(edited by Resistance.1354)
The game music isn't as good as it could be..
skyrim/wow music
Funny you should mention that…
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
I can agree with that. After some time the music just gets repetitive and boring, I also don’t like some soundtracks in the game. We have too less options to replace them more specifically, just too less costumization. I really would welcome any kind of enhancement of the current playlist.
I just use custom playlists and change them up every now and then.
? Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
i agree, we need much more songs with a good melody.
Its not really that the music is bad, I just feel like there needs to be more ambient themes is all. And I always found WoW music very generic, but with skyrim yeah i agree. Honestly adding 3 ambient themes, an extra battle theme, and maybe some extra music for towns and it would be fixed IMO.
Yeah, i love variety. Hearing the same things over and over get’s a little boring. Not that it’s bad music, it’s all very good. Having more original music is always good. I think each zone should have it’s own fitting music. That would probably cost a lot but in time… In time…
Same here, the only song I like is “Fear not this night” (surprised, eheuhehue, NO) but like you said, they implemented a way to insert custom song so no problems at all here.
To me, after playing Lineage 2, every soundtrack feels stale and boring in comparison, just my own opinion.
The real problem whit music is that its too random, music should play at right moment and in right place and match atmosphere of the place, but in gw2 music is chosen randomly from the list of possible music and sometimes it dosent even palay at all.
Example, you have an dramatic moment in your PS, people talk about serious stuff and ther is fighting going on around you, and yet game decide to play some beutiful relaxing piano music, all the tension and atmosphere of the moment is destroyed.
You fight monsters in large numbers and hear nothing cause game decided that ther is no need for battle music.
You go throu some nice scenery, you hear beautiful orhestra playing. than you enter swamps and what? you still hear that orchestra even here in thes ceepy swamps.
And lastly, almost every zone have the same set of music to play.
Gw2 music is not bad, it is beutiful, but its implementation is rather poorly made.
Music have its own T.P.O rules too.
If makeing new song for every map or situation is too expensive than expand the custom playlist so that we can customize our own set of music for different zones or situations, like:
*downed playlist
*defeated playlist
*map x(wher “x” is name of the map) playlist
*pvp playlist
*wvw playlist
*…and so on
Curently im just geting bored and annoyed by randomnes of music in this game.
(edited by Cold Hearted Person.6154)
“Raven Speaks” is awesome and if I could have that all through Orr and only that I would love it.
TES Morrowind songs were the best, and most varied if we can get more of that from Mr. Soule it would be fantastic.