WvW Spanish Speaking People ( BG )

WvW Spanish Speaking People ( BG )

in Looking for...

Posted by: KhaosZen.1076


Hello guys. I have played this game since the release date, but i dont know how did i get in BG ( amazing server ) and never find spanish speaking people in WvW. Its not in my plans to tranfser to another server and im in a strong guild right know but it will be nice if i could know new Spanish Speaking people to talk with because english is hammering my head and its hard to comunicate sometimes and we do not have the same customs and way of saying things that Spanish Speaking people can understand. I wish to know that so we could talk and discuss about everything about the game or make groups in WvW and have fun playing GW2.

Asi que ya saben, si se sienten un poco perdidos como yo con ganas de escuchar por ahi algo de español y cagarse de risa hablando tonteras en forma nativa o salir a hacer partys en ruinas o cosas por el estilo o discutir de cualquier huevada, ya saben que con gusto lo haría.


WvW Spanish Speaking People ( BG )

in Looking for...

Posted by: Upham.6137


Chileno puede ser? jajajaja

Too bad I’m on Jade Quarry ^^

Bläck Dähliä

WvW Spanish Speaking People ( BG )

in Looking for...

Posted by: LightningBlaze.4913


Mi bicicleta está muy enfermo.

Your bicycle is very sick…. Very fluent there bud. At op I also been looking for Spanish speaking guilds in BG but I am afraid there is none. Only met one Argentina woman from all this time of searching. Even though I don’t do much pve content., most of my time I spend roaming in WvW pvp. If you are into that as well then hit me up.

Heidia- The elementalist is the #1 most OP profession in this game since beta!

(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)

WvW Spanish Speaking People ( BG )

in Looking for...

Posted by: KhaosZen.1076


Chileno puede ser? jajajaja

Too bad I’m on Jade Quarry ^^

Ohhh que lastima vecino, realmente no encontre nadie que hablara español salvo unos amigos mios que juegan pero muy debes en cuando.

WvW Spanish Speaking People ( BG )

in Looking for...

Posted by: KhaosZen.1076


Mi bicicleta está muy enfermo.

Your bicycle is very sick…. Very fluent there bud. At op I also been looking for Spanish speaking guilds in BG but I am afraid there is none. Only met one Argentina woman from all this time of searching. Even though I don’t do much pve content., most of my time I spend roaming in WvW pvp. If you are into that as well then hit me up.

Im argentinian, and …..no…. i didnt find any spanish speaking guild or people in WvW. An Argentinian woman? cool ahahah.
Ok man i can roam with you some times in WvW , just tell me and i will join.
Dont forget TS.

WvW Spanish Speaking People ( BG )

in Looking for...

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Should have chosen Baruch Bay server.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

WvW Spanish Speaking People ( BG )

in Looking for...

Posted by: KhaosZen.1076


Should have chosen Baruch Bay server.

But its too late i never knew when i bought this game how the servers were going to be populated.

WvW Spanish Speaking People ( BG )

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zikory.6871


BG ( amazing server )

If you haven’t already, check out http://blackgatewvw.com/ It’s Blackgates WvW forums and all of our WvW guilds are members. I don’t know of any “Spanish guilds” but I’m sure there are plenty of Spanish speaking players. <3

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

WvW Spanish Speaking People ( BG )

in Looking for...

Posted by: nOCter.4263


My wvw guild EE has a couple of Spanish speaking players, one of our guild leader is mexican. We are located in Blackgate.

Leader of Troll Syndicate [FKU]

WvW Spanish Speaking People ( BG )

in Looking for...

Posted by: Upham.6137


Mi bicicleta está muy enfermo.

Your bicycle is very sick…. Very fluent there bud. At op I also been looking for Spanish speaking guilds in BG but I am afraid there is none. Only met one Argentina woman from all this time of searching. Even though I don’t do much pve content., most of my time I spend roaming in WvW pvp. If you are into that as well then hit me up.

Im argentinian, and …..no…. i didnt find any spanish speaking guild or people in WvW. An Argentinian woman? cool ahahah.
Ok man i can roam with you some times in WvW , just tell me and i will join.
Dont forget TS.

Another Argentinian chick? I need to duel her!! Only Argentinian people I met were in Alianza Argentina. I used to play tourneys with some of them but then got kicked for not rep’ing 100% of the time ¬ .¬

At least we could duel sometime, when JQ goes against BG again, in 3 weeks lol

Bläck Dähliä

WvW Spanish Speaking People ( BG )

in Looking for...

Posted by: majos.8503


Well i would recomend to you Baruch Bay, but it’s EU server… So, good luck and if you plan on transfering here for sure you will listen spanish haha

Bueno, yo te recomendaria Baruch, pero es un servidor europeo.. así que mucha suerte por servidores NA y si teneis en mente migrar, aqui seguro que escuchareis castellano jaja

Majos The Blizard – Baruch Bay [SP]