Wyld Storm Vanguard [STRM] on Tarnished Coast

Wyld Storm Vanguard [STRM] on Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: kta.6502


Wyld Storm Vanguard [STRM], a new RP-PVX guild, is looking for roleplayers to play through the Heart of Thorns content while collaborating on an original story about a monster-hunter company that takes things into its own hands. Keep in mind this is a NEW guild, so I do need players who are committed to building an RP-PVX community.

The goal of this group is to play through ALL of the Heart of Thorns content while developing RL & gaming friendships and collaborating on writing a great, entertaining story via RP. Obviously the Commander of the Pact’s story is off limits, but the World Events mentioned in the game’s tale sure isn’t!

Website: http://wyldstorm.shivtr.com/

If you have questions, comments, or issues with the application, please contact the guild leader at KTA.6502.

(edited by kta.6502)