Kill the 15% Tax
Yes let’s remove the tax and inflate economy even faster :rolleyes:
Actually the only thing I am looking for is for the TP to be useful and not be used as a garbage bin for people too lazy or too busy to locate a vendor.
You may disagree with other people’s playing styles but your judgment isn’t going to change anything because people will continue to do this. Another solution must be found and you may not like the answer but such is life – alter your perception.
Right now it is useless for selling crafted items or random drops. When more money is made vendoring these items than actually trying to sell them on the TP, this makes crafting worthless.
You are in a market where there is more supply than demand. Of course crafting is going to be “worthless” in comparison to where there is more demand than supply.
What exactly were you expecting right after the initial release of an MMO?
Your drops are only worth vendor price? Then vendor them. They aren’t going to net you any more profit on the TP so stop beating your head against the wall.
With a total tax of 15%, crafting and selling items has a VERY small margin that makes it no longer worth the effort and risk.
Also, since I didn’t know about this tax till today, I have lost a lot of money. And don’t start saying that I should have know it. I played every beta test, I’m in one of the biggest guilds and I very frequently read the wiki and forums. It just never occured to me that the BLTP was charging me more money then that wich it indicates when you list the item. For a week I was convinged that it was a bug so I placed bug reports and contacted support over it.
That a game needs gold sinks and that inflation has to be prevented, obviously. But the information should be clear for everybody and crafting should worthwhile.
people just blindly put things up for minimum amount as a form of storage while out doing other things.
I don’t believe this actually ever happens. While people are out doing other things, they might dump stuff at the minimum value to get it out of their inventory and eventually get some copper later (though less than if they sold it to a vendor). I highly doubt anyone is using it as a bank (with the intent of using those items later), and I definitely refuse to believe that’s what the one-copper-over-vendor-price listers are doing, seeing as their items will sell first.
Wrong I use it as a bank for all my greens which then get put into the forge if not sold, also if I’m far away from a vendor doing content and my bag fills up I’ll make space by listing stuff instead of running to the vendor, simple efficiency I imagine many do it.
The 15% is fine, it’s idiots that post items for 1c more then vendor price that is killing any form of profit >.<
The 15% is fine, it’s idiots that post items for 1c more then vendor price that is killing any form of profit >.<
What profit would that be, if there is no demand for those items?
Yeah, if more people wanted those items than were selling them, there wouldn’t be hundreds or even thousands of them sitting in the TP at minimum value. People (myself included) aren’t willing to spend much more than vendor price for mid-level blues and greens that aren’t stunningly fantastic and which are going to be outleveled in a few more days of playing. If you want to craft and make more money on the TP than through a vendor, you pretty much need to make Rare or better items.
Or take some actual time to see what’s selling for how much before crafting a bunch of stuff. Personally, I largely use crafting as a way to level up crafting (and get some xp and occasional good equipment for my own toons in the process), so until I max it out, I’m quite content to break even or operate at a slight financial loss while doing so.
maxster…you beat me to it.
I don’t mind the tax, but wish the selling tax were as obvious as the listing tax. Blatantly displaying the listing tax implies that costs are shown, and that there’s no need to look into other costs. Once somebody knows about it, they can calculate it easily enough, but at least put one of those pop-up hints the first time you list something!
People wonder why there are gold sellers and spam in all the channels.
1) Who wants to post a crafted exotic on the TP when you lose 40+ silver in taxes when you could put it in /sh and not get charged the 40s?
2) For those who do buy gold I think they’re both brave and stupid because they can get banned, however I understand why they do it. >> If you can get 20g for $20 or 4g for $20 the 20g for $20 is the better deal.
maxster…you beat me to it.
Actually, real problem that TP is used as garbage bin.