Diemos Ki – Elementalist – Tempest Gaming Community [TGC] http://tempestguild.us
(edited by Diemos.9854)
Hello, I would like to thank you for taking the time to check us out. We have been located on the Yak’s Bend server since the first beta weekend. Tempest is an active gaming community for people over 20 years of age, that prides itself on its organized structure. We’re a casual gaming community who will never give you a problem about placing your partner, kids, or other real life responsibilities above your game time. Thus our membership ranges from college students, career professionals, and even a few retirees. The Tempest Gaming Community was established in 2011 with the launch of RIFT and continue to build and branch into other MMOs since then. We’ve known each other for a very long time and enjoy playing together in many games.
Tempest is a PvX guild that established a GW2 Branch during the first Beta Weekend Event so if you’re looking to farm Meta events, work on dungeon progression, complete guild missions and compete in TPvP we do it all. We have about 25 members log in and play everyday, with peak hours ranging from 3pm to 1am EST. During our peak hours we usually average 15-20 members online. We have weekly Guild Events to help members with scheduling group activities, which aren’t mandatory.
We are looking for mature players that enjoy being part of an active community, be it in-game and on our forums. We don’t care if you’re the best in the game or the worst in the game, or what your previous raid progression was. We are more interested in who the person behind the screen is and what they want to achieve while being a part of our community. Experience, skill, and playtime are not factors while recruiting for Tempest. We look for people with families, hobbies, jobs, and other Real Life commitments.
Bottom line: We recruit people and not the characters they play.
Tempest offers you:
- An established multi-game community with Active guilds in GW2, RIFT and FF:ARR
- A mature and drama free atmosphere where you can enjoy your game time with friends
- Adult members and an experienced leadership team that will make you feel comfortable and welcome
- A user friendly website, active forums, Teamspeak3, and a podcast to keep you up to date with gaming news and guild activities
- Guild Awards for achievements accomplished in game and a Player of the Month program with rewards for very active and contributing members.
- A fully upgraded guild structure with Bounties, Treks, Rush, Challenges and Puzzles. Along with rolling 10% Magic Find, 15% Karma, etc.
- A Custom Arena for training grounds for members that want to get into TPvP, duels, build tests, etc.
- Weekly guild activities: Tuesday/Thursday are scheduled PvE nights, Fridays are Guild Missions (Bounties, Treks, Rush, Challenges and Puzzles) night. Usually every night you can find a group in TPvP. All scheduled guild events start around 9 or 9:30pm EST.
Please visit us at http://tempestguild.us/ to apply. Our podcast is also on Itunes, search Tempest Game Cast in the Itunes Store. Check out our Livestreams at http://www.twitch.tv/tempestgc and our YouTube Channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TempestGameCommunity
We look forward to meeting you!
(edited by Diemos.9854)
Come join us tomorrow night for the guild events! I can’t wait!
Looking to conquer some dungeons??
Eager to bust heads in PvP??
Curious about Guild Missions??
Tempest has it all thanks to the hard work of its Leaders and members! Join us for a good time here or any other game under the sun!
We are very excited for Sky Pirates of Tyria, Jumping Puzzles!!
Hey guys just hit my 2 year mark with Tempest Gaming Community! Wonderful place to be! Come join the fun!
We have purchased a custom arena as training grounds for members to learn strategy and scenarios in the Tournament scene.
I’m excited to start Guild Jumping Puzzles!!
I cannot wait to see what Tempest is up to this long, Holiday weekend!! Happy 4th you wonderful Americans!
Happy 4th of July , enjoy the holiday and be safe. If you find some time for gaming and are wondering where is a good community to have some fun, come check us out at www.tempestguild.us
Welcome new members Pherala and Pendred!
Great work with the guild events, they are a blast. I love being in such an active guild!
Come check us out at http://tempestguild.us
I have submitted an application on the site under the GuildLaunch name Xanros89. I’d love to be part of Tempest if you’ll have me.
Looking forward to Cutthroat Politics!
I have submitted an application on the site under the GuildLaunch name Xanros89. I’d love to be part of Tempest if you’ll have me.
Welcome to TGC!
Love the Recruitment Video!! Very nice job Diemos! Who’s ready for the weekend? I know I am!
Quick question; I am 19, but a very mature player who is new to GW2, would you still have me?
Yes Syka, as long as you don’t mind hanging out with a bunch of old farts! (not speaking for myself of course
Welcome new members Renkt, Savant Miles and Sapphire Disaster
I love GW2 and I love the Tempest GC community! Come join the fun! You won’t regret it. There is always something going on!
Hello! I’m a new player to this game- have been playing for only a couple weeks. At this point, I’m just only looking to tPVP so I was wondering how much your members actually tPVP, as it probably wouldn’t work out for either me or the guild if I only tPVPed and everyone else didn’t. I’m new to that as well, but I have experience with competitive PVP from other MMOs. I wouldn’t consider myself hardcore and wouldn’t expect to have weekly practices, though I could attend those if that’s what you do. I’m also not completely casual, though, and have started watching videos and streams of games. I’m mainly looking for a group of people who I can ask like “hey who wants to form a partial team for tPVP” and then get going so I don’t have to solo queue.
The Queens Jubilee goes live Tuesday, we are looking forward to it!
I just submitted an application under Sleepy Owls. I hope to join.
Hey guys, Tempest GC has all kinds of events going on this weekend! If you’re looking for an awesome group of folks to hang out with, you should look us up! We do PVE and PVP events and also help out where we can. Come join the fun!
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