[Zen] The Way Of The Master [BG] [PvX]

[Zen] The Way Of The Master [BG] [PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Baroness.9506


Guild Tag: [Zen]
Guild Name: The Way Of The Master
Server: Blackgate
Focus: PvX
Website: http://www.GW2Zen.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/XFguild
Location: International
Voice Comms: TeamSpeak
Guild Contact(s): Chedder.6302, Baroness.9506

About the Guild

Welcome! [Zen] The Way Of The Master have re-opened their doors on Blackgate to help the community reinvigorate our WvW and to recruit a small number of quality players. We are currently looking to slightly bolster our WvW numbers for both the North American and Oceanic timezones.
Our main focus in WvW is yet to be determined as variety is the spice of life. We believe by playing the PPT game we can pick and choose locations for engagements giving us our own choice between PPT and PPK. We have just the right balance to make sure we succeed as a guild and we hope to pass this on to any new members so we can all succeed as an an organised group. We have a “no fear” policy where no matter the numbers, no matter the odds, whether we are fielding 1 player or 10, we will give it 110%.

About Us

Rep Policy - We require full representation from our WvW members during our raids. We encourage members to represent even outside raid times for other things related to GW2 such as theorycrafting, item/gear obtainment, strategy discussion and picking up hot chicks.
Mature – Our ages range from 18 – 50+
We Are Recruiting all time zones. We have a very tight knit PvP core and an extremely active WvW group consisting of 10+ dedicated players. We have NA and Oceanic commanders and players of all skill levels.
Community Orientated – We realise attrition plays part in the demise of most guilds, we keep our members active by doing numerous events within the guild such as raffles, competitions, WvW training, farming, BETA testing, small ops, havoc, GvG, WvW, ZvZ.
Voice Comms – We use the Blackgate server TS3 as priority and our private TS3 server as back up.
New Player Friendly – As a well oiled machine, we have no problem taking the short amount of time it takes to coach a new player into becoming a competent member of the guild.

Classes Wanted

Elementalist: 2-3
Warrior: 2-3
Guardian: 2
Necromancer: 2
Mesmer: 2
Engineer: 2
Ranger: 1
Thief: 1

To apply please contact:

Chedder.6302 North American
Baroness.9506 North American/Oceanic

Or alternatively apply through our website at http://www.GW2Zen.com



(edited by Baroness.9506)