Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bippity.8631


Ok, first of, don’t go making funny rhyming songs with my name. I’ve heard them all :P

Greetings, and welcome to SBI!! In the past few months, SBI has lost rather a large number of big guilds. We’ve lost our bandwagon, fair-weather players, and our strong T2 presence. “But, Bippity hippity dippity skippty, why come to SBI when it has lost so much?” Good question, guy/girl who missed the first line in this post. For a while now have questioned even my own reason for remaining on the server. I’ve had many offers to leave, even gold promises. Why do I remain here? You simply cannot buy someone who’s loyal to their server, and their server only. Look around SBI and you will find the same mindset from majority of the gamers that still remain here.

When we lost the greedy guilds, and players, SBI had to really rally together. In this rally, we came together closer as a server. We understand our place in the rankings, and we know what it takes to rise again. SBI is probably one of the only servers that can put up a fight without a major guild leading the way. Now that the disappointment has been forgotten, we’re hungry for action. We’re more ready than ever to climb back up into higher ranking. We want FIGHTS!!!!!

With a strong server that can hold its own without a well known guild group, imagine those pieces being placed here again. Imagine (and I’m speaking to all you WvW guilds looking for a new home) if you came here. Why join another server with people who only prefer to karma train? Why join a server with the numbers, but rather PvE? Why join any other server, but SBI, a WvW community hungry for fights, and glory?

That’s why I’m still here. Unlike my peeps that left, I cannot. I’m a true SBI player. If I felt like I was the only one with the fire to bring SBI back, then I would’ve left months ago. With all that being said, SBI needs your help!! We’re looking for loyal, skilled WvW guilds. We are not offering gold. We offer a very strong, friendly, committed community. “Oh, but bippity bopptiy dippity, we hear this type of stuff all the time.” Well, my friends, again who clearly missed the first line of this post, SBI has proven it. Unlike other server who has lost all their guilds, we haven’t fallen far behind. Look at servers such as SoR. From #1 to.. idk.. way behind us. The reason why is what I’ve explained. We are too strong of a community to let our WvW presence go away.

At the end of the day, whether guilds come or not, SBI will fight on. We all want the same thing. Fights. That’s one thing SBI can promise. We will give the enemy hell without you.

“Ok, Hippity Bippty, you’ve convinced me. What now?”
Well my friend, who’ve I’ve grown annoyed with, just message Loren Michael.7891. She’s sort of our server “president” lol. She’s one of the TS admins, so yea. Long live Loren. Remember to mention Bippity as your recruiter

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

Vengeance of the Fallen

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: Stash.8401


Ever since I came to SBI I actually never wanted to leave as it’s a great place for my guild and I. Whatever you guys are looking for when it comes to WvW, you can definitely find it on SBI. We have our hardcore, our casuals and of course the fairweathers as any other server. We also have people who like to roam, or small groups that like to cause havoc, our organized guild groups, people who will work on maintaining the borderland real estate and even a few GvG guilds. If you like a challenge, SBI is in the perfect position to bring you that challenge. If you need a new home, SBI offers a variety of play style when it comes to WvW.

You can either visit our server website or contact these people in game if you’re interested in transferring to our home:

Loren Michael
Aime Hiver
Marcus Dairy
Canis Lupis

Localize [ASAP]

(edited by Stash.8401)

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bippity.8631


Bumpity bump bumpp

Vengeance of the Fallen

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: playard.6035



Bippity had redefined the ranger class in front of my eyes in Obsidian Sanctum fighting another old-time SBI’s ele who was then “bandwagoned” (jk, not really, lol) to HoD. I think that ele is going to be back on SBI and reunite with us.

Deko* — Die-hard PvE-in-WvW veteran & noob commander
map chat spammer, siege lover/hater, and, well, I care bears.
League of Ex-Siegers, nonetheLEXS, for now, still Rest on Stormbluff Isle

(edited by playard.6035)

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bippity.8631


lol bump bump baby. dun dun dun dundundun dun dunnn

Vengeance of the Fallen

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: playard.6035


Good morning, (July 4th already in Asia q:)

Today, we fight!

PS. I’m aware that Stash is from Canada. Just that… I can’t really use this clip in OCX/SEA recruitment thread. It would be pretty weird. XD

Deko* — Die-hard PvE-in-WvW veteran & noob commander
map chat spammer, siege lover/hater, and, well, I care bears.
League of Ex-Siegers, nonetheLEXS, for now, still Rest on Stormbluff Isle

(edited by playard.6035)

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: Stash.8401


lmfao Deko!

but bippity hippity dippity skippty!

Localize [ASAP]

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zilchery.7236


Bump for Stormbluff!

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Bump. SBI is a really great home, with friendly people. No stressing or drama, just people having a good time together.

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: playard.6035


Hooray~ Bump!

BTW, Stash and Bippity have a guild recruitment thread on SBI’s forum.

Deko* — Die-hard PvE-in-WvW veteran & noob commander
map chat spammer, siege lover/hater, and, well, I care bears.
League of Ex-Siegers, nonetheLEXS, for now, still Rest on Stormbluff Isle

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: Loren Michael.7891

Loren Michael.7891

bump bump bump!

Marcus Dairy / Loren Michael
Guild Leader of [KT] Knights Templar

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


lol sbi such fight focus many wow

Star Player

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

lol sbi such fight focus many wow

Yeah, a lot has changed since you left SBI, but somethings didn’t. EB has been the #1 priority of the server (til HIRE came over recently). We run as pug zergs mainly, and we focus on fighting a lot.

I know many commanders, like Naz and Juggs, as well as Bannok, that love to fight.

We have a small dedicated group of homeland defenders, and we have to get EB to come help defend stuff from time to time.

We don’t seem to K-train as much as before, except in EB.

The biggest thing about SBI now, is the lack of drama, and people having fun. We also have come together more as a team, and the community is much stronger. HIRE fits great with our pug community, and it is fun to follow them around.

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Ive been thinking of returning to the game(been out of it a few months now) if only for WvW and a dabble in PVE. I used to run with HcH when they were around, DDLG, etc. Not sure what has come of the guys I used to run with, although I see Stash in this thread so thats a positive!

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: pdavis.8031



Been a part of this server for most of my 2 years playing. One of the coolest guilds ever calls SBI home (Shout out to Cat Biscuits!!). As far as WvW is concerned, we may not be top ranked (yet!) but there is ALWAYS people willing to fight, defend, and reap the glory that awaits in WvW. One thing I love about it is that it is highly organized. Clear orders, and objectives are laid out. Yes there are even groups who focus solely on defending instead of capping one thing only to go back and have to recap it 20 mins later.

Come join us. We have cookies!!

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: Buffy.9246


Go sbi if your a pve fairweather! Good home for ya

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: PauloJr.6410


If you are looking for a new home, SBI is the place to be. They have a really great community and great guilds. Sbi is a great place to have fun.

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: PhaNTaSiZe.4215


I was going to write a big long essay about why I love SBI, but the first post was long enough so I doubt anyone would read mine lol.

All I will say though is that my small guild [NITE] came here from Sorrow’s Furnace about 8 months ago, and I can’t imagine swapping servers ever again. SBI has a server-wide community Teamspeak, is active in all aspects of the game, and the WvW is great here, whether you like to roam solo or small groups, or like to do the larger scale karma train/zerg busting, there is a bit of everything here. I can’t recommend it enough.

[NITE] is on SBI 4 life, and you can be too Join SBI today!

Commander Sammie Winchester/Ian McKellan
Leader of Gods Dont Cry [GDC] on SBI

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: PhaNTaSiZe.4215


Also, I love Stash. Just saying.

Commander Sammie Winchester/Ian McKellan
Leader of Gods Dont Cry [GDC] on SBI

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: Feyd Rautha.7298

Feyd Rautha.7298

Great server for a well-rounded game experience. Nightly organized tequatl runs, weekly temple, mapping and jumping puzzle runs which have become well known to many other server communities. Friendly server-wide TS. Good dungeon and fractal community and, of course, excellent wvw.


Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: azyume.6321


SBI is a great server. It has PvE events, PvX guilds which offer their good force to help in WvW, as well as good commanders and players whiling to roam, report, scout, defend and siege. However, at the moment, lacks centered wvw guilds to work with our militia and help to burst those zergs.

If your guild want to try a different environment, with plenty of space to grow and help a server, please consider SBI.

Guardian Commander
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

I’ve been on SBI since launch, and have been in the server during the ups and downs. I will just say, that if you want a server, where you can come out, and play your way, and have fun, then that is SBI.

We aren’t a server that is looking to jump up to T2 or T1. We just come out, have fun, and enjoy each other’s company (for the most part).

If you are looking for a hardcore home, you wont find that in SBI. We are very casual, and laid back. But we have one of the best militia’s in the game, and we can fight.

We don’t have large WvW guilds, we just have a WvW community. If that is the environment that you are seeking, then check us out.

Why choose Stormbluff Isle [SBI]???

in Looking for...

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Also, I love Stash. Just saying.

Who doesn’t love Stash?