Zboojcerze [THUG] / Piken Square / Polish

Zboojcerze [THUG] / Piken Square / Polish

in Looking for...

Posted by: Saschare.2049


Guild Name: Zboojcerze [THUG]
Guild Home Server: Piken Square
Time Zone: Europe
Rep Requirement: preferable
Requirements: Polish speakers only

Zboojcerze rekrutuja! Jestes zielony w GW2, nie szkodzi, pomozemy. Grasz od bety? Super! Trolle zawsze mile widziane. Ty wybierasz co robisz, my dajemy Ci wsparcie i backup! Brzmi fair? To dolaczaj!

Zboojcerze [THUG] to gildia, ktora w glownej mierze skupia sie na swoich gildiowiczach. Wiemy o tym, ze przez gildie przechodzi bardzo wiele osob: ile wchodzi, tyle zaraz wychodzi. Nam to nie przeszkadza, mozemy osiagnac nawet 100 gildiowiczow, moze i wiecej, jesli na to zasoby i sytuacja pozwola, ale to co jest dla nas najwazniejsze to te, powiedzmy 25 osob, ktore gildie buduja.

U nas pierwsze miejsce zajmuje tak zwany „FUN” wyciagniety z gry. Nie mozemy zapominac o wszystkich jej aspektach! To jest PvE, sPvP, WvW, RolePlay i inne, mniej znane mozliwosci rozrywki, ale najczesciej sPvP. Bawimy sie na rozne sposoby i ze wszystkimi, nikogo nie pomijamy, tak dlugo jak dana osoba akceptuje i przestrzega zasad zawartych w naszym regulaminie.

Zainteresowany? Chcialbys dowiedziec sie wiecej?

Napisz do mnie (Saschare.2049), lub do drugiego lidera (niewidka.5923) lub odwiedz nasze forum:

Nie pozalujesz

The guild Zboojcerze [THUG] is recruiting! Are you a GW2 newcomer?- it doesn’t matter – we will help you. Have you been playing since beta? Cool! We draw new trolls in to our group. You decide what you like to do, we support you and give backup plan! Sounds fair? If so, join us!

We are a new and still quite small guild, but made of friends, and friends are what we are looking for. We understand that there are many people coming to and going out from a guild everyday. It doesn’t matter if we have 100+ members. The most important for us is those, lets say, 25-30 people who build the guild, who want to play together and who want to get involve in our community.

The most important for us is so-called ‘FUN’, which can only be achieved together. We can’t forget about all GW2 features which are: PvE, sPvP, WvW, role play and others. Although we play on many different levels, doing everything that game has to offer, but our personal favorite will always be spvp. We help each other and never leave anyone behind as long as that person accept and follow our rules. We are not just looking for new members, but for friends that we can spend a great time with. Come on, let’s have some fun!

Interested? Need more details?

Contact me (Saschare.2049), or the other leader (niewidka.5923) or visit our website: http://zboojcerze.enjin.com/

You will not regret it!

(edited by Saschare.2049)

Zboojcerze [THUG] / Piken Square / Polish

in Looking for...

Posted by: Saschare.2049


Saero, welcome to our guild! We are glad that you joined us

Zboojcerze [THUG] / Piken Square / Polish

in Looking for...

Posted by: Saschare.2049


From now we are using a new website! It’s: http://zboojcerze.enjin.com/

Zboojcerze [THUG] / Piken Square / Polish

in Looking for...

Posted by: Saschare.2049


Ylien, welcome to our guild!

Zboojcerze [THUG] / Piken Square / Polish

in Looking for...

Posted by: Saschare.2049


We are still recruting!