Hi, if you are still looking for a guild my guild The Naughty Touch [WET] is looking for fun, active and social people to join us. We are a brand new PvX guild that’s trying to get off the ground and grow into a friendly close knit community. Feel free to check out our guild recruitment post for more info about our guild and good luck on your search for the perfect guild for you.
Well, actually you sound like someone I would love to have join KNHD. Your active times, 6 to 10 CST, are right in line with the guilds and someone with your experience and patience would be great to have. Currently I am working on developing guildies into higher level fractals, highest I have done is 72 but most of the guild is in the 20’s. It is a new guild and we are a dedicated fun little group. We aren’t doing raids yet, but it is something on the radar. If you would like to check us out we would love to have you as a member. A link to the guild thread is in my signature or you can just click here. Anyway my main was a warrior till the pre-Beta event and I got my hands on rev. Even back then, as rough as it was, I knew it would be my new main.