Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Talloc.6835


From the recent patch notes

“The Consortium Chest has been added to the gem store in the Consumable category for 250 gems each or 10 for 1800 gems. No key is required to open these chests; simply double-click them in your inventory.
Some items in the chest include: shoulder skins, breathing masks, weapon skins, hats, and minis.
All items in the chest are new and have never been available before.
Weapon skins are rare, and the minis are very rare.
All items can be sold on the Trading Post.
The Consortium Chest will only be available for a limited time.”

What’s up with only offering cash shop items with random probabilities? I was holding out that, along with some needed balance, we’d get more real options in the cash store.

As it is right now, I don’t really have any incentive to buy gems because I dislike any lottery system. Why can’t you just add the cosmetic items at a higher price and make them account bound? I know it’s about making money, but Anet is losing money from me by doing something like this.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: panzer.6034


I’d be happier is this wasn’t a “limited time only” thing. Its basically “get/spend your money as quick as you can if you want the new skins or you’ll miss out”.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Arshay Duskbrow.1306

Arshay Duskbrow.1306

Another RNG money grab, that’s all.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Talloc.6835


Yes, but the point I’m trying to make is that they’re losing potential money from people like me. I assumed the cash shop would be more about skins and cosmetics, but it’s all random.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: panzer.6034


I spent a TON of money on keys trying to get the greatsaw and halloween and i learned my lesson. Not again Anet, not again.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: daicon.2476


Another RNG money grab, that’s all.

Crystin Cox was sent to ArenaNet from Nexon to design GW2’s Cash Shop. Since then it was always going to be an RNG money grab. It mirror’s MapleStory’s cash shop.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Syn.3459


the skins are cheap enough that there isn’t any need to buy gems, the most expensive skin is under 6g and it’s been about 3 hours since patch

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TheUnNamedHero.4167


I would much prefer it if they got rid of the random item part of the rng, and instead had a decent chance of getting a certain number of tokes that you could then use to purchase the special items you wanted. At least that way they’d get rid of all the griefing over not winning a lottery system.

2012 Halloween Tower Champion
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Astraea.6075


TBH, I wasn’t really expecting much in the way of gem store offerings from this event. Mostly because it’s a non-holiday event related to new content, so it’s probably a bit harder to have new and interesting things to add to the store.

OTOH, I expect Wintersday will have a few things I’ll be interested in…

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Talloc.6835


TBH, I wasn’t really expecting much in the way of gem store offerings from this event. Mostly because it’s a non-holiday event related to new content, so it’s probably a bit harder to have new and interesting things to add to the store.

OTOH, I expect Wintersday will have a few things I’ll be interested in…

I’m talking in general, not holiday specific. As it is right now, I can get three complete outfits per class off the BLTP and only one can be seen at any point in combat. I’m surprised they haven’t given us more options like the old school Knight’s armor. Maybe it’s in the works, but it’s really hard to get a bead on what Anet is thinking because their communication with us is less than stellar.

(edited by Talloc.6835)

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Astraea.6075


I’m talking in general, not holiday specific. As it is right now, I can get three complete outfits per class off the BLTP and only one can be seen at any point in combat. I’m surprised they haven’t given us more options like the old school Knight’s armor. Maybe it’s in the works, but it’s really hard to get a bead on what Anet is thinking because their communication with us is less than stellar.

Point taken. I also agree the the base offerings from the gem store could use some more additions and possibly price revisions. They also added bundles of 5 Dye Packs in this patch, but that’s nowhere near sufficient to build interest in their offerings IMO.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Magikker.9243


The difference between a good and bad game is often polish. I think that might extend to real money shops in games as well. The rest of the world is fairly polished but they haven’t quite got the gem shop to where it needs to be. I’d love if they had 100 skins on there, but they need some major upgrades to the interface to handle that.

And furthermore, I think that people are hesitant to buy skins since this game has nowhere to store skins. I wouldn’t buy dye off the TP if it wasn’t store-able, but it is, so I do. I’ve got my main looking like I want, I’d love to have a secondary outfit, but right now having multiple outfits is a huge hassle. So I’ve found a set I like and I’ll stick with it till it’s easy to swap.

Gem shop dyes, now that’s another thing that needs a bit of polish. If they want those to be meaningful they ought to be include far more dyes in a pack, new colors, or have the gem shop versions unlock across all characters. People would buy that stuff.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Grumpy.8365


Even if the consortium chests weren’t random, I’d still NOT buy them. None of the loot seems very desirable. And I HATE random to begin with! It’s a double negative points for me to actually buy them.

I agree with Magikker, the cash shop is just so much less polished than the rest of the game. And the strange part is, it continues to be dull in comparison.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: illgot.1056


The difference between a good and bad game is often polish. I think that might extend to real money shops in games as well. The rest of the world is fairly polished but they haven’t quite got the gem shop to where it needs to be. I’d love if they had 100 skins on there, but they need some major upgrades to the interface to handle that.

And furthermore, I think that people are hesitant to buy skins since this game has nowhere to store skins. I wouldn’t buy dye off the TP if it wasn’t store-able, but it is, so I do. I’ve got my main looking like I want, I’d love to have a secondary outfit, but right now having multiple outfits is a huge hassle. So I’ve found a set I like and I’ll stick with it till it’s easy to swap.

Gem shop dyes, now that’s another thing that needs a bit of polish. If they want those to be meaningful they ought to be include far more dyes in a pack, new colors, or have the gem shop versions unlock across all characters. People would buy that stuff.

why by random dyes anyway, it’s cheaper to buy the specific dyes you want on the Trade Post than randoms on the cash shop.

I’m honestly lost at why anyone would buy the seasonal dyes. They are just the standard dyes but specific colours and random at that.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vigil.3408


Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP needed?

The way they currently work, absolutely not.

Even if I wanted to fund Arena Net’s bizarre RNG cash grab by purchasing gems, I can’t due to the Guild Wars 2 website giving me “An error occurred finalizing your purchase” via PayPal.

It’s like Arena Net hates money; no person in their right mind would waste actual cash on anything provided in the Consortium Chests. If an individual item takes your fancy you’re FAR better of simply dishing out the gold for it via the Trading Post.

I am not using my hard earned money for gambling because the house always wins.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Norb.4253


I bought 10 keys to open BLC during the halloween even, and 10 consortium chests this time. I won’t be buying any of these chests anymore for future events, I’d be better off converting to gold and just buying what I want.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TheMagickDoll.7594


I am with people on this one! Enough with the random chest crap. A.Net is just pissing customers like us off and more likely to make more money by giving people what they want, the skins and items themselves. The random chest crap is not fun and as one person, never going to buy a key or one of these stupid chest things and have been encouraging others to do the same. Start selling the items, not a gamble.

Also, please start selling more fantasy oriented items. Especially more town clothing, not customs.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zelot.8276


I really hope no one is actualy using real $ to buy these chests, lets hope that its 99.99% converted gold that drives sales.

I dont like seeing money wasted. Dont support gambling in mmo’s is quietly becoming the norm across the pond…even starting to draw regulation from government!

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Pure Heart.1456

Pure Heart.1456

For all of you who just don’t get it;

Anet doesn’t hate random because random=gambling=more money than one-time sales.

Duh, hello!? Casinos? What if you could just go to Casinos and buy yourself what you wanted? I’d go there ONCE, buy myself 100 million dollars, leave, and never come back.

The random chests in GW2 keep you coming back over, and over, and over… You rant all day long, “Just put it in the gem shop”… Why would Anet want to do that? Really, think about it.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TheMagickDoll.7594


For all of you who just don’t get it;

Anet doesn’t hate random because random=gambling=more money than one-time sales.

Duh, hello!? Casinos? What if you could just go to Casinos and buy yourself what you wanted? I’d go there ONCE, buy myself 100 million dollars, leave, and never come back.

The random chests in GW2 keep you coming back over, and over, and over… You rant all day long, “Just put it in the gem shop”… Why would Anet want to do that? Really, think about it.

Uh, that is the point. A lot of us are not coming back because of the gambling aspect of it. They are losing out because people like us do not buy into that gambling boxes in the first place. Its a shop, you go there to buy the things you want. It is not suppose to be a casino. If it is, then it should be called such. We’re sick of it. If they want our money, then be a shop, not a casino. That is our problem, that is the issue we are having. Whoever is in charge of this stuff needs to put a stop to it or be fired and be replaced with someone who gets their gaming audience.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Paularius.4820


This is a copy/paste of post i have in another thread:

I also dont like these lucky dip chests. I’d rather buy the items straight out. In the holloween event i spent alot of money buying the things i wanted including costumes and both mini pet sets so i could get all 4 mini’s. That alone was 15 euro for 4 mini’s.
I spent ZERO on keys for the chests.

I would gladly play the 500 gems for the mini’s this time around but im not wasting any of my money or gems on these random chests.

So please Anet. Reconsider putting everything into these lucky dip joke boxes and let us give you our gems for the things that we want.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olba.5376


As long as there are enough people buying the chests to make them produce more profit than what ANet would consider a proper price for the more desires items in the chests, they will keep doing it.

And since ANet controls the odds, they can play that game pretty well. All they need to do is make the odds low enough so that a single person buying enough chests to reliably get what they want produces more profits than selling the same items outright. And since they got all the sales data, they got a pretty good idea of how many skins an average person would want out of the chest.

Also, they can make the odds so that the above is true, but also so that the skins will likely be worth so much that the buyer will sell them and re-invest in the chests, creating a loop.

The results? Gem prices go up, goldsink is in full effect and Anet gets profits from the Gem sales.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kateuk.7538


Well they don’t get any money from me. I might consider spending cash if I got more for my money and could buy what I want, as it is they get zilch, zero, from me. If they Black Lion keys were cheaper and the chest contents better, I might consider spending cash for diamonds. I won’t buy town clothes, they are not attractive and there is nowhere to store them. For decent items, minis etc I might consider it.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Minami Kaori.2548

Minami Kaori.2548

No way I buy into the gamble.
Fortunately I learned my lesson back in GW1, farming the Wintersday chest for the mini Polar Bear.
After wasting days of my life, doing over 2-3 thousand runs and no mini, I vowed never again. And I haven’t.
Not about to start spending my real life money on overpriced lottery boxes.

Were Consortium Chests What the BLTP Needed?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Elric Of Melnibone.4781

Elric Of Melnibone.4781

I completely don’t understand why Anet is doing this. Asking people to spend real hard earned money on an item that MIGHT drop something you want? That’s madness. This is a game, not a casino.

I understand they want to have items that are rare and therefore seemingly more valuable to people as they think it’s important to have something that no on else has, but I think that’s total rubbish.

What makes this game fun to me is the bling. Questing for it, crafting it, farming for it, whatever (as long as it not’s a ridiculous amount of my time). Killing stuff gets old after a while, but finding and collecting new shineys is just fun. I don’t care what other people have. I only care about what my characters look like. It’s all personal taste. If they sold skins that I thought looked cool, I would buy them. What’s so hard about that? If they had a large enough selection, personal taste would prevent everyone having the same skins.