Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –
things changed
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader –
O rly? I haven’t noticed that the past lets say 1 and a half years. :P
When you alienate others, you’re actually alienating yourself.
This isn’t some cod philosophy from a Z-list martial arts film but an observation over years.
Anyway, good luck with the isolation. Most of the players you’re likely trying to dissuade don’t even read these forums and wouldn’t care less anyway.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem
I wonder how will you know that someone just moved to your server
Still 2-3 months ago you were recruiting more players:
Desolation is far from being full, but I actually enjoy the no/low queue situation and being the underdog. I hope we will soon have better balance of power. Good luck with this!
There have been queues this week FYI, it depends how which Guilds are raiding and if there’s any Open Raids, past that obviously Deso has more numbers than everyone else, probably due to many Fairweathers tired of SFR rather than giving it a fight. (just look at Season 3).
I think even people here are bored.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
I hope you will learn from your mistakes and not do the same next season…
Who am I kidding…
This is not how you balance the tier, but good luck SFR
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
This is not how you balance the tier, but good luck SFR
Feigning weakness to give opponents pity wins doesn’t work in EU.
This is not how you balance the tier, but good luck SFR
Feigning weakness to give opponents pity wins doesn’t work in EU.
It’s stopped bandwagoners looking for easy wins to consider our server and made the other two servers attractive for guilds looking for fights. Not that you’d know anything about what goes on on T1 NA from your EU server
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
This is a lie. SFR is not full. Most of the time there is only queue on eternal battlegrounds. I can make screenshots for proof if requested.
Full of idiots maybe.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
I`ve heard some further informations:
-SFR won`t accept any new players on teamspeak and server forum except they’re member of a well known WvW Guild
-SFR will reduce or completely stop public WvW Raids
This is not how you balance the tier, but good luck SFR
Feigning weakness to give opponents pity wins doesn’t work in EU.
It’s stopped bandwagoners looking for easy wins to consider our server and made the other two servers attractive for guilds looking for fights. Not that you’d know anything about what goes on on T1 NA from your EU server
Like I said it doesn’t work because even if all guilds on SFR took the week off it would still win through its massive pug population that does most of the pvdoor’ing. Not that you’d know anything about what goes on on T1 EU from your NA server.
I´m not on sfr, but by reading it…. did the sfr community think about the public ppl?! without zerg, you will be not Gold anymore. maybe fast, maybe later. who knows. personally i think to raid in a guild is a good thing, but no Server can defend and win without public. what does the guild ppl do, if there is no guild raid? just hanging around and wait?! an other Thing…. maybe you do not know, that also new commies join to sfr. they can turn light on on eb or borderlands, can open a new ts-server. who would stop them?! and the randoms will join it. so the guilds will be isolated and maybe one time…. guild members are sick of waiting just for guild raid. so they will join public on the other ts Server. i know, what you want to reach with that text, but i think…. old ppl/guilds will loose more, then new ppl who join on sfr
regards from a happy person, who leave a gold league server, to have really good fights in silver league with ppl and enemies, who have really good skill and who are not flaming, just laughing on ts
The OP considers himself a community leader lol. Too bad only Anet decides if a server is full, not some “community leaders”. If you exclude people from your community you will just kill the server and have a new generations of trolls.