Yaks Bend Elite[YB] recruiting ACTIVE WvWers

Yaks Bend Elite[YB] recruiting ACTIVE WvWers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Exhale.9463


I’m hoping it’s obvious that we are on the server Yaks Bend…(We are looking for OCE people as well.)

Yaks Bend Elite [YB] is recruiting to form a fresh team-oriented WvW guild. With 46 members and growing, we are driving to work as a unit and bond as a team.

You MUST rep the guild 100% when we go on runs in WvW, when you PvE rep who ever you want. We REQUIRE you to be on TeamSpeak 3 with us during the runs, and a mic is preferred but not a requirement. We’re looking for people who have Guardians/Warriors at lvl 60+ but will take anyone. You MUST be able to follow the driver who ever it may be at the time.

We mostly run from 6PM-9PM server time on weekdays, and 7PM-11PM on reset nights/weekends.(Server time again)

To join contact in game either:
Captain WeirdBeard
Justin Verlander
Lucy Sim

Yaks Bend Elite[YB] recruiting ACTIVE WvWers

in Looking for...

Posted by: freess.6820


come join YB Elite