lf casual dungeon fractal guild eu

lf casual dungeon fractal guild eu

in Looking for...

Posted by: rainstorm.7506


Hello all.
Im looking for ppl who do dungeons and fractals on eu side of the game im from farshiverpeaks.
Only dungeons im not experienced are coe and arah but i have done them all.
i have 19000 ap and have all toons which 4 have ascended gear.
I also regulary do fractals 50 sometimes even all tiers to get that fractal longbow i want.
I mostly play warrior thief and ele.
If u wanna pm me pm dawnbuster ingame ty

lf casual dungeon fractal guild eu

in Looking for...

Posted by: Michiko.2051


I’ve send you a mail in game! We would love to have you in our Guild

Leader of Divine Knights of Balthazar[DKB]