Sylvari women vs. Human women
Sylvari females have and always have had their own vocal (guttural) set.
Each of the sounds for guttural types used between the various races are recorded by different actors but with similar deliveries—hence there is some stylistic resemblance between sylvari female and human female within a given action. Especially so between human and sylvari because they also share sound cue timings since they’re animated so similarly. But each player type definitely has a unique set of sounds.
Hope this clears things up!
I’d swear my Male Asura Engineer has a single Female Norn guttural sound accidentally cross-linked. He has one grunt I am certain is pulling from the wrong set.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I’d swear my Male Asura Engineer has a single Female Norn guttural sound accidentally cross-linked. He has one grunt I am certain is pulling from the wrong set.
If you can find a reliable way to get that mismatched sound to play, like a specific skill or action, then do tell. Something like that should definitely be fixed.
Sylvari females have and always have had their own vocal (guttural) set.
Each of the sounds for guttural types used between the various races are recorded by different actors but with similar deliveries—hence there is some stylistic resemblance between sylvari female and human female within a given action. Especially so between human and sylvari because they also share sound cue timings since they’re animated so similarly. But each player type definitely has a unique set of sounds.
That’s what I thought too — about the different actors — therefore I always repored it as a sound bug. But after a while, I wanted to “check” it myself. That’s why I extracted the audio files. After a bit of “searching” I found the “guttural” sound sets. Being extracted in one “line-up”, it was easy to listen to all of them for all races. And please believe me Cody, as I reached the sylvari set, there were some files from the human set (again) (including the above-mentioned sounds).
Besides the sylvari do sound different than the humans. Higher in tone. I don’t now, if Jennifer Hale and April Stewart performed the vocal sets themselves, but they sure sound different.
If you say, Cody, that every actor performed a whole set, than some sylvari sounds are simply not in the game. Or let’s just say, I did not find them, where they had to be and they won’t activate.
(edited by AllNightPlayer.1286)
I’d swear my Male Asura Engineer has a single Female Norn guttural sound accidentally cross-linked. He has one grunt I am certain is pulling from the wrong set.
If you can find a reliable way to get that mismatched sound to play, like a specific skill or action, then do tell. Something like that should definitely be fixed.
For me this seems to happen when I’m talking to a merchant. Very, very rarely I’ll hear some other gender or race apart from myself say the “good bye” or “thank you” dialogue.
At first I thought maybe this was a cool new thing and the shopkeeper was bidding me good bye…
But when this happened to me recently, I was talking to the mystic forge lady in WvW and the sound was a male human.
I was on my male charr (though I do also play a male human). Not sure if there was a male human around me. /shrug
(Also, in WvW, the garrison mystic forge is still using the halloween mystic gorge skin. )
One of the grunts my female human makes while jumping sounds rather unnatural to me. It is a guttural sound that may be from a wrong audio set. (It sounds more like a shortened, higher-pitched (female?) version of the grawl grunt. Either that, or the soundbyte is garbled or cut off at an unusual point, making it sound weird.)
For some reason, I most often hear it while doing the Urmaug’s Secret jumping puzzle with my female human (while jumping up the steep rock wall), and never while doing e.g. the Troll’s End jumping puzzle. Therefore, my suggestion for reproducing it is to perform the Urmaug’s Secret jumping puzzle a few times with a human female character.
(Just to be clear, my human female can perform different grunt sounds while jumping. The one I hear most often in Troll’s End is unmistakably by the same voice actor who does the human female’s voice. The other one that I most often hear in Urmaug’s Secret is the one I suspect may be bugged.)
This has never changed since the game launched.
I’d swear my Male Asura Engineer has a single Female Norn guttural sound accidentally cross-linked. He has one grunt I am certain is pulling from the wrong set.
If you can find a reliable way to get that mismatched sound to play, like a specific skill or action, then do tell. Something like that should definitely be fixed.
I will experiment and get back to you .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Sylvari females have and always have had their own vocal (guttural) set.
Each of the sounds for guttural types used between the various races are recorded by different actors but with similar deliveries—hence there is some stylistic resemblance between sylvari female and human female within a given action. Especially so between human and sylvari because they also share sound cue timings since they’re animated so similarly. But each player type definitely has a unique set of sounds.
That’s what I thought too — about the different actors — therefore I always repored it as a sound bug. But after a while, I wanted to “check” it myself. That’s why I extracted the audio files. After a bit of “searching” I found the “guttural” sound sets. Being extracted in one “line-up”, it was easy to listen to all of them for all races. And please believe me Cody, as I reached the sylvari set, there were some files from the human set (again) (including the above-mentioned sounds).
Besides the sylvari do sound different than the humans. Higher in tone. I don’t now, if Jennifer Hale and April Stewart performed the vocal sets themselves, but they sure sound different.If you say, Cody, that every actor performed a whole set, than some sylvari sounds are simply not in the game. Or let’s just say, I did not find them, where they had to be and they won’t activate.
Hm, it appears there is some overlap between human female and sylvari female, but it is asset-duplication/renaming and so its not a bug that is causing this, nor is it immediately apparent without digging up the raw, uncompressed sound files and listening to them side-by-side. Difference is, I don’t have to pull apart the .dat file to do it, and so I can be more accurate. Although I don’t have much time to devote to this, it’s worth looking into rather than let the discussion die.
So it is also very rare that this is the case for sylvari female. By far, most of the guttural sets are, in fact, quite unique for the character, and for all others for that matter. However, a little reuse is not entirely a bad thing either, and it was done for good reason—clearly there just aren’t unique assets for the sylvari female in some very rare cases. But it is quite uncommon, the cases where reuse occurs are on some emotes that the players cannot trigger on demand, some sounds which have been made obsolete and are not in use, and some small animations used in a skill here and there and are on longer cooldown, such as the first portion of Engineer Rifle #4, Jump Shot (but not the second portion, the descent/landing), and yes, just a couple of the death sounds in the pool are reused. But there is no reuse in jumping sounds at all between human and sylvari female.
For the cases where reuse happens on player skills or common animations, something can likely be done at some point to make the sylvari female (and other race/genders, if the same is true for them) more unique from the human female, in terms of animation timing and the guttural sets chosen for the skills so that they aren’t reused. If you can think of any other cases than the ones you mentioned that you think are particularly egregious, do reply to this thread.
Thanks for taking the time to post about it.
I’d swear my Male Asura Engineer has a single Female Norn guttural sound accidentally cross-linked. He has one grunt I am certain is pulling from the wrong set.
If you can find a reliable way to get that mismatched sound to play, like a specific skill or action, then do tell. Something like that should definitely be fixed.
Just noticed this when my male Asura had weakness applied on him.
I’d swear my Male Asura Engineer has a single Female Norn guttural sound accidentally cross-linked. He has one grunt I am certain is pulling from the wrong set.
If you can find a reliable way to get that mismatched sound to play, like a specific skill or action, then do tell. Something like that should definitely be fixed.
Further research on my Asuran Male Engineer:
The sound that I believe is Claudia Christian/Female Norn is part of the set that can be triggered by jumping – jumping up and down in place will eventually produce it.
Its one of 3 “Hmmm” sounds (as opposed to the he-uut, yea-aah, aaah, and other jumping noises ). The highest pitched Hmmm sounds like the Asuran male voice actor. The suspect one is one of the two deeper pitches.
Sorry I can’t be more precise. I’m not sure I have the technical language to lead you to it more exactly…
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
(edited by Nike.2631)
I’d swear my Male Asura Engineer has a single Female Norn guttural sound accidentally cross-linked. He has one grunt I am certain is pulling from the wrong set.
If you can find a reliable way to get that mismatched sound to play, like a specific skill or action, then do tell. Something like that should definitely be fixed.
Further research on my Asuran Male Engineer:
The sound that I believe is Claudia Christian/Female Norn is part of the set that can be triggered by jumping – jumping up and down in place will eventually produce it.
Its one of 3 “Hmmm” sounds (as opposed to the he-uut, yea-aah, aaah, and other jumping noises
). The highest pitched Hmmm sounds like the Asuran male voice actor. The suspect one is one of the two deeper pitches.
Sorry I can’t be more precise. I’m not sure I have the technical language to lead you to it more exactly…
All those sounds asura males make when jumping are definitely the asura male voice. Nothing has changed with that sound pool since we shipped last year either. Some of them do sound like ‘hm’, but none of them are nornlike nor ladylike. The ‘hm’ ones are in there to break up the more manic sounding ones so the asura doesn’t sound like he’s exerting himself overmuch every time he vocalizes his jump.
If you have feedback about it, though, it’s always welcome. Thanks for taking the time to check it out and post about it.
Thanks for looking into it. I’m glad they are in there – they do break up the bounding and leaping. That said, my female Norn Warrior isn’t terribly ladylike and the one ‘hmmm’ that pings my recognition is much lower pitch than most of the Asuran sounds, as one would expect from about 11 times the resonant body cavity volume . It may be false recognition on my part… but my ear is usually pretty good at picking out familiar voices without visual cues (decades of anime watching
Out of curiosity, are the three Asuran male ‘hmm’ sounds separate recordings or a tone shift of a single take? Its quite fascinating the processes you must go through to build the acoustic ambiance of the world and individual characters.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Can I get in on this?
My manly Charr necromancer sounds like my feminine human engineer when dodging or hit. Male Charr sounds very girly. The effect is disconcerting.
Could you please check to make sure all is well in this regard?
Sir Reginald Doom; Charr necromancer (wip)
Aurora Skykin; Norn guardian (wip)