[YODA] Dagobah-WvW-AsuranOnly-YB

[YODA] Dagobah-WvW-AsuranOnly-YB

in Looking for...

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


Hello Fellow Yaks Bend players!

We are a newly formed guild in Yaks Bend that is going to be hosting monthly Asuran only WvWvW raids within the Yaks Bend community. We are a guild about 12 member’s strong at the moment, but we are striving to continue bringing more Yaks into the fray of battle.

What we are looking for: We are looking for Yaks Bend community member’s who will be interested to run a WvW raid every week to possible every two weeks depending on everyone in the guilds availability during scheduling. This guild is open to the entire server of Yaks Bend, so long as you have an Asuran. We are looking for nothing more then to have fun and create a massive Asuran army. But most importantly we are looking for helpful yet serious people in the raid’s.

Requirements: There is only one, and that is you must be on an Asuran character when doing WvW raids with us.

Rep requirements: Since Dagobah will only be doing WvW raids weekly/every two weeks the only requirement at the moment is to Rep while in the WvW raid.

If you have any further question’s that I may have failed to answer in this post please whisper me in-game and I will be glad to answer.

We will be getting a forum sooner or later to help organize the guild events.

And may the Shwartz be with you,


[YODA] Dagobah-WvW-AsuranOnly-YB

in Looking for...

Posted by: dmndbcK.3425


Also I will be on from Monday-Sunday 5:45PM CST – 2:00AM CST. So whisper me if you wanna join or have any thoughts/questions about the guild.