John Smith, You Clever Man!!

John Smith, You Clever Man!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LordByron.8369


Please, tell me who are the normal players ??

Fractals was introduced to give you gear grinders something to do. Imo, fractal players are far from the normal players in this game.

Fractal players are the most honest of players ….they play for fun and not rewards.

I only play PvE. I have harvested my kitten off since game launch while playing the PvE content with all the crappy nerfed drops, DR, RNG, etc.

Now, finally, my efforts are being rewarded and you are complaining because your game choices are not paying off??

read better
I told speculators are the issue.
People who bough hundreds thousands woodlogs the day before the patch to sell them the day after few at a time manipulating the actual supply/demand

a 1000% increase is not a healthy economy.
is a mess

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

John Smith, You Clever Man!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

a 1000% increase is not a healthy economy.
is a mess

Was sure healthy for my account wallet, though.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

John Smith, You Clever Man!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Anyone can speculate. There is no restriction or license or degree you need to do it. I guess I qualify as a speculator since I was smart enough to buy my mats before everyone else and sell the excess? I’m certainly not wealthy with my 500g. Here is a hint. Look at the blog of things they are changing, see the pattern and buy some mats now. you can make the same % profit as everyone else no matter how much gold you start with. Do this enough times and you will have a decent amount of money.

John Smith, You Clever Man!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obtena.7952


If he was a clever man the precursors wouldn’t be 1000 gold.

What makes you think that’s not inline with what he wants? Makes sense to me … drive people to crafting them later.

John Smith, You Clever Man!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: haviz.1340


Fractals was introduced to give you gear grinders something to do. Imo, fractal players are far from the normal players in this game.

Who is a gear grinder? Someone who plays for challenge, gets 1g for 1hr+ of effort and didn’t want any of ascended crap in the first place? Or the person who believes running around cursed shore, spamming one and gathering wood should give you better gear?

John Smith, You Clever Man!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tentonhammr.7849


Fractals was introduced to give you gear grinders something to do. Imo, fractal players are far from the normal players in this game.

Who is a gear grinder? Someone who plays for challenge, gets 1g for 1hr+ of effort and didn’t want any of ascended crap in the first place? Or the person who believes running around cursed shore, spamming one and gathering wood should give you better gear?

This ^

A Fractal 48 daily nets me a little less than 1g on average, at ~ 1.5 hours doing what was (it is no longer) one of the more challenging pieces of content in the game. I have my legendary weapons already because I’ve been playing since launch, meanwhile the rest if my dungeon team now has less ascended gear than people who chased a hideous looking sylvari all over the map while mashing the 1 key and going afk for 20 min stretches.


(edited by Tentonhammr.7849)

John Smith, You Clever Man!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Fractals was introduced to give you gear grinders something to do. Imo, fractal players are far from the normal players in this game.

Who is a gear grinder? Someone who plays for challenge, gets 1g for 1hr+ of effort and didn’t want any of ascended crap in the first place? Or the person who believes running around cursed shore, spamming one and gathering wood should give you better gear?

This ^

A Fractal 48 daily nets me a little less than 1g on average, at ~ 1.5 hours doing what was (it is no longer) one of the more challenging pieces of content in the game. I have my legendary weapons already because I’ve been playing since launch, meanwhile the rest if my dungeon team now has less ascended gear than people who chased a hideous looking sylvari all over the map while mashing the 1 key and going afk for 20 min stretches.

To some one that solo/duo roams in WvW… 1.5g/H isn’t bad. I’m jealous.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

John Smith, You Clever Man!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tentonhammr.7849


Fractals was introduced to give you gear grinders something to do. Imo, fractal players are far from the normal players in this game.

Who is a gear grinder? Someone who plays for challenge, gets 1g for 1hr+ of effort and didn’t want any of ascended crap in the first place? Or the person who believes running around cursed shore, spamming one and gathering wood should give you better gear?

This ^

A Fractal 48 daily nets me a little less than 1g on average, at ~ 1.5 hours doing what was (it is no longer) one of the more challenging pieces of content in the game. I have my legendary weapons already because I’ve been playing since launch, meanwhile the rest if my dungeon team now has less ascended gear than people who chased a hideous looking sylvari all over the map while mashing the 1 key and going afk for 20 min stretches.

To some one that solo/duo roams in WvW… 1.5g/H isn’t bad. I’m jealous.



John Smith, You Clever Man!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ilr.9675


Isaiah Cartwright and Linsey Murdock put a lot of work into this and they are the ones that deserve your praise.

I’m happy that you are liking the new content!

That’s cool…

But uhh… could you get with Linsey then and discuss the possibility of a roll back on Soft Wood Plank requirements please?? Remember how they used to only require Two or Three …?… Yeah we all remember there was a huge glut there. But with them popping over 2 silv per log now, It’s probably safe to say that glut is loooong gone :p

(edited by ilr.9675)