Seeing this discussion is focussing towards instanced content, I would like to say that to me open world encounters were still alot of fun. To me there is a way to retain the accessibility of open world content while also somehow limiting access more or less.
The perfect example is the marionette. Where the separate bosses were being handled by smaller groups of players, focussing alot on their skill to take out the champions.
This was great. The problem here was that only one had to fail and the whole thing fell apart. So I think, that with open world content, or semi open semi locked world encounters could be a thing, but would take alot of design time.
I’ll list a few ideas previously used as well as strong/weak points of the game where raids could be built around, with either open or instanced play in mind.
- Events are a great way to split people, divert tasks, bring focus points to players’ attention.
- Chaotic when overlapped, hard to keep track of across a map, don’t communicate when they are being played, or how many are playing there, what scale they are set as, or don’t scale very well.
- Tequatl batteries seem to have this last effect less (people can react, switch batteries etc), but tripple trouble seems to have this more, marionette had this even worse.)
Open world Ideas/problems.
- Parties, guilds, aren’t taken into account, people can’t take a role, position when it’s full, get randomly distributed, randomly joined, scaling doesn’t work perfectly.
- Personally would like semi instanced, less randomly distributed, easier to organize apply, or some sort of multi-layered multi-task dungeon.
- Otherwise, fully instanced takes away alot of the troubles, or makes them more controlled (like scaling).
- Ideas for “join this task/event/role with your party” pop-ups like you do for entering a dungeon, except for a small role.
- Meaning Open world would need tasks for different people that naturally occur or are hard capped.
- Let’s say such an event could scale to the number of parties (3-5), solo people, and guilds. These groups would all need room to do there seperate tasks, as well as not feeling unnecessary, useless, or otherwise. As well as taking into account for different (task specific) roles per group.
- On Triple Trouble: small condi group (3-5) soloers (mainly in the zerg), Guilds (absent unless guild started, or main organisers, either per wurm or full event)
- On Marionette: parties/soloers: everywhere in between, guilds take a lane (get mixed with "soloers, groups of 3-5 take out a champion, are a mix of guild/soloers/parties. → creates call for instanced version for obvious reasons, regardless of the more fun encounter.
A very ambitious idea:
- A mega event where different tasks open to be taken up by players, parties, commander groups, guilds, excluding other players/groups once the task is assigned. Leaving space for smaller tasks, filler players. difficulty tied to group type/size etc.
Bundles and tonics and such.
- Items, turrets, player handled event/instance specific items are generally awesome and give every player a equal playing ground.
- Sometimes takes away profession identity and tactics that otherwise could’ve been expanded on, or enhanced. (an item you pick up has different things for each profession. (think rock → meteor skill on ele) Such details are fun, potentially tactical and very interesting.
- Let’s say you have a stick, a rogue could polevault with it (movement), a warrior would smash a shockwave with it (CC/knockdown), a ele would turn it into an elemental spear(damage/condi/cc), mesmer uses it to create a illusionary wall of sticks(reflect), etc (yay for random brainstorming).
- Creates roles that need to be taken care of. (Tequatl turrets, keg/pheromone/speargun running at triple trouble, siege weapons at marionette,
- Great puzzle elements, (matrix key, various content specific heart tasks, provide light, zephyre skills)
- Sometimes takes away profession identity and tactics that otherwise could’ve been expanded on, or enhanced. (an item you pick up has different things for each profession. (think rock → meteor skill on ele) Such details are fun, potentially tactical and very interesting.
- Profession combat system either highly prefers a very select set of skills or it feel like certain classes can’t bring as much to the table as well as others, in my opinion.
- Either use this as a strength, further diversifying profession with profession specific solutions, and a multiple solution to a problem (or set of problems) approach. (As in, you can either use stealth on path 1 reflection buffs on path 2 and conidtion damage on path 3, while ending up at more or less the same next stage.
- Could diversify routes through a raid environment, according to party compositions, where different solutions in different parties would have a different outcome. Basically a complex way of a multiple routed dungeon where one route/task would be ideal for projectile reflect (but a challenge), another route would be great for condition removal/damage, etc.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik