'girl gamer' seeking compatible guild

'girl gamer' seeking compatible guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfling.9607


I’ve been soloing exclusively since I started GW2 almost four months ago. It was fine for a while, when I was mostly levelling and learning the game basics, but now I’d like to explore more PvE group content and dip my toe into WvW.

I’m looking for a guild group that is active in both PvE (eg dungeons) and WvW (coordinated) on a weekly or higher frequency. Also, ‘learning runs’ are important. I am an experienced MMO player, and follow directions well, but I would like people who are actually willing to give instructions to new players, rather than expecting everyone to be 100% familiar with every encounter out of the box. If I find a guild that offers ‘training’, I am more than happy to pay it forward and teach others in the future.

I have been a — let’s say, ‘medium-core’ — raider in the distant past (original WoW, all the way back to 40-player raids), and I’m moderately willing to adjust traits and playstyles for group optimization. But there are limits. If I happen to really hate the mechanics of (say) warrior-with-greatsword, I don’t want to be pressured to drop a slightly suboptimal weapon to take greatsword. Similarly, I’d like to be able to play my ranger on occasion, even if rangers are considered generally underpowered. In short, I’d like a certain amount of tolerance and acceptance regarding one’s personal playstyle preferences.

That said, I do give it my all when trying to master an encounter. I enjoy crafting, and will bring consumables as needed. I am generous with my playtime as regards helping guildmates, even when there is no immediate benefit to myself. I am online on average 5 days (often, but not always, NA evenings) out of 7. However, occasionally life responsibilities will take precedence and cause me to abandon the game for a week or two at a time. So I need a certain amount of schedule flexibility.

I am not likely to be such a hardcore player that I can afford full ascended gear, so rares (for learning) & exotics (for intensive content) need to be acceptable. I would also prefer a guild that does not have a 100% rep requirement. If the guild is good for me, I will rep 100% (excepting personal bank guild) anyway; if it’s lacking in some dimension (say, is great for PvE but not WvW), I would like the ability to split my time.

I picked Northern Shiverpeaks as my server when starting GW2 because I had a couple of friends who had played there and who said they would come back. However, it turns out they didn’t actually pick up GW2 again. My partner has an account, but doesn’t currently have time to play — he has other hobbies that take priority. If I find a guild that is a great fit, I am potentially willing to pay for a server transfer, depending on cost. I would like to guest-participate in some guild PvE events first … and if the guild is on a lower-ranked WvW server that will be cheap or free later this month, so much the better. (My desire to play WvW is not linked to server rankings.)

Based on prior MMO experience, I tend to prefer guilds that have an adult sensibility. This doesn’t exclude mature younger players, but they should be expected to adapt to an adult crowd rather than vice versa. I have no problem with general profanity, but I do have a problem with implicit bigotry (for example, referring to something negative as ‘gay’, whether the slight to homosexuals is deliberate or not). I am a female gamer, and so tend to find better camaraderie in guilds that have a significant female population.

At the moment of this writing, I have a brand-new level 80 ranger (geared only in rares; I’m still levelling all the crafts so I can get exotics). I also have a 77 warrior, a 66 mesmer, a 52 elementalist … and way back in the pack, a 33 thief and 24 engineer. I am reasonably competent at my primary 4 classes, but am always willing to learn refinements — and have exactly zero GW2 dungeon experience so far.

If you think I sound like a good match for your guild, please let me know. Again, I’m on Northern Shiverpeaks now but will consider other servers. Thanks for reading.

(edited by wolfling.9607)

'girl gamer' seeking compatible guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: AriaSilverfyre.8702


Greetings Wolfling,

My guild is called The Gryphons Aerie and we’re a smaller, casual yet social, 18+ PvE/RP family on Tarnished Coast. We have a fair number of women in our ranks, myself included. We run on mostly an EST time frame but we do have several west coast, European and Asian time zone members.

Knowledge of and/or participation in RP is not required.
We’ll teach you if you want to learn, but there’s no pressure. Some of our members also enjoy WvsW/sPvP (although we don’t have a regular WvsW showing) and we do have our own sPVP arena. We also have a variety of member-hosted events that change every week.

We know that RL comes first and stress that fact.
We’ll still be there even if you can’t for a bit of time. Just leave a little note to let us know you’ll be away, and all is well.

We are focused on providing a place where people can feel comfortable and as though they are more than just a name on the roster. We want everyone to feel like family.
We are very LGBTQ friendly (with several members of the leadership being either part of the community or allies of it) and do not tolerate any sort of derogatory words, comments, etc. We’re also willing to help out with any and all questions as best as we can, whether it’s dungeons/Fractals (which I love to help teach), builds, and other general game questions. We also don’t do the “speed runs”, exploits, etc, nor require anyone to bring a specific class or build for any dungeon run. Bring whatever you want and we’ll have fun regardless.

Don’t worry about trying to transfer right away or even at all if you’re not on Tarnished Coast (unless you’re on an EU server, then it gets a little complicated). Feel free to guest with us as long as you want. You’ll still be able to join with us for dungeons and even Fractals.

There is no requirement to be representing us at all times.
It’s not our business to tell you who you can and cannot associate with; that choice is yours alone. All we ask is that you give us some time too.

We also have a TeamSpeak 3, but it’s use is on a purely optional basis. Most of our chatter is on the guild channel.

For more information…

…check out our Recruitment Post here on these forums:

…or go directly to our guild website

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to drop me a note or contact me in game and I’ll do my best to answer them.

Guild Leader of ’"The Gryphons Aerie [REST]": A PvE/RP family
Join Us – http://www.thegryphonsaerie.com

'girl gamer' seeking compatible guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aeromu.9134


Hey wolfling

Synergy is an online community started by some friends with a goal to be the best. We have played multiple games throughout the past few years and the founders all have experience in high end World of Warcraft raiding and are active gamers in various genres. We are currently playing Guild Wars 2 primarily on the Jade Quarry server.

For Guild Wars 2, we participate both PvE and organized PvP in both WvWvW and structured PvP. Most of us have been gaming together since the days before Guild Wars 1 and continue to do so. Because of our long standing community, you will find that it is an atmosphere where everyone knows each other and learns to play well as a well oiled machine, hence the name Synergy.

•Focus on Living Story achievements
•Chance to play with friendly players
•Structured PvP teams
•Active TeamSpeak and forums
•Strong leadership with two PvE officers and two PvP officers to back up our leader.
•Scheduled events including Dungeons such as high end fractals and the like.
•Assistance with farming legendary items.

•Officer positions available for WvW – we prefer to run smaller organized teams.

What we expect
•18 and up preferably
•Have a working Mic and TeamSpeak preferred
•Have a sense of humor but realize things may not always be PG13
•Attributes of a team player with a good attitude.

To join or if you have any questions feel free to PM myself or one of our officers listed below.


'girl gamer' seeking compatible guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ambient.4130


Hey There!
Recount is a new GW2 cross server guild but don’t let the new guild surprise you. We are members with a great MMO past. Our leadership core were leaders of a server first raiding guild in WoW known as <Solid>. We have been gaming together for over 6 years. We range from Stay at home moms to major business IT Professionals.

What We Expect:
Members of Recount will rep our guild 90% of the time while in PvE content. We know that some members already belong to large WvW/sPvP guilds and we want you to feel free to rep them while doing their content.

We also ask that all recruits have at least one level 80 character. If you are level 80 and not fully geared in exotics we will help you get there.

We are NOT an elitist group that makes you “try out” and prove yourself to a guild. We actually want to help members achieve his/her goals in GW2.
Be available for guild missions and dungeons. We want our members to participate in both of these and we will usually have times set up for Tuesday evenings and some weekends.

We are perfectly okay if you can play only one day a week! We just ask that you rep us while you can.

If you have experience with recruiting members, running dungeons/fractals, and helping manage the day to day needs of a growing guild we want you.

Please apply here and we will see you in game!

Guild Leaders: Ambient.4130

Warrior, Ele, Ranger… your choice.
Tarnished Coast and proud member of Vanquish [Vanq]

'girl gamer' seeking compatible guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Polly Wogger.9716

Polly Wogger.9716

Uber Noobz. (NooB) is looking for new and seasoned players to join our guild. We are not on Tarnished coast but have many members who are on different servers, if guesting is not a problem for you, it is not a problem for us either. We have a fair number of female players and active, including a female guild officer and myself (guild leader).

About us:
NooBs is an established guild on Sorrow’s Furnace whose founders originated in Guild Wars 1 and have been around since beta and launch.

Our main goal is to relax and have fun with the game, not create a second job for people. Therefore, the guild is easy going and we welcome players of all skill levels, experience, and time spent in game. We have no explicit age requirements, rules, or lengthy application processes. That being said, if you are not comfortable with either a guild that likes course humor or hearing a couple curse words here and there, we may not be the best fit for you.

What we have to offer:
»Currently 160+ members and growing, most of our members are on evening and weekends, but we do have a small daytime presence as well. We work hard to help our members meet and exceed their in-game goals.

»Dungeon Crawling: We have people able to run any type of dungeon (fotm up to lvl 30) including the typical speed runs and don’t mind teaching new members. We actively track dungeon progression and try to get our members their “Dungeon Master” achievement.

»Active Mumble: Speaking is NOT required but always encouraged as much as possible. Not only is this helpful in most group situations but it also allows you to connect with your guild mates beyond the occasionally desolate guild chat.

»Events & Activities: Active world boss participation, living story event participation, guild bonuses (always active +10% Magic Find)/banners, guild events, giveaways, and activities.

»Guild missions: We run guild bounties, treks, rushes, challenges, and puzzles so that our members may enjoy the benefits of guild commendations.

»Experienced leaders: Our leaders and officers are veteran Guild Wars players with multiple max level characters of all races and classes able to answer questions and offer assistance.

»Online Community: Website updated frequently to keep members current with events, forums discussions, Facebook Group, and many useful resources to enhance in-game experiences.

What we expect from you:
»Representation: We do NOT require 100% representation at this time, but we do ask and encourage people to represent as much as possible and join in guild events and groups. Don’t make us be your over attached girlfriend constantly pestering you with PMs to come hang out with us.

»Activity: Be active and be part of the guild! We do NOT require a specific amount of activity per week or demand your constant attention, but we don’t need members as placeholder. Please make an effort to be part of the guild and join in groups.

»Resources: Utilize your resources. Our website is the best place to keep up on events and discussions. We know not everyone is super talkative, but we want members to interact, guild chat and Mumble provides you that service.

For recruitment you need simply hit us up online http://noobz.guildportal.com or send a message in-game to myself (Wogger) or one of our other recruiters: Kaden Kuvalai, Khyn Dehl, Phyxius Animus, CW, Optimal Primus, or Mystical Werewolf.

'girl gamer' seeking compatible guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Neksis Syxx.6983

Neksis Syxx.6983

Hi Wolfling,

While I’m not sure if our age restriction would be problematic for you, I believe you would feel quite at home in our guild.

We’re a all adults here so while profanity might occur occasionally—or frequently if we’re running fractals haha!—we put a stop to offensive behavior if it arises.

About us:

Just Us Grown ups [JUGs] is a very friendly, drama-free guild which is mostly comprised of men and women 30 yr.s old and older (our minimum required age is 25).

We are on the Jade Quarry server which is one of the three top-ranked servers for WvW. It’s also a high population PvE server and players from all other servers come to ours to participate in it’s events.

We have a fairly even mix of male and female players and welcome both new and veteran players. We place a high value on community. We have a great website and a fully upgraded guild of over 200 members.

Here is our recruiting post on these forums.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send me a PM and, regardless if it’s with us or not, we wish you all the best in finding a guild to call home.


Just Us Grown Ups [JUGs] – http://jugs-guild.com
Contact: Neksis Syxx.6983 Archranis.2375

'girl gamer' seeking compatible guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jingy.5643


Yo Wolfling! Jingy here!
I would write a bunch of stuff here. but since I’m lazy I’m just going to post a link to my Topic about our guild [NRTH] The northwatch.
I just want to say that we are on Fissure of Woe, The second to last ranked WvW server. so yeah….

Anyway, good luck finding a good guild!