.7153)

Want friendly, active guild for new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfieblitz.9583


Hi Serenity,

I am recruiting for just such a guild we are super casual and hang out in chat or ts in the evenings and we do have a lot of fun. We are primarily PvE. The nice thing about this game is you can belong to 5 guilds and we do not have a rep requirement. Some guilds do and they don’t like it when you don’t rep them.
We are a friendly and helpful guild. At the very bottom is our website and a very short application which gets you signed up to the website to use the forums and calendar. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me also with any concerns you may have. I hope you have a great day and I look forward to hearing from you. You can contact me here or ingame which ever you prefer. Thanks!!!!

We seek adults, new and experienced. We are not looking for members we are looking for friendships. Those who want a PvE casual/friendly guild. Players from all servers are welcome. Female Friendly Guild.

We realize this is a game and having fun is important, but real life comes first. So, if you need time away from the guild. Don’t worry we will be here waiting.

We do a little of everything that includes Fractals/Dungeons/Raids.

We have Guild Missions/Guild Events most nights.

We have TS and a “Fully upgraded” PVP arena in the level 60 guild hall.

We have a separate PVP arena outside of the guild.

We currently have around 210 people, we are a small-med, but helpful guild.

We are seeking people for all time zones. Remember we are on NA servers.

So, come on and join us, have fun and laughs. And help us grow.

Be Reborn in FENX!
We were first dreamed up 10 years ago during the blissful days of Guild Wars 1. We have since carried our belief of being a guild for the members. We brought with us our spirit and the desires of helping those who we battle with side by side everyday in the game. Now, we have endured mainly do the fact we don’t try to force anyone to play the game a certain way. We believe in playing Guild Wars 2 with our companions and having fun and enjoyment for all.

We are a casual guild and those who run with us are our friends not just members on a roster. Our acceptance of all people remain our shining glory. We only have one requirement that you have fun in the game and do it with all of us.

All we ask is that you give respect to your fellow guild mates and they in turn will do the same.

Come join us! Be one of us! We want you to be a apart of this guild.

If we sound like a fit for you or you have any questions, Please drop us an in game note or whisper.

Visit our website: http://fenx.shivtr.com/ Please fill out the short application.


Draco Aine.5714 (Guild Master)


Want friendly, active guild for new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: Neksis Syxx.6983

Neksis Syxx.6983

Hi Serenity,

If you meet our age requirement (over 30), I’d like to extend an invitation for you to join our guild, Just Us Grownups.

We’re a small guild that’s built on the principle that older, mature and well-mannered gamers don’t need an extensive amount of structure to play the game together. We don’t have officers and it’s the membership itself that runs the guild and keeps the guild drama-free.

Here are the basics:

*We’re on the Jade Quarry server (NA)
*We’re a small guild that would like to remain small (for the sake of manageablity)
*We have a fairly equal balance of both male and female players
*We have a fully upgraded guild hall
*We have a Teamspeak 3 and a comprehensive and active website

We’re looking for members who are going to interact with the guild both game-wise and socially.

If this sounds like something that you’d be interested in, you can read more about us by visiting our site and reading

Our Code of Conduct

How the Guild is Run

If you’d like to join, we have a simple application which can be found here

We look forward to hearing from you and whether it’s with us or another, we wish you best of luck in finding a guild!

Just Us Grown Ups [JUGs] – http://jugs-guild.com
Contact: Neksis Syxx.6983 Archranis.2375