Overall increase in prices
Exploiters? It’s called inflation. Deal with it.
Ectos (and almost all high level mats) have been steadily dropping in price for the last 10 days.
Dawn is cheaper now than it was a month ago. November 9th, 362 gold. Today, 301 gold (looking at sell orders here).
Charged Lodestones were up around 2.9 gold at the end of October. The price went down. Now it’s back up.
Seriously, if you’re going to complain… Check your facts.
This site can help you with that: http://www.gw2spidy.com
Yes, it is called inflation. But it is not normal, when precursor’s price is going up by 100g/month. It is NOT possible to deal with it.
And the reason for that vast increase is only because of Arena.Net. I don’t see anything they do to prevent this.
“Charged Lodestones were up around 2.9 gold at the end of October. The price went down. Now it’s back up.”
Do you have proof? Not saying that you’re lying, but…Don’t really remember that price. I know, it was higher and it went down thanks to Fractals, but this fact is not helping anymore.
About Dawn – could be. 61 gold is not big enough for you?
Another example, Abyss dye. Something like a month ago or a bit more it was 4.5g. Now it’s 19.5g. Isn’t large enough inflation for you?)
Another example, t6 Blood. Hundreds percent increase.
10 days stability for ecto prices? Wow, it’s an achievement. I guess I should be really happy that it’s not 1g/ea yet.
“Charged Lodestones were up around 2.9 gold at the end of October. The price went down. Now it’s back up.”
Do you have proof?
Not saying that you’re lying, but…Don’t really remember that price. I know, it was higher and it went down thanks to Fractals, but this fact is not helping anymore.
About Dawn – could be. 61 gold is not big enough for you?
Another example, Abyss dye. Something like a month ago or a bit more it was 4.5g. Now it’s 19.5g. Isn’t large enough inflation for you?)
Another example, t6 Blood. Hundreds percent increase.
10 days stability for ecto prices? Wow, it’s an achievement. I guess I should be really happy that it’s not 1g/ea yet.
Charged Lodestones proof: http://www.gw2spidy.com/item/24305
About Dawn: A 61 gold decrease in price is pretty big yes.
Vial of Powerful Blood: Yes it spiked significantly about a month ago. It has also dropped from 30 silver to 21 silver a vial in the last 10 days. http://www.gw2spidy.com/item/24305
Ectos: I didn’t say stability, I said decreased in price. November 30, 37 silver. Today 31 to 32 silver. http://www.gw2spidy.com/item/19721
Almost everything started dropping in price around noon pacific time on November 30th. I don’t know why, it just did. Prices have been in decline on most high end crafting mats since then.
You seem to think Anet has something to do with this…
They don’t.
If Anet makes any changes to an item in a way that changes its value, the player-base is the determining force for how much that item is going to be worth. Main exception to this would be if they added existing items to in-game vendors at a set price.
EDIT: +1 to the poster below
If you don’t like it, blame the players, because we’re the ones who control the TP.
(edited by Mousethecat.1835)
Just another person who doesn’t understand how markets work. Please realize that the only reason why prices stay the way they are is because there are people WILLING to pay it. If you don’t like it, blame the players, because we’re the ones who control the TP.
ps – If you need Charged Lodestones, let me know. A majority of the stock on the TP is from my Guild. I’ll give you a friend discount of 1 silver per rock.
Thanks for the website. Actually, it even strenghted my words about overall price increase.
Dawn – it was CONSTANTLY increasing in price until…that event, when many people got it. After this what happened? That’s right nothing. Again, it’s increasing in price overall. Where is solution to this? Another event, again increase, then another event or what?
Loadstones, again – it’s increasing since 19 November and not stopping.
The same about everything.
When I said “a month” I did not ment EXACTLY 1 month meaning 9th of November, but general october-november past.
You seem to think Anet has something to do with this…
They don’t.
They do. When they don’t ban bots in time – it’s only profitable to ban them in waves. When they don’t ban exploiters. When they break drop rates (recent problems with dye and drop from champions). When they set overrall probability of getting an item.
When there’s a freak change due to whatever reason (espicially because of them), they should interfere and stabilise it.
Where is solution to this?
Google the following phrase: How markets work
There’s a wealth of information for you. No need to thank me.
I guess all those people answering, you just don’t care about the prices, because you:
1) either made a lot of gold in early stages of the game
2) have everything already
3) playing 1 hour/day and don’t care about all things like precursors
Lucky you I can say
P/S I know how markets work, thanks to economics I studied/studying Worth mentioning btw, real life market laws do not work/fully work in mmos, shame you don’t understand it
P/S I know how markets work, thanks to economics I studied/studying
Worth mentioning btw, real life market laws do not work/fully work in mmos, shame you don’t understand it
Lesson time:
Supply – 300 Charged Lodestones
Demand – 5,000 players wanting them
Outcome A – 1 to 5,000 players willing to pay any price to obtain them. Price goes up.
Outcome B – Players unable to afford them rage. Random forum topic about how the market is broken is born.
You’re welcome.
And now add to your statement the fact that “when supply of cores/lodestones increases from 300 to 550” in several days, the price rises still. And try to explain it, smart one
This topic is not for you, guys. You all have twillights allready, no doubt about it
And now add to your statement the fact that “when supply of cores/lodestones increases from 300 to 550” in several days, the price rises still. And try to explain it, smart one
1) Because me and my Guild farm them daily (1 to 5 drops per Guildie per hour).
2) We don’t put them all up on the TP at the same time, since we would compete with only ourselves at that point.
3) We sell only at prices people are willing to pay.
4) If you’re willing to pay 10 Gold per rock, we’re more than happy to sell it. But it’s not at that level yet.
5) We’ll lower prices if anyone else finds our farm spot and starts to compete on the TP.
(edited by Smooth Penguin.5294)
Not having any of the raw data that ANet has, I can’t be certain about this, but I’m fairly sure that a large part of this general increase in prices is due to the fact that the “crest” of the player base has now reached level 80 and are starting to gobble up Legendaries and other end-game items at a ravenous pace. Level 80’s can also farm gold faster and more effectively than low-level players, but if they don’t farm the desired items themselves, all that happens is that players pay more for a limited supply, which leads to increased prices. Prices are increasing because players are becoming wealthier and are more willing to pay higher prices for items. Hence, inflation.
And because I’m sure somebody is going to chime in with “you’re forcing me to buy gold from gold sellers because everything’s too expensive!” at some point, it’s worth mentioning that buying gold from gold sellers will only exacerbate this problem. You’re just increasing the gold supply in the game, which means you again have more people willing to pay higher prices for items, which makes prices rise again.
The only way to bring prices back down is to increase supply, either by more players willing to farm the items themselves (ANet’s preferred option, I’m sure) or by ANet determining that prices for desired commodities are getting out of control and increase drop rates (and they’ll need to come up with a way to suck the excess gold out of the system too).
I guess all those people answering, you just don’t care about prices, because you:
1) either made a lot of gold in early stages of the game
2) have everything already
3) playing 1 hour/day and don’t care about all things like precursorsLucky you I can say
P/S I know how markets work, thanks to economics I studied/studying
Worth mentioning btw, real life market laws do not work/fully work in mmos, shame you don’t understand it
Please continue with your studies. When you make it out of school please come back. Maybe then we can laugh about that comment. You clearly haven’t made it past intro to m’cro.
I’m just gonna derail this for a moment, to point out some problems I have with the OP’s posts.
- Assuming an item raising 100g in a month = a steady trend of increasing 100g/month
- Assuming things of the other posters, in an attempt to disregard their opinions
- Responding to the thread with a post that contains nothing but
That’s real constructive and mature :\
I just really wanted to say, Anarion, is that your last post is an insult to every responder, and to the purpose of these forums. I can’t see anything else behind it, and it makes it difficult to take you seriously in a discussion.
This is meant to be taken as constructive criticism. I hope it’s taken as such.
(edited by Mousethecat.1835)
That’s pretty much what I and many others (like John Smith) have said in these forums. +1 to you
As for all the complainers, what it comes down to is people don’t understand how markets work. It’s not their fault, as many games don’t have such player driven dynamic markets, where WE actually control the price of goods. It’s new to them, and will probably take time to learn.
If no one purchased my Charged Lodestones for what I’m selling them for, we’d be forced to drop the price to a point where it’ll sell. But all it takes is a few players with the willingness to pay the prices, so too will we be happy to sell them.
The sooner people understand this, the less people will complain that the market is broken. It’s like arguing with Apple that their iPads are too expensive, yet there’s a line out their door to pay $600 for the latest ones.
(edited by Smooth Penguin.5294)
You don’t see the underlying naivety in declaring that “WE actually control the price of goods”?
You may sit at what you consider the end of the fiscal chain, determining prices based upon perceptions of demand, and declare that the only way to bring prices down is to increase supply, but unfortunately the only thing you are effectively doing is driving the rate at which people will give in and buy gems to get the gold to afford what they want, because they certainly cannot accrue wealth or means for trade with the current drop rate concerns.
Supply is absolutely throttled and controlled, demand for reduced resources escalates prices, especially in light of the ever-raised bar of gear tiers, and so on.
Prices cannot be relaxed when the supply chain is crippled. Your short-term profit might engender feelings of economic supremacy over the uneducated masses in the short term, but don’t forget the thing about bubbles…
I’ve never understood what all the crying about the market is. Ever since the Lost Shores update, I’ve been raking gold in at a reasonable rate. Shiny lodestone dropped? Don’t need it, get rid of it. 3 powerful blood off the harpy fractal? Sold. If you want to keep every single drop you get forever then sure, you’d be crying about the market. Perhaps you can stop hoarding your 1/500th collected mats for Infinite Light and your 0.5% complete essense of the foefire checklist, embrace the (very) ample opportunities for profit on the market and work with it. You can’t, however, have your cake and eat it too.
The price of T5 and T6 materials (and subsequently exotics, rares and ectos) are all dropping and have been for nearly a week solid. Where’s this overall price rise the Op speaks of?
There’s been a rise in some luxury items like certain precursors, dyes, and a few market manipulation attempts. Hell even the dyes it’s only the top end dyes that are rising, the generic dyes are still 30-50 copper each, people just want the fancy schmasy stuff like abyss and celestial.
I guess if you want to wear celestial abyssal dyed T3 ascended armour to go with your eternity blade yes the market is bad. But if your sights are a bit more realistic life is good.
And now add to your statement the fact that “when supply of cores/lodestones increases from 300 to 550” in several days, the price rises still. And try to explain it, smart one
There’s still 5000 people trying to buy 550 items. The price’ll continue to rise but slower, until supply exceeds demand price typically will continue to rise.
On a side note I think you’ll find most traders don’t own legendary weapons… I can think of way better things to do with my gold than buy some plastic toy sword; such as buying materials cheap to sell back to the fools who’ll pay me for the parts to make a plastic toy sword.
Garnished Toast
(edited by Ryuujin.8236)
There’s still 5000 people trying to buy 550 items. The price’ll continue to rise but slower, until supply exceeds demand price typically will continue to rise.
On a side note I think you’ll find most traders don’t own legendary weapons… I can think of way better things to do with my gold than buy some plastic toy sword; such as buying materials cheap to sell back to the fools who’ll pay me for the parts to make a plastic toy sword.
It’s rather difficult to keep a straight face whilst reading that last part there…
You don’t actually believe that a pile of imaginary gold has more inherent worth than a plastic toy sword, do you?
If anything, in a fantasy game of floppy-eared gremlin geniuses and seething, rage-fuelled techno kitties all clambering over one another to hurl magical fireballs at purple dragons, the plastic toy sword is the preferable collectible, because at least you can stick it in the monsters to make them stop trying to eat you. Plus it gets you out into the healthy, illusionary fresh air.
Whereas pretending to be a serious trader parked in a whimsical upturned boat market on a pile of pretend coins is just a tad, errm, pitiable…
There’s still 5000 people trying to buy 550 items. The price’ll continue to rise but slower, until supply exceeds demand price typically will continue to rise.
On a side note I think you’ll find most traders don’t own legendary weapons… I can think of way better things to do with my gold than buy some plastic toy sword; such as buying materials cheap to sell back to the fools who’ll pay me for the parts to make a plastic toy sword.
It’s rather difficult to keep a straight face whilst reading that last part there…
You don’t actually believe that a pile of imaginary gold has more inherent worth than a plastic toy sword, do you?
If anything, in a fantasy game of floppy-eared gremlin geniuses and seething, rage-fuelled techno kitties all clambering over one another to hurl magical fireballs at purple dragons, the plastic toy sword is the preferable collectible, because at least you can stick it in the monsters to make them stop trying to eat you. Plus it gets you out into the healthy, illusionary fresh air.
Whereas pretending to be a serious trader parked in a whimsical upturned boat market on a pile of pretend coins is just a tad, errm, pitiable…
Of course a toy sword is no more valuable than a bunch’ve imaginary coins.
But I can use those imaginary coins to buy a wide range of neat imaginary things to make my fun times in the game even more fun for a great deal less than the plastic sword. If these threads about the economy prove anything it is that many people seeking imaginary plastic swords are not actually happy
Whereas I am having fun trading imaginary gold, and having fun with the imaginary fruits of my trading. I’d say that a lot less pitiable than stressing out over having to spend hours doing stuff I hate, for an imaginary object. Incidentally, I spend around 20 minutes a day actually trading, I’ve refined my processes by this stage that I don’t have to spend all my time hunched over the trading post in Rata Sum. I just pop in a few times a day, update my orders and gone again, dungeoning, questing, helping friends, exploring, WvWing… just not farming; which I’m super happy about.
Garnished Toast
(edited by Ryuujin.8236)