looking for a guild

looking for a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: exp.3168


I’m playing this game from the official beginning (No i’m not an early acces person I’m just a person who bought it at my local gameshop on Thursday).
3 years later, 10k Ap further. I’m looking for a PVE guild on Desolation EU server.
I Iike to play WvW, so I don’t want to play in a normal megaserver guild.
I only want to say, I need those AC points to make my legendary and I never did those dungeons. Please when you are Dutch or just understanding towards 50+years old people pm me ingame.
greetz exp

looking for a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Garambola.2461


You could find what you are looking for there or people who are looking for you.