CDI- Fractal Evolution
1. Fix Dredge
2. Make Fractals more rewarding
3. Able to Salvage Ascended Ring for Mist Essence
Not a fractal issue per se, but with the item tier introduced with them.
Proposal Overview
Revert the stat increase introduced with Ascended gear
Goal of Proposal
- Remember the initial design idea of Ascended gear: Ascended should only be needed for slotting Agony Resistance for Fractals
- Remember the Manifesto.
- Improve WvW vs. PvP balance: Balance across game modes is easier to achieve if the equipment is equally powerful in all game modes. Ascended Weapons introduced another layer of power creep in WvW: the 5% increased weapon damage stacks multiplicatively with any WvW stat increases (buff food, guard leech, guild boni)
Proposal Functionality
- Ascended equipment has the same base defense, weapon damage and attribute boni as their Exotic counterparts
- Ascended equipment keeps the infusion slot(s)
The hard part is calming the player base and compensating for the grind time-gated crafting materials. I propose that
- players can choose the stat distribution on ascended gear, just like on Legendary weapons
- owners of a Legendary can also choose the Sigil along with the stat distribution
- already existing Ascended equipment is reverted to Accont Bound + Soulbound on Equip once, for those who already have multiple sets of Ascended gear
Associated Risks
- drama, flame wars and apocalypse on the forums
- potential item sinks are removed from the game: once someone has transmuted an Ascended set on his favourite skins, there is no need for an Exotic second set or to re-transmute for stats. Transmuting for other/new skins is still mandatory, though
Until that, I’ll play GW2.
Ahhh. We needed a test of whether tangent-at-best posts would be culled.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Ahhh. We needed a test of whether tangent-at-best posts would be culled.
We should make a note of the result for our Process Evolution thread. We should also discuss that there are far more proposals than discussion posts for the same topic (specifically rewards) and the proposals all say the same thing, more or less.
Reinforces my belief that a forum for CDI would work best with one thread per proposal. /
I just thought there was a suggested word count of the proposals, and it was 200
So far, that just isn’t happening.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I just thought there was a suggested word count of the proposals, and it was 200
So far, that just isn’t happening.
Incorrect. Proposals can have any length. Suggested word count for discussion posts about proposals is 200 or less. /
I just thought there was a suggested word count of the proposals, and it was 200
So far, that just isn’t happening.
Incorrect. Proposals can have any length. Suggested word count for discussion posts about proposals is 200 or less.
Oh well, there hasn’t been much discussion. Only 5 pages of proposals of “any” length.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Topic Title: Potential Fractals (Replay Value)
Description of Topic Feature or Goal:
There are a lot of instances that can be created with the fractals. You can add some previous missions from Guild Wars 1 (don’t know if you are allowed to but come on this game is a “sequal”.) Not only this but you can also provide additional lore from the research we do while in fractals.
Suggested Idea Proposal Format:
1- You can create small fractals from Eye of the north dungeons. Or Main missions like fall of abbadon or fighting the lich king.
2- After completing the fractals we should be able to go back to the npc and find out there conclusion on the fractals. Ie where the giant silver surfer came from, what time frame that was in. Extra flavor text that can provide us a information about what we have done will provide us a sense of accomplishment other than the blues and greens we really really are begging for!!!
Goal of Proposal
Increase the Fractal Replay value. Yes once you hit the cap of 50 there is not point in doing the high level ones any more. You want to do you daily and done. However if you are able to provide lets say another 5 – 10 fractals this will increase the player base since player would want to try the new content.
Proposal Functionality
This one might be time consuming because you are actually creating content for the game. It can be another living story update. I would also perfer that devs do there research on what are good fractals that can excite the players.
Associated Risks
The only risks i see is Money. time is money and developing new fractals will take time. All I ask is that please consult players before you make fractals so we are happy with what we get. The Thoumanova reactor was good but poorly implemented. This was just another way for you to get Scarlett involved. If the community wanted Abbadon, I am sure Scarlett wouldn’t have been there. I hope not!
If you don’t plan to ever make fractals actually hard then feel free to ignore rest of this post.
The current implementation won’t work with actually hard content. Actually hard content means that the players will struggle to get through and wipe multiple times. With wipes, the run will take way too long without any real reason (maps already break the content to smaller pieces). Also relying on randomness would eventually force people to get lucky rolls to get through (you can’t balance the maps, especially with the instabilities).
Basic idea
Personally I would rework the entire thing. Basic idea is that people can choose any map they want but to proceed they would have to complete most of them. This would significantly cut the time needed while completely removing map randomness.
I think instabilities should be tied to maps because they already have big variance in their effect. This would also allow more fun instabilities (like faster corruption stacks in Cliffside). As a high-end content, base difficulty should be high enough (like current 20-30) and difficulty should come from instabilities. At higher levels the effect of instability should be stronger and there should be multiple instabilities at the same time.
As this may not have enough content, I would keep stat-scaling as backup option. Once people completed all levels they would unlock 150% scaling, after completing those 200% scaling, and so on. This could go all way to infinity while still keeping levels expandable.
Also stat-scaling would allow optional tutorial levels with negative scaling.
For example Cliffside could have Last Laugh I (current), Last Laugh II (increase knock, increase damage), Last Laugh III (decrease delay), Corruptor I (corruption stacks twice as fast), Corruptor II (corruption effects much stronger, picking up deals more damage), Corruptor III (stacks last twice as long), Skillful I-III (enemies have additional skills). Then mixing these up would allow huge amount of unique levels.
Then you could also go nuts on like Urban Battleground and add Chickenator I (increases amount of chicken, chickens are much much more stronger), Chickenator II (chickens attack on sight), Chickenator III (adds patrolling chickens).
Each map should have a separate tree/line. Completing a level would unlock next level(s) in that tree. If you complete a locked level it would complete the closest unlocked level instead (so you would progress).
To promote grouping and daily rewards, they can simply replace current daily chest with a daily quest. Daily quest would include 4-5 levels and you would have to complete 3-4 of them to get the reward. There can be multiple daily quests (like one for lower levels, one for middle and one for higher).
Rewards should be different for each map (swamp vs. underground). Also instability and scaling should affect them. Personally I think rewards should dynamically scale based on how often they are completed.
Some people might get mad so instead of reseting you should convert existing progress to a new one.
(edited by Wethospu.6437)
I just thought there was a suggested word count of the proposals, and it was 200
So far, that just isn’t happening.
Incorrect. Proposals can have any length. Suggested word count for discussion posts about proposals is 200 or less.
Oh well, there hasn’t been much discussion. Only 5 pages of proposals of “any” length.
With over half of that being variations of “give us more pristines/gold for higher levels and ways to get the Fractal weapon we want without pure RNG.” /
I just thought there was a suggested word count of the proposals, and it was 200
So far, that just isn’t happening.
Incorrect. Proposals can have any length. Suggested word count for discussion posts about proposals is 200 or less.
Oh well, there hasn’t been much discussion. Only 5 pages of proposals of “any” length.
With over half of that being variations of “give us more pristines/gold for higher levels and ways to get the Fractal weapon we want without pure RNG.”
I would love to see a separate fractal rewards vs fractals threads, because everyone wants better rewards. That’s just… A given. The evolution of fractals as a whole rather than just what we get out of them seems more important to me.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I just thought there was a suggested word count of the proposals, and it was 200
So far, that just isn’t happening.
Incorrect. Proposals can have any length. Suggested word count for discussion posts about proposals is 200 or less.
Oh well, there hasn’t been much discussion. Only 5 pages of proposals of “any” length.
Which is to be expected at this time. This is exactly how I hoped it would pan out, and it’s much more streamlined this way.
Imagine if you were at a business table with 50 executives or something and they all tried to not only give their proposals, but argue for or against other’s proposals at the same time? Essentially, noone would be heard.
It’s great that the contributors here are feeding off one another, speaking in turn (as if rotating around a table), and then just stepping aside to let the next person offer a proposal.
Now it will fall on Chris to find some interesting ones for further discussion, or present the request for players to find a proposal that is not their own to back, support, or campaign.
And now, back to lurking. Been too busy with work this week to contribute my own proposal.
@Lilith – I agree, and perhaps Chris can decide on a course of action once a majority of the proposals have been gathered.
1. Fix Dredge
2. Make Fractals more rewarding
3. Able to Salvage Ascended Ring for Mist Essence
This sums up 90% of posts so far. And I think is agree’d by all. But doesn’t really address the ‘Evolution’ of Fractals. These are more balancing/bug fixes we have been begging for.
Once these are addressed, here is how I would ‘Evolve’ Fractals:
Reduce RNG of getting certain fractals by making smaller pools of fractals to pull from at each tier.
Every 10 levels brings new fractals into the rotation. At higher levels easier ones may leve the rotation.
This would keep fractal newbies from getting ovewhelmed, while giving incentives to progress to experience newer content. And allow even more fractals to be added to higher levels.
Certain Tiers may be abandoned if fractals there are not balanced. (i.e. nobody does lvl 20-30 because the dredge fractal is there) Lazy people will backlash saying getting at the new content is too hard.
Proposal overview
I feel the best way to improve Fractals is to improve the reward structure and fix Dredge.
Goal of proposal
To make Fractals more appealing by improving the reward structure, while fixing some of the issues that put many players off.
Proposal functionality
1. The gold reward vs. time/skill requirement is out of alignment. I think you should get a gold reward for each map the first time you complete it per day, on a scale from 50s (Swamp) to 3g (Dredge).
2. The Fractal weapon system is very frustrating. I have friends who have literally over 20,000 Fractal relics, who have done the Fractal daily literally every single day for close to a year, yet still don’t have the Fractal weapon they want. While RNG is an integral part of MMOs, I feel this crosses over into unreasonable territory.
To fix this, I’d suggest having the following system in place:
- Fractal weapons are now crafted using recipes purchased with Pristine Fractal Relics.
- They require some crafting materials that have a (reasonable) chance to drop from end bosses in high level (40+) Fractals once per day, so you can’t just abuse your wealth to get all the Fractal weapons by buying mats on the TP, and getting the weapons you want will still require a certain level of commitment.
3. As I’m sure ArenaNet are aware, virtually everyone hates the Dredge map.
- The beginning of the map is simply too much. There need to be fewer mobs, or the mobs need to be made manageable by non-premade groups by making them not respawn after being killed, or by making them easier to kill (non Veteran?).
- The clown car bit is far too long. Reduce the number of Dredge that spawn here, and make it doable to pull the boss along with the Dredge (instead of separating them) by making them hit less hard, or by having 3 at a time spawn or something.
4. Incentivize high level play. There’s not much reason besides the faint hope of getting a Fractal weapon skin to do high level Fractals. I’d like to see a special armor set (skins only) introduced in the same manner as the Hellfire/Radiant skins – for example, have boots/gloves/helm introduced now for 30, 40 and 50 personal levels. At 60, add legs. At 70, add chest. At 80, add shoulders. Titles would also be nice.
Associated risks
I don’t think rewarding more gold will be a risk if it is handled appropriately – a one-time reward per day, per map (like regular dungeon paths) would prevent people from abusing the system.
As for Fractal weapons being made craftable, I think the only risk is that they’d become more common. However, I don’t think they’d become extremely common, since many people simply don’t run Fractals.
Fixing Dredge? I see no downside to it. Virtually everybody hates the map. (Sorry to say it, but it’s true.)
Fractal Armor – it could be perceived as “too exclusive” by some of the playerbase if certain parts required high personal levels (i.e. 80 for shoulders, as I recommended). However, I feel this kind of exclusivity is what the game needs. Things like Legendaries only show who grinded the most gold. We need something cosmetic that shows skill.
Another risk for Fractal Armor would be that it might be several years before the cap is raised to 80, so people could be walking around with incomplete armor sets for too long.
It was known ahead of time that the three/four major topics were going to be
3. More uses for pristines
4. Rings
So it’s not really a suprise, once a summary is done up with these points included it should die down.
One issue I see with many of the suggestions is they don’t take into account for the tiers, for instance, several suggestions just involve pristines with more for higher level fractals, this leads to the instance where a person could run 100 level 1 fractals and obtain the same reward available from a level 50 fractal.
This is the skill based area of the game, if you want the best rewards you MUST progress up the tiers, it’s not a matter of grind but of difficulty, If you cannot complete a level 30-39 fractal you do not get the reward for that tier ever, This is the basis for progression, you must advance along a track, you can’t stay at the one point and keep generating new rewards from it.
11x level 80’s 80+ Titles 2600+ skins , still a long way to go.
Removing Pristine Fractal Relics
Too many currencies are available in the game already. I’m not sure why PFR even exist. Please, either eliminate that currency and allow players to buy ascended items with the regular relics (although at a high price), or allow us to create PFR out of the regular relics.
Agreed. Discussing the fact the dredge is frustrating and takes a long time barely helps the process of Fractal evolution beyond the idea that people dislike long time gates. Dredge can be fixed to the liking of players and devs alike, getting there should be part of the evolution of fractals.
One topic I’m not sure if someone has brought up or not, but would solve some of the rewards/currency issues players are having:
A vendor that gets unlocked after completion of the final Fractal. This vendor has things that can be bought based on the difficulty that has been completed, and bought using fractals currency primarily (depending on the value of the item.) As an added way to make it interesting, have the available wares vary depending on what fractals people ran through especially the first one.
Pie in the sky idea: Sell stat infusions from these vendors, or dye kits to color existing fractal weapons, or some other way to show prestige from completing difficult content.
Agreed. Discussing the fact the dredge is frustrating and takes a long time barely helps the process of Fractal evolution beyond the idea that people dislike long time gates. Dredge can be fixed to the liking of players and devs alike, getting there should be part of the evolution of fractals.
One topic I’m not sure if someone has brought up or not, but would solve some of the rewards/currency issues players are having:
A vendor that gets unlocked after completion of the final Fractal. This vendor has things that can be bought based on the difficulty that has been completed, and bought using fractals currency primarily (depending on the value of the item.) As an added way to make it interesting, have the available wares vary depending on what fractals people ran through especially the first one.
Pie in the sky idea: Sell stat infusions from these vendors, or dye kits to color existing fractal weapons, or some other way to show prestige from completing difficult content.
The concerns, comments and feedback surrounding Dredge are something that we are well aware of. Thank you very much for giving us further insight into this area but our time as a CDI on this topic is better spent elsewhere.
Proposal Overview
Improve Revards
Goal of Proposal
People play FOTM for months in the hope they will get a fractal weapon eventually. In most cases this won’t just happen. If we get a skin every 500th run it’s probably one we don’t need nor want. Let us use the fractal relicts to buy fractal weapons, like 1000 of the cheap and something like 20-50 of the pristine ones for a weapon we can choose.
Proposal Functionality
I understand this is not related to financial income like your trading-post-way-to-do, however this game really needs more skins or weapons and armor to work on by just playing the game and not depending on awkward rng or the use of gems. This is really something which bothers many people i know, and many of them do not play gw2 anymore because of that. I don’t understand why you don’t put some effort in that area.
General Feedback on FOTM
Generally speaking I really like to concept of fractals, where we can work through different maps increasing the difficulty level thus having challenging content over a long time. In my opinion it just laks some balancing (like the dredg map which is way too long and anyoing for no reason) and the reward (only rng and if you’re unlucky you won’t get skins nor ascended chests nor anything valuable).
Agreed. Discussing the fact the dredge is frustrating and takes a long time barely helps the process of Fractal evolution beyond the idea that people dislike long time gates. Dredge can be fixed to the liking of players and devs alike, getting there should be part of the evolution of fractals.
One topic I’m not sure if someone has brought up or not, but would solve some of the rewards/currency issues players are having:
A vendor that gets unlocked after completion of the final Fractal. This vendor has things that can be bought based on the difficulty that has been completed, and bought using fractals currency primarily (depending on the value of the item.) As an added way to make it interesting, have the available wares vary depending on what fractals people ran through especially the first one.
Pie in the sky idea: Sell stat infusions from these vendors, or dye kits to color existing fractal weapons, or some other way to show prestige from completing difficult content.
The concerns, comments and feedback surrounding Dredge are something that we are well aware of. Thank you very much for giving us further insight into this area but our time as a CDI on this topic is better spent elsewhere.
I don’t mean to sound like a jerk, but if you are ‘well aware of’ the player displeasement with the current implementation of the dredge fractal, why haven’t you done anything about it for the last year?
I can’t even begin to count all the topics opened to voice player concerns about the fractal and still there has been no change. Actually that is not entirely true, you have ‘fixed’ numerous tricks players used to help making the fractal slightly shorter.
I even remember a developer quote that said something like ‘we are looking into options to help reduce the length of the unnecessarily long fractal (dredge)’ way before the Fractured patch but the opposite was done
(edited by Asko.4120)
Topic Title: Updates to Fractal Currency and items
Goal: Make fractal currency viable again.
Proposal Overview: Allow fractal tokens to be used for a variety of ascended related items.
Proposal Details: Since launch, there have been no significant changes to what can be obtained from Buy-4373. At the same time, Ascended gear, arguably, has its main use in Fractals of the mists. Currently many of our hardcore fractal players are sitting on tens of thousands of relics and hundreds of rings. Thus, we should add support for the fractal currency to acquire new items from Buy-4373. In addition we should add a new vendor which would allow us to exchange items. The amounts listed below are for demonstration purposes:
Add New Items to the Fractal Vendor
- Amulets – 2000 fractal Relics
- Earrings/trinkets – 1900 Fractal Relics
- Dragonite ore – 5 Fractal Relics
- Bloodstone Dust – 5 Fractal Relics
- Empyreal Fragments – 5 Fractal Relics
- Add a simple white 20 slot bag to the vendor – 100 Fractal Relics
- Add Fractal Weapon Boxes to the vendor. – 5000 Fractal Relics
- Add the Fractal Tonic to the Vendor – 15000 Fractal Relics
- Add Fine infusions to the Vendor. – 3500 Fractal Relics
Add a Currency Exchange Vendor to Fractals.
- Fractal tokens for laurels. 100 Fractal Relics for 1 Laurel
- Fractal tokens for Karma jugs. 1 Fractal Relics per 10 Karma Point. A Jug of 6000 Karma = 600 relics.
- Fractal tokens for Guild Influence. 1 Fractal Relic per 10 Influence pts.
- Ring Exchange: 3 Rings for 1.
- Ring Exchange: 1 Ring for 5 Pristine Fractal Relics.
Goal of the Proposal:
While other parts of the game have been updated, the fractal currency has fallen behind. Currently, and without much sense, you cannot acquire ascended related materials in the place where it matters most: Fractals of the Mists. We are in need of a change that will add support to our existing currency by expanding its base, while at the same time introducing a mechanism to exchange fractal currency into other types of in game currency.
Big +1 from me on this.
Perhaps some of the agony infusions could be added as well. Example: a +6 for whatever appropriate cost, since combining +1s all the way up really gets absurd at higher numbers.
pls make the fraktalweapon skins buyable for tokens and increase the droprate for fraktalweapons in higher levels to at least 20% .
Topic Title: Updates to Fractal Currency and items
Goal: Make fractal currency viable again.
Proposal Overview: Allow fractal tokens to be used for a variety of ascended related items.
Proposal Details: Since launch, there have been no significant changes to what can be obtained from Buy-4373. At the same time, Ascended gear, arguably, has its main use in Fractals of the mists. Currently many of our hardcore fractal players are sitting on tens of thousands of relics and hundreds of rings. Thus, we should add support for the fractal currency to acquire new items from Buy-4373. In addition we should add a new vendor which would allow us to exchange items. The amounts listed below are for demonstration purposes:
Add New Items to the Fractal Vendor
- Amulets – 2000 fractal Relics
- Earrings/trinkets – 1900 Fractal Relics
- Dragonite ore – 5 Fractal Relics
- Bloodstone Dust – 5 Fractal Relics
- Empyreal Fragments – 5 Fractal Relics
- Add a simple white 20 slot bag to the vendor – 100 Fractal Relics
- Add Fractal Weapon Boxes to the vendor. – 5000 Fractal Relics
- Add the Fractal Tonic to the Vendor – 15000 Fractal Relics
- Add Fine infusions to the Vendor. – 3500 Fractal Relics
Add a Currency Exchange Vendor to Fractals.
- Fractal tokens for laurels. 100 Fractal Relics for 1 Laurel
- Fractal tokens for Karma jugs. 1 Fractal Relics per 10 Karma Point. A Jug of 6000 Karma = 600 relics.
- Fractal tokens for Guild Influence. 1 Fractal Relic per 10 Influence pts.
- Ring Exchange: 3 Rings for 1.
- Ring Exchange: 1 Ring for 5 Pristine Fractal Relics.
Goal of the Proposal:
While other parts of the game have been updated, the fractal currency has fallen behind. Currently, and without much sense, you cannot acquire ascended related materials in the place where it matters most: Fractals of the Mists. We are in need of a change that will add support to our existing currency by expanding its base, while at the same time introducing a mechanism to exchange fractal currency into other types of in game currency.Big +1 from me on this.
Perhaps some of the agony infusions could be added as well. Example: a +6 for whatever appropriate cost, since combining +1s all the way up really gets absurd at higher numbers.
this numbers for fraktal tonic and weaponkontainer are way to high.
fraktalweaponcontainer 3000 and tonic 5000 should be more than enough !
It is very simple to fix fractals and make everyone happy.
100% guaranteed of exotic weapon or armor from chest from lvl 20+. Account bound is fine…
100% guaranteed ascended weapon chest or armor chest drop from lvl 40+. Account bound
100% guaranteed ascended weapon chest or armor chest + fractal skin drop from lvl 50+.
This way you are not inflating the market…..also it is way better than gold reward.
(edited by Zylonite.5913)
Agreed. Discussing the fact the dredge is frustrating and takes a long time barely helps the process of Fractal evolution beyond the idea that people dislike long time gates. Dredge can be fixed to the liking of players and devs alike, getting there should be part of the evolution of fractals.
One topic I’m not sure if someone has brought up or not, but would solve some of the rewards/currency issues players are having:
A vendor that gets unlocked after completion of the final Fractal. This vendor has things that can be bought based on the difficulty that has been completed, and bought using fractals currency primarily (depending on the value of the item.) As an added way to make it interesting, have the available wares vary depending on what fractals people ran through especially the first one.
Pie in the sky idea: Sell stat infusions from these vendors, or dye kits to color existing fractal weapons, or some other way to show prestige from completing difficult content.
The concerns, comments and feedback surrounding Dredge are something that we are well aware of. Thank you very much for giving us further insight into this area but our time as a CDI on this topic is better spent elsewhere.
I don’t mean to sound like a jerk, but if you are ‘well aware of’ the player displeasement with the current implementation of the dredge fractal, why haven’t you done anything about it for the last year?
I can’t even begin to count all the topics opened to voice player concerns about the fractal and still there has been no change. Actually that is not entirely true, you have ‘fixed’ numerous tricks players used to help making the fractal slightly shorter.
I even remember a developer quote that said something like ‘we are looking into options to help reduce the length of the unnecessarily long fractal (dredge)’ way before the Fractured patch but the opposite was done
Hi Asko,
I would like to clarify that we are aware of the feedback both from this thread and before. We try to stop on top of all feedback from all aspects of the game. Jumping from this statement to ‘why isn’t it fixed’ is not a topic for this CDI nor any moving forward.
I am simply stating that we are aware of the feedback and therefore our time is better spent discussing other areas of Fractal evolution. I am really enjoying many of the proposals and discussion and would like to see us continue discussing areas that perhaps we haven’t considered before or further drilling into reward design which has been an excellent part of the discussion so far.
I don’t mean to sound like a jerk, but if you are ‘well aware of’ the player displeasement with the current implementation of the dredge fractal, why haven’t you done anything about it for the last year?
I speculated about this in an earlier post, but my best guess is that there is internal disagreement about this Fractal, but the decision was made to keep it as is and most devs are just trying to avoid making any comment about it at all as they need to present a unified message to players.
This is pretty standard corporate policy. My hope is, over time, ArenaNet feels more comfortable allowing individual developers some leeway in discussing personal feelings which may differ from the official position. I think Josh Foreman is best known for doing so and most of us here have tons of respect for him because of it.
That said: Chris has made it pretty clear that Dredge won’t be discussed, so let’s try to find other topics and move forward. /
If the biggest problem with the Dredge Fractal, is the amount of time it takes, couldn’t that be quickly remedied by lessening the amount of spawns in certain areas?
Ex) Lessening the spawns in the Pressure Plate Room, Bomb/Laser Hallway, and Clown Car would speed things up significantly without needing to alter the actual structure of the Fractal in any way.
I just thought there was a suggested word count of the proposals, and it was 200
So far, that just isn’t happening.
Incorrect. Proposals can have any length. Suggested word count for discussion posts about proposals is 200 or less.
Oh well, there hasn’t been much discussion. Only 5 pages of proposals of “any” length.
Which is to be expected at this time. This is exactly how I hoped it would pan out, and it’s much more streamlined this way.
Imagine if you were at a business table with 50 executives or something and they all tried to not only give their proposals, but argue for or against other’s proposals at the same time? Essentially, noone would be heard.
It’s great that the contributors here are feeding off one another, speaking in turn (as if rotating around a table), and then just stepping aside to let the next person offer a proposal.
Now it will fall on Chris to find some interesting ones for further discussion, or present the request for players to find a proposal that is not their own to back, support, or campaign.
And now, back to lurking. Been too busy with work this week to contribute my own proposal.
@Lilith – I agree, and perhaps Chris can decide on a course of action once a majority of the proposals have been gathered.
I to am really enjoying how the new format is working out. Seeing the proposals and discussions in this format is making the whole topic much more accessible.
In regard to your request I would like to see more discussion/proposal around rewards as well as ideation about how we could evolve the whole Fractal experience from ideas around new types of fractals, new lore and info on your favorite encounters in the current fractals.
On top of this it would also be cool to hear about people’s favorite instabilities and ideas for new ones.
I don’t mean to sound like a jerk, but if you are ‘well aware of’ the player displeasement with the current implementation of the dredge fractal, why haven’t you done anything about it for the last year?
I speculated about this in an earlier post, but my best guess is that there is internal disagreement about this Fractal, but the decision was made to keep it as is and most devs are just trying to avoid making any comment about it at all as they need to present a unified message to players.
This is pretty standard corporate policy. My hope is, over time, ArenaNet feels more comfortable allowing individual developers some leeway in discussing personal feelings which may differ from the official position. I think Josh Foreman is best known for doing so and most of us here have tons of respect for him because of it.
That said: Chris has made it pretty clear that Dredge won’t be discussed, so let’s try to find other topics and move forward.
Just to clarify: Ideas around Dredge are welcome, regurgitating the same feedback in regard to the fractal is pointless.
I just thought there was a suggested word count of the proposals, and it was 200
So far, that just isn’t happening.
Incorrect. Proposals can have any length. Suggested word count for discussion posts about proposals is 200 or less.
Oh well, there hasn’t been much discussion. Only 5 pages of proposals of “any” length.
Which is to be expected at this time. This is exactly how I hoped it would pan out, and it’s much more streamlined this way.
Imagine if you were at a business table with 50 executives or something and they all tried to not only give their proposals, but argue for or against other’s proposals at the same time? Essentially, noone would be heard.
It’s great that the contributors here are feeding off one another, speaking in turn (as if rotating around a table), and then just stepping aside to let the next person offer a proposal.
Now it will fall on Chris to find some interesting ones for further discussion, or present the request for players to find a proposal that is not their own to back, support, or campaign.
And now, back to lurking. Been too busy with work this week to contribute my own proposal.
@Lilith – I agree, and perhaps Chris can decide on a course of action once a majority of the proposals have been gathered.
I to am really enjoying how the new format is working out. Seeing the proposals and discussions in this format is making the whole topic much more accessible.
In regard to your request I would like to see more discussion/proposal around rewards as well as ideation about how we could evolve the whole Fractal experience from ideas around new types of fractals, new lore and info on your favorite encounters in the current fractals.
On top of this it would also be cool to hear about people’s favorite instabilities and ideas for new ones.
Also i think it is totally cool to have the first pages be proposals and for discussions to flow synergistically between and after them. No issue here.
Topic Title: Potential Fractals (Replay Value)
Description of Topic Feature or Goal:
There are a lot of instances that can be created with the fractals. You can add some previous missions from Guild Wars 1 (don’t know if you are allowed to but come on this game is a “sequal”.) Not only this but you can also provide additional lore from the research we do while in fractals.Suggested Idea Proposal Format:
1- You can create small fractals from Eye of the north dungeons. Or Main missions like fall of abbadon or fighting the lich king.2- After completing the fractals we should be able to go back to the npc and find out there conclusion on the fractals. Ie where the giant silver surfer came from, what time frame that was in. Extra flavor text that can provide us a information about what we have done will provide us a sense of accomplishment other than the blues and greens we really really are begging for!!!
Goal of Proposal
Increase the Fractal Replay value. Yes once you hit the cap of 50 there is not point in doing the high level ones any more. You want to do you daily and done. However if you are able to provide lets say another 5 – 10 fractals this will increase the player base since player would want to try the new content.Proposal Functionality
This one might be time consuming because you are actually creating content for the game. It can be another living story update. I would also perfer that devs do there research on what are good fractals that can excite the players.Associated Risks
The only risks i see is Money. time is money and developing new fractals will take time. All I ask is that please consult players before you make fractals so we are happy with what we get. The Thoumanova reactor was good but poorly implemented. This was just another way for you to get Scarlett involved. If the community wanted Abbadon, I am sure Scarlett wouldn’t have been there. I hope not!
I like your thinking Mustafa!
Agreed. Discussing the fact the dredge is frustrating and takes a long time barely helps the process of Fractal evolution beyond the idea that people dislike long time gates. Dredge can be fixed to the liking of players and devs alike, getting there should be part of the evolution of fractals.
One topic I’m not sure if someone has brought up or not, but would solve some of the rewards/currency issues players are having:
A vendor that gets unlocked after completion of the final Fractal. This vendor has things that can be bought based on the difficulty that has been completed, and bought using fractals currency primarily (depending on the value of the item.) As an added way to make it interesting, have the available wares vary depending on what fractals people ran through especially the first one.
Pie in the sky idea: Sell stat infusions from these vendors, or dye kits to color existing fractal weapons, or some other way to show prestige from completing difficult content.
The concerns, comments and feedback surrounding Dredge are something that we are well aware of. Thank you very much for giving us further insight into this area but our time as a CDI on this topic is better spent elsewhere.
If the Dredge issue is “well aware”, why is that it haven’t been fixed? Even worse, the recent patches fixed one of the Dredge skipped and make Dredge even harder.
Dredge is scaring and discouraging a lot of players from doing Fractals. The longer it takes for this issue to be adressed, the more people will stop doing Fractals.
Fixing Dredge should be a top priority right now, more important than rewards revamp or Fractals evolution.
What are your thoughts about bringing back some of the GW1 Missions as Fractals? Is that something feasible?
I mentioned Aurora Glade as an option before.
If this is something you would entertain, would it be valuable for us to discuss potential options? /
Agreed. Discussing the fact the dredge is frustrating and takes a long time barely helps the process of Fractal evolution beyond the idea that people dislike long time gates. Dredge can be fixed to the liking of players and devs alike, getting there should be part of the evolution of fractals.
One topic I’m not sure if someone has brought up or not, but would solve some of the rewards/currency issues players are having:
A vendor that gets unlocked after completion of the final Fractal. This vendor has things that can be bought based on the difficulty that has been completed, and bought using fractals currency primarily (depending on the value of the item.) As an added way to make it interesting, have the available wares vary depending on what fractals people ran through especially the first one.
Pie in the sky idea: Sell stat infusions from these vendors, or dye kits to color existing fractal weapons, or some other way to show prestige from completing difficult content.
The concerns, comments and feedback surrounding Dredge are something that we are well aware of. Thank you very much for giving us further insight into this area but our time as a CDI on this topic is better spent elsewhere.
I don’t mean to sound like a jerk, but if you are ‘well aware of’ the player displeasement with the current implementation of the dredge fractal, why haven’t you done anything about it for the last year?
I can’t even begin to count all the topics opened to voice player concerns about the fractal and still there has been no change. Actually that is not entirely true, you have ‘fixed’ numerous tricks players used to help making the fractal slightly shorter.
I even remember a developer quote that said something like ‘we are looking into options to help reduce the length of the unnecessarily long fractal (dredge)’ way before the Fractured patch but the opposite was doneHi Asko,
I would like to clarify that we are aware of the feedback both from this thread and before. We try to stop on top of all feedback from all aspects of the game. Jumping from this statement to ‘why isn’t it fixed’ is not a topic for this CDI nor any moving forward.
Respectfully: Why isn’t it at topic for discussion? There must be some internal reason; and perhaps many more than one. If it is simply that the resources have not yet been available then that is something that I can accept. If there are other, deeper reasons I would like to know what they are. For me this is important information and not some sort of punitive stance. It would make a difference to the discussion going forward.
Sorrows Furnace
Proposal Overview
The Agony Protection Device allows players to take an extra burden of positioning an environmental item and themselves in a fight in order to avoid agony.Goal of Proposal
This proposal assumes that it should be possible to do Fractals by replacing the need for agony resistance with a higher requirement on skill. It proposes a method to allow this by giving a group the option to add a secondary mechanic to encounters which—if executed successfully—allows the players to avoid agony.Proposal Functionality
At the start of each fractal, the Agony Protection Device, an environmental item, spawns along with the players. The item creates a small zone around it. In this zone, players are immune to agony (alternative: can not receive new stacks of agony). This zone wanders with the item no matter if it is carried by a player, or not.
For those of you familiar with the Tower of Nightmares, there was a similar device in some of the chambers that made players immune to the toxic pollen.The additional burden for the group is to carry around the device (no weapon skills while carrying) and to organize group play such that the characters are in the zone when agony is about to hit.
At the start of each Fractal, there is a robot which allows to reset the device (remove the old one, create a new one at the position of the robot).
Associated Problems
- The “additional burden” is not balanced over different fractals. The idea was born for the Solid Ocean Fractal, and that it where I hope it should work like I intended: players meeting in a small zone when agony is about to hit. It is, however, rather trivial when the unavoidable agony is limited to a few hits before the fight even starts (Mai Trin, Molten Duo). In these cases, the additional burden might be too small. I’d say this is a big issue.
- It also affects Fractals of tier 1 to 3. This will probably add some trouble for changing some encounters to be too easy. However, since unavoidable agony is also parts of these tiers (at least the cooling-rod-room in Thaumanova), it should also apply to them. Medium-sized issue in my opinion.
- It also puts limitations on future Fractals. For example, unavoidable agony must never occur while the group is split up (maybe countered by adding multiple devices?).
Medium-sized issue in my opinion, as it only limits the use of unavoidable agony.- It can also allow a single (or two/three) player to get an advantage over the other players. Players can choose to just stay in the zone for the agony-immunity. However, if all players stay put in the same zone, most encounters are unforgiving. Therefore a group has to decide who gets to carry the device and to get the protection. This might actually be a nice addition for some groups (helping new players). I’d thus say it is only a small issue.
- Making an environmental weapon crucial for success is very prone to bugs. It probably needs a method to recreate it in case it is lost. Big issue, but maybe easy to solve.
- (added in edit 1) The effect on the agony-instabilities (level 40, 50) is really big. I simply can not foretell how this will work. People would actually be forced to staying together. This is not always possible (pressure plates in Dredge Fractal) and probably not wanted by some players. Big issue. Really big. Even if level 60, 70 and 80 are not similar to 40 and 50.
Really fun idea.
Some Points I’d like to see improved within Fractals, too, that have been mentioned here:
1) Make Ascended Rings/Weapons/Armors ect. salvage for Ascended Materials
When you salvage an Ascended Items, these should be the things a Player should receive (randomly)
- Globs of Extoplasms
- Globs of Dark Matter
- Vials to Orbs of Mist Essence
- Fractal Relics
- Pristine Fractal Relics
- Crystalline Ore
- Azurite Orbs
- Dragonite Ore
If its a Weapon/Armor, then also the other T7 Materials, liek Mithrillium, Deldrimor Ingots ect.
2) Putting Rings ect. into the Mystic Forge, if it are 4 items of the same type, you should get an Ascended Accessoire Box that allows you to get 1 Ascended Ring or Earing of your choice.
Same with Weapons and Armor Parts.
What are your thoughts about bringing back some of the GW1 Missions as Fractals? Is that something feasible?
I mentioned Aurora Glade as an option before.
If this is something you would entertain, would it be valuable for us to discuss potential options?
I think this is a cool idea and certainly one worth some proposals and some discusison around said proposals.
Chris, I think Nike recommended an environmental weapon, like a shield, that could help with the first encounter. Is this something that you’re fine with chatting about? The addition of tools to fractals like dredge so that the fractal itself doesn’t change, but our strategies do?
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Using fractals to tell story:
Proposal Overview
Fractals should be used to tell as more about the lore/history of Tyria.Goal of Proposal
Increase the amount of lore used for the fractals and creating new fractals which story and background informations. This is such a good oppertunity to tell us about things that happende before GW2, things that could happen in the future, things of an alternate version of Tyria.Proposal Functionality
Existing fractals:
I think the fractals should have some more story, like what is this underwater fractal thing, what happened in this strange rata-sum version, is it ascalon we are over-running? It would be great if we got some more informations about them while doing them, either by getting more informations from Dessa or by some writings found in them or NPCs you could talk to.New fractals:
- There could be fractals which tell us about events that happened between GW1 and GW2
- Fractals that tell us about things that happened even before GW1
- Fractals telling alternate versions of history: I would especially love to see a fractal where we help Shiro to kill the Emporer (still a great fan of Shiro
- Fractals about a possible future: Everything is overrun by Scarlet (sorry, I just had to write that here, since I like here even if so many hate her^^)
I’ll complete the list here with this examples, since I could go on about this for a long time.Associated Risks
Of course people might not care about lore/story, making it a bit of wasted time for you devs, but I still think many would think it a nice addition and if it leads to new fractals everyone should be happy.
Hi Moon,
Thanks for delivering a very good proposal for more Lore based fractals.
TimmyF this post is a good example to discuss ideas around.
Yup, I feel Dredge and rewards have made their presence known. Further debate and discussion on individual proposals can occur while we seek out further evolutions.
If you don’t mind Chris, I’d like to pose a question to the thread participants.
For any players of the original Guild Wars, what event in Guild Wars history would you like to see relived as a Fractal? This could be any event from those that players experienced in the actual game, to other events within the lore, before the time period of the actual game.
Let’s try to hold to the existing proposal format, so everyone can easily process the proposals.
Chris, I think Nike recommended an environmental weapon, like a shield, that could help with the first encounter. Is this something that you’re fine with chatting about? The addition of tools to fractals like dredge so that the fractal itself doesn’t change, but our strategies do?
That is absolutely ok to discuss.
Like I said I have no issue discussing evolution of the fractals once we have a good grasp on what should be evolved, which in the case of Dredge i feel like we do.
The main thing I still don’t understand; Fractals is all about agony and agony resistance. After compleeting a Fractal you have a chance to get Fractal Weapons, But WHY we still can’t upgrade these weapons into ascended and maybe like the backpack an extra glow or any other effect while infusion the weapon.
The main thing I still don’t understand; Fractals is all about agony and agony resistance. After compleeting a Fractal you have a chance to get Fractal Weapons, But WHY we still can’t upgrade these weapons into ascended and maybe like the backpack an extra glow or any other effect while infusion the weapon.
I love this idea, and would love it even more if you wrote up a sweet proposal for it. Flesh it out a bit.
I loved Eye of the North. I’d love to accompany our various NPC heroes once again to tackle any missions.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I would like us to start of by listing the top three things we would like to see evolved in Fractal Design. Idea proposals can come after this stage.
1. Procedural Generation
it would be nice if at least some elements found in a fractal were a bit randomize so that every run has variety
2 rewards
making rewards not entirely dependable on RNG
3 User generated content
This is perhaps a bit too ambitious but perhaps if the mists can be found to dwell in alternate realities not just the past, it would be interesting to allow players to design their own fractals and share them with the community.
Personal opinion: It would be really cool to have number 3. Rewards would be an interesting problem in regard to this idea though.
Would rewards have to be the end-goal of such an initiative, Chris? One of the best examples I’ve seen recently of user-generated encounters was the “Foundry” in Neverwinter.
They basically gave access to different base NPCs, assets, map templates, and from there, people crafted their custom stories, quests, and dungeon-delving experiences. There was no ability to modify mechanics, stats, or do mesh editing of the different props. It was essentially a copy-paste tool for the purposes of creating environments, but thankfully one of the greatest strengths of the D&D universe is its Roleplaying and the thousands of stories that can be created.
I feel the same could be said for the world of Tyria.
I don’t know how much effort it would take to create a new tool or system of this manner in the Guild Wars 2 engine, but Fractals could definitely be seen as a method of delivery for the content.
(edited by Malchior.5042)
Is there a specific policy against the introduction of prestige items (items specificity beyond the ability of a large quantity of players to acquire.) being introduced to high level fractals?
or are we welcome to make proposals based around that idea?/ high difficulty rewards?
On fractal evolution, would you (personally not asking for a company stance) prefer the introduction of more fractal types (such as the endless fractal and tower fractal modes that have been suggested) or would you rather we expand on what new scenario fractals we’d like?
11x level 80’s 80+ Titles 2600+ skins , still a long way to go.
I already posted this in the dungeon forum yesterday, as I was unaware of a fractal CDI coming up. I am sorry for the double post, but I feel it is best to have this suggestion here as well for completeness.
Proposal overview
Make agony resistance (AR) account wide.
Goal of Proposal
Fractals become much more repeatable/replayable if we can bring any character. It makes it a different experience. The fractal levels are account wide, but I find myself bringing the same character because she is the only one who is equiped with AR.
Proposal Functionality
Similar to the change that was made for magic find in the past, where it was removed from the gear and made account wide, the same could be done for AR.
Associated Risks
- People who already build up their AR should have this transferred to their account somehow in order to not lose progress.
- Balancing the acquirement of AR.
- Balancing power creep from infusion slots that can now slot other attributes.
I will discuss this proposal with Izzy and have him respond.
Is there a specific policy against the introduction of prestige items (items specificity beyond the ability of a large quantity of players to acquire.) being introduced to high level fractals?
or are we welcome to make proposals based around that idea?/ high difficulty rewards?On fractal evolution, would you (personally not asking for a company stance) prefer the introduction of more fractal types (such as the endless fractal and tower fractal modes that have been suggested) or would you rather we expand on what new scenario fractals we’d like?
Hi Conski,
Feel free to discuss those ideas. Folks can discuss anything they like as long as it is on topic and not cyclic retreading of things we already know (as a group).
Would rewards have to be the end-goal of such an initiative, Chris? One of the best examples I’ve seen recently of user-generated encounters was the “Foundry” in Neverwinter.
They basically gave access to different base NPCs, assets, map templates, and from there, people crafted their custom stories, quests, and dungeon-delving experiences. There was no ability to modify mechanics, stats, or do mesh editing of the different props. It was essentially a copy-paste tool for the purposes of creating environments, but thankfully one of the greatest strengths of the D&D universe is its Roleplaying and the thousands of stories that can be created.
I feel the same could be said for the world of Tyria.
I don’t know how much effort it would take to create a new tool or system of this manner in the Guild Wars 2 engine, but Fractals could definitely be seen as a method of delivery for the content.
Lots and lots of effort (-: