Listing item at vendor price
Quite a few other posts covering this one. Yes, it’s dumb. Lots of people will still do it, because they think it makes sense for them – not really sure how, but that’s their prerogative.
Makes sense if you are lazy or in somewhere where there is no vendor. You don’t want to leave where you are at because the cost to waypoint would be greater than the cost to sell on the market for a fee.
Makes sense if you are lazy or in somewhere where there is no vendor. You don’t want to leave where you are at because the cost to waypoint would be greater than the cost to sell on the market for a fee.
Thanks for your reply!!
This still doesn’t compute for me, since it would actually make more sense to delete items in a full pack situation, which means you would break even, instead of listing them on the AH at vendor price and actually LOSING money.
Maybe I am just underestimating the <dare I say> stupidity of the average person….
not too surprising considering the state the american education system is at
Makes sense if you are lazy or in somewhere where there is no vendor. You don’t want to leave where you are at because the cost to waypoint would be greater than the cost to sell on the market for a fee.
Thanks for your reply!!
This still doesn’t compute for me, since it would actually make more sense to delete items in a full pack situation, which means you would break even, instead of listing them on the AH at vendor price and actually LOSING money.
Maybe I am just underestimating the <dare I say> stupidity of the average person….
You’re still not losing money. Let’s suppose your inventory is full, after you’ve find an item that will sell to the vendor at 1s. If you destroy it, you lose it. If you sell it on the trading post, you may lose 15% of 1s, but that is still 85c that you didn’t have before. Should think about that before commenting on other people’s stupidity… just saying
Well…sometimes when people don’t understand things…especially when they are too stubborn to admit they are wrong…or they lack the foundation and overly simplify complex stuffs…they tend to think others that don’t share their point of view are stupid.
I find that a lot of things in GW2 market may seem stupid at first…but there is actually a very good reason why its the way it is.
why would someone want to “break even” when receiving loot, rather than selling it for lets ~vendor price and no… you’re not losing money
i’ve been in a dungeon plenty of times where my bags full, i can either leave 1s on the floor, or list it for vendor price and in the end receive 80 copper… it’s pretty logical what the right thing to do is
When I search for an item in the AH, I see many items that are listed for sale at the sell-to-vendor price, or within a few copper of that price. This strikes as downright dumb, since the AH subtracts their 15% fee from your sale before sending you the proceeds. This would mean that you would get less from selling an item on the AH than if you sold it to an NPC vendor. Am I missing something here, or are there just a lot of ignorant peeps out there ?
Yes, you are and you happen to be one of them.
I agree it strikes you as dumb but that means you simply do not understand why they are doing it.
One need only imagine one scenario where it’s more beneficial to sell something at 85% of its total value versus 0% to understand why it isn’t “dumb” to do so. That scenario has already been mentioned here twice.
(edited by Dishconnected.8360)
The sale fee isn’t mentioned anywhere, only the listing fee. So the majority probably doesn’t realize this and the game doesn’t tell them, it needs to be made less obscure.
The sale fee isn’t mentioned anywhere, only the listing fee. So the majority probably doesn’t realize this and the game doesn’t tell them, it needs to be made less obscure.
I agree some fixes are in order.
Have you mentioned them on the official forums where a dev can take a look?
They don’t seems to realize they paid zero coins for the loot in the first place…so how is selling cheaper losing money? If I value convenience for the loss in profit, then so be it.
You have a full inventory and in the middle of a long dynamic event where you are killing hundreds of mobs in waves.
You can either start deleting items in your bag (getting zero money) or you can post it on the TP for a possible loss of 5% to 15%, then when you have time go to the TP, cancel or your sell order and vender the item when you have room.
Which is more “dumb”, deleting the item and getting nothing because your bags or full or posting it on the TP and selling it once you hit town?
I think I know what event you’re talking about. Does it involves centaur?
No, not that one, this one involved taking a spirit to it’s tree shell and fighting waves of Hylek.
But I think the first time I did it the mission was bugged because they Hylek never stopped coming (was there for over 30 minutes before I just gave up).
At that point I was posting items on the TP constantly at vender price because I had filled my 8 bag slots.
The sale fee isn’t mentioned anywhere, only the listing fee. So the majority probably doesn’t realize this and the game doesn’t tell them, it needs to be made less obscure.
Best answer right here.
Maybe the TP should not let you post something for less than merch price + sale fee + listing fee?
It’s a non issue if someone else gets below vendor price.