Sickening market manipulators
If you yourself have an OCD need to fill it in, more power to you. Realize however, that you’re making a conscious choice to chase after a luxury item.
No more than the “OCD” need people have for Best in Slot gear in a game that you can generally waltz through in greens once you know the fights.
Its not a goal people made up, its a goal the Devs enshrined. Honestly, without that goal, I suspect most people are largely done with what this game has to offer after a few months. The huge gap in goals between BIS-every-slot and Legendaries is one of the things the Devs have specifically highlighted as an issue they need to address.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
No more than the “OCD” need people have for Best in Slot gear in a game that you can generally waltz through in greens once you know the fights.
Its not a goal people made up, its a goal the Devs enshrined. Honestly, without that goal, I suspect most people are largely done with what this game has to offer after a few months. The huge gap in goals between BIS-every-slot and Legendaries is one of the things the Devs have specifically highlighted as an issue they need to address.
At this point, I’m guessing you are purposefully ignoring portions of my posts.
BiS gear (Exotics) actually offer an improvement in gameplay over greens. Legendaries don’t offer any improvement in gameplay over exotics (Ascended in the future). This is why Legendaries are considered “luxury items.” Though I feel like I’ve hammer this point repeatedly, it feels to me you’re still not comprehending it properly?
Also again, please stop with the “Devs are forcing us to get Legendaries.” If you feel forced to do so because because of that log-in seal, that’s good for you. Heck if you really just want that seal, go ahead and craft an underwater Legendary. But not getting a Legendary does not impair your playing of this game in any way.
And lastly, please don’t act like those fancy skin 300-500G exotic weapons (Volcanus, Foefire, Aether, etc. etc…) don’t exist. There are many cosmetic skins to grind for that is not a Legendary.
No more than the “OCD” need people have for Best in Slot gear in a game that you can generally waltz through in greens once you know the fights.
Its not a goal people made up, its a goal the Devs enshrined. Honestly, without that goal, I suspect most people are largely done with what this game has to offer after a few months. The huge gap in goals between BIS-every-slot and Legendaries is one of the things the Devs have specifically highlighted as an issue they need to address.
At this point, I’m guessing you are purposefully ignoring portions of my posts.
BiS gear (Exotics) actually offer an improvement in gameplay over greens. Legendaries don’t offer any improvement in gameplay over exotics (Ascended in the future). This is why Legendaries are considered “luxury items.” Though I feel like I’ve hammer this point repeatedly, it feels to me you’re still not comprehending it properly?
Also again, please stop with the “Devs are forcing us to get Legendaries.” If you feel forced to do so because because of that log-in seal, that’s good for you. Heck if you really just want that seal, go ahead and craft an underwater Legendary. But not getting a Legendary does not impair your playing of this game in any way.
And lastly, please don’t act like those fancy skin 300-500G exotic weapons (Volcanus, Foefire, Aether, etc. etc…) don’t exist. There are many cosmetic skins to grind for that is not a Legendary.
Legendaries do have the distinction of being BiS now and forever. While that exotic will be second rate at some point, the legendary will not. This means effectively never having to need another weapon, thus bypassing tier progression as it unviels over the life of the game. This bit is reaching some, but for the time it takes for player to gain the new tier once released….(ie… takes us minimum 20-25 days for ascended amulets except the triforge)… the legendary will offer a stat advantage.
Anywho, there is nothing in the game that forces you to be good at the game. After all it’s just a game that gives players the option to partake in whatever they please. By the same pretense that no one is forced to obtain a legendary… one is forced to progress past the initial instances or character creation for that matter.
Legendaries do have the distinction of being BiS now and forever. While that exotic will be second rate at some point, the legendary will not. This means effectively never having to need another weapon, thus bypassing tier progression as it unviels over the life of the game. This bit is reaching some, but for the time it takes for player to gain the new tier once released….(ie… takes us minimum 20-25 days for ascended amulets except the triforge)… the legendary will offer a stat advantage.
1. They have said that Ascended will be the only tier they are adding.
2. The grind for getting an Ascended weapon, when it does indeed come out, will be FAR less grindy than the Legendary grind.
So basically, if you want to grind that Legendary for BiS status so you have to avoid grinding for that Ascended……………I question your logic.
Anywho, there is nothing in the game that forces you to be good at the game. After all it’s just a game that gives players the option to partake in whatever they please. By the same pretense that no one is forced to obtain a legendary… one is forced to progress past the initial instances or character creation for that matter.
If you stay in LA or your starting race’s area, you’re missing out on game content.
If you don’t get exotics, you’re missing out on stats.
The whole point of “luxury items” is that it does not prevent you from experience any aspect of the game in any way. Not having a Legendary does not prevent you from accessing every single part of this game, nor does it lesson your effectiveness (stats) in any way.
Players are free to choose however they want to play. What’s important that there is nothing restricting them from accessing all aspects of the game. Legendaries don’t do that. Hence they are a “luxury.” This is a fact,. I’m mildly shocked that people still completely ignore the context when I use this term.
I would contend that the journey of creating a legendary weapon is a key aspect of the game, much like playing through and completing the story is a journey. Thus by not making said weapons, players will be effectively “missing out” on a major aspect of the game.
1. They have said that Ascended will be the only tier they are adding.
Actually, they only said that they won’t be adding a new tier in 2013. They DIDN’T rule out adding more tiers at some point in the future. (I’m not saying they have plans to, only that they wouldn’t rule it out, probably to protect themselves from future “THEY LIED! AGAIN!” attacks.)
The whole point of “luxury items” is that it does not prevent you from experience any aspect of the game in any way. Not having a Legendary does not prevent you from accessing every single part of this game, nor does it lesson your effectiveness (stats) in any way.
Players are free to choose however they want to play. What’s important that there is nothing restricting them from accessing all aspects of the game. Legendaries don’t do that. Hence they are a “luxury.” This is a fact. I’m mildly shocked that people still completely ignore the context when I use this term.
It could be argued that the inability to obtain said luxury item means you are “missing out on an aspect of the game”, although I see where you’re coming from and I agree that this whole situation basically derives from different players expecting different things from the game.
While personally I have no objections to every player eventually getting a Legendary (a process that may take several years for casual players), I acknowledge that it’s not a view shared by others, or even by the ANet designers. Leaving aside the issue of how many Legendaries there should be in the game, I think the key issue to tackle is “how can we ensure that, for players who want to get a Legendary, the process is rewarding and fun?” While it shouldn’t be easy to get a Legendary, a balance does also need to be struck to keep the game “fun”. Currently, the system relies heavily on grind and a good dose of luck, and I think the frustration from players seeing goalposts constantly move further away even as they try to catch up is a legitimate complaint.
ANet’s already taken steps to improve this by introducing the Orrian Jewelry Boxes both as a way to spend karma at high levels, and as a new source for Lodestones in addition to dungeon running. Implementing something like the scavenger hunt for Precursors would help increase supply and, again, give everybody who wants to try for a Legendary the chance to achieve one. (And if they don’t, they can always sell their Precursor and get something else they do want.)
I would contend that the journey of creating a legendary weapon is a key aspect of the game, much like playing through and completing the story is a journey. Thus by not making said weapons, players will be effectively “missing out” on a major aspect of the game.
Lets ignore the fact that I highly doubt Anet meant Legendary weapons to be a “key aspect” of the game (simply due to the incredibly difficult acquirement requirements).
By definition, you are going on that “journey” without a Legendary. Hence not possessing a Legendary is not stopping you from going through that “journey.” Players aren’t “missing out” on this “journey” because they don’t have a Legendary, but it’s because they choose not to do it. (And lets face it, the things you need for a legendary like gaining karma, Badges of Honor, Skill points, etc. all can be done through normal gameplay)
So tell me again, what does not having a Legendary prevent you from doing, again?
(edited by Ursan.7846)
I would contend that the journey of creating a legendary weapon is a key aspect of the game, much like playing through and completing the story is a journey. Thus by not making said weapons, players will be effectively “missing out” on a major aspect of the game.
Lets ignore the fact that I highly doubt Anet meant Legendary weapons to be a “key aspect” of the game (simply due to the incredibly difficult acquirement requirements).
By definition, you are going on that “journey” without a Legendary. Hence not possessing a Legendary is not stopping you from going through that “journey.” Players aren’t “missing out” on this “journey” because they don’t have a Legendary, but it’s because they choose not to do it. (And lets face it, the things you need for a legendary like gaining karma, Badges of Honor, Skill points, etc. all can be done through normal gameplay)
So tell me again, what does not having a Legendary prevent you from doing, again?
Why would they place the medal on the main log screen? One of seven “key aspects” of the game.
I was in no way inferring that the journey of the story and the journey of obtaining a legendary were dependent. I was noting that they are separate, yet similar in nature.
It does this in the same manner that not participating in the story does not prevent one from any other aspect of the game. It is of it’s own.
Not obtaining one would be like not completing the story. It would be like not finishing arah sm and thus the story. Does being stuck there prevent one from doing anything else, besides starting exp arah instances? I fail to see the mandate that something needs to have that intertwined dependency.
The journey of obtaining a legendary is a journey upon itself.
(edited by Essence Snow.3194)
A dozen players with 10k gold wouldn’t even scrape one of those markets.
I’m fairly certain they could do some terrible things to the precursors and vanity exotics though. The sort of things that need discussed with an anatomically void doll.
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.
A dozen players with 10k gold wouldn’t even scrape one of those markets.
I’m fairly certain they could do some terrible things to the precursors and vanity exotics though. The sort of things that need discussed with an anatomically void doll.
Yes, they could dominate luxury markets (precursors etc), and they have. And as has been stated above, they’re vanity items now, but they will no longer be vanity items when ascended weapons are added to the game. At that point in time though, it is reasonable to assume the “scavenger hunt” has finally been added to the game, which means the pre-cursor market is no longer controllable to the extent it is now.
Another point I’d like to make: when John gave the above quoted statement, 2 things could be concluded. Either:
1): a dozen players with 10k gold could impossibly dominate a t6 market. A hypothetical assumption [that originated from yours truly] with a non-hypothetical conclusion [that came from John]. Nothing more, nothing less.
2): if it was only 1), there wouldn’t be a problem. But the problem is much larger, because the market manipulators have much more than one dozen times 10k gold.
Given that botters in the past were able to manipulate t6 markets heavily [I cannot even imagine how much coin they had to do this], it is reasonable to assume that there are still market manipulators out there that have sufficient coin to dominate a t6 market.
This is why I replied that John’s answer was either comforting or very discomforting. And that with John’s answer, I know that I know nothing.
The botters weren’t “manipulating” the T6 markets, they were just pushing an unnatural supply that wouldn’t normally exist. How quickly those markets snapped back to the intended equilibrium after the bans shows you how high the velocity of those markets is.
I wish we players could farm enough of the blasted items to move the ‘intended’ equilibrium closer to where it was when the bots were around.
I wish we players could farm enough of the blasted items to move the ‘intended’ equilibrium closer to where it was when the bots were around.
Amen, 20s+ for one vial of blood is laughable.
I wish we players could farm enough of the blasted items to move the ‘intended’ equilibrium closer to where it was when the bots were around.
Amen, 20s+ for one vial of blood is laughable.
Funny thing is the market (and by extension, the majority of the playerbase) disagree with you and think that it is a reasonable price, and are continuing to purchase these goods.
I wish we players could farm enough of the blasted items to move the ‘intended’ equilibrium closer to where it was when the bots were around.
Amen, 20s+ for one vial of blood is laughable.
Is it laughable that you can’t afford it? Or is it laughable that people continually pay these prices, thus justifying the price point at the moment?
I wish we players could farm enough of the blasted items to move the ‘intended’ equilibrium closer to where it was when the bots were around.
I do farm that many. I just don’t sell them after I get them.
When you have 9 t6 mats drop during a single round of Plinx you realize Plinx nets you gold faster than a dungeon run IF you aren’t after those mats for yourself.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Pah, I try to farm these things at CS, but it’s just not as efficient as farming gold and then buying the items with the gold. Maybe my luck with ~130 MF is just bad, but I think that’s the cornerstone of the problem. The prices right now given their current supply are totally acceptable given their scarcity, it’s just their scarcity that bugs me.
When you consider farming gold is another way of saying ‘devalue the currency as fast as humanly possible’ then producing the actual goods at a similar rate is always better than producing coin .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Well, hey, that’s what gold sinks are for, right?
I wish we players could farm enough of the blasted items to move the ‘intended’ equilibrium closer to where it was when the bots were around.
Amen, 20s+ for one vial of blood is laughable.
Is it laughable that you can’t afford it? Or is it laughable that people continually pay these prices, thus justifying the price point at the moment?
I can afford it, but that doesnt mean my opinion of items being stupidly over priced is wrong. You can try to debate the supply/demand thing all you want, I know how it works. Many people keep using that as a crutch to lean on when others bring up very valid points.
I can afford it, but that doesnt mean my opinion of items being stupidly over priced is wrong. You can try to debate the supply/demand thing all you want, I know how it works. Many people keep using that as a crutch to lean on when others bring up very valid points.
Your opinion isn’t (can’t) wrong, but it’s not one that’s shared by the majority of the game’s players.
To give you credit though, you didn’t resort to the “Everyone suffers from rising prices” “It’s unfair that all casual players can’t get what they want” lines that many other players seem to love bringing up.
(edited by Ursan.7846)
I wish we players could farm enough of the blasted items to move the ‘intended’ equilibrium closer to where it was when the bots were around.
Amen, 20s+ for one vial of blood is laughable.
Is it laughable that you can’t afford it? Or is it laughable that people continually pay these prices, thus justifying the price point at the moment?
I can afford it, but that doesnt mean my opinion of items being stupidly over priced is wrong. You can try to debate the supply/demand thing all you want, I know how it works. Many people keep using that as a crutch to lean on when others bring up very valid points.
Heck, in my opinion, I’d like the prices to be lower too. That way I can buy them all and manipul… err… resell them later on.
I can afford it, but that doesnt mean my opinion of items being stupidly over priced is wrong. You can try to debate the supply/demand thing all you want, I know how it works. Many people keep using that as a crutch to lean on when others bring up very valid points.
Your opinion isn’t (can’t) wrong, but it’s not one that’s shared by the majority of the game’s players.
To give you credit though, you didn’t resort to the “Everyone suffers from rising prices” “It’s unfair that all casual players can’t get what they want” lines that many other players seem to love bringing up.
Well again, i’m not a casual player expecting everything to be given to me. Nor do I expect everything to be dirt cheap, theres a middle ground somewhere and eventually the market will get there(I hope). I loved when the bots were here, things actually seemed to be around a fair price that I personally found somewhat decent
(edited by globe.7238)
In a sad way, bots fight against market manipulation by helping us keep the prices down haha.
In a sad way, bots fight against market manipulation by helping us keep the prices down haha.
What, are we to ignore the other half of the population who wants to sell these t6 mats for money?
For every buyer there’s a seller you know.