Black Lion Harvesting Tools
These are advertised as “Extremely efficient at gathering resources and uncovering rare components.” However, I have used many of these and found that they are almost no different that using the Orichalcum harvesting tools.
Either these are broken or should have their tool tip updated because they aren’t making any noticeable difference.
Does that mean they can actually harvest Orichalcum now? Back around launch I destroyed several BL tools because they didn’t work on T6 mats (I think it was actually T4 they quit working).
I can’t say I’ve used one in months but even on the low level stuff they worked for I never saw any benefit to them beyond not having to buy other tools (assuming you got them for free).
I’ve used all charges on a sickle against solely Omnomberries, axe on Orrian Sapling and mining pick on Orichalcum and only received maybe 1 or 2 extra in 20 or 30 strikes.
It’s broken, for sure.
Same. I used an entire sickle and got nothing extra out of it. It’s bugged and honestly would like a refund.
Do not click this link!
Did you guys notice any higher rate of bonus item drops (gems from ore, dyes from plants etc.) while using the BL tools? I’m guessing not.
Did you guys notice any higher rate of bonus item drops (gems from ore, dyes from plants etc.) while using the BL tools? I’m guessing not.
There’s almost no difference based on my personal experience in using them. I’d say that 20 or 30 strikes from an Orichalcum kit versus a Black Lion kit will yield approximately the same amount.
These are advertised as “Extremely efficient at gathering resources and uncovering rare components.” However, I have used many of these and found that they are almost no different that using the Orichalcum harvesting tools.
Either these are broken or should have their tool tip updated because they aren’t making any noticeable difference.
Does that mean they can actually harvest Orichalcum now? Back around launch I destroyed several BL tools because they didn’t work on T6 mats (I think it was actually T4 they quit working).
I can’t say I’ve used one in months but even on the low level stuff they worked for I never saw any benefit to them beyond not having to buy other tools (assuming you got them for free).
You must be thinking of the master tools you get early on in your personal story.
I used the sickle and the mining. Got absolutely nothing extra. Go figure.
I used the sickle and the mining. Got absolutely nothing extra. Go figure.
Then it’s confirmed, they are extremely efficient at gathering the exact same amount of materials as the cheap tools.
ArenaNet — can we get an official response to this. It’s either broken or the tool tip is extremely misleading.
I’m assuming it’s like a 10% higher chance of getting rare things. Which is pointless mostly.
I got one of those Sickles for 2 Laurels just for the hell of it. After 100 uses, I have gotten 1 passion flower. I was getting 3 flowers every 75 uses or so from a normal Ori Sickle. Perhaps I was just lucky..
Personally, I think it’s a sham … it’s a way to mislead players into buying these tools without actually having to introduce more resources into the economy.
This is the primary reason I will never buy Black Lion keys — it’s gambling and the house always wins in the long run.