Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.
Good for you Darkstar and I wish you all the luck.
Kyro only active guild on DR? So you don’t even acknowledge TMW and AXME that’s on your server? Guilds that can actually fight as a group whereas your guild just run around mindless dunno what to do. I give props to TMW and AXME since they put up some good fights but none to you and Kyro simply cuz all you know how to do is spam /laugh and stack 5 AC’s to defend a gate.
Ferguson’s Crossing been in t8 for quite a bit, but at least as a server, we’re connected and active as a community. We grow slowly, but growth is growth. Dunno what you gonna offer for a server when all you do is spam emote half the time we see you.
lol TMW left rip xD
literally cringing hard irl rn
literally cringing hard irl rn
so much cringe irl m8.
Kyro only active guild on DR? So you don’t even acknowledge TMW and AXME that’s on your server? Guilds that can actually fight as a group whereas your guild just run around mindless dunno what to do. I give props to TMW and AXME since they put up some good fights but none to you and Kyro simply cuz all you know how to do is spam /laugh and stack 5 AC’s to defend a gate.
Ferguson’s Crossing been in t8 for quite a bit, but at least as a server, we’re connected and active as a community. We grow slowly, but growth is growth. Dunno what you gonna offer for a server when all you do is spam emote half the time we see you.
While we appreciate your compliment, TMW transferred over the weekend to IoJ. We will no longer be fighting you in T8… maybe in T7 though
. Maki always provided good fights and we enjoyed them while we were there but we decided it was time to go. I do agree that AXME is a promising new guild though that you all should be mindful of. Also GIT does a lot more WvW than they’re given credit for and many will look to them to help carry the server more than they already have as well.
Alright well… I just came to update you on TMW’s whereabouts so you don’t keep looking for us in DR’s WvW
Just heard the news a few minutes ago. Thanks for the fights TMW. We hope to see you guys again for sure. You guys put some great fights and we appreciate them a lot. Good luck in IoJ!
Kyro only active guild on DR? So you don’t even acknowledge TMW and AXME that’s on your server? Guilds that can actually fight as a group whereas your guild just run around mindless dunno what to do. I give props to TMW and AXME since they put up some good fights but none to you and Kyro simply cuz all you know how to do is spam /laugh and stack 5 AC’s to defend a gate.
Ferguson’s Crossing been in t8 for quite a bit, but at least as a server, we’re connected and active as a community. We grow slowly, but growth is growth. Dunno what you gonna offer for a server when all you do is spam emote half the time we see you.
While we appreciate your compliment, TMW transferred over the weekend to IoJ. We will no longer be fighting you in T8… maybe in T7 though
. Maki always provided good fights and we enjoyed them while we were there but we decided it was time to go. I do agree that AXME is a promising new guild though that you all should be mindful of. Also GIT does a lot more WvW than they’re given credit for and many will look to them to help carry the server more than they already have as well.
Alright well… I just came to update you on TMW’s whereabouts so you don’t keep looking for us in DR’s WvW
Yes its true kyro guild is the only daily active wvw guild here .. Other guilds only plays few hours.. And not even everyday..
Ofcourse i always spam laugh cause our 15 is winning against your 50. Doesnt matter with AC or not. Do not give me those AC excuse
Hahaha… we are not a mindless guild. But we do have some magic trickz as you seen many times
Maybe you should try to fight us with even numbers. Before you accuse us that we dont know what to do. But i dont mind if you bring entire FC server. More bags for us.
Loyal guilds stays no matter what. Goodbye TMW are you guys gonna be more active now on other server?
(edited by Blade Of Gandara.6738)
You should play more WvW if you havent
. . . Goodbye TMW are you guys gonna be more active now on other server?
That’s the hope! Our guys needed a change of scenery and we hope to find that on IoJ. So far they’ve been nothing but welcoming. We also left because we’re looking to improve our personal skill level as a guild. So who knows maybe after we’ve refined ourselves my guys will want to return to help out but it’s really up to them. Or we’ll remain on IoJ and eventually, down the road, DR may rise in ranks and we might square off someday
And thank you to Father and Maki and everyone wishing us well! Gibby I know you wanted us to come to BP sorry bae <3
FC has been fighting DR for a number of weeks now, and I can honestly say that GiT and AXME are much more respectable opponents than KYRO. Dark Jean has personally told me “she” is able to take us on 15 to 50, and it has since turned into quite the running joke on FC. The very night she mentioned this ridiculous statistic we held our weekly server event where we all get on WvW and run in a themed zerg depending on the week. So indeed this one night there were 50 of us, all on Necros and Mesmers I believe. We took much joy in making her rage quit into LA when she was trying to fight 50 FC members (most on uplevels and unfamiliar toons) with her zerg of about 20-25. 15 to 50 Indeed Dark Jean!
TMW we on FC wish you luck in finding a less toxic and pretentious server with more to offer than DR. As to the other WvW guilds in DR, I am sorry you have to tolerate a fellow WvW guild leader with such low respect for you and what you do. Just know that all other servers see Dark Jean for what “she” is and don’t hold it against the rest of you.
Yea trying to get attention cause we need help. Our guild is the only daily active wvw guild all others are inactive. Or gave up and left..trying to recruit all the time but still no help arriving..
I’m pretty sure my guild runs 10, sometimes even up to 15 man groups in NA prime every day DJ…. as well as late night havoc & roaming till 3am…. (other than tuesdays for guild missions w/ git)
Also [AXME] has been consistently running wvw every night too… can say the same for [GIT], [FS]……
Sure im happy youre dragon/diamond w/e but you bragging extensively, and then talking about our other server guilds as if theyre not even a drop in a bucket is kinda distasteful…..
FC has been fighting DR for a number of weeks now, and I can honestly say that GiT and AXME are much more respectable opponents than KYRO. Dark Jean has personally told me “she” is able to take us on 15 to 50, and it has since turned into quite the running joke on FC. The very night she mentioned this ridiculous statistic we held our weekly server event where we all get on WvW and run in a themed zerg depending on the week. So indeed this one night there were 50 of us, all on Necros and Mesmers I believe. We took much joy in making her rage quit into LA when she was trying to fight 50 FC members (most on uplevels and unfamiliar toons) with her zerg of about 20-25. 15 to 50 Indeed Dark Jean!
TMW we on FC wish you luck in finding a less toxic and pretentious server with more to offer than DR. As to the other WvW guilds in DR, I am sorry you have to tolerate a fellow WvW guild leader with such low respect for you and what you do. Just know that all other servers see Dark Jean for what “she” is and don’t hold it against the rest of you.
Lol i dont rage quit but my gw2 do crashes. FC rage quits and cry to me in whisper or here.. Stop trying FC you all are sooooo bad. Actually we laugh at your entire server…..
""MY DRAGON SAYS SO YUM FC!!! Fried Chickens""
Whenever FC feeds my dragon finisher so much
I take much more pleasure dropping a beaver flag on your face in the middle of your zerg who just can’t res you fast enough. Perhaps because they don’t care enough to want to
O Yea did you solo me ? I bet you had help with FC zerg just to take me out . cause you can never take me on alone. Poor you go train more, pvp arena helps you toughen up. if not you should go back pve
O Yea did you solo me ? I bet you had help with FC zerg just to take me out . cause you can never take me on alone. Poor you go train more, pvp arena helps you toughen up. if not you should go back pve
R u still running banner regen condi in wvw BJ?
Ohwells im used to it.. There is something you call kite.
I can kite FC zerg.. I bet you have no idea what kite means..
And this is why DR has become the virtual cesspool of WvW. Hopefully all the baddies will leave by the time HoT releases.
If you would like to test yourself 1v1 against the leaders of the FC WvW guilds feel free to my dear. But you have refused this request in the past. In the mean time you should attend the English class of your local Elementary School to pick up a few tips.
Sorry i only duel in pvp arena . it is more balanced. No ascended or legendary advantages or level advantage or buffs
Uhm only 1 FC that challenged me to a duel… I accepted it but he refuses to duel in pvp arena. For more balanced and proper dueling. But he wanted to duel in WVW instead… Soooo whatevar!!!
What are you talking about? i dont need to test myself. I been through alot of duels already. Stop crying already pls this is why i blocked you in gw2 cause you cry alot… My gosh..
(edited by Blade Of Gandara.6738)
How about this my dear Dark Jean. How about Dark Jean brings Dark Jean’s character to fight in PvP like Dark Jean wishes, because clearly Dark Jean does not care enough about WvW to upgrade Dark Jean’s armor to take part in real fighting in WvW. This must be why Dark Jean hides behind Dark Jean’s zergs when fighting in WvW. What other reason could Dark Jean have?
Oh my…. Yes cry moar
Is that a no? Do you not want to prove your all mighty godhood for the world to see?
I think Dark Jean just used dodge
Go away jelly haters cry to someone else
Wow its some of the FCs i blocked in gw2… Ughh they found a way to cry to me again.. Awwww poor FC so jelly on my acheivement and hating and crying and stuff LOLLL
If you are going to try to use how good you are to recruit people to your dying server you should be willing and able to accept challenges from a server you consider to be inferior. Tis not I who cries today my dear Dark Jean. It is your server that cries at how you just sacrificed their dignity to try to stroke your own ego. My apologies DR. You have been represented poorly today. May future posts from your members repair the damage Dark Jean has done.
Whatever you say!!!
Actually DR is not crying. They are all happy about my acheivement
And the thread just becomes bad cause of haters like you that replies bad stuff. As always i only defend myself. And i will always defend our server.
Stop crying already… Ughh! So annoying hater!! Hate me moar!!
(edited by Blade Of Gandara.6738)
OMG I KNOW RIGHT. How dare people call me out on my inconsistencies and lack of respect for the people I play with? Don’t they all know I’m too awesome to be brought down by logic and reasonable questions by both my server and servers I play against. They are all totally STOKED that I’m diamond ranked and don’t care that I back down from challenges because they TOTALLY know I would win against anyone I fight. They are all just haters and cry all day because they can’t accept that I am WAY more awesome than they are. I KNOW RIGHT? I said that all along :O
Sorry i only duel in pvp arena . it is more balanced. No ascended or legendary advantages or level advantage or buffs
Uhm only 1 FC that challenged me to a duel… I accepted it but he refuses to duel in pvp arena. For more balanced and proper dueling. But he wanted to duel in WVW instead… Soooo whatevar!!!
What are you talking about? i dont need to test myself. I been through alot of duels already. Stop crying already pls this is why i blocked you in gw2 cause you cry alot… My gosh..
Actually, I said I couldn’t duel at that minute since it required changing game modes and setting up a build etc but would be happy to later in the week. You then promptly blocked me XD
Now i dont know what you are talking about… All none sense..
why are you keep saying i back down on challenges? Did you or FC spy somehow found out that i havent lost any duels? Its why you sooo wants to break my record ??
I actually accepted the duel request but the person who sent the request refused. Real duels takes place in pvp arena for more balance. And he is tooo scared. You dont get this?? Maybe you havent tried the proper duels…
I always accept duels in the proper way of dueling. You have no idea how much i want to lose my undefeated streak its why i accept all duel offers.
Um, read my above post.
How about this my dear Dark Jean. At 8pm Central Time you come into PvP and I’ll let you into our personal PvP arena. Within that arena you can fight various guild leaders of FC. Does that meet your standards of being equal or is there some other qualification you have as well?
Nope you refused it completely. Setting up a build takes a few mins in the arena not 1 wholle danm week LOL.
And i dont like being friends with enemy servers. Its why i block each and every FC that talks to me. Cause most of them cries hard anyway like you 2. Why? Cuz we eat Fried Chickens! so yum! Want try? Come over to DR i will be nice cause you will be in same team and wont be enemy server anymore hehehe
I never refuse a duel. It may be at an inconvenient time which is why I may say I can later but you remember it like that if you want. Good to hear that you only fight your own side though
TMW we on FC wish you luck in finding a less toxic and pretentious server with more to offer than DR.
To be fair we didn’t mind lol. TMW is big enough that we were just able to hide in our little corner and play with ourselves when stuff went down. But we appreciate your well-wishes, it was always an honor to fight FC. You guys forced us to get better at fights which, inevitably, prepared us for this transition so thank you for helping get us ready.
Bee Tee Dubs, TMW has never done a GvG before but if you ever want to, just pm me and I’m sure we can set something up in Edge with the proper time scheduling. You only improve by playing against teams that are better than you so we’d like to get ourselves out there a bit to refine our skills.
I don’t believe you know the definition of “crying.” You came “crying” to FC that DR wasn’t a good server and tried to transfer all of KYRO here TWICE. Then you left again “crying” that we were all mean to you. And right now you are “crying” that we wouldn’t duel you even though we just gave you a place and a time. The only thing that would make me “cry” involving you is if I was forced to play on the same server . When you stop “crying” about how other players trashed your bragging post about being diamond and decide to actually fight, you know where to find us.
Lol those are my 1 week vacations. I roll big like that me and guildys goes 1 week vacations whenever we want. Im glad i saw FCs true attitude before i decided to actually stay in your trash server
So what you are saying is that you lie your way onto a server so that you are welcomed, all the while having every intention of ditching them a week later? The true nature of Dark Jean, ladies and gentlemen!
Now i dont know what you are talking about… All none sense..
why are you keep saying i back down on challenges? Did you or FC spy somehow found out that i havent lost any duels? Its why you sooo wants to break my record ??
I actually accepted the duel request but the person who sent the request refused. Real duels takes place in pvp arena for more balance. And he is tooo scared. You dont get this?? Maybe you havent tried the proper duels…
I always accept duels in the proper way of dueling. You have no idea how much i want to lose my undefeated streak its why i accept all duel offers.
TBH i kittened u up last time we dueled. do you remember this jeannie?
I have kept my mouth shut for a couple of days now and now I must speak my peace because what DJ is spewing is nothing but nonsense. Yes, I congratulated you when you posted this achievement on Twitter. Heck I will brag too when I finally reach those goals but I Will Not act like I am God’s gift to Devonas Rest and that is the way you are acting. You are not the only player trying to make something of our WvW.
I am on first thing in the mornings and on thru out the day. For the most part you and your guild is on during prime time and as I write this I know you are in Lions Arch and not in WvW. Also, lately when you don’t get your way in WvW you head over to EotM to get your experience. I barely see you engage into a fight while in WvW and you are the first to port out.
DR is in serious need of new blood with a lot less ego.
(edited by mygirlparadise.7583)
So what you are saying is that you lie your way onto a server so that you are welcomed, all the while having every intention of ditching them a week later? The true nature of Dark Jean, ladies and gentlemen!
Would it surprise you if I said this wasn’t the first time Jean has joined a server then ditched them 1-2 weeks later? I believe this is the 2nd or 3rd time. I’ve lost count
No one on DR is laughing about FC back when I was on DR I relished any opportunity I had to fight FC as the matchups were with Siege Furnace or Empty Terrace at the time and as a NA guild that would run 20-30 at the time we pretty much had nothing to fight except guards and doors so fighting another server that had a decent NA group was always a great pleasure.
Other than Jean, DR has a nice community I swear. Just check the forums Jean was banned from them so you’ll be able to experience the rest of the community.
-[SA] Spirit
So what you are saying is that you lie your way onto a server so that you are welcomed, all the while having every intention of ditching them a week later? The true nature of Dark Jean, ladies and gentlemen!
Would it surprise you if I said this wasn’t the first time Jean has joined a server then ditched them 1-2 weeks later? I believe this is the 2nd or 3rd time. I’ve lost count
No one on DR is laughing about FC back when I was on DR I relished any opportunity I had to fight FC as the matchups were with Siege Furnace or Empty Terrace at the time and as a NA guild that would run 20-30 at the time we pretty much had nothing to fight except guards and doors so fighting another server that had a decent NA group was always a great pleasure.
Other than Jean, DR has a nice community I swear. Just check the forums Jean was banned from them so you’ll be able to experience the rest of the community.
-[SA] Spirit
Good guy Spirit…
But I must agree, DR isn’t terrible, it just needs some srs help. Here is a link to the DR server website you can check it out for yourselves… just remember that I, Darkstar, am the one who posted the link and not Spirit not that it matters… Darkstar: 1 – Spirit: 0
Lol we’re two people who are promoting DR and we’re not even there anymore… this amuses me.
So what you are saying is that you lie your way onto a server so that you are welcomed, all the while having every intention of ditching them a week later? The true nature of Dark Jean, ladies and gentlemen!
Would it surprise you if I said this wasn’t the first time Jean has joined a server then ditched them 1-2 weeks later? I believe this is the 2nd or 3rd time. I’ve lost count
No one on DR is laughing about FC back when I was on DR I relished any opportunity I had to fight FC as the matchups were with Siege Furnace or Empty Terrace at the time and as a NA guild that would run 20-30 at the time we pretty much had nothing to fight except guards and doors so fighting another server that had a decent NA group was always a great pleasure.
Other than Jean, DR has a nice community I swear. Just check the forums Jean was banned from them so you’ll be able to experience the rest of the community.
-[SA] Spirit
Good guy Spirit…
But I must agree, DR isn’t terrible, it just needs some srs help. Here is a link to the DR server website you can check it out for yourselves… just remember that I, Darkstar, am the one who posted the link and not Spirit not that it matters… Darkstar: 1 – Spirit: 0
Lol we’re two people who are promoting DR and we’re not even there anymore… this amuses me.
You need to fix your siggy too…
yeah help T8 or something, ppl… why the infractions anet?
You need to fix your siggy too…
Thanks for reminding me!
Oh man, oh man! This is just getting better and better, keep at it!
I wonder if I’m the only EU player who is following this thread, this is way better than the local soap operas we have here.
So what you are saying is that you lie your way onto a server so that you are welcomed, all the while having every intention of ditching them a week later? The true nature of Dark Jean, ladies and gentlemen!
Would it surprise you if I said this wasn’t the first time Jean has joined a server then ditched them 1-2 weeks later? I believe this is the 2nd or 3rd time. I’ve lost count
No one on DR is laughing about FC back when I was on DR I relished any opportunity I had to fight FC as the matchups were with Siege Furnace or Empty Terrace at the time and as a NA guild that would run 20-30 at the time we pretty much had nothing to fight except guards and doors so fighting another server that had a decent NA group was always a great pleasure.
Other than Jean, DR has a nice community I swear. Just check the forums Jean was banned from them so you’ll be able to experience the rest of the community.
-[SA] Spirit
Good guy Spirit…
But I must agree, DR isn’t terrible, it just needs some srs help. Here is a link to the DR server website you can check it out for yourselves… just remember that I, Darkstar, am the one who posted the link and not Spirit not that it matters… Darkstar: 1 – Spirit: 0
Lol we’re two people who are promoting DR and we’re not even there anymore… this amuses me.
I’m glad the irony isn’t missed on you Darkstar lol wasn’t sure if anyone would catch it.
Kinda wish we went to GoM. Nobody in T4 appreciates our shenanigans. We try to run around as like 10-20 dolyaks and then we get zerged the hell down (that and stuck in a matchup with HoD and DB if that gives you any idea). Let me know how IoJ works for you we thought about going there but heard it was about as dead as T8 so we didn’t go there
So now that we have established darkjean is a keyboard turning kittenter and kyro s just a 1 push guild….who wants to throw DJ on her back and run our own ktrain on her wit me??
This thread is a trainwreck. But then again, so is DarkJean and Kyro.
So now that we have established darkjean is a keyboard turning kittenter and kyro s just a 1 push guild….who wants to throw DJ on her back and run our own ktrain on her wit me??
You still play O.o ?? What happened to “I’m taking a break, this isn’t fun for me anymoar, see ya in hell”?
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