CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: anonim.5932


Mine would clearly be:
— Role Diversification: New skills/traits, new weapons, access to inaccessible existing weapons, infusions and hybrid professions.

But mostly for new skills and new weapons. As a thief I feel like lacking options to play in dungeons. I know, there are a few builds out there, but the weapons limited to 4 is a bit… well… limiting ^^

(oh, what I want to mention: Don’t work on the underwater system. It is nice to have as it makes player feel entering another area of the game, but I feel like it’s less important than improving/expanding the land system).

(edited by anonim.5932)

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I stay at my personal TOP 1 and everything that has to do with it, even if I might be in the end the lonely supporter for it that still stays.

Role Diversification
This I count under Role Diversification and horizontal progression among this:

  • Implement Sub Classes with new Skills, Traits, Weapons existing as like new ones
  • Implement with Abilities a System to customize our visualities of our Skills, implement Movement Styles, to switch them (letting Dodge Rolls become Somersaults/Side Flips)
  • Implement Talents that work like WvW Skisl with multiple tiers to unlock new effects to progress with your character as like a new Unlocking System to implement step by step new class features, like said new Weapons, Sub Classes, Skils/Traits/Abilities just under this new System ectz
  • Implement a Synergy System to add to the Combat System a kind of prgression, that also affects the combat system and adds to combats also somethign interactive, that rewards players for well playing together as a party See my examples for that.
  • Implement Class specific interactive environmental “Tools” based on the feature of the Wild Arms RPGs on PS1/2, where each Character had its own unique interactive environmental tools that made the Characters unique.
    Each Class could have a larger list of multiple individual tools, with that you could play aroudn with in the game world and interact with them, whereever you find somethign to interact with them to perhaps find some rare treasures, or to open up neew explorable areas and so on or to enable players in a dungeon to use shortcuts, possibilities are unendless here. And these tools would improve the role diversification, if you coudl for example equip a Thief with Tools like grappling hooks, throwign stars or special stealth manteaus (that one for example could give you group stealth without havign to have the utility skill in your bar ) These Tools would be PvE/WvW only with some of them beign weaker in WvW or have different effects there.
  • (Sub) Class Specific Armor Sets to improve Role Diversification through Equipment

Thats the biggest stuff, that I’d like to see for GW2 among Role Diversification, which will always be my Top 1 toic, because it always will have the greatest positive influence on gameplay relevant mechanics that actually are based on true direct character progression and not on some kind of indirect character progression, that is only of visual nature, stuff liek Housing, Guild Halls, Hom ect., that have 0 effect of our characters but would be good only for the looks to have something in the game, with that you can indirectly progress your character at something.

And even if I know, that they also count to this, stuff like Moutns, craftable SHips/Airships are imo currently among that topic not of such high priority imo, than Role Diversification is in my opinion.

If I’d had to choose over Sub Classes, or Mounts, two of my most heavy defended topics I support, I’d choose Sub Classes over Mounts, because Mounts are very nice and well and i strongly believe, that GW2 should get them, but Sub Classes simply would affect the game in a much more needed way currently and are in my opinion at the moment of higher priority, than mounts are.

Mounts are something nice to add one day, some years later, once the explorable world has been massively expanded and we would be able to fully explore Tyria at least to 100%. So much map space still just on that continent unexplorable.

Everything that improves any kind of direct character progression, affecting our characters and improving that way our gameplay experiences in GW2, I’ll support.
So I support with Role Diversification for example also ideas, like implementing stuff liek Ascended Runes/Sigils and Gemstones. To be clear, that stuff is just obviously missing and the final step of makign the Ascended Quality complete in regard of Equipment. OS I’d not be surpried to see such things soon in the game under the belt of improving Role Diversification through many improved character progression mechanics and systems as also adding new features for it.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

A small housing idea: “neighbourhoods”

This idea combines guild halls and housing.

  • Some locations in the game (example: Lion’s Arch) have neighbourhoods.
  • There are various (10-30+) homes in a neighbourhood – it’s a instance for 30+ people
  • guilds can purchase a neighbourhood for themselves, or:
  • you live in a neighbourhood with other random players or friends as neighbours
  • a neighbourhood isn’t a city only, but a whole new mini-map

Now what happens in a neighbourhood?

  • each citizen has not only a base for a house but also area-slots for activities
  • possible activities:
    —> horde mode (you can fight monsters you’ve unlocked via exploration in the open world / dungeons)
    —> 1vsAll king of the ring PvP arena
    —> racetracks for rollerbeetle racing including time trial (records are on a leaderboard at the entrance of that area)
    —> jumping puzzles (unlocked via finding certain structures in the open world) – including time trial leaderboards

But not only minigames…

  • dynamic events happen in that zone as well
  • think of it as Ebonhawke 2.0 + surrounding area

risky idea:

  • each home is part of a block of 2-6 houses —> you have 1-5 neighbours
  • each block has a shared mini-HoM for specific rewards (you can work together to get it filled)
  • visit other blocks to take a look at their mini-HoM
    —> fill your mini-HoM with new people / friends / guildies

Now there are tons of possibilities: Shared calendars, postboxes in front of your home, invites, challenges (This is my highscore – can you beat it?), a portal to a linked waypoint appears next to your house —> you quickly find other players (from your neighbourhood) in the open world by using this personal waypoint,….

EDIT: I think it’s good for leaderboards to have a limited number of participants. Having 10.000 players who compete with you… only very few shine. A leaderboard for 30 players however would feel totally different – and you might know the people on the board as well and build strong friendships with them. – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

(edited by Marcus Greythorne.6843)

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Conski Deshan.2057

Conski Deshan.2057

Sociopolitical Diversification
Housing and Guildhalls done correctly can add much depth to the game and bring another level of goals for players to work towards. It provides goals for every area of game-play and if done in a certain manner could create a stable crafting economy and rare recipies could be added for housing items.
This is in relation to stone,wood,plants,marble,crystal,magical essence (maybe for floating structures?) the basic materials.

My two top considerations in relation to housing would be:
1. Don’t Involve gold as much as possible, having lots of gold is a single achievement and should not be the deciding factor for your house.
2. Customisable housing, I want to design my whole house exterior and interior, that includes room placement and size.

Ideas in relation to housing:
1. unlocked achievements earn trophies/items for display (that is specific achievements not your total achievement points)
2. If instanced the mists or islands off the main map work.
3.Please do not use the home instances they are extremely limited and force a character ascetic.
4. A single house per account, saves resources and doesn’t limit the rewards one person could obtain for their house.
5. Farming/nodes that can be obtained for your house, Permanent and temporary nodes for your house, temporary nodes could be decorative and mined if wanted, I.e a large claw could be mined to give x t6 claws, A giant ruby orb, gives ruby orbs or is decorative, could be a random drop.
6. Account bound, everything except basic construction materials and house components should be account bound, your house is something you actively work on not something you get money and then splurge on. i.e you can buy a plain desk but you have to get the decorative cover, items on the desk and the rest yourself.

Skill differentiation/ Weapon skill differentiation add very little for me, regardless of what is added Id have whatever the best all rounder skill set was equipped, unlock everything else and then forget all about it.

I left out a critical aspect, the house should be visit-able by people, and I mean more than a party of people, it should be an area that once people have set a pass/ password / free entry a high amount of players can come.

[RoF] and [BL] guild leader
11x level 80’s 80+ Titles 2600+ skins , still a long way to go.

(edited by Conski Deshan.2057)

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Bonefield.9813


To be clear you guys and girls don’t have to pick the ones I put forward. I was just contributing to the thread with what I would like to see as a player. You can pick an ideas from the thread. Just wanted to make that clear.


I think most of my ideas fall under the “sociopolitical” heading anyway—it’s useful as a category!

My personal belief is that games which can incorporate player creativity will define what counts as a “next gen MMO.” Themepark content definitely has a place, but my ideal game would combine themepark and sandbox content. This was the main reason I loved TinySpark’s Glitch so much; even though it wasn’t successful financially, it got glowing reviews for its ability to encourage cooperative and creative play. GW2 has also made steps in that direction by removing barriers to cooperation, but most social play is still very structured.

This is why I support content which gives us the ability to develop parts of the world to suit ourselves. I’m not suggesting EQNext-style voxels or anything, but when it comes to player housing, guild housing, and other semi-sandbox content, I think it’s imperative that players be allowed as much freedom as is technologically possible. and the ability to show off our work. My guess is that the amount of resources required for this sort of thing would be tremendous, but I think it would be worth it.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Lheimroo.2947


Hmm, of all of them, I’d like there to be more to do in the world at large.

Skill collection, faction tasks, whathaveyou – I think that since launch there’s been a narrowing of content that you could call ‘relevant’ to just current LS zones or popular gold farming techniques. There should be a permanent broadening of reasons to go to less popular maps, do dungeons, etc. Skins and achievements are nice, but they’re not going to scratch everybody’s itch.

To start with I’d start expanding the methods of acquiring ascended gear. To me the methods in game for acquiring exotic gear flow very naturally from gameplay, but ascended gear doesn’t quite reach that high watermark yet – it feels gamey.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: shauncoates.6874


Sociopolitical Diversification
Primary purposes for the housing platform

  1. Creativity – The more options that the housing system offers, the more experimentation a player can pursue (i.e. more time a player will engage with this system).
  2. Expression – Housing system give players a platform to show who they are as both a person and/or a character/s). I specially like the idea shared by Ronah.2869 where each character will have their own room in the house.
  3. Ownership – When a player has put work into their home, they will feel a sense of ownership. Ownership serves as a root to a place, in this case GW2.
  4. Collecting – This is an area that need major improvement. Minis are primarily acquired through gem-store purchases (aside from special events), which leaves dyes and crafting materials as the only collectible items from playing the game (perhaps weapon skins, when we are able to properly collect them!). I believe that housing items should be a mix between in-game rewards and gem-store purchases. With the majority of items found in-game and special items found in collectible packs (separate from black lion chest). In fact, if there were rng packs that only contained collectibles (dyes, minis, and housing), I can guarantee that would be my primary purchase each month and I wouldn’t feel ripped off like I usually do with Black Lion Chest.
Arkeey ~ Engineer

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Katz.5143


Since its one of the ones I really want I’ll say:

-Sociopolitical Diversification: Player housing, Guild Halls, and Faction Alliances leading to new game play opportunities, rewards and content.

But along with the housing we need things to put in the houses and I’d really like crafting to contribute to those.

And I really want a wardrobe too!

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Gulesave.5073



  • Make all the current abilities viable.
  • Add a few new abilities: weapons, traits, etc.
  • Extend variety to theme: let a mesmer replace butterflies with bats, and a necro replace fleshy minions with ghostly ones.
  • Let our character’s interactions in new content be influenced by personality.
  • Add armors that break the mold: pants and modest tops for women, shoulder pieces that fit through doorways, maybe even a kilt.
I should be writing.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: The Lost Witch.7601

The Lost Witch.7601

My number one:

Encounter design that makes use of character progression in order to enhance the range of valid build-options.

Supershort explanation:

Instance assets

Assistance for dungeons and/or other instances that can be unlocked through character progression. These would allow for content that asks for specific strategies, making our builds matter more.

At the moment there are very few strategic reasons to change from a well-working build to another. You can do pretty much 99% of the game with one build. Yet my favourite way to make character progress is to unlock more build options. (Which makes it such a shame that there is no good reason to use most of those options.)

However, if encounters are designed to really make certain builds shine, then other builds are bound to be less good at it. This could make it very hard for unorganized teams to make it through. And I wouldn’t want to limit content to the hardcore crowd with multiple builds and professions available.

I want my build to matter, and difficult encounters that reward a clever (team)build are the only way to make that happen. Fortunately, we can find the solution in horizontal progression.

We can offset team-weaknesses or build-weaknesses by introducing instance assets. These could be environmental weapons/npc’s/skills or buffs. Which are unlocked through character progression.

We would choose (individually or through a team vote) our asset(s) from a list of options at certain points in an instance. (Be it a dungeon, fractals, our personal story or something else.)

It should be easy to unlock some relatively strong assets in various directions (more damage/more support/more defense). But the entire range of assets could be huge and very diverse, rewarding those who like to put in some more effort.

They could be acquired through faction (orders?) related tasks/zone-exploration/living story content etc. (endless opportunities, weak, fancy options may even be locked behind gems like the summon mistfire wolf skill)

Ideally, these assets would allow teams to beat content with any team-build, opening up new types of encounters. (Like those that require heavy healing to counter) And if you do not need to bring an asset to help you out, because you already have a build that is perfect for the situation, then you can pick up an asset that boosts magic find. (In a way, this would be a weak equivalent of ‘Hard Mode’)

And a final thought: some of these assets could be limited (and a bit more powerful than others perhaps). So you can only use them once, and then you need to re-gain that asset.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Jaken.6801


- snip-

Why are you forcing sub classes in?

Yes these systems are awesome… in other games. GW2 allready has something similiar available ingame. You are only proposing different ways to customize your character and how to aquire skills, etc…

They do not need to implement subclasses in this game. The limited skills and traits a character can field at a time does exactly that. Differenciate the classes in different roles.

They would have to expand in that direction, to get to more diverse details like you are imaginging.

- New animations based on certain traits.
- Class specific armor, which show your class off a bit more, or certain directions you have taken with your class. (btw. idea for legendary armor here: "Armor that changes acording your trait specification. Defense design with more defensive traits, etc. )
- Skills with “quests” attached to aquire them.

Yes class diversitation is needed, but please stop with the “subclasses”. I know you have your “system” thought through, but think again. Is it needed? I mean it is so easy to redirect your “new” ideas into allready existing systems, which just need to be expanded upon.

(btw. you get thumbs up for including Wild Arms in your references, love that game)

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: cesmode.4257


My number one would be “Zone Progression” / “Order Progression”

Something that gives players a purpose to explore the zones.

  • A lot of people miss quests, my main guess why this is the case is: they miss stories. Dynamic Events are cyclical in nature, so those stories have no real end – climax if you want. Time to give your writers something more to do and let them design unique events.
  • even the most simple idea could make people exited. Today I leveled in Kessex Hills when I saw a bear walking alongside a skritt. Awesome I thought… until I found out that I can’t interact with that npc at all; it’s just a guild mission boss. Why not spawn such rare characters (dozen of them, but rare spawns) in the open world, give them a loottable and a few interesting dialogue-options or even a small event associated.

Fill the existing maps with tons of things to do. I mean: tons and tons of things. And may these be just little things… the world has to feel more alive.

…and then combine this with progression. The more people find, the more they unlock. And the more they can unlock for others (in the sense of triggering new events).

summary: progression in specific zones via a huge variety of things to do (something for everyone – fighters, explorers, collectors, lore-lovers, treasure hunters,…………

People should have some goals for each of the zones. Not for the world in general (Legendary – mats from everywhere). Zelda reference: the Master Sword is in the Lost Woods, not everywhere in Hyrule.

This idea makes me excited, it could also tie into nearly every Horizontal Progression idea that has been put forward in this CDI.

It is just a good global ongoing goal to have, and one I think we have been doing but dependent on priorities could do a lot more of, especially from the point of view of using/evolving the Map Completion Meta Game system.


Chris, if you remember, I suggested something to this regard about global ongoing goals within the living story CDI thread. I think I titled it, global dominance where depending on how much of the world the players control, we receive certain benefits similar to WvW.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Conski Deshan.2057

Conski Deshan.2057

Sociopolitical Diversification part 2:
Guild Halls:
These should be completely separate from the Housing. The size of the guildhalls from guildwars 1 was nice around the same size again would work.

- Guild leader-boards, A trophy with the name of the top player in each area, i.e Pvp,Wvw,Crafting levels, Permanent AP, Total AP, most influence. Optional to show, would be fun for friendly competitiveness between guild-mates.

-Statues, these can be random statues or statues of guild members (selectable), this could be easily implemented by a modified stone form from the box of fun.

-customisation, allow the placement and layout of the towers,halls etc.

-Central meeting room, large room with space to have meetings,tables and stuff for rpers and the ability to turn on “banquet mode” where tables filled with food appear and fancy music plays, special dances unlocked. (see Mabinogi’s banquets)

-Viable treasury/vault that changes based on what’s in it and the amount of loot.

-Guild trophy’s earned from guild missions, or from harder guild quests that could be added.

-Crafting and bank area same as the guild wars 1 halls.

-An optional instanced command room for discussions

-Allow non-guildmembers to visit with permission like guildwars 1.

-Allow crafted items to be placed in the hall as well

-Guild quarters for each member. , not sure but I think Realm reborn does this?

[RoF] and [BL] guild leader
11x level 80’s 80+ Titles 2600+ skins , still a long way to go.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Donari.5237


I’m all for the sociopolitical part myself, as I do want a robust highly customizable housing system complete with player crafting of decorations and furniture. I cannot see any way for this to work open world, you simply will not have enough real estate for everyone to have equal opportunity to find a place.

On the other hand you do need all architectural styles available. LotRO does that via instanced racial neighborhoods; I’d rather let people have a melting pot of styles. And there needs to be room to expand. I can’t tell you how much I want a Caudecus Manor of my very own

As to zone progression that sounds wonderful. With this caveat: That requires pure dev work, nothing can happen you guys don’t spend the man hours to create. More events, more npcs chatting in intriguing ways, it’s all on ANet to put it in and thus add more filigree detail to our theme park. New places to explore, new reasons to see old places anew, all well and good — but it really needs to have some way to be player generated as to what’s going on.

(Note — I pick sociopolitical, with housing and factions etc, because wardrobe management has been declared QoL and thus likely to come with whatever focus is applied to the game. It is crucially important to me to get easy access to my skins and not have to pick just one alt to get a unique look).

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: The Great Al.2546

The Great Al.2546

My top choice would be role diversification, for two reasons –
1. I loved the flexibility of GW1’s skill system, and am tired of the Berserker-only PvE meta.
2. It seems like one of the only points listed here that won’t be directly tied to the current achievement system. I’m tired of filling up a progress bar with uninteresting and grindy achievements. I would anticipate a role diversification system including hunting down bosses for skill capture, which was a beloved feature of the first game.

How many players outside of role-players spend any time in a home instance or guild hall? I personally don’t see the appeal. It honestly just sounds like another ‘do these monotonous achievements to get a skin that won’t even be visible for 99% of your playtime’.

Zone progression would be awesome. I tried spending some time in the 30-60 zones recently, but they are completely devoid of players, dynamic events, or any other reason to go back there.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


My #1:

Housing/Guild Halls. but only if we actually BUILD them. Don’t give us a pre-determined area in a pre-determined zone with a pick-one-of-three buildings. Guild Wars had always been pretty weak on the real sandbox/building/living World end of MMOs. Let us choose from 100s of house locations all over the “living” world. we don’t have to necessarily see the building in the world real time.. But sectioning it off into an “area” in an instance blows.
& let us build the house. That’s the fun of housing. being creative & building your own place. No one cares about the belcher npc & the worthless crystal node. Its not special & it’s not interesting & it’s not what people want from housing.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: StriderShinryu.6923


My #1:

& let us build the house. That’s the fun of housing. being creative & building your own place. No one cares about the belcher npc & the worthless crystal node. Its not special & it’s not interesting & it’s not what people want from housing.

I would say that this here is one of the reasons why I don’t personally support housing in GW2 as much as I’d like to. I just don’t feel that it would actually be possible from what we have currently seen of GW2 to make housing that would satisfy players. The environments, while pretty, feel very pre designed and, heck, we don’t even have chairs/benches/etc. that we can actually sit on.

Would I rather have a housing system that disappoints me at every turn or would I rather have none at all and have the development resources spent elsewhere? I’m thinking I would choose the latter.

Of course, I don’t really know what’s possible from the GW2 engine in this regard so I may be totally wrong.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Edmo.7159


I know you guys from ArenaNet have creativity to create many different skills (just look at the amount of skills from GW1). But I wonder how much would you be willing to modify the existing skills?

I believe the game would be more fun if the skills had multiple uses depending on the positioning and timing. I see enough of that in Dota2 and i prefer it instead of LoL because of that.

For exemple, Ele Staff skill ‘Unsteady Ground’ (Create unsteady ground that foes cannot cross) I would rename this skill to ‘Stonewall’ and make it block projectiles too… but if you use this skill in another character’s position he would suffer a launching effect, since a wall is coming right at his feet… and at the end of the skill the wall explodes dealing area damage… then there are three new effects for a sinlge skill, protection, control and damage, but depending on the position not all effects will affect the adversary.

I think that these effects should be standards without relying on trait, I’m not a big fan of traits, I prefer the way it was in GW1.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Nike.2631


We can work together without surrendering our unique strengths. We can beat this thing without losing who we are. — Almorra Soulkeeper

As Primordius reveals the true extent of its molten grasp, the Three Orders of Tyria rally to strike back against the devastating legacy of ‘Briar’s Folly’. Join us as GuildWars 2 unveils the rise of new heroes as the war against the Elder Dragons enters a new and terrifying phase in this permanent Living World release.

Fulfill Your Oath
Choosing to take your place within one of Tyria’s three Great Orders is one of the most important steps along your heroic journey. Now that decision offers you greater chances for heroism and recognition than ever before. New multi-tiered Renown achievements will record your service, allowing you to advance through the ranks of those to whom you have given your allegiance and with whom you have found common cause in stopping the Elder Dragons. Each Order’s headquarters takes on new importance as the nerve center for dozens of active operations. Visit the Vigils’ War Room, the Priory’s Living Archive, or the Whispers’ Apple Cellar to pick up special weekly and monthly assignments. Or take to the field directly: new and existing Dynamic Events have been flagged as ‘Order Events’. Character’s whose choice of Order matches these events now gain an additional 15% karma reward for advancing the goals of their Order and once per day per character these events contribute to your Renown. Many of the new events can only be initiated by players in that Oder, allowing you to interact with your allies in never before seen ways. Reach out to new operatives, command new subordinates, and correspond with new colleges as you uncover tasks and secrets unique to each Order.

More Than Soldiers
While armed conflict is a part of every Order’s struggle against the Elder Dragons, members must never forget those things that make them unique. Orchestrate a network of spies and wield the hidden blade of diplomacy on behalf of the order of Whispers. Give your service to aid and rescue missions as the Vigil also upholds their commitment to charity and the belief they must protect not only lives but the dignity of the people of Tyria. Partake in secret experiments and unlock ancient puzzles as the Durmond Priory turns forgotten lore into practical solutions. Each path offers an entirely separate viewpoint on the trials of this Age.

Victories Must Be Celebrated
These are grim times but hope still burns brightly. Show off your commitment to the struggle and your chosen path against Evil with new titles, deals on Order-themed dyes and even new dye colors reserved for the upper ranks of each Order. Learn new recipes to create account-bound weapon and armor skins. As your star rises, new areas of each Order headquarters become accessible where the secret lore and history of your Order is preserved. Enjoy access to new vendors who will exchange karma for potent gear. Relax between battles with Order-themed consumables and town-clothes. Redecorate you home instance with subtle hints of your allegiance, earn new harvestable resource nodes, or even install a portal to take you directly to and from your Order’s headquarters. You can even gain new battle cries and dialogue that signal your allegiance!

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Wulf.5431


One thing I would personally like to see is more power in your utilities than your weapon skills. Make them more meaningfull, rather than be another weapon skill on a long cooldown. Utilities are the biggest customization options that characters have, and I feel they should have more impact. For instance, if you’re weak to a certain thing, like stun lock warriors, you should be able to alter your utilities to be able to counter it. As it is now, if you were say, an elementalist, there’s not really anything you can put into your utilities that’ll really make that big of an impact.

Basically I’d like more skills, and for your skill choices to make more of a difference. I want it to be so customizeable that there is no perfect build for any particular aspect of the game. If you got destroyed, instead of giving up and getting upset, it would be back to the drawing board instead of having to other options. More like deckbuilding/teambuilding.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: morrolan.9608


How about some of the more egregious vertical progression imbalances get fixed before implementing purely horizontal progression suggestions such as the fixing ascended armor crafting so that it is more equitable instead of light armor taking 36 days to craft, medium armor 24 days and heavy armor 25 days due to the time gating on bolts of damask.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: islarose.7356


Hi All,
What I would like us to do is pick ONE idea that you would hold above all others as it relates to the community as a whole.

Greater variety in aesthetic items. I feel limited by in-game armor sets, as there aren’t really that many to choose from (per armor class) and it’s unfortunate that the really attractive sets are exclusive to the gemstore. It would be nice to have armor drop from dungeons, in addition to the use of tokens, and in the open world (higher chances) – I think this would be a beneficial addition for the community, and reduce the demand of constant farming. It would also be a great benefit to crafters to add some crafted sets that are also visually appealing – especially seeing as crafting has little value aside from ascended items – it’s more financially beneficial to sell materials than to craft anything with them. Finally, we should be able to gain access to new armor/weapon sets through our in-game accomplishments and achievements. In discussing horizontal progression, I think of aesthetics and diversification of appearance between players.

Account-wide dyes, and new craftable dyes/event based dyes that have special particle effects (color changing, glowing, flames, frost, sky, etc.) and basic dyes with heightened tonal quality.

I can’t speak to things like minis, as the game lacks a mini management system and thus they’re all but worthless to me, as a player – they often get deposited to collectibles, I constantly have to click to spawn them, etc. A new inventory panel exclusive to minis would be a great solution, and one that might encourage me to want to collect them. Getting minis in the open world would also be nice, especially if tied to player accomplishments – between exploring, completing dynamic, large events, dungeons, LS events, etc.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Nike.2631


I personally would enjoy Role-diversification more, but I like to tinker and build-craft quite a lot. In the eternal search for “new things to do” and “new ways to do” it, I come down more on the new ways to do it end of the spectrum.

That said, expanding on the Orders as both framework for activities and inspiration for rewards is a Juggernaut-of-Awesome that can reinvigorate huge swaths of the game world and player-base. New skills and traits and weapons cannot be ignored, but I think its the Orders that have the best chance of seizing the imagination of the broader MMO community and keeping GW2 in a strong position through the coming year.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

(edited by Nike.2631)

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Donari.5237


How about some of the more egregious vertical progression imbalances get fixed before implementing purely horizontal progression suggestions such as the fixing ascended armor crafting so that it is more equitable instead of light armor taking 36 days to craft, medium armor 24 days and heavy armor 25 days due to the time gating on bolts of damask.

That was part of the Vertical Progression thread. This thread is about ideas on improving the horizontal experience. So it’s not about priorities and which is better/more preferable, it’s about addressing each area in turn.

There’s no need to say “I don’t like your suggestion because I think something else is more important.” We see that too much in the Suggestions forum as it is ><

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Chris Whiteside.6102


Chris Whiteside.6102

Studio Design Director


My number one would be “Zone Progression” / “Order Progression”

Something that gives players a purpose to explore the zones.

  • A lot of people miss quests, my main guess why this is the case is: they miss stories. Dynamic Events are cyclical in nature, so those stories have no real end – climax if you want. Time to give your writers something more to do and let them design unique events.
  • even the most simple idea could make people exited. Today I leveled in Kessex Hills when I saw a bear walking alongside a skritt. Awesome I thought… until I found out that I can’t interact with that npc at all; it’s just a guild mission boss. Why not spawn such rare characters (dozen of them, but rare spawns) in the open world, give them a loottable and a few interesting dialogue-options or even a small event associated.

Fill the existing maps with tons of things to do. I mean: tons and tons of things. And may these be just little things… the world has to feel more alive.

…and then combine this with progression. The more people find, the more they unlock. And the more they can unlock for others (in the sense of triggering new events).

summary: progression in specific zones via a huge variety of things to do (something for everyone – fighters, explorers, collectors, lore-lovers, treasure hunters,…………

People should have some goals for each of the zones. Not for the world in general (Legendary – mats from everywhere). Zelda reference: the Master Sword is in the Lost Woods, not everywhere in Hyrule.

This idea makes me excited, it could also tie into nearly every Horizontal Progression idea that has been put forward in this CDI.

It is just a good global ongoing goal to have, and one I think we have been doing but dependent on priorities could do a lot more of, especially from the point of view of using/evolving the Map Completion Meta Game system.


Chris, if you remember, I suggested something to this regard about global ongoing goals within the living story CDI thread. I think I titled it, global dominance where depending on how much of the world the players control, we receive certain benefits similar to WvW.

Hi Cesmode,

I certainly remember the title (Global Dominance) but am fuzzy on the details. I will go back and read the idea. Sorry for not remembering and calling this idea out to.


CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Bezagron.7352


Bezagron’s Top One Role Diversification Part 1
My top one would have to be role diversification with elements of sociopolitical diversification that effects roles and playstyles close behind.

When I read Chris’s description of role diversification “New skills/traits, new weapons, access to inaccessible existing weapons, infusions and hybrid professions.” & sociopolitical diversification “Player housing, Guild Halls, and Faction Alliances leading to new game play opportunities, rewards and content.” I feel Chris’s role diversification is combat roles & playstyles and chris’s sociopolitical diversification is non combat roles & playstyles.

Combat roles & Playstyles
Four ideas that help build the combat role diversification that I love were;

  • Stat swapping supporting; with the introduction of ascended items I feel more locked in to one main stat combination, with only the option of builds centred around those stats. Stat swapping brings back buildcrafting and experimentation.
  • Sub-classes macro; For my me now to deliver this combat role diversification sub-classes have become my macro focus, the shift from just expanding the existing skills & traits system which can achieve the same overall purpose is because I believe sub-classes to be one of the best ways to explain in game lore were & how all these new abilities come from (Bezagron’s Sub-classes as build content game lore).
  • New weapons / weapons skill (for existing) micro; first lets just say I love how the weapons skills are tied to a profession and weapon type. But after you have collected & unlocked all the weapons skills that’s it. Except for some traits and rune sets no matter what, I still use the same greatsword weapons skills as any other Guardian player. I feel locked in, that I’ve lost a large part of my character customisation. The reason for this is that weapons skills are such a large influences on your customisation, role & playstyle. I would love to see at least a second weapons skill set added to existing weapons and any new weapons. (My own post new weapon skills & weapons)
  • Expansion of traits micro; I would love to see more traits added overall but I would primarily like to see more, what I call morphing traits (Warrior’s (IX) Quick breathing, Guardian’s (VII) Zealous Blade, Elementalist’s (XI) Evasive Arcana…). These traits change existing skills. Quick breathing – warhorn skills now convert a condition, Zealous Blade – now adds self healing & Evasive Arcana – adds a spell depending on attunement to the end of your dodge. These traits add to or change the reason you use these skills adding another level of player customisation.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Bezagron.7352


Bezagron’s Top One Part 2 Contin… Non Combat roles & Playstyles
Four ideas that help with non combat role diversification are;

  • Crafting macro; first lets just say I like the overall theme behind the crafting system in GW2 but at the moment I feel there are only two reasons to craft. One to make ascended items for yourself and two, to make gold. Other then these I feel there is very little reason to craft. Crafting in GW2 is all about making weapons, armour and buffs for combat. Each of the crafting profession feel independent from the others. There is no interdependences between crafting profession and as such the others are not needed. If you want to make a sword you only need weaponsmithing, everything you need to make that sword is provided in weaponsmithing. This means there is no intercrafting economy and the crafting roles & playstyles leave me wanting. Don’t get me wrong I love that you can learn every crafting profession (pls don’t take that away) but I feel individual crafting profession matter little. Adding intercrafting profession dependences would help greatly in giving individual crafting professions a more defined role (eg. Supplier of curtain goods..). Another large area would be the introduction of player housing / guild halls and involving crafting professions in the building & decorating of them. Lastly the main thing is to give crafting a reason in the community (combat & non combat).
  • Farming micro; Talking about non combat crafting I would love a farming profession / activity. We have some resource nodes now in our home instances. What I would like is to see that expanded into is farming. Were the player can take the in game role as a grower or breeder. The grower could farm and provide resources. (eg plants and trees). And the breeder could breed animals & monsters providing resources from these creatures, as well as monsters for an PvE arena like content. What I’m looking for here is another non combat role option.
  • Historian micro; this mite not be a role that has in game functions but a role a player can take on. I this way I love Louveepine’s Lore codex idea.
  • Merchant micro; For the players of the TP some other way to be included in the game. The idea I really like here is Nike’s Patrons of the City.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Shongaqu.5279


Chris, if you remember, I suggested something to this regard about global ongoing goals within the living story CDI thread. I think I titled it, global dominance where depending on how much of the world the players control, we receive certain benefits similar to WvW.

Hmmm tie the idea of global dominance to guild claiming of outposts in the open world and you would have a fascinating meta game that could involve the whole server. Small guilds of 5-10 could fortify camps and outposts while towns and forts would be available for larger guilds. It would cost influence and guild merits to claim an outpost and you would have to make sure the guild checked up on it at least once a day.

yes Malchior I got some of my sandbox ideas into the horizontal CDI I am sorry :P

Former Host/Producer Relics of Orr Podcast
yes we are still around!

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Chris Whiteside.6102


Chris Whiteside.6102

Studio Design Director


Chris, if you remember, I suggested something to this regard about global ongoing goals within the living story CDI thread. I think I titled it, global dominance where depending on how much of the world the players control, we receive certain benefits similar to WvW.

Hmmm tie the idea of global dominance to guild claiming of outposts in the open world and you would have a fascinating meta game that could involve the whole server. Small guilds of 5-10 could fortify camps and outposts while towns and forts would be available for larger guilds. It would cost influence and guild merits to claim an outpost and you would have to make sure the guild checked up on it at least once a day.

yes Malchior I got some of my sandbox ideas into the horizontal CDI I am sorry :P

Yes I remember this now along with a similar idea by Nike. Very cool ideas.


CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Patrikan Habaton.2548

Patrikan Habaton.2548

Hey Chris,

I really hoped I don’t ask this again in the new year but: Any update on Fractals reset?
We were told we get an answer. I know it’s Holiday ect but I didn’t get any update or answer so far so I Need to ask again. I have a Feeling it will otherwise just get forgotten.

In my view it is : A hit in my face to have a thread almost as Long as the thread about resetting our Progress about Progression wich is unable to answer the questions:

What reasons made you think that fractal reset is a smart idea? ( besides NOT implemented leaderboards, and the Point that we don’t start on equal footage if we start on 30 instead of 0 )

Why you didn’t think or metion some Kind of reward for Player who have spent huge ammount of time to go to Level 81?

What can us give back some trust in you, so we don’t have to fear every Progress we make can be reseted or deleted without any comment?

Can you still track who had achieved wich Levels prepatch?

Those question hang around for sooo Long and it sadens me the longer the more to have no answer.

Happy New Year

I really hope I’ll get some answer this year

first scale 81 fractals

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Chris Whiteside.6102


Chris Whiteside.6102

Studio Design Director


How about some of the more egregious vertical progression imbalances get fixed before implementing purely horizontal progression suggestions such as the fixing ascended armor crafting so that it is more equitable instead of light armor taking 36 days to craft, medium armor 24 days and heavy armor 25 days due to the time gating on bolts of damask.

Hi Morrolan,

I will discuss this with Izzy when I get back to work on the 7th.


CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Chris Whiteside.6102


Chris Whiteside.6102

Studio Design Director


Hi All,

Happy New Year! Thanks for being so patient with me. Regarding other dev’s posting during this period it is unlikely as it is the holiday period and I don’t expect them to emulate my behavior.

Note this CDI will only end when we are happy for it to do so ( and by we I mean all of us).

I am up to date with all the posts, thanks for all hard work, ideation, and discussion.

We are in the process of pulling the net in now and so I am going to ask you all to do something very difficult now (As in you won’t feel comfortable doing it). Previously I asked you to name your top three ideas. You did, and then everyone discussed them which led to a refocusing of many of your ideas and the birth of some new ones.

What I would like us to do is pick ONE idea that you would hold above all others as it relates to the community as a whole. Note I to found this very difficult but my one is blow. Also note I consider Wardrobe to be QOL, however any Wardrobe ideas that are Systemic or build on existing mechanics can be included.

Please also understand this is not a vote that leads to development, this is part of the ideation process. I would recommend looking at ideas that are built on existing systems or mechanics within the game. This is a nice to have however. Many have mentioned giving info on the relative weight of each idea that is put forward, we should do this after this phase but to be honest (having given it a lot of thought) I wouldn’t want to see this weighting get in the way of great ideas.

Remember at the end of the day we are not going to give details on what is in dev or what we plan to build. We will talk about what we like however and thus knowing details about Feature Cost is interesting to know but should not be something that inadvertently hampers the CDI or your ideas.

My original three were:

— Role Diversification: New skills/traits, new weapons, access to inaccessible existing weapons, infusions and hybrid professions.

— Sociopolitical Diversification: Player housing, Guild Halls, and Faction Alliances leading to new game play opportunities, rewards and content.

— Hero Recognition: Unique Skins, Titles, Rewards, followers and NPC reactions/opportunities based on the players individual feats in the world of Tyria regardless of how he/she chooses to play the game.

And my top one is:

— Sociopolitical Diversification: Player housing, Guild Halls, and Faction Alliances leading to new game play opportunities, rewards and content.

The other two were extremely close but I feel this one would have the best bang for buck for the community.

Finally note we are working on horizontal progression, with many of ideas (some of which may even be in this thread), so I can’t stress enough that this exercise is about further ideation focus refinement. Not a dev list.


Le Bump!



Note I will create a Proposal for discussion based on everyone’s discussions and favorites once folks have more time to discuss and list theirs.


CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: bargamer.1762


You know what would be great? Once you get to the Personal Story mission where you’re a member of the Pact, you can gain access to the instanced-off areas of any of the three Orders and get any of their armor/weapons.

It’d also be nice if Necros could have multiple copies of their minions, such as having 3 Utility Slots of Bone Minions. But not Flesh Golem, because that’s Traherne’s thing.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: LoneBaron.1284


It’s a tough choice, but I pick zone progression. Many other people in this thread and others have discussed how to improve dynamic events and make zones more full of life, so I will focus on the rewards and character progression.

Zones need a variety of unique rewards that can be attained no where else.

  • Some of these could be skins that are progressively built from components collected as rewards for the completion of dynamic events. As an example, completing events in Brisband Wildlands would award you with horse shoes, manes, or centaur weapon hafts, which you would combine with hooves (currently a junk item) to create the account-bound Hammer of a Dozen Hooves. These skins should not require very much grind to get, the grind will come later as you will soon see.
  • You could also add zone specific skills or traits that are only usable in the zone they were acquired in. These could be earned by killing obscure bosses at the end of long event chains, or even better, they could be tied to the zone’s unique weapon skin (or armor skin).
  • There should also be a long title track tied to each zone similar to the title tracks for the different areas in the Eye of the North expansion for GW1. Points for the title could be earned by completing dynamic events or killing specific types of enemies, etc. Upon reaching a new tier of the title track, your zone specific skills/traits would receive a slight buff and you would be able to upgrade the cosmetic appearance of your zone specific piece of gear by combining it with more of the same components awarded for completing dynamic events. Eventually you would be able to upgrade it to a legendary after completing the last tier of the title track. So your Hammer of a Dozen Hooves would be upgradable to the Hammer of a Score of Hooves upon reaching the second tier of the title track, and so on until it is the legendary hammer Thunder of the Herd after reaching the last tier.
  • These zone specific title tracks could have a common theme with the similar zones around them, so completing all the title tracks in a geographic area could net you a complete suit of legendary gear. There could also be a title track just for completing all the title tracks of a geographic area (it would be cool if this title displayed a medal beside your name like map completion does). Completion of every zone title track in the game should get a statue of your favorite character erected in Lion’s Arch.
  • There are many other ways you could use the title track to enrich the player’s experience. Perhaps a prominent npc in your favorite zone will occasionally contact you once you reach the mid-to-high titles in the track, spawning rare events (maybe even zone-wide events), special tasks, or even story instances. You could put a dungeon in, say, the Shiverpeaks which players who had reached a certain tier in the title track for any of the Shiverpeaks zones could play. Upon reaching the last tier, (I wouldn’t make it higher than 10) there should be an instanced cutscene where the people of the zone honor and thank the player and present them with an awesome looking item, like a shimmering fur cloak for completing Lornar’s Pass, as well as bestowing upon the player their final title, Patron of Lornar’s Pass (or something more epic sounding).

These features could be built upon over time, and they will guarantee that every zone in the game is populated.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: cesmode.4257


My number one would be “Zone Progression” / “Order Progression”

Something that gives players a purpose to explore the zones.

  • A lot of people miss quests, my main guess why this is the case is: they miss stories. Dynamic Events are cyclical in nature, so those stories have no real end – climax if you want. Time to give your writers something more to do and let them design unique events.
  • even the most simple idea could make people exited. Today I leveled in Kessex Hills when I saw a bear walking alongside a skritt. Awesome I thought… until I found out that I can’t interact with that npc at all; it’s just a guild mission boss. Why not spawn such rare characters (dozen of them, but rare spawns) in the open world, give them a loottable and a few interesting dialogue-options or even a small event associated.

Fill the existing maps with tons of things to do. I mean: tons and tons of things. And may these be just little things… the world has to feel more alive.

…and then combine this with progression. The more people find, the more they unlock. And the more they can unlock for others (in the sense of triggering new events).

summary: progression in specific zones via a huge variety of things to do (something for everyone – fighters, explorers, collectors, lore-lovers, treasure hunters,…………

People should have some goals for each of the zones. Not for the world in general (Legendary – mats from everywhere). Zelda reference: the Master Sword is in the Lost Woods, not everywhere in Hyrule.

This idea makes me excited, it could also tie into nearly every Horizontal Progression idea that has been put forward in this CDI.

It is just a good global ongoing goal to have, and one I think we have been doing but dependent on priorities could do a lot more of, especially from the point of view of using/evolving the Map Completion Meta Game system.


Chris, if you remember, I suggested something to this regard about global ongoing goals within the living story CDI thread. I think I titled it, global dominance where depending on how much of the world the players control, we receive certain benefits similar to WvW.

Hi Cesmode,

I certainly remember the title (Global Dominance) but am fuzzy on the details. I will go back and read the idea. Sorry for not remembering and calling this idea out to.


Ah, no thats not the reason I brought it up. I just thought that it is nice to see someone else had a similar idea in the horizontal progression thread when I had posted the same idea in the LS thread…I really feel something like this can go a long way to putting players into all zones and just play the game. The content thats already there, already developed and existing…this system would work perfectly for it.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Nike.2631


Yes I remember this now along with a similar idea by Nike. Very cool ideas.

Global Dominance was spelled out here for those who are curious.

I’d call it more of an extrapolation of how some of the WvW systems for control/claiming and overall scoring/rewards could be earned through normal play across large swaths of the PvE landscape, possibly with “set bonuses” for complete control of the individual maps. It has more sweep and scope than the single-zone conflict I was trying to build around the Tequatl content .

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Yoh.8469


I have an idea about skills while working today, that kind of takes parts of several ideas expressed in this thread and kind of rolls them into one, fairly simple concept.
Which could increase customization, personalization and specialization of builds.

  • First, you take out Elites entirely, replacing their slot with an additional utility slot, and reworking the elites into just another tier of utilities skills. This alone with vastly improve customization of builds, give how much more useful a utility is vs elites in their current implementation.
  • Second, you have a slot in the trait or hero panel where you slot in one of your skills, it can be any of them, which then has itself two slots where you slot in new traits/talents that are meant to greatly improve this skill, augmenting it up to a level of an elite skill.
    Which is where the personalization and specialization comes in. You could upgrade a skill that you personally like, and even build around it.


And I have an example to illustrate this that already exist in game.
I present: Mantra of Recovery
(yeah, I bet you didn’t see that one coming)

This otherwise lackluster skill with just a few, minimal investment in traits and runes can become orders of magnitude more powerful, largely due to it’s quirky mechanics.

First with 20 points into Inspiration, you get Mender’s Purity and Restorative Mantras.
This gets you 2 condition removals, per charge.
And you get a strong AOE heal to nearby allies on cast, which with it’s short cooldown is fairly often.

Then you have runes, many of which have on heal procs, from AOE torment to additional heals, to fury and might for allies. It’s a very flexible way to augment this skill to your liking, namely because it’s short cooldown and ability to proc multiple times ensures runes being used every time it comes off cooldown.

You can even go further and put 20 points into Dualing for cooldown reduction and toughness on charge, among others traits.


The point being, with relative ease you can make this single skill much, much more powerful. And while many skill types can be upgraded to some extent, purity and runes kind of put this one over the top when combined.

I think the same approach could be used to make any skill, even ones that aren’t that good on their own, much more powerful/useful, as if it’s your elite skill.

For example: Say you like Chaos Storm, you could with one slot increase it’s AOE range and the number of targets it hits: +50% range, up to 10 targets. And with the second decrease cooldown and increase duration. So now you have a giant Chaos Storm that puts on more boons to more allies, and more conditions to more enemies, more often.


The talents themselves can be broke up into several groups depending on what skill type is slotted in. First weapon, healing or utility skill. Then whatever type it is, ie Signet, Shout, Trap etc.

So some traits would be common among all professions for certain types of skills.
Like Signets could have a trait that makes the skill retain it’s passive effect on cooldown. Or Traps could cause Immobilize in addition to its other conditions/effects.

Keeping in mind this only would effect the single traited skill, not all of them.
I thought that was a neat idea, not sure how much merit it has.

(edited by Yoh.8469)

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Nike.2631


Hey Chris,

I really hoped I don’t ask this again in the new year but: Any update on Fractals reset?

Reality check: ArenaNet is at home with the families right now.

I’m sympathetic to your concerns, but this is NOT the time to be tapping your foot. It’s another few days till the clocks start up again, and even then I’d allow a few days just to sort out some of the craziness that’s happened in the last week.

Nothing wrong with periodically refreshing the question, but to expect any sort of action to take place right now is simply unreasonable, no matter how righteous the cause.

Stand by. You’re not the only one curious about what can be done on this front .

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


Out of My Top Three Ideas, I would have to say that my Top Idea is still my first idea I posted on This Thread::: Horizontal Progression for Existing Weapon Skills

I feel that I need to Expand on the Idea a little bit, pulling concepts from other Skill expansion ideas. I like to keep my posts only 1 post long (normally), but this one is going to be longer, so, if you can’t do the Long Climb, sit back, rehydrate, and breath some oxygen while you send the Sherpas to scout ahead to find the best path through this Everest of text.

…or use this mystical teleportation device and skip it all ( You just left those Sherpas and you didn’t pay them. You also took all the food and oxygen with you…You monster!


  • If you don’t want to be fancy, you could also call it Role Diversification.
  • Aside from expanding on the Roles that Players can fill with existing weapons, this idea also greatly expands Skill and build diversification, without infringing upon the flavor of any particular weapon or laying a single finger on the Trait system.
  • This Idea can also encourage players to get out there into the world to find these mythical (some not so) traveling Skill masters.

How would it work?

  • Use the current system of Changing Utility skills on the fly out of Combat, we Click on the little bar at the top of the utility/healing/elite skill and a menu comes up that lets us pick different skills. Put that system on weapon skills.
  • You should also be able to change your weapon skills in the Hero Panel, under the skills tab, so that way you can plan out your build without having to have that weapon equipped at the time. It will also help out professions with multiple skills in the same slot such as Elementalists.
  • Weapon Kits should be allowed to change skills as well, so that way Engineers aren’t left out.
  • You can buy these new skills for an expensive 100 skill points, or you can go out into the world to find the Weapon Masters to learn from the source.

The Weapon Masters

  • These are the NPC’s that teach you the new skill.
  • While some could be in major cities, most of them will be out there in the world, honing their skills further. They are happy to take on a Student, but only if you could find them.
  • Some could be out in an open field, taking joy in fighting whatever is there. Others could be reclusive hermits, hiding in the darkest tombs and ruins.
  • When you Speak to this NPC, he offers you a challenge, that if you can complete, he will teach you a new variant on an existing weapon skill.
  • While some of these events can be completed in a group (after all, MMO’s are about players playing together, and helping other players), many of them can be tailored to an individual player (see my example)
  • These new Skill challenges can be related to completing a portion of a Jumping Puzzle, or a new Puzzle entirely, or they can be related to using combat skills.
  • After completing the Challenge, the Master Skill Trainer will teach you the Skill for free. BUT, what if you can’t complete the challenge, or you are impatient? I also suggest that you get to buy them, for the nice pretty price of 100 Skill Points! That should eat into your supply a little. This way, it is always easier to just figure out the challenge than it is to buy the Skill point.
  • Each Master teaches One Skill per Profession for a Total of 8 possible skills you can learn from them. (The nature of the Challenge can and should change based on profession, so a stealthing challenge can still be completed by a class that doesn’t have access to it.)
  • For all my Examples, I use the Ranger, and Ranger only for the specific challenges and solutions.

(Continued in next post)

(edited by Chrispy.5641)

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


Example (Ranger Shortbow)(Skill #3 Quick Shot)

  • It is my belief that the specific purpose of this skill is to do a well times evade, and to make distance between you and your enemy.

Quick Shot ::: (Base skill) Fire a quick shot in an evasive retreat. Gain swiftness if the shot hits. This can be used while retreating.

Stealth Shot ::: Fire a quick shot in an evasive retreat. Gain stealth if the shot hits. This can be used while retreating.

The Challenge Gary Silent Arrow is a famous Charr Archer tracking Flame Legion. You find him at the entrance to a narrow passage way in the Iron Marches. He says that the Flame Legion left some important intel in the cottage at the end, but, there is a magic trap that will burn anything that tries to enter. He says that he would get it himself, but he would rather see someone else try. He says that You need to Stealth yourself to get through, but it needs to be a powerful stealth skill, so he reccomends that you stealth yourself for maximum effect. If you suceed, he will teach you Stealth Shot, so that way you have another option to be invisible in the future.

  • The Magic Trap can detect if the source of the stealth is on you, or if someone applied it to you (the game can track this already I think), if it detects that you aren’t the original source of the stealth, you get burned alive and die on the spot.
  • You cannot evade your way through since the magic is too powerful.
  • The only targetable thing you can hit is a poor defenseless P. Dog at the begining. If you hit him, he goes into his hole and becomes untargetable for 10 seconds.
  • Even if you do stealth yourself, it will take 3 seconds to get through, meaning certain death if you are not fast enough.
  • Gary will revive you and teleport you to the begining if you die.
  • My way to get through that trap would be to hit the poor prarie dog with Longbow’s Hunter’s Shot to stealth myself, then switch to Greatsword, then use Swoop to quickly move past the area. Or use Lightning Reflexes then quickly dodge backwards.
  • You could also use one of your pigs to find an item that stealth’s yourself.
  • Use Rampage as One and Protect me/Signet of Stone to force your way through without getting knocked down/ dying instantly.
  • A Mesmer could try to use Portal, but Gary Silent Arrow tells you that there is a portal detection spell at the other end, if a Portal is set up, instant death to anyone who passes through.
  • After you find the piece of Intel, you need to get back through to the other end. You could just run into the flame and die, at which point Gary will teleport you to the begining, or you can repeat what you did to get past the trap to begin with.

Pin Shot ::: Fire a quick shot in an evasive retreat. Inflict Immobilize if the shot hits. This can be used while retreating.

The Challenge There is a Hylek in Bloodtide Coast that wants to catch a particularly fast moving creature. He wants you to try to slow it down, and immobilize it long enough for the Hylek to poison it. He says that the creature is very fast, and will run through any vines, mud, or spikes you set up, but it may trip if it runs across icy ground, leaving it open to being immobilized, or you can try to chill it to slow it down, also leaving it open to being immobilized. He will teach you a new Skill if you can accomplish this task.

  • I want a Ranger to tell me how they would solve it. It should be easy, and there are multiple ways to solve it.

Tormenting Shot ::: Fire a quick shot in an evasive retreat. Inflict Torment if the shot hits. This can be used while retreating.

The Challenge Bobbbo Beefriend is a Human living in the Brisban Wildlands. He is a bee keeper, and he raises a particular nasty brood of bees. He ran into a problem though. He locks the queen up every night so bandits don;t steal her, but he forgot to unlock the cage in the morning. The rest of the bees are in a serious fit of rage, and are stinging anything that gets into the area. Bobbbo suggests that you figure out a way through the area. He says Bears are their natural enemy. He says that if you suceed, he will share some of his honey, and if you coat your arrows in it, it will draw the attention of bees in the area, which will themselves rage and sting whoever the arrow hits.

  • Moving in the Area adds 5 Stacks of Torment every second and lasts for 10 seconds.
  • You can creatively time and chain together condition removal and dodges, or, if you listen to what he says, the bees are deathly afraid of bears. You can just bring a bear out and open up a path to the cage.
  • Or, use a Movement skill.

(Continued in next post)

(edited by Chrispy.5641)

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


Druid’s Retreat ::: Fire a quick shot in an evasive retreat. Heal you and your pet for a little if the shot hits. This can be used while retreating.

The Challenge Xeni Lilia is a bit of an odd sylvari (get in Line!) in Caledon Forest. She is Raising a new breed of Ravaging Vampire Spiders to protect her Lillies! Xeni Lilia says that she has a favor she would like to ask. She wants to to brave the deep Caverns next to her and bring her some Vampire Spiders so she can raise them and release them on her Lillies to protect them. Its Mini Dungeon time!

  • Down there are oversized Vampire Spiders. Xeni can’t use them so just kill them. Beware though, Vampire isn’t just some creepy name. They actually make use of it (they absorb health). (maybe have a Vampire Spider Pet, that as an F2 skill applies venom that absorbs health for a certain number of attacks, not the subject of this idea though!)
  • You are looking for Vampire Spider eggs, which are at the very bottom, but once you get there, Oh crud! A Wild Champion Vampire Spider Queen appeared out of the darkness, ready to attack! You can fight her (for a rare chance at a weapon or something,…)
  • …OR, you could also just grab the eggs and Run for it! You need 5 by the way.
  • After doing a crazy task for an even crazier Sylvari, she teaches you Druid’s Retreat. For all that, you thought you were going to get some sort of awesome Necrotic Vampire skill, huh?

Almost the End (We’re near the Summit! Aren’t you glad you stuck with those Sherpas?)

  • If times and amounts are balanced properly, none of these skills would be any more or less powerful than the other, they all have similar flavor of the original skill, and they all accomplish the same thing that the original skill did.
  • Traits need not be affected at all. Neither does unique effect of the skill. Quick Shot and all its variants have the same backwards retreat. Mesmer skills that create clones would still do so. Thief skills that stealth would still do so, or do they……
  • For example (with Ranger again), Greatsword #4 is a 3 second block, but if you block a melee attack, you do a powerful counter attack that may or may not hit, and your block ends. Well, Forget that! Take a skill variant that does not have a counter attack or crippling throw only the very useful Block. Or take another skill that only has crippling throw and no counter attack. Those might be slightly weaker and less versatile than the original skill, but those variants would have their uses in some situations.
  • This could also add hundreds of events and NPC’s into the game world, and would also greatly diversify the current Skill challenges, something that we also need.
  • The Variety of new builds that could come out of this are nearly endless.
  • Everything shouldn’t have to be made at once. One new skill per profession could be introduced each living world release. It’ll take 5 years to introduce every skill variant probably, but that’ll leave enough time to get the base system set in place, and work out any bugs, and also balance every skill.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: mcnick.3150


Boss’s weapon drop when equip will provides a set of special weapon skills.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

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Posted by: LadyFearghus.3406


Choose one idea over all others. For me that is easy.

I am a casual player and roleplayer. A lot of what I want/need is already in game for me (aside from more and more story/lore)

The one thing that I reall can’t stand is the lack of town clothes (not just for human, though I am usually on a human!) as I mentioned earlier. (Seriously… Give me some pretty dresses!! )
I can see that town clothes specifically is not in such high demand by the community so…
In a more broad sense, I say: Hero Uniqeness.
Including (of course) additional town clothes, dyable weapons, (Non gem-store) armour designs, Titles.
I think the back slot is a great slot to place a lot of new skins to give a hero a more unique look (as you have been doing) However, I think there should be more skins tied to earning. Not through meta-achieves, more like through titles… Perhaps tiered titles like in GW1? Something like.. A Priory book bag that looks more and rich with higher faction.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Nike.2631


Watching this video I realized…

Order-specific dances.

Make it so .

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


my top request would also fall in the sociopolitical category.
Personal Housing that is very robust and creative and ties in with crafting and tinkering.
Factions via the Orders and Order Missions- I really like Nike’s ideas here

Gunnar’s Hold

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


Watching this video I realized…

Order-specific dances.

Make it so .

Let us type /dance infront of a Dragon champion. The Dragon then starts dancing. Then it stomps and kills everyone in a five mile radius with giant words on the screen saying “You got served!”

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Ben K.7329

Ben K.7329

— Sociopolitical Diversification: Player housing, Guild Halls, and Faction Alliances leading to new game play opportunities, rewards and content.

Hard to go past this one really. The main thing GW2 lacks at the moment is opportunities to explore the world’s characters, lore, communities, stories, and so on beyond the main storyline, and this is the obvious way to do it.

If I might make the suggestion, player housing and guild halls could be tied into the story as well – characters that players have met through their personal stories will no doubt have something to offer to their house/estate/barracks/etc., and guild halls may attract certain NPCs drawn by that guild’s exploits in Tyria and the Mists, plus the acknowledgement and services of Pact leaders for PvE content and … potentially heroes of the Mists to help defend structures in WvW?

There’s a lot of ways to link the whole concept of sociopolitical diversification into WvW, actually, that would help make guilds more relevant to the format, and make achievements there feel a little less ephemeral.

Remember all those henchmen made for GW1 GvG matches, where the community was involved in setting up builds for them? I’m not going to suggest the same thing be done in GW2, but having certain characters be associated with WvW, with stories and interactions of their own, could certainly help bring it to life, and the ability to place such heroes on defense or patrol could also help with the difficulty of getting human players to do thankless tasks at odd hours. Just a thought.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: KratosAngel.7289


Alright since we really have to choose only 1 thing, here’s mine :

Role Diversification
This includes :

1) New weapons available for professions for more diversity (Example : MH pistol for mesmer :P) and maybe also new weapons (like 2 Handed Axes)

2) New skills (c/c from my previous post)
Addition of more skills, not just 1 healing skill but something like 2 new utilities, but especially elites.
Indeed, 3 elites is pretty much very low, not giving a lot of choice. Also there is a problem of balancing elite skills between categoris and professions.
By categories, I mean there are at least 2 : elites with short CD, pretty useful but not that strong (like Signet of Rage or Basilisk Venom) and the elites that are “strong” (at least supposed to be) with long CD (example : Battle Standard, Time Warp).
Every class should have at least 1 elite from each category. Some professions have only long CDs.

Other problem is design too focused on sPvP, making most of elites garbage in PvE and sometimes in WvW too.
Look at the elites in PvE. Warriors have Signet of Rage and Battle Standard : nice.
Mesmers only have Time Warp. Rangers have only Rampage as One.
Guardians have all 3 not very good but not bad either. Necromancers have the golem for some CC or Lich form for damage, but still not that great.
And then …. some troubles.
Thieves : Thieves Guild but they die too fast so it’s useless, Venom is useless since there’s defiant and Dagger Storm is meh.
Engineer : Everything is plain garbage. Elixir X and Mortar are equally useless while the Supply Crate is just lackluster : not completely useless but not good either.
Elementalists : Tornado is useless because defiant, the Glyph is useless because the elemental dies very fast anyway. FGS is only useful in some situations (please hug the wall !)

3) More accountwide
Because progress made by 1 character should be more profitable to alts too, there should be more things accountbound rather than soulbound.
For instance, dyes should be made accountbound.
Also, harvesting tools : these should be made real account wide : you purchase one and you’re able to get one soulbound for each of your characters, especially since it’s pretty expensive.
The same should go for gem skins : you buy a weapon or an armor, you should be able to use it more than once.

4) Saving options
Because diversification = diversity = more builds/gears = need to switch from one to another easier, in a convenient way.
We thus need (c/c from my previous post)

- Save Templates (all modes)
Because yes, we should definitely be able to save templates for our characters. QoL is one of the most important thing for long term and hardcore players.
This had been said before it was under radar for sPvP first because it was more difficult for PvE/WvW. How come it’s still not released ? It means it should be easy for PvP but we still have no news.
By the way, it should be released for all modes at the same time, not for sPvP only and then the rest.

- Save Gear
We should be able to save gear combinations, a la Outfitter (WoW Addon) : one click to change your whole armor/weapons/trinkets or just a few pieces.
See for instance this :

That’s it, thanks for reading,hoping it will be useful

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Degrey.8759


Sociopolitical Diversification

Guild Halls

- Guild Halls should be accessible through an UI icon similar to PvP, WvW, TP, etc.

- Getting back to the place in the open world where you were should be done through the same UI icon
(Note: The same Ion should be found in |G| window for those who want to accesses it from there)

- The guild hall UI Icon will be available only if the character represents the guild (guild-less characters won’t have that button in their UI)

- Guild Halls should be instanced zones or various architecture

- Guild Halls zones should evolve in time depending on the guild influence, merits, points etc accumulated totally by it.
( I am not a fan of donating because this will force guilds on arguing of what is more important: banners or guild donations?. It should be automatically evolved once you get to certain amount of points similar to the achievement system: you unlock things the more you gather and it should count the total amount w/o extracting the usages of influence points

- Statues:
I would like to have a place in the Guild Hall where I could see Statues of the characters that have done the most for the guild, calculating the influence earned
it will be a sort of the Top 10 Players list only we can see statues of the last character the player has played.
The Statues will be updated every time the players logs off with the respective character he has been on and the Top 10 will be updated every week counting the activity of the last week (This will give the possibility that new guild members can be in Top 10 if they played more then old guild members)

Also regarding the statues, there should be one permanent statue of the Guild Founder so every one will know who is the founder of the guild.

- Trophies. These are items that can be displayed in some palce in the Guild Hall and they are earned by playing guild activities. They are like Guild Ranks and if we compare it with the WvW ranks, we can see a rabbit, a dolyack, etc

- Guild Halls should contain all services available in the game bank, crafting, merchants, etc.

- You should be able to receive a temporary guild invite to any number of guilds to be able to visit their Guild Hall. The invite will be shown in the Guild Window under the current guilds in a guest category

I like this idea of progressing the Guild system further if you include activities for the Guild the current ones that only the Guild members can play so that you can play together and get some health competition with in the Guild group.

Implement more Guild Missions and refine the current system so it doesn’t give us the same puzzle, bounties each and every week.

Guilds need more currently we operate our own events using the content we need more content to diversify our events to keep people interested.

Guardian – Gandara – The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV]- Guild Officer
Power hungry and mad should of been an Asura I guess

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Posted by: Jandopo.2107


Even if I REALLY REALLY like all the Sociopolitical Diversification ideas, my vote goes to…

Hero Diversification, specifically more Weapons, more Skill customisation, more Skins for each game activity, more customisation of our hero in general!