Wanting a guild that like to dungeon

Wanting a guild that like to dungeon

in Looking for...

Posted by: Min Orocko.6852

Min Orocko.6852

Looking for an active guild that does a little of everything. Also fun since its just a game and fun should be taking seriously. I rep with one guild at a time and on TC. I like to chill or give a hand and do some world bosses, but i really want is some dungeons, im mostly do pve but will do the other parts of the game cause we all should take part in all aspects of the game. Mind ya if im not that great at those i warned ya so. So if give me a shout in game and lets run a few

See ya in game

Wanting a guild that like to dungeon

in Looking for...

Posted by: okalevi.2917


Flux Capacity is a PvX on the TC server. I love dungeons, and if you love dungeons then I already like you. A lot of us like to show others the ropes, so don’t fret about not being an expert. We’ve all been there!

Okale Refor | Tater Spudbringer | Boops Boops | Hot Like Tater Tot

Officer of Flux Capacity [FLUX] – http://fluxcapacity.enjin.com

Wanting a guild that like to dungeon

in Looking for...

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Hi there! I really highly encourgage you to apply to Remnants of Hope! We are Tarnished Coast-based, and we do ask for 100% rep.

Our website is http://www.remnantsofhope.com/gw2

It’s truly a community where members are treated as family instead of just another number on the roster. We are PvX, so there is something for every type of play style. We do have a lot of events in game, but there are social events, too, like Guild Karaoke, Game Night, in-game parties.

Here’s our forum post if you want to learn more:

Best luck finding a guild!