Weapon Discount

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: CelebrityX.7014


It doesn’t appear to be working, the weapons are still the same price there were yesterday. I even tried putting tickets in my inventory to see if that would change the amount per piece. That does not work. ETA on a fix?

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Curtis Johnson

Curtis Johnson

Weapon Discount should be working now.
3 ticket weapons available for 1 ticket for one week.
5 ticket weapons available for 3 tickets for one week.
7 ticket weapons available for 5 tickets for one week.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KOPPER.1458


Buy that RNG…

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rouven.7409


As soon as one scrap is guaranteed in a box I might consider it.

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Teege.4623


Buy that RNG…

You think?

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2.” -Colin Johanson
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: archeon.5349


As soon as one scrap is guaranteed in a box I might consider it.

Same here

[PuL] PU de Luxe
Augury Rock

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Palador.2170


Weapon Discount should be working now.
3 ticket weapons available for 1 ticket for one week.
5 ticket weapons available for 3 tickets for one week.
7 ticket weapons available for 5 tickets for one week.

You should really save this for the first week in April.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KOPPER.1458


“You should really save this for the first week in April.”

You made me smile today. Well done.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Unknownhero.6745


Gee thx for the sale, sadly im average income player, with bad luck… I have already spent way too much money both real and ingame, to get one claim ticket, I really don’t have the patience and or the money to hope for more. Even at sale price, 3-5 tickets to me seems ludicrous. I will sit on my one ticket in hopes that someday a new set of skins I might like is introduced.
If the random (crappy) drop rates ever change, and we are guaranteed atleast one scrap of a ticket per chest(which would still require me to buy anywhere from 30-70 chests), then I will reconsider buying chests again…

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KOPPER.1458


You’ve got 1 up on me Unknown, I lost count of how many chests I’ve opened. I’ve got 6 scraps. Almost 1 ticket. lol

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kodama spirit.2380

kodama spirit.2380

I actually went into this stupidly (or ignorantly/innocently) thinking the chests HAD to be giving out 1 scrap with every chest, since it still takes 10 to make a single ticket, with then most of these weapons then requiring 3 to 5 tickets for some reason. I thought that was the whole point, to give you a consistent method of getting scraps, without getting “too many”. How wrong I was. Opened 12 chests, got 2 scraps, and well, a whole bunch of useless items that for the most part are just complete garbage. So at this rate, it seems like 1 scrap for roughly every 5-6 chests, which means you typically need 150 chests for a 3 ticket weapon. With it having 2100 gems for 25 keys, that is then 12,600 gems at a roughly average price of 7.5g per 100 right now thats 945g for JUST for a single 3 ticket weapon. Seems so excessive its borderline insulting. Hope my math is right :P And god help us if the 1:5 scrap ratio is actually worse than my limited sample size.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tamaki Revolution.3548

Tamaki Revolution.3548

Sounds about right Kodama. I was dumb a bit back and spent like 300g on 50 keys. I had gotten a ticket and 10 normal scaps through just key farming so I thought I would be rolling in scraps. I think those 50 keys got me 5 or 6 scraps :P Of course I got a lot of other stuff I could use, a rename thing/trans crystals/blsks, but not enough to make up for my stupidity.

Never again.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Unknownhero.6745


Nope kodama, you are not an isolated sample, your results are very similar to mine, and also to that of several friends of mine…I lost track how many it took me to get my 10scraps for 1 ticket, but I remember buying 25 keys when I had 6 scraps( knowing in frustration I had to keep going to reach 10, or it was all for nothing) and considered myself lucky when I got my last 4 :/ at which point I declared enough was enough

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chaotic Storm.2815

Chaotic Storm.2815

As soon as one scrap is guaranteed in a box I might consider it.

That’s how a lot of people thought it be like when it was announced. Instead your more likely to find the whole ticket is half the time and cost it takes to get 10 scraps. I completely renounced giving the game money after that point.


(edited by Chaotic Storm.2815)

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Sadly it would still take 3 tickets to get the one Weapon Skin I have my eye on, and all I have at the moment at 4 Scraps. Best I can hope for is that this sale panics some sellers and they’ll offer the weapon skin I want for close to the price I’m willing to pay for it.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Teege.4623


Good way to try to get you hooked on the horrible RNG keys too, what with the discounted “package” and all too. Surely a coincidence.

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2.” -Colin Johanson
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.

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in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sollith.3502


I bet they nerfed the scrap and ticket rates… usually how these things go.

“If we only nerf the rate for the event by like 10-20% no one will ever notice: the legit complaints will be drowned out by the regular forum QQ’s and no one will ever be the wiser.”

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bigoak.3270


That’s why the prices of those skins are what they are on the TP. It’s probably cheaper to buy them off the TP than buy keys with gold to gems transfer.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: FrozenStarRo.7240


I used to feel that way kodama, as in the past I got 5-key bundles and gotten 0 scraps for it. I think they might have upped the odds recently, a guildie got a full claim ticket the other day and this morning I opened 5 chests to receive 3 scraps, a hair kit and a mini-pack from BL chest on Sunday for getting my newest char through the level 10 quest. Might just be one lucky streak, will buy more when I can and see how it goes.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


As soon as one scrap is guaranteed in a box I might consider it.

So true…

I still am amazed you bother with trying to make RNG look good, when almost all players learned its the worst part of GW2.

Good luck, whoever is in charge.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gereden.6983


I thank you for this discount I got 100 keys before christmas and got 5 tickets for my effort and was slightly disappointed but with this discount I could afford a fused skin which I sold for 205g thanks ^^

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Malin.2490


I have nothing against RNG, but those chests are just insane. Bought a bunch of keys when the dreamthistle weapons came out, and then realized I would have been so much better off just exchanging gems for gold and buying the skins off the TP.

Jamail Saoud [Nice], the man with the Drake

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: khani.4786


I can finally realistically start working towards a complete set of sclerite weapons (minus mace because no blinky eye). I’ve been saving any scraps/tickets I get and now I can get three for the price of 1!!

I love you, thank you. This totally makes up for the consortium supply crate problem I had.

Now I need a dagger, focus, torch, hammer, bows, rifle and pistol (in that order). [anyone want to buy me one? >.> ]

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


I have nothing against RNG, but those chests are just insane. Bought a bunch of keys when the dreamthistle weapons came out, and then realized I would have been so much better off just exchanging gems for gold and buying the skins off the TP.

The innate problem with all of this is: someone still had to open chests (read: face the horrible RNG) in order for us to buy it off the TP. Fortunately, I sleep very well at night knowing I can ‘farm’ the efforts of lucky fools, while having no luck myself.

Recently returned to…
Aurora Glade some random MegaServer™, always being asked to volunteer for that buff…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I have nothing against RNG, but those chests are just insane. Bought a bunch of keys when the dreamthistle weapons came out, and then realized I would have been so much better off just exchanging gems for gold and buying the skins off the TP.

The innate problem with all of this is: someone still had to open chests (read: face the horrible RNG) in order for us to buy it off the TP. Fortunately, I sleep very well at night knowing I can ‘farm’ the efforts of lucky fools, while having no luck myself.

Players with time on their hands can “farm” tickets via running a disposable toon through the Personal Story repeatedly, about 20-30 minutes per key. They can get a ticket every day or two on average, so it’s not that hard to make a few hundred gold.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tenebrous.2451


I have nothing against RNG, but those chests are just insane. Bought a bunch of keys when the dreamthistle weapons came out, and then realized I would have been so much better off just exchanging gems for gold and buying the skins off the TP.


Thursday Tenebrous – Necro * Sunday Tenebrous – Hunter
Tenebrous Fivetree – Guardian
Zelots of Shiverpeaks (ZoS) – Northern Shiverpeaks

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ebrown.8193


Yeah, over 50 boxes and not one scrap. Done with this! Thanks for the discount… not

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: CrossFire.8037


Unless im mistaken, i thought the skins you can buy with the claim tickets are also on the TP which you can buy with gold.

I’ve opened around 40 chests and i have 4 ticket scraps, so all in all, this “discount” is pointless considering how absurd it is to even get one claim ticket.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Plok.5873


55 chest, with RL money bought keys here, to get one ticket. Never going to touch this field of GW2 again. And telling the guildies not to make the same mistake.
Live and learn. ^^

Pry Bar in yo’ face, You big disgrace / Box of Nails all over the place
Pet project: Outfit overhaul.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zeivu.3615


It’s for this reason why I only use keys obtained in game, whether they are rare drops or quest rewards.

As soon as one scrap is guaranteed in a box I might consider it.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Brutal Arts.6307

Brutal Arts.6307

Wow how awful. It’s not even a guaranteed scrap. Just fork over your cash for a chance at a chance.

You have gotten what you paid for, all that remains is biweekly gemshop pushing.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TPMN.1483


I have personally found that’s it’s been worth farming mindlessly for keys / scraps (lvl a char to lvl 10- in about 15-30 mins) and to not buy them from the BLTC- if you are interested in keys.
I don’t support ANET by buying keys off the TP – it’s just something which I don’t see as good (it’s a deliberate cash drain from players with horrible RNG for very poor rewards).

Although some of the skins may be pretty – this will annoy those who have listed already on the TP. I already have so many buffs from daily rewards that I have not used there is no compelling reason for me to get keys. The drop rate is also bad in-game for keys (not cool – it makes it look like another deliberate grab for players cash) and the gold-gem exchange rate makes these ticket scraps stupidly expensive via RNG keys.

At this time it seems easier to farm this gold and buy the weapon directly than bother with buying (or making new chars) for any skin that may be required.

The high requirement of ticket scraps required for any tickets is just overkill – and has put me off any if these weapon skins (on discount or not). After a year I only have 6 scraps – via key drops (rare) and a few personal story keys.

I wish my fellow Tyrians luck opening those boxs – it’s just not for me.

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX http://mythdragons.enjin.com

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cmud.5689


Honestly, the ticket drop rate discussision is irrelevant towards the sale offered. The sale is not worth it, save yourself gold. Example, I had a ticket and bought chiroptophobia GS when it was 1 tic, now I can sit on it and sell it in the future. Would I use the 3 ticket offer in order to buy this skin with the knowledge it was offered for 1 tic at some point, lol no! New skins will come, save your 3 ticks for 3 awesome skins that will come by, make yourself profit.

banished from time and space

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


As soon as one scrap is guaranteed in a box I might consider it.

Yeah seriously. They act like 7 tickets for a weapon is cool. I don’t buy the: “oh but it’s optional bs” They’ve taken rewards out of the game & put them into the gamble boxes. They talk about needing better rewards then give us mats. Meanwhile they spend actual effort on skins for the gamble boxes.

The idea that a weapon skin, at the absolute cheapest, costs about $20 is insane. I’d much rather pay for an expansion, not my rewards.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Peixe.1804


Oh how I miss the days when you could find tickets in bags and from monster drops. Still a lot of RNG but it wouldn’t cost you hundreds of gold.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Honestly if they made tickets drop from map completion, monthly or other activity, and I mean adding it to the pool of optional drops, not all the time, then 7 tickets wouldn’t seem horrendous or a money grab. It’s just by obfuscating the true cost of the item behind “tickets” and “ticket scraps” that you only get from lockboxes they avoid advertising them at 5000-10000 gems each. Or they are looking at is as a reward to the few that spend a lot of real cash with them, except for the fact you can sell them now. Then that makes them no different a prestige item as a legendary.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I once made a suggestion that the Birthday Gifts should drop guaranteed Scraps. (I would have said Tickets, but given the sheer amount of characters in the game, that would probably crash the market overnight.)

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Quizotic.2815


you know I honestly have opened like 10 chests in the last few weeks and im thinking they broke them with adding wintersday gifts, I feel like im getting less stuff from them than I should be getting and that the winterday gifts are to replace something. also I havent gotten one scrap from any of them, so much for me getting the weapon this week

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Gee thx for the sale, sadly im average income player, with bad luck… I have already spent way too much money both real and ingame, to get one claim ticket, I really don’t have the patience and or the money to hope for more. Even at sale price, 3-5 tickets to me seems ludicrous. I will sit on my one ticket in hopes that someday a new set of skins I might like is introduced.
If the random (crappy) drop rates ever change, and we are guaranteed atleast one scrap of a ticket per chest(which would still require me to buy anywhere from 30-70 chests), then I will reconsider buying chests again…

Buy the item that sells for the most on the TP for the ticket you have. Sell it, and then buy the item you really want off the TP.

Or: wait until the next Living Story update. These usually come with skins that are 1 ticket in price. Buy the item you feel will be worth the most after that Living Story chapter ends. When it does end, sell your ticket and buy the item you actually want.

Don’t work directly for what you want. Work for what gets you the most gold out of the TP and buy what you want. Yes it makes you feel more like a soccer mom than an adventurer who kills dragons, but that’s how this game is set up to be played.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Yeah this is ridiculous, if maybe they allowed people to buy/sell the skin on the TP instead of soley rely on getting from the vendor via claim tickets. Or at least have some way to farm these keys at a decent rate with a really low level. It’s even worse when you open the chest and get nothing else, its ether you get a tick or nothing, maybe add in a small chance of getting some other BLTC items? Name change contract, hair styling kit, total make over kit or something!


Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cathgar.7581


Yeah this is ridiculous, if maybe they allowed people to buy/sell the skin on the TP instead of soley rely on getting from the vendor via claim tickets. Or at least have some way to farm these keys at a decent rate with a really low level. It’s even worse when you open the chest and get nothing else, its ether you get a tick or nothing, maybe add in a small chance of getting some other BLTC items? Name change contract, hair styling kit, total make over kit or something!

You can buy the skins on the TP as they are tradeable.
And you can do key runs if you want to get keys.
I’ve gotten a few total makeover kits from BLC through key farming.

Still trying to get 1 x scrap for the 5 ticket skin as none in the last 10 chests:(

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chaotic Storm.2815

Chaotic Storm.2815

Sad part is no matter how much complaining we do it will never change. This chest RNG is likely 2/3rd of income for them so as long as we as a whole feed it enough to keep them happy it will never change.


Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Woljnir.7810


This is depressing. The tickets are just too hard to get. With how rare even scraps appear to be, it’d be really nice if they were actually a claim ticket. It only takes one to turn it in for a skin. It’s not like they drop like candy and it would ruin the economy or anything.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Thanks for the idea of buying a skin and selling it off. Nice little chunk of gold.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


The fact that people are STILL falling for this 4 months later means Anet is perfectly happy to keep doing it.

I stopped spending money on this game the moment it was announced. The fact that a 9 ticket weapon will on average cost you $600 in keys is somehow considered acceptable is just crazy, imo. Clearly i’m getting too old for MMO’s.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Barfoi.9537


The fact that a 9 ticket weapon will on average cost you $600 in keys is somehow considered acceptable is just crazy, imo.

ANet didn’t have to allow older skins to be purchased, but by doing so, they also had to preserve their “value”. Consider it a convenience that you can still acquire them, but expect to “pay”. It’s no different than the old Halloween skins, but this model benefits ANet more directly. :-)

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


$600 no. $200 I can believe. Roughly 40 chests will yield one ticket and 10 scraps. But RNG means that only works out when you are unlocking 100s of chests.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: basepi.9768


Yep, I bought 25 keys for the second time during the Christmas discount period. (Gift one, buy 25 for 40% off) Opened all of them for a few scraps, no tickets. Some other useful things, like transmutation crystals, but I can buy all that I need straight from the gem store for less than the cost of the keys.

I will never buy another key from the gem store. And I will constantly message to my friends that it’s not worth it. Doubt it will make a difference, but the only way to stop money-grabbing RNG bullcrap is to not buy into it.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Barfoi.9537



Wife and I did the same (gold → gems), and I think we each opened about 78 chests (got enough scrap for 2+ tickets each). If you don’t enjoy just opening them (to see what you get), and are just after the skins, then you should just buy them from TP.

Since the chests have other “goodies”, however, such as the tonics and contracts, I don’t mind dumping some gold into it once in a while. I don’t consider it a good way to get tickets, either, so the results don’t affect me.

Weapon Discount

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

Roughly 40 chests will yield one ticket and 10 scraps.

Wow, that’s some good drop rate there for you. Wish the rest of us were that lucky.

Last 16 chests, not 1 scrap. Still farming keys occasionally so I’ll see how long it takes to get the remaining 4 scraps I need.