Why does the last two skin sets look crappy
Care to clarify what sets you mean exactly? If you are going to criticize something at least be specific about it.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
I like the looks of a few of them. The warhorn and torch are interesting, and I really like how the staff compacts when stowed. Besides that, nothing really special.
You’re right though, the phoenix skins looked terrible. They had gaudy effects, and just looked cheap. There’s a fine line to what looks good and what doesn’t. The tormented skins, for example, looked so good because they were simple and refined. They had good curves without an excess of effects.
I was really hoping to spend my tickets I’ve been hoarding but I don’t think I’ll get anything besides the staff.
The Ley Line weapon set is a big disappointment. With that theme they could have produced some really cool looking weapons, but what we got was…not bad, but not great, either.
And for the love of all that is good and decent can we please get a good mace skin!? I thought the Mistforged Mace would finally provide me a paladin-esque mace worthy of my guardian, but even that was a letdown.
I think the Ley Line set is one of the best they have put out in quite a while, but then everyone’s taste is different. There has not been another (new) BL skin set in quite a while so I can only guess the OP is talking about the Ambrite set (which is crafted, not a BL skin). That one I don’t care for too much (but I’m not a big fan of big gold weapons).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
The phoenix set is honestly one of my favorite sets in the game, second to the zodiac set, and I’m usually bored by flame sets. It’s just a matter of different things appealing to different people. I adore the lovestruck set. I only liked a few from the tormented, jade, and dreamthistle sets, and I wasn’t a huge fan of the rest, that I recall. Oh, except the Halloween set. Those are pretty great.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
Jade Dragon set will always be my fave. No flashy particles, just really solid design that is beautiful and functional.
I kind of see what you’re saying TC.
Mind you, I really loved the Phoenix weapon skins and I think the Leyline ones are fairly decent, but some of them DO look a bit low-res. I noticed it especially with my Phoenix Staff the other day as I was admiring it for the first time in-game, as my character who I was going to use the staff on had just hit level 80 and I didn’t want to waste the free skin before that. I was looking at it and thinking “Oh man, did I leave the textures on low accidentally?” (as I sometimes switch graphics to lower settings when I need lag-free gameplay, such as during precise jumping puzzles). But no, it seems the textures are just not very good.
I still like the overall look of the Staff, mind, but I do wish the textures, particularly on the phoenix itself, were a little more crisp.
It’s really a matter of taste. Generally, I like the skins.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
Difference of opinion. I actually prefer the Leyline skins, and I find the Leyline staff to be the most desirable and better than Bifrost.
The hammer is also really shiny and reminds me of Genesis.
And for the love of all that is good and decent can we please get a good mace skin!? I thought the Mistforged Mace would finally provide me a paladin-esque mace worthy of my guardian, but even that was a letdown.
This right here. Can we please, please, PLEASE, finally get a mace skin that actually LOOKS LIKE A MACE!?
lazy developers
the last skins look so bad o_o i mean like first year graphic design tests
is every “artist” in a-net is payed to just sit and do noting ?
Ley Line Axe looks nice. Apart from that I dislike flashy fairy-like design of others but I really love some of new craftable weapons’ designs.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144
I’ve been waiting for a real “earth” weapon for my ele for a very long time. Very pleased with the ley line stuff, though a bit sad there’s no aquatic weapons!
I have no idea what you mean about them being pixellated. They aren’t on my computer.
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)
I liked the shield, so decided to pick it up. It has quite the nice little sound effect when drawn:
I liked the shield, so decided to pick it up. It has quite the nice little sound effect when drawn:
All of the Leyline weapons have a sound when you unsheath them.
I’ve been waiting for a real “earth” weapon for my ele for a very long time. Very pleased with the ley line stuff, though a bit sad there’s no aquatic weapons!
Monsoon was a HUGE missed opportunity.
I’ve been waiting for a real “earth” weapon for my ele for a very long time. Very pleased with the ley line stuff, though a bit sad there’s no aquatic weapons!
Monsoon was a HUGE missed opportunity.
Oh I meant aquatic versions of the ley line stuff, hehe. Like spear or in my case, trident. I actually am a big big fan of the “lowly” pearl stuff. I think the mosaic design and the colours are gorgeous.
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)
lazy developers
the last skins look so bad o_o i mean like first year graphic design testsis every “artist” in a-net is payed to just sit and do noting ?
So let me guess, your a future “art critic”, right?
Has it dawned on anyone that the texture issues might be the results of some technical spec limitation placed on the art….this is an on-line game.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
I saw the last two sets that have been put in the black lion, look so badly pixel, or lack of work done. It feels like you guys just tossing whatever out now in store just make few bucks. Which all good and dandy but really the weapon skins last two sets been ugly as hell beside maybe offhands. Anyways to each to their own.. hope better products come out soon again, maybe its summer you guys just being lazy idk.
Your personal opinion is your personal opinion. It has no bearing on reality, simply your perception of reality.
Once you realize this, you will stop using the forums incorrectly.
I not sure where I see the laziness in what I presume you talking about the pheonix and ley line sets. And as one that has phoenix hammer and rifle, and ley line staff, I don’t see much pixelated issues, definitely not enough to hinder how beautiful they are to me.
I liked the shield, so decided to pick it up. It has quite the nice little sound effect when drawn:
All of the Leyline weapons have a sound when you unsheath them.
So I have since learned.
I got the Leyline scepter, torch and staff for my guardian. The rest of the set I’m not sold on. I usually grab the greatsword of whatever comes out for variety’s sake, but the Leyline GS does not move me.
I liked the shield, so decided to pick it up. It has quite the nice little sound effect when drawn:
All of the Leyline weapons have a sound when you unsheath them.
The shortbow does not have the sound animations, this is the only one missing
Vanilla gw2 graphics are dreadful because Anet needs to cater to players still running potato computers from 10 years ago.
Try running something like the SweetFX enb for improved texture sharpness. You can adjust this to your liking. This makes a huge difference in rendering all in-game textures with a minimal FPS hit. You can also adjust contrast and brightness.
I use the SweetFX enb with the highest in-game graphics settings on a 2 year old self-built desktop computer. The Ley Lines skins have some of the best details I have seen in BL skins in a long time. So, do not claim lack of details in these textures just because you cannot render them properly.
This is a matter of taste. Every person is unique and will never be someone like him/her. So, it is perfectly normal to like this more than that, or vice-versa.