[YB][PvX] Rocket Blast [BOOM] Recruiting!

[YB][PvX] Rocket Blast [BOOM] Recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arimas.3492


Rocket Blast is a small WvW focused guild I (Bard Nogard) am the leader of. We’re a small group of 5 active members and in WvW we are a havoc and roaming squad. We’re fairly casual group but like to go hard when it comes to our WvWing. We synergize builds and play styles and such.

Currently we’re recruiting any class on the Yak’s Bend server and are looking for more friendly players to join us. Our main play times are around 8-9:00pm PST. During the weeknights I myself play midnights PST due to work so we’re accommodating with times. Saturdays are when we have set time to havoc. And now with the reset change it’ll be much more active!

We just claimed Gilded Hollow (best hall NA) and also are getting more into PvE and raids when they come.

My in-game name is Arimas.3492 so shoot me mail or message in game if I’m on. Or you can comment here. Thanks for reading!