Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

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Posted by: Radioactive.1248


Stormbluff Isle is a server that has seen the highs and lows of WvW. While our period of glory at Tier 1 is now only a memory, all of the infrastructure built during our period of dominance puts us in a strong position to rebuild.

1. We have a community teamspeak like most other servers, but we make better use of ours. Unlike other servers where guilds are only found on their own VoiP, every guild can be readily found while they are raiding on our community teamspeak. This makes communication between our borderlands much easier. This is especially useful in off peak hours where many groups from our NA Prime guilds get together and maintain our presence in WvW during EU, SEA, and Oceanic Primetime.

2. We have a community forums that is among the most impressive in the game. If you don’t believe me, see for yourself: http://www.stormbluffisle.com/. The forums has member’s only sections that are used to coordinate server wide WvW events, most recently Ladies Night in WvW:


9/1 Update: Big little night (Community asura zerg)

3. Every server claims they have a strong community, but we can actually back up this claim. Every person who wanted to transfer off the server when we dropped from Tier 1 already did. The people who have stayed show up night in and night out to fight for SBI, and genuinely wish to see the best for our server. The people who have transferred to SBI in recent times have not been on multiple servers, and are intent on making SBI their final destination. They came to SBI because of this community that they wanted to play a part in.

Still don’t believe me? Take it from a member of the guild Dragonriders [DR] on Borlis Pass who said in a recent matchup thread:

Moorecore.6349: “I have always had fun fighting SBI even way back when i was on SoS and SBI was with us in T1. SBI as a whole has a very nice and respectable community and that is something to be proud of.”

4. We have a growing number of home grown NA Prime guilds as well as new additions from other servers. We all work together in WvW, and you’ll commonly see us working together in the open field to achieve the greater good. We work especially hard to maintain a strong home borderlands defense. We train the enemy early in the week that the home borderlands will bring them nothing but repair bills and misery.

Without overselling you, I find it is equally important to list server weaknesses, as well as the strengths. If I were a guild considering a new server, I would want to make sure I understand the full picture before I shelled out the money to do so.

1. If you like to zergbust in EB exclusively, you may find that our longest queue time (and generally only outside of reset night) is consistently EB. This is a result of EB being a rallying point for post-exodus SBI members when we no longer had the coverage to keep up with servers in our tiers as we dropped to our equilibrium point. EB was where one map could be filled and we could show servers that SBI was down, but it was never going to be out..

2. We lack reliable Oceanic/SEA coverage, like most of the other servers around our ranking. Despite this, we have a dedicated NA playerbase who is willing to stay up all night in lieu of organized guilds providing SEA coverage. While many of our players have jobs/school and cannot do this, when we have our common All-Nighter events, we produce the illusion that we have a very strong Oceanic/SEA coverage.

9/1 Update: The influx of new guilds has improved our Oceanic coverage dramatically. Take it from a BP player:

bradderzh.2378: “SBI has fronted a number of new guilds this week too. Skillful ones too. But they seem to play during my timezone (Australia) which has never been borlis’ strong point.”

We will continue to grow in the Oceanic timeslot, and we have the most potential to lure Oceanic/SEA of the needy NA servers, since many of these guilds used to call SBI home and are in the talks of coming home.
If you would like to know more, please send me a mail in game at Radioactive.1248, and we can coordinate a time convenient for you to talk over VoiP.

Finally, remember, Stormbluff Isle isn’t just another server, it’s Home.

Star Player

(edited by Radioactive.1248)

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


Reserved for future content.

Star Player

(edited by Radioactive.1248)

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


Guild Contact Information:

Heavy Traditional WvW Focus (NA Prime)
The Eternal Abyss [Abys]:
Too Kitten Beast [BÆST]:
Deadly Legions [DDLG]:
Hostile Territory [Host]:
Kingswood Brotherhood [KWBH]:
Legion of Extraordinary Siegers [LEXS]:
Madlife [ML]:
Twisted Effect [TE]:

WvW Small Man/Havoc focus (NA Prime):
Collecting Loot [Bags]
Guardians of Light and Darkness [GoLD]:

PvX Focus [NA Prime]
Amazon Basin [AB]:
Avalons Wraiths [AW]:
Dark Covenant [DC]:
Knights Templar [KT]:
Twice Avenged [TwiA]:

WvW Focus [Oceanic]
Opposing All Odds We [RISE]:
United Australian Warriors [AUS]:

Star Player

(edited by Radioactive.1248)

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

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Posted by: Radioactive.1248


Shameless 15 character bump

Star Player

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Evalana.5480


I like SBI! They send Krew warm-fuzzies in our matchup thread! Join them cos our guild wants guilds to fight when we are paired up again! ♥

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chris.3290


Speaking as a member from a frequent opposing server, SBI gets mad respect from us (SoS).

They hit a lot harder than their ranking suggests and are a monster on EBG. Everyone would like to see what they can do if they get some more coverage.

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


I like SBI! They send Krew warm-fuzzies in our matchup thread! Join them cos our guild wants guilds to fight when we are paired up again! ♥

Thanks for the post. You guys are indeed a great guild and any server is lucky to have you.

Speaking as a member from a frequent opposing server, SBI gets mad respect from us (SoS).

They hit a lot harder than their ranking suggests and are a monster on EBG. Everyone would like to see what they can do if they get some more coverage.

Thanks Chris, fighting SoS is always a tough challenge for our morale with your great Oceanic presence, but we always have a blast fighting you guys on Eternal Battlegrounds as you noted.

Star Player

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

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Posted by: Radioactive.1248


15 character bump, go SBI

Star Player

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

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Posted by: Radioactive.1248


Welcome KWBH from Crystal Desert to Stormbluff Isle.

Star Player

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

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Posted by: slingblade.1437


Welcome indeed to the WvW-focused guild KWBH, and also thanks to Commander Fiddlesticks, who was considering moving to another server but instead decided to stay, and enticed 8 of his friends to transfer into the SBI fold.

If you’re looking of for a mid-tier server with friendly, hard-working people who love WvW, Stormbluff Isle should be at the top of your list.

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


Welcome to the Koreans from SoR who are helping to start ML along with ex-Kiwi players. You will make an excellent addition to our server.

Star Player

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


Welcome to Blodeuyn guild scouts from Devona’s Rest. We are sure you will make an excellent addition to our community.

Star Player

(edited by Radioactive.1248)

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


It has been a busy week of people coming in to SBI and seeing all that we have to offer,

A warm welcome to
[BAEST] from Devona’s Rest
[Bags] From Devona’s Rest
[Bow] From Ferguson’s Crossing
[LEXS] From Devona’s Rest

Thanks for choosing us and we’re sure you could not have picked a better server. We will rise again!

Star Player

(edited by Radioactive.1248)

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gravy.7589


This mass recruitment is all due to Dhomei and his recruitment message to all potential SBI guilds. Simple and to the point its just two words, “Join Us.” No fluff, no bullkitten about how amazing our community is or how SBI has the most female players of any server. All other servers should take note.

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chris.3290


After a moment of jealous envy at your recruiting, I got happy when this makes my long held prediction of a SBI, JQ, and SoS rematch in T3 all the more likely now.

If we could just get them to drop down a bit we can make this happen (though I guess it could still happen if the RNG hates us.

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Achilles.2197


After a moment of jealous envy at your recruiting, I got happy when this makes my long held prediction of a SBI, JQ, and SoS rematch in T3 all the more likely now.

If we could just get them to drop down a bit we can make this happen (though I guess it could still happen if the RNG hates us.

Careful what you wish for…

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chris.3290


SBI 2.0 vs SoS 3.0 vs JQ 5.0. In November, I’m calling it!

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Newbkakes.4971


[BÆST]Just moved here from DR.
I cannot stress that enough. We have been welcomed with open arms and our reputation for what we do in WvW has already gained some serious respect from inside the community. If you’re a WvW guild looking for a home this is it. I have yet to find a thing that I dislike about this server.

If you’re considering another server, stop, pick this one.

Wipin zergs since 2012
Former Too Kitten [BÆST] leader/founder
[TBT] The Black Tides since ’14

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Blodeuyn.2751


[BÆST]Just moved here from DR.
I cannot stress that enough. We have been welcomed with open arms and our reputation for what we do in WvW has already gained some serious respect from inside the community. If you’re a WvW guild looking for a home this is it. I have yet to find a thing that I dislike about this server.

If you’re considering another server, stop, pick this one.

DDLG and LEXS will be moving to SBI on Saturday at reset.

Blodeuyn Tylwyth
Quaggan OP [QOP], League of Extraordinary Siegers [LEXS]
Ehmry Bay

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


[BÆST]Just moved here from DR.
I cannot stress that enough. We have been welcomed with open arms and our reputation for what we do in WvW has already gained some serious respect from inside the community. If you’re a WvW guild looking for a home this is it. I have yet to find a thing that I dislike about this server.

If you’re considering another server, stop, pick this one.

Thanks, I assure you the community has gotten more from you guys than we could have ever imagined. You are an awesome addition and thanks for the kind words. Go SBI!

Star Player

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Could you give a little more information on how the roaming/small-man scene is on your server? I am looking to transfer and like a lot of what you see, but I prefer to roam a good portion of the time.

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


Yeah, we have a few dedicated Small man teams, most notably GoLD which I believe covers most of EU/NA prime, then off hours we have SG and DIU which are small man havoc specialists that play during Oceanic. If you would like I could get you their contact information.

Star Player

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

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Posted by: Xeeron.9254


Glad to see SBI picking up some guilds. And doubly glad that the new guilds seem to come from mid/lower tier servers and are not some top tier bandwagoon attempting to form the “next T1 server”.

SBI was a great place for SF to learn and get better at WvW. If the community is still the same, I have no doubt that we will hear more of the guilds that transfered over in the future.

Xeeron – Strike Force

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


Glad to see SBI picking up some guilds. And doubly glad that the new guilds seem to come from mid/lower tier servers and are not some top tier bandwagoon attempting to form the “next T1 server”.

SBI was a great place for SF to learn and get better at WvW. If the community is still the same, I have no doubt that we will hear more of the guilds that transfered over in the future.

Thanks for the kind words. It has been hard to fill the void that SF and Jed left. You guys were an excellent part of this community and I’m happy to see you are still active and having fun on JQ. It was a treat to have you on SBI and we miss you and wish you the best of luck on JQ.

On another note, I’d like to welcome [Abys] from Darkhaven. They have helped us polish up our late NA/early Oceanic coverage.

I’d like to extend an invitation to any disgruntled SEA/OCX/EU guilds or players who are disgruntled with their current server to consider Stormbluff Isle as a potential new server. We have an extremely active and dedicated Asian Time Zone crew who have had tier 1 experience. Some of the names include:

Brown Jayhee [from SoR, Saty]
O Fiddlestick O [from BG]
Yulo [SoR]

There has never been a better time to get back in to WvW on SBI, especially for off peak hours. If you have any questions at all, I encourage you to either send me a pm, or check out our active server forums where you can register and ask a question to the entire community: www.stormbluffisle.com

Star Player

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


This part is no longer accurate.

SBI is also a great environment for guilds who are looking to expand their ranks.
1. Compared to our nearest competition (Borlis Pass, Darkhaven, and Kaineng), we have fewer dedicated WvW guilds, which means that WvW guilds who transfer to SBI would have an easy time finding seasoned WvW players to fill out their ranks.

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: THEKBY.2709


ok guys glad to let you know that me and another 7 w vs w player are coming to you server… we are coming from DR. for looking to a new guild

Mourdockk warrior 80 comander and full party

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Eosphoros.4987


ok guys glad to let you know that me and another 7 w vs w player are coming to you server… we are coming from DR. for looking to a new guild

Mourdockk warrior 80 comander and full party

Welcome and feel free to join our forums too !


Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mortalitas.9710


After a two week long process of visiting servers and seeing how the community is I decided on SBI. I left a higher tier server to come for less Zerg more skill and to make new friends.
I can honestly say no other server made me feel more welcome than SBI. When I announced my arrival everyone gave me a warm friendly welcome.

So these guys are telling the truth it’s a good place to be:)

Special thanks to Star Player for answering all my questions and being friendly. Also the guild leader of Cat who I had a nice conversation with.

And last but not least my new brothers and sisters of Beast. Thanks for taking me under your wing

E. BlackThorn Mesmer

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


After a two week long process of visiting servers and seeing how the community is I decided on SBI. I left a higher tier server to come for less Zerg more skill and to make new friends.
I can honestly say no other server made me feel more welcome than SBI. When I announced my arrival everyone gave me a warm friendly welcome.

So these guys are telling the truth it’s a good place to be:)

Special thanks to Star Player for answering all my questions and being friendly. Also the guild leader of Cat who I had a nice conversation with.

And last but not least my new brothers and sisters of Beast. Thanks for taking me under your wing

Thanks I’m glad you are enjoying SBI. We have really enjoyed the company of our new transfers.

I am really excited that we are drawing individual player transfers to SBI. There really is a guild for everyone here. From Hardcore WvW, to casual PvX, and everything in between. Myself and other guild leaders here love meeting new players who always seem to chime “It’s just so much better here.” The community on SBI is unmatched and we continue to look for community oriented players to join us in SBI and see what our great set of guilds has to offer!

I’d also like to update guilds considering transferring to SBI what we are especially looking for. We are not in a rush to get to a specific tier or ranking. We will take our time, and would much rather have no more guilds transfer here as opposed to having guilds transfer who don’t share our vision. That will only lead to future problems and instability, and stability is something we pride ourselves on at SBI, as evidenced by us being one of the only servers able to actually stop the bleeding of an exodus without falling to T8.

What we are looking for:

1) Above all else, guilds who are looking to be part of our great community. We are uninterested in guilds who are looking to join a server just as a vacation home en route to their next destination. While it kind of a cliche to say we are looking for server loyalists to transfer here, most of the guilds who have recently come to SBI have only been on one other server and as such are interested in building a strong community. This is what we really love.

2) Guilds who won’t exceedingly gripe about PPT. The guilds here are like minded. Bags first, PPT comes as a result. Even if we are outnumbered 3:1, we look for people who will relish the target rich environment, as opposed to head to PvE for the week. A clarification to this is that we will defend our own structures with vim and vigor, but sometimes even this is not enough vs servers with overwhelmingly more coverage. We just don’t want to deal with the drama of “Why are we losing in PPT to ‘enter tier 1 server name here’?” We’ll be in Gold League, we’re not ashamed of it, we won’t even consider tanking like many other servers have and/or are doing, and regardless of the score, will fight hard regardless of opponent.

3) Guilds who embrace the idea of working together with other guilds and militia on the server. We use whisper lists on teamspeak extensively to communicate between groups and achieve the greater good.

4) A guild(s) who will help us rally our Oceanic and SEA base. We have a surprisingly strong presence at this time these days, and some fabulous Asia time commanders, but they could use more company and consistency that dedicated guilds would offer.

5) Guilds that love the thrill of small-man combat, roaming, havoc to compliment our flourishing small man scene on SBI. ANET is changing the meta of WvW to split up the zergs, and we’re more than happy to do it on SBI.

6) Finally, no egos. The amount of cooperation, coordination, and fun times that are had by the community would be easily disrupted by an elitist or egotistical guild. We love fun community events such as:

On another note, a big thank you to all the former SBI players who have shown us so much love recently on our server forums (especially Jed and SF), and also to those who are coming back home from their extended vacations on other servers. You laid the foundation for this community to stand strong even after the exodus. Come see that we have only improved and built upon your legacy.


If anyone has any further questions, whether it is an individual player, or a guild, don’t hesitate to reach out to me via forum PM or ingame PM, and I’d be happy to talk to you about whatever you’d like to know about this great server or whatever else is on your mind over TS3.

Remember, Good things take time, and Great things happen on SBI

Star Player

(edited by Radioactive.1248)

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Newbkakes.4971


Wipin zergs since 2012
Former Too Kitten [BÆST] leader/founder
[TBT] The Black Tides since ’14

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: tym.3791


I am giving thought to changing servers, just dont have the numbers on dark haven or the commanders anymore. So when the snow starts to fly, I may just make the jump.

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: ninonybox.9601


I just bought the game and joined this server, I’m exited!

Why Stormbluff Isle is the Place to be.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

I just bought the game and joined this server, I’m exited!


And, yeah, SBI is a great server. We do have a strong core that shows up and fights, even when the odds are stacked against us. FA can vouch for that.

We just like having fun and fighting other servers. If that is what you like, and you don’t want the stress of having to win every week, then come to SBI.