Sell Lodestones now

Sell Lodestones now

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Posted by: Vol.5241


Colin just said this:

“Additional ways for other items like lodestones will arrive later this summer, there part of a much larger reward overhaul (outlined in very high level detail here) we’ll go into more low level detail when we update the status of this blog:

The dust solution was a quicker low hanging fruit change outside of the larger reward system overhauls, so we figured we’d get it out quickly based on all of your feedback.

As always, thanks again for feedback folks!"

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Magic find works.

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Posted by: Khisanth.2948


… unless it involves more laurels again.

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Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


If it involves laurels then I don’t think it will be a problem. After I got to 100 laurels I just stopped doing dailies. I’m sure there are people with 150+ with nothing that interests them.

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Posted by: Gasoline.2570


If it involves laurels then I don’t think it will be a problem. After I got to 100 laurels I just stopped doing dailies. I’m sure there are people with 150+ with nothing that interests them.

I wish life was so simple for me.

I’ve spent 180 laurels on amulets and the utilities alone…

The balance team is chained to SPVP, and the PVE team is all about producing carnivals

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Posted by: OmniPotentes.4817


Regardless of what Colin said. Start dumping your lodestones cause crafting them from cores will raise supplies now that the dust issue has been fixed. So start dumping them quick.

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Posted by: colesy.8490


Yes, please dump them so I can get them cheaper.

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

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Posted by: Khisanth.2948


If it involves laurels then I don’t think it will be a problem. After I got to 100 laurels I just stopped doing dailies. I’m sure there are people with 150+ with nothing that interests them.

Got my cat tonic. Getting some ascended stuff now. With 9 characters I don’t think I’ll run out of uses for laurels any time soon and if I did there are still 2 minis. If I STILL have excess laurels after that then probably Mystic Binding Agents.

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Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I’m sitting at 178 Laurels now. I’m reserving 75 of them to buy Karmic Infusions for my characters (but I’m also waiting to see if ANet introduces new ways to craft/forge Ascended items). The rest I’m saving to convert into Heavy Crafting Bags for when I start T6 crafting or to convert into Unid’ed Dyes for sale. (At current prices, that’s about 1.5 gold for 5 Laurels. Not bad at all.)

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Posted by: Obtena.7952


If you consider it takes 5 days to get those laurels, 1.5 gold doesn’t sound that great actually. Still, I don’t think selling your lodestones is a good advice … the only lodestones that will go down if they do will be the most expensive ones.

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Posted by: Osi.3504


If it involves laurels then I don’t think it will be a problem. After I got to 100 laurels I just stopped doing dailies. I’m sure there are people with 150+ with nothing that interests them.

Doubt it, I play one 80 only, bought only an amulet with laurels, and have 148 laruels right now and didn’t miss many dailies. I’m getting the mini’s next, followed by the endless tonic.

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Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

If it involves laurels then I don’t think it will be a problem. After I got to 100 laurels I just stopped doing dailies. I’m sure there are people with 150+ with nothing that interests them.

I wish life was so simple for me.

I’ve spent 180 laurels on amulets and the utilities alone…

Were you the one complaining that Laurels are being manipulated by day traders?

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

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Posted by: akamon.2769


everyone sell them for cheap nao! XDD

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

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Posted by: Khisanth.2948


If it involves laurels then I don’t think it will be a problem. After I got to 100 laurels I just stopped doing dailies. I’m sure there are people with 150+ with nothing that interests them.

I wish life was so simple for me.

I’ve spent 180 laurels on amulets and the utilities alone…

Were you the one complaining that Laurels are being manipulated by day traders?

How does one go about manipulating laurels? O_o

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Posted by: Nike.2631


I think it involves causing state-wide internet outages.

Laurels are just mystic coins minus the stupid.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

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Posted by: Roman Legionary.6715

Roman Legionary.6715

If it involves laurels then I don’t think it will be a problem. After I got to 100 laurels I just stopped doing dailies. I’m sure there are people with 150+ with nothing that interests them.

I wish life was so simple for me.

I’ve spent 180 laurels on amulets and the utilities alone…

Were you the one complaining that Laurels are being manipulated by day traders?

How does one go about manipulating laurels? O_o

There was a bug that allowed you to get multiple laurels a day. After a few tests I found it was easy to repeat. I reported it and moved on. I will not go into detail about how to do it.

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Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


Maybe I’ll actually be able to get infinite light without needing 800G now.

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Posted by: Mada.5319


Yes, yes, please sell all your lodestones now so that I (and most likely the OP) can buy em all for dirt cheap then when this “overhaul” occurs and we realize nothing has really changed, we can sell for huge profit. kkthnx

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Posted by: Amun Ra.6435

Amun Ra.6435

Yes, yes, please sell all your lodestones now so that I (and most likely the OP) can buy em all for dirt cheap then when this “overhaul” occurs and we realize nothing has really changed, we can sell for huge profit. kkthnx

Well lodestone are going to get easier to get, I would expect something along the lines of what they did for dust. So don’t say you were not warned when you get burned for buying up tons of lodestones.

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Posted by: Obtena.7952


Is that a confirmed truth or something players tell themselves to feel good? I haven’t seen anyone say they will be easier to get other than players.

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Posted by: Nike.2631


Is that a confirmed truth or something players tell themselves to feel good? I haven’t seen anyone say they will be easier to get other than players.

The original post includes a quote from the high mucky-muck that is quite recent .

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

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Posted by: ilr.9675


later this summer

Adjust for Anet’s timezone (~one season too late) and this isn’t a problem…
Infact given the Supply increases during summer, it’s probably better to hold on a bit longer. And also figure in, probably the biggest change… will actually be a DECREASE in the drop rate of the overly common ones (like Icky Essences & Red Glowey Whatsits)

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Posted by: Gasoline.2570


If it involves laurels then I don’t think it will be a problem. After I got to 100 laurels I just stopped doing dailies. I’m sure there are people with 150+ with nothing that interests them.

I wish life was so simple for me.

I’ve spent 180 laurels on amulets and the utilities alone…

Were you the one complaining that Laurels are being manipulated by day traders?

I wish I knew what you were talking about. Time to lay off the pipe, son.

The balance team is chained to SPVP, and the PVE team is all about producing carnivals

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Posted by: Zinfamous.3180


I doubt it would be laurel vendors—already overburdened.

guild comms? I can see them doing this, but that would be horrible.

My money is on making them obtainable with dungeon tokens from the dungeon vendors in LA? stones and cores are already dungeon-specific, GW2 has a serious gaping problem of no one running dungeons outside of CoF 1 and basically creating an entire population of serious dungeon noobs.

maybe 1-3 tiers of RNG boxes for lodestone/core drops with the max “wealthy” box being 500 tokens?

This would be great, because I already run CoE regularly and I quite enjoy it—now Imagine all the long-time noobs kittening about how “hard it is!” when they first try it.


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Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

If it involves laurels then I don’t think it will be a problem. After I got to 100 laurels I just stopped doing dailies. I’m sure there are people with 150+ with nothing that interests them.

I wish life was so simple for me.

I’ve spent 180 laurels on amulets and the utilities alone…

Were you the one complaining that Laurels are being manipulated by day traders?

I wish I knew what you were talking about. Time to lay off the pipe, son.

Sorry. You complain about so many things in this game, I lose track of what is what. That’s why I asked if you were the one who mentioned it. Maybe I’m confusing Laurels for Precursors?

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Sell Lodestones now

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mada.5319


Yes, yes, please sell all your lodestones now so that I (and most likely the OP) can buy em all for dirt cheap then when this “overhaul” occurs and we realize nothing has really changed, we can sell for huge profit. kkthnx

Well lodestone are going to get easier to get, I would expect something along the lines of what they did for dust. So don’t say you were not warned when you get burned for buying up tons of lodestones.

Anet never specified how they are going to make this change. For all we know, they could make it so you can buy them with laurels/commendations etc. That wouldn’t result in much change would it?

Sell Lodestones now

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zinfamous.3180


Yes, yes, please sell all your lodestones now so that I (and most likely the OP) can buy em all for dirt cheap then when this “overhaul” occurs and we realize nothing has really changed, we can sell for huge profit. kkthnx

Well lodestone are going to get easier to get, I would expect something along the lines of what they did for dust. So don’t say you were not warned when you get burned for buying up tons of lodestones.

Anet never specified how they are going to make this change. For all we know, they could make it so you can buy them with laurels/commendations etc. That wouldn’t result in much change would it?

I think my suggestion of using dungeon tokens makes tons of sense—

—several lodestones and cores are already specifically tied to dungeons: e.g., TA, CoF, CoE, HotW. Though I am not aware of crystal, putrid, destroyer dropping anywhere, specifically.
—RNG? boxes (like those bought from laurel vendors) could be purchased from LA dungeon vendors. This would certainly effect the cost of lodestones, but it would perhaps be a slow trickle. People basically just run CoF and FotM…which means mostly just piles of CoF tokens out in the world. And this helps alleviate another problem:
—Players explore outside of CoF and learn how to play other dungeons.

major win.

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Posted by: ilr.9675


The basic situation isn’t going to change until we have other ways of getting Binding Agents too… Getting “Thread” & Plated Dowels from dungeon & JumpPuz chests in addition would also go a long ways (although very circuitously)

If it was just left up to buying them with Dungeon tokens, then all the stupid COF’ers would start demanding a way to exchange their Tokens for COE tokens, and then those of us will REAL skill who ran a bunch of Arahs would all be looking at nothing but Essences which A> NO ONE WANTS, B>Dropped from regular undead mobs all the time anyway, & C> aren’t used in ANY decent recipes or runes.

(edited by ilr.9675)

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Posted by: Curo.2483


Whyyyyy are people asking for RNG boxes?

Curo Lunesque – “Concerned Citizen and Community Builder”

Sell Lodestones now

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Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Yes, yes, please sell all your lodestones now so that I (and most likely the OP) can buy em all for dirt cheap then when this “overhaul” occurs and we realize nothing has really changed, we can sell for huge profit. kkthnx

Well lodestone are going to get easier to get, I would expect something along the lines of what they did for dust. So don’t say you were not warned when you get burned for buying up tons of lodestones.

Anet never specified how they are going to make this change. For all we know, they could make it so you can buy them with laurels/commendations etc. That wouldn’t result in much change would it?

Given the context of Colin’s response this is actually unlikely but you never know. The implementation of this lodestone source is somehow supposed to be more difficult than the ecto → dust change. If it’s just buying them with laurels/commendations then it should be very easy. Any laurel to lodestone exchange would have to be at 1:1 or better otherwise it would be fairly pointless. It would have to be even higher for commendations since those are even slower. If neither of those are true then the new way would be even slower than the old.

Sell Lodestones now

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Obtena.7952


If it involves laurels then I don’t think it will be a problem. After I got to 100 laurels I just stopped doing dailies. I’m sure there are people with 150+ with nothing that interests them.

I wish life was so simple for me.

I’ve spent 180 laurels on amulets and the utilities alone…

Were you the one complaining that Laurels are being manipulated by day traders?

I wish I knew what you were talking about. Time to lay off the pipe, son.

Sorry. You complain about so many things in this game, I lose track of what is what. That’s why I asked if you were the one who mentioned it. Maybe I’m confusing Laurels for Precursors?

If he wasn’t the one, it was probably on his list. I think so far he’s got:

1. Lodestones
2. Something about market prices and T6 mats
3. precursor price and drop rate

It was just a matter of time.

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Posted by: Zinfamous.3180


Whyyyyy are people asking for RNG boxes?

Oh, I hate RNG boxes—well, I hate the event-tied, buy off gem store and get nothing but crap type of RNG boxes.

For my suggestion—I’m talking about the type of RNG boxes from the laurel vendor or comm vendor. You are guaranteed to get the particular lodestone, but the amount is random. so maybe a small box that gives from 1-3 cores or a lodestone, or a large box that gives 1-5 lodestones.

something like that.

Sell Lodestones now

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zinfamous.3180


The basic situation isn’t going to change until we have other ways of getting Binding Agents too… Getting “Thread” & Plated Dowels from dungeon & JumpPuz chests in addition would also go a long ways (although very circuitously)

If it was just left up to buying them with Dungeon tokens, then all the stupid COF’ers would start demanding a way to exchange their Tokens for COE tokens, and then those of us will REAL skill who ran a bunch of Arahs would all be looking at nothing but Essences which A> NO ONE WANTS, B>Dropped from regular undead mobs all the time anyway, & C> aren’t used in ANY decent recipes or runes.

well, think about it this way—only CoF is popular these days, followed by Arah. At the very least, you get tons of new interest in TA, CoE, HotW. and CoFers will still want molten stones, I guess. for their Volcanus.

What about a separate vendor that eats up any and all dungeon tokens for boxes that randomly drop all types of stones? That pretty much sucks….but it’s better, at least, than Orrian Boxes, which many people use just for lodestones.

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Posted by: Demigott.4150


Anything new abouth the possibility to get lodestones with the laurel vendor?

I guess 3 laurels = 1 lodestone is a good trade…

one laurel is maybe 50s worth, more or less sometimes…

so 3 would mean 1,5g for one lodestone…all other lodestones expect the charged one are already under 1,5g ….

In my eyes its only fair for the people who also want special gear with charged lodestone requirements, it would even things out and would possible drop all expensive lodestones between 1-1,5g

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Posted by: Nike.2631


No specific word yet other than lodestones were mentioned as one of the possible contents for the new kill-a-champion boxes.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

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Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Depends on many things. Such as whether Asia is going to be hooked up to the global TP, and whether the new legendaries will slurp many or few lodestones.