Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WARNING: UPDATE:: WISE activity has been slowly increasing in activity, especially in the prime-time hours of the guild. We still manage to keep around 5 or so online at a time for majority of the day, but have reached back up to 10+ in the hours of prime. We encourage you to come join us, abiding this bump in the road!

Wizened Wizards
Most casual and friendliest PvX guild you’ll ever see!

GUILD ANNOUNCEMENT: WISE will be on closed-recruitment when we hit 200 members. Of course a guild can have more than that, but our goal is to be able to know everyone here in this guild to some extent (and if they allow). That said, we are limiting our numbers to 200 members within this guild; closed-recruitment simply means we are not going to be actively recruiting like we have, and will allow people to join/find us. This thread will still be updated/bumped in someway daily, but that will be it.

[WISE] is a guild founded on the basis of being a casual, yet structured-based PvX (heavily focused PvE) guild. We strive to bring in the better for our tight-knit guild over the numbers (quality over quantity).

Summary of Guild

  • Region: NA, but all welcomed!
  • Home Server (WvW): Sanctum of Rall
  • VoIP: TeamSpeak 3
  • No Age Requirement; maturity shows more.
  • No Website to Join!

The guild was formed for a couple of reasons:

  • To have someone to look on to if you go away for an extended amount of time.
  • To be able to enjoy the game without any stress over a lot of guild events.
  • To just have fun/be sociable with other people!

While these are limited reasoning, allow me to be able to tell you more in-game if you wish.

We go on the basis of being a casual guild; why you may ask? Bluntly put, we have real life outside of this game; it’s not expected for you to be online every night playing the game with us. What is expected is that when you do play, you have a great time with us! Don’t feel socially awkward to hang out with us if you feel real-life may be on a bumpy road right now. However, there is a difference between joining the guild, and letting us know you’ll be off versus joining, then leaving the game, never to say a word.

For those looking to join WISE, we expect members to show us 90% – 100% rep. We would prefer someone who reps all the time, than one who never reps at all. My philosophy for guilds is if you aren’t going to rep it, why join it? (Rank Expectations here: http://i.imgur.com/385wTDH.png ). There is consequences if one decides to hardly/never rep at all.

Dang, there’s guild rules. Yes, there will always be guild rules; without them, a guild would just get crazy. We don’t have hardly any that are mind-numbing, but definitely encouraged to look at them before joining us. (Located Here: http://i.imgur.com/1E7L750.png)

What we expect from those who join the WISE community. Notice I say join, and not repping.

  • Be ready to tell us your home world you are on (If it’s our home world, you will be asked to prove it within WvW either on EB or Home BL).
  • Be well aware of a message coming directly to you after the invite/documentation process is over; listen carefully to the recruiter, as he/she has viable information to tell you.
  • Be ready to follow some guidelines to our guild (which all comes down to common sense, don’t be racist/sexist, don’t talk/type like a sailor, and have fun!).
  • Get ready to be sociable! =)

While we do have our standard in-game text chat, it’s always nice to have some voice communication too right? We are able to offer that ability! We are able to provide a TS3 server, owned by the SoR Community, for all members of our guild, as well as many others! We have our own channel, and encouraged you join us in there! (Details are in guild message of the day)

In the next post below, this explains rank structure; always encouraged to read if you feel up to ranking with us!

If you have any more questions or concerns that we could not answer here, you are more than welcomed to contact any of the following in game:

  • Lanthun – Joseph.9853 (Founder/Leader)
  • Crash – Crashed.4657 (Head Officer)
  • Lividblue – Morningmist.9546 (Officer)
  • Mouse – realmouse.1095 (Officer)
  • Longclaw – Dark Saint.8726 (Officer)

Thank you for the consideration into looking into the WISE guild, and hopefully you make an adventure with us for the oncoming months! =)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

(edited by Joseph.9853)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


[WISE] Wizened Wizards Guild Ranks – UPDATED TO NEWEST STANDARDS (1/17/15)

We want all of our members to have a basic understanding to our rank structure, as we do not follow the recruit->member->officer->leader structure like some guilds do (which is okay!).

The follow is in descending order, from greatest power, to least.

  • Spellbinder- Highest power of the entire WISE group, also lead creator and founder of the WISE franchise in GW2. That being said, this rank has the power to do anything and everything to both WISE guilds.
  • Sorcerer – This is the next highest power. Members are able to obtain this rank when have provided the following criteria: loyalty to our guild (3mo.-1yr. in the guild), trusts towards current Sorcerers + Spellbinders, have all current Sorcerers+ to vouch your excellency, and have a high rep-rate with the WISE guild. This rank is responsible for majority of the Spellbinder-permissions in case if out, exception of editing ranks and guild emblem. This rank must also be on the WvW server of the guild, Sanctum of Rall.

Ranks above these are the only ranks able to withdraw from the guild stash, as well as being able to add/remove members.

  • Mage – This is a member-type rank, in which is like the veteran rank to our guild. Anyone who has this rank has a complete understanding of what we expect from our wizards, as well as great understanding to our rules/expectations. In order to obtain this rank, you must have been loyal to our guild for another 2-5mo. after your promotion to initiate, as well as your activity towards the guild itself: you must have at-least 2 people above this rank to vouch for you to obtain this rank.

Ranks above this are able to claim/unclaim WvW forts.

  • Initiate – This is a member-type rank, in which you are basically a full-member to our little-society. Anyone who has this rank has a good understanding to our rules/expectations. In order to obtain this rank, you must have been loyal to our guild for another 1-3mo. after your promotion to Apprentice, as well as your activity towards the guild itself: you must have at-least 1 person above this rank to vouch for you to obtain this rank. This is one of the few ranks you must request, as it will not be given deliberately. You must also have the voice communication (used by the guild) downloaded in order to obtain this rank (see rank expectations link in post above).

Any rank above this point is able to withdraw from the Treasure Trove.

  • Apprentice – This is a member-type rank, in which you are just a member to our guild. Anyone who has this rank has a basic understanding to our rules/expectations. In order to obtain this rank, you must have been loyal to our guild for 2 weeks after you are invited into our guild, along with showing a great representation period during your two-week evaluation as a Novice.
  • Novice – This is your basic recruit rank, or trial-rank. Each Novice will be required to go through a two-week evaluation period, in which the officers/leaders will determine whether or not you will be fitted as a Traveler, or as an Apprentice (Member tract) rank(s).

Ranks above this are able to deposit in the Guild Stash, and Treasure Trove.

  • Inactive – You are placed at this rank only if: 1) you do not tell an officer of your leave of absence (must been gone 3 months+ w/o notice to obtain this rank), and/or 2) must have been inactive during the two-week trial in the guild. This rank is also at risk of getting purged semi-annually. They must contact Sorcerer+ to have original rank obtained prior to purge date(s).

All ranks are able to display the guild emblem.

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

(edited by Joseph.9853)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: FQDN.2508


I’ve been looking for a casual NSP based guild. I’ll probably try and give you a shout in game.

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


Happy Thanksgiving to all US players from your friends at WISE. =)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE is now officially recruiting new novices to our guild, and would like to have you as a member of our society! Come and join us!

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE is now finally setted up as an official guild apart of the NSP community, and now we are rolling (almost, anyways!). We would love to have you NSP-people join us, however ANYONE is welcomed! =)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE has picked up some great folks in the past two days of recruitment being opened! We hope you will be one next! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


As we re-enter the work-week, come spend some leisure time you can play GW2 with you friends at WISE! We are always looking for a new person to hang out with. =)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE is out enjoying the new Living Story update! Why don’t you come and join the excitement with us? =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE has picked up some great members in the past couple of days! We welcome anyone from any server, and any timezone! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE has picked up some great folks in the past two days of recruitment being opened! We hope you will be one next! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE has picked up some great members in the past couple of days! We welcome anyone from any server, and any timezone! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE is still recruiting and looking for new, awesome members to join us! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE has picked up some great folks in the few days of recruitment being opened! We hope you will be one next! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


With the new changes up and about, WISE is still recruiting for new members, and would love to have you! =)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE has picked up some great folks in the few days of recruitment being opened! We hope you will be one next! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE will be having an upcoming guild meeting this weekend on Sunday at 7PM EST in the NSP TeamSpeak. Many possible upcoming changes could be coming to the guild, and may impact you as a member (if you decide to join us. =) ).

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE will be having an upcoming guild meeting this weekend on Sunday at 7PM EST in the NSP TeamSpeak. Many possible upcoming changes could be coming to the guild, and may impact you as a member (if you decide to join us. =) ).

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE has picked up some great members in the past couple of days! We welcome anyone from any server, and any timezone! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE guild meeting is tonight! That being said, there will be no recruiting today; we’ll go back into recruiting tomorrow. =)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


Come enjoy the Wintersday update with your friends at WISE! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE is still recruiting new individuals into our guild, and looking for great people! Come join us!

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


Come enjoy the Wintersday update with your friends at WISE! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE is still recruiting new members! As the holidays approach, come spend time with friends here at WISE! =)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE has picked up some great members in the past couple of days! We welcome anyone from any server, and any timezone! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


throw an invite my way

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


throw an invite my way


Sending you an invite as we speak. =) Thanks for joining: we appreciate having you!

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE is still recruiting new members! As the holidays approach, come spend time with friends here at WISE! =)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


As things slow down for the holidays, we see more activity rising and we hope you will be apart of what WISE offers. =)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


Limited recruitment the next couple of days, just so you can worry for the holidays rather than a guild. =)

We are still recruiting, however! Come join us! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it from your friends at WISE. =)

I would also like to congratulate/welcome a new officer to the Sorcerer’s rank, LMars! His account name has been added in the OP as an extra to send invitations, if needed. =)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas! Have a great weekend playing with all of your new gifts!

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: LMars.9176


What an awesome Christmas it was. Loving the holiday.

LMars – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Mage)

(edited by LMars.9176)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: LMars.9176


LMars – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Officer)

LMars – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Mage)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE is still recruiting new members! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE is still recruiting new members! =)

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: LMars.9176


Hope everyone has a great New Year and joins us in 2015 to make it a blast.

LMars – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Mage)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


We are into the New Year everyone! Let’s make this year a great one!

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


Another daily bump to this thread, showing we are still here and actively recruiting! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: LMars.9176


We are still recruiting, we are a fun and friendly guild.

LMars – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Mage)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


Another daily bump to this thread, showing we are still here and actively recruiting! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE has picked up some great members in the past couple of days! We welcome anyone from any server, and any timezone! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE is still recruiting new individuals into our guild, and looking for great people! Come join us!

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: LMars.9176


Come join us in game. We are always look for new recruits.

LMars – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Mage)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE has picked up some great members in the past couple of days! We welcome anyone from any server, and any timezone! =D

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE is still recruiting new individuals into our guild, and looking for great people! Come join us!

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


WISE guild will be having a guild meeting at the very end of this week, and I encourage anyone who is looking to join to come and join us for the meeting to find out what big changes are coming!

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: LMars.9176


We’re still actively recruiting. Contact us to join WISE and meet great people.

LMars – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Mage)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


REMINDER:: WISE guild will be having a guild meeting at the very end of this week, and I encourage anyone who is looking to join to come and join us for the meeting to find out what big changes are coming!

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Wizened Wizards: PvX SoR Casual-based Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


REMINDER:: WISE guild will be having a guild meeting at the very end of this week, and I encourage anyone who is looking to join to come and join us for the meeting to find out what big changes are coming!

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)