Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Exosferatu.2961


1) Items should be all account bound. I think it is reasonable to make all items to be account bound. Players worked hard getting geared up and getting skins. There will be armor limits like light classes cannot wear heavy armor as always.

2) We need more super dynamic living world changes like in Kessex Hills. It does not matter if it is the next living world update or not just put them there. I think it’s fun to speculate and read other players’ theories and lore on forums. I really love what you guys did in Kessex Hills!

3) The story in living world should be more darker like Kekai Kotaki’s art. Make it a journey just like in Guild Wars 1 – it is a good way of unlocking new zones in Tyria. Put intriguing plot twists like the White Mantle turned out to be evil.

4) Please make a forum section for Roleplaying here on official forums. Roleplayers and lore tellers will definitely like it.

5) Add piano and violin on gemstore! We have flute, bell, and trumpet, we need more instruments. They are fun to play. I myself play flute all the time in game just to entertain people. I’d imagine an orchestra in Guild Wars 2!

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Xarathos The Judge.7592

Xarathos The Judge.7592

1. Living World (In regards to both story and new content)

2. Boss Fight Mechanics

3. Preferences for certain gear and play-styles (such as berserker stats and zerging) and their effects on the community.

Commander Xarathos The Judge

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Add detailed to zones/cities and a evolving world.
More lore
Less grinding content

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Antares.2586


PvE :

1: Roleplaying
2: Guild Halls
3: Living World / Less frequent but bigger, permanent updates to the world

McM :

1: Bigger group (Team up to handle 4 groups in the same chat, and view players location in a color, for example)
2: Anti-zerg gameplay and tools
3: Profession Balance

(edited by Antares.2586)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: harpaj.9712


1.) Permanency. I took a quite long break from GW2, I quit in April and came back now in October. It is very annoying to have missed so much great content that I cannot rediscover now. More permanent content would be really great.

2) Rewards for discovering low-level areas. I think that dynamic events and a great, living world are one of the best things in this game. It would be great if experiencing them would give some more rewards also in low-level areas.

3) Lore/Story: I`d strongly prefer if you closed some of the many, awesome lose ends that currently exist in the story instead of always introducing new ones. This also ties in with new, possible ways of experiencing the story. Wooden Potatoes stated in one of his recent videos that there is a lot of ready lore content that just is not released (In a form of in-game books that were cut from the release shortly before the release). While probably not too many players care about the lore, I sure do at would love to learn more about the amazing universe you created!

Thank you very much for doing this project, I am really looking forward to discussions!

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Shanaeri Rynale.6897

Shanaeri Rynale.6897

I’d be interested to know how these responses will be processed and down-selected for discussion. If it’s a pure count of topics and the highest count wins then that may not reflect the real issues that need to be addressed. So we end up with a list of symptoms that are part of a wider issue that did not come up so often.

So in effect we end up talking about sticking plasters rather stitches.

With that in mind my three(yes they are broad but are I feel the root cause of many issues)

1. Social stickiness (aspects like region splits, server and overflow issues, sub standard chat systems, not seeing guild chat of non repp’d guilds etc)

2. Creating gaming memories (being able to have memorable gaming moments with friends, combat system limitations, build flexibility and viability and living story issues)

3. Community expression (very little in game to bring the gaming community together, server pride is currently individual hatred, over use of soulbound/account bound items etc)

The cynical part of me says that we will get 3 simple ‘fluff’ issues to satisfy the ‘we are listening’ accusations and the real core issues will get left out. My challenge as a customer is please don’t dodge the real issues.

TLDR: In short the game is the tin man. It has a brain what it lacks and needs is a heart.

Guild Leader of DVDF since 2005

(edited by Shanaeri Rynale.6897)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Illi.3647


1. Lore, lore, lore! Better implementation, lore being in-game, not in interviews and on website. (Book feature, VO lore other than “Centaurs are attacking!” etc.)
2. Dynamic Events – more DE that have real impact on the world. When we fail, it has consequence. There are some, bur some…not that much. And also…let them fail! For example, most escort DEs have dead NPCs that are waiting forever to be resed. If NPC dies, I call that a fail. If most of the events basically cannot fail, they can´t have real consequence either. Also, less “defeat in the timeframe” fail conditions, more like at temple of Grenth or Balthazar.
3. Interactable world – houses you can go in, chairs you can sit in, objects to interact with (remember the comic you had in the first blog-posts about GW2? “By the gods, he´s picked up a mug!” – something along those lines ). Just things that make the world feel more alive.

Also…you guys are great, keep up the good work!
(edit: changed one and changed the order a little)

(edited by Illi.3647)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: LunarNacht.8913


- Lore ingame
- nonhuman armorskins (Charr)
- reason to group when exploring the world

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Mercypsy.9602


1. The condition cap is the most urgent issue in the game imo. It affects so many aspects of the game as well as the general mood and the interaction of the community.
2. RNG seems to bother a large number of players. Where does it fit, and where should it be removed?
3. Possible increase or change in end-game content without disrupting or confusing new players still leveling.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: kwalle.3674


- Dungeons ( Making the runs interesting through variety and bosses being smt else than health pools—> counts for outdoor bosses too)
- Guild functions/utulities
- Condition cap (condition builds in group fights)

- Rewarding defence / support

Sword of Justice [SoJ]
Gunners Hold

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


1: ranger pet system
2: ranger weapons
3: body block as in gw1

Just the WvW

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Talenna.4052


2. RP - a very popular activity, yet under-represented on the forums
* more emotes + animations, NPCs use many that are not available to players
*reducing the range of emotes, so they are not spamming non-RPers two blocks away
*Player housing - freely decoratable, no limit on invited players, option to make homes public or private
*ability to sit on chairs and different sitting animations (Star Trek Online comes to mind with it’s various options)
*improved town clothing (many more options are in game, worn by NPCs)
*wardrobe system
*would love to see the ability to wear other armour types as appearance/wardrobe clothes. Then I won’t need to make light or medium armour alts for my heavy armour wearing characters!

So many more things I’d add that would greatly enhance immersion for RPers, but I will save those for an RP discussion forum. I think it should be kept in mind that many non-RPers would also appreciate the above.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: zargnath.9524


1. Dungeon exploits/skiping
2. Condition cap
3. “Hardcore” vs. “casual” content

Gnarl Blackfur – Charr ranger
Bob – Four legged shapeshifter
HeXagonis [HeX]

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Galen Grey.4709

Galen Grey.4709

1) Housing
2) Difficulty (how specifically we can make the game so that players who want difficulty get that difficult + extra rewards but at the same time it doesn’t gate people who want a casual experience)
3) Dynamic Events (specifically enriching the open world with new stories experienced through dynamic event chains which is one of the things that make this mmo special)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Alex.9567


1. improvements to PVE mobs, not just scattered enemies throughout the map but enemies that connect and interact with their habitat / environment.
2. next personal story has to be personal and seamless.
3. please try better match armour and weapons to specific races and professions

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: MalakiteGW.9651


1. Raid Content with Proper Rewards

Tequatl is a very good “raid” but suffers from a flaw – It’s not instanced. So, you have an event scaling for population that cannot be controlled. (AFKers removed, people who are doing “whatever”, ect). Please make instanced content like Tequatl but make it an instanced Guild Challenge.

Raid Reward Structure —- Please have it give “Raid” tokens (among yellows, champ boxes, cash, karma, ect) that people can use to buy ascended weapons, armor, and jewelry with. This will make those who feel the game isnt “alt friendly” a chance to equip thier alts. Allow these raids to be subject to diminishing returns like dungeons This way people can repeat them/help other guildies do it and still get SOMETHING for thier time.

2. Player Housing, Guild Halls, and the Home Instance

I do like the home instance in the game. It is ideal for player housing (especially Salma District) and really needs to be utilized. Allow players to teleport to it every hour or so with a special item. Add a special way for us to get crafting stations there. Allow our mini pets to play there. Allow our other characters to be there —- Have them socialize together and with NPC’s. Allow us to unlock/buy decorations… Or flat out make a new crafting profession “Carpenter” —- Update other professions to add housing decorations. Jeweler can do sculptures of models already in game (like mini’s), Weaponsmith can do ornamental weapons, Cooking can make dyes to be combined with these items to make it certain colors, ect.

Guild Halls can be an extension of this. Have a trophy system (Teq trophy for killing him as a guild, along with other raid bosses) … Allow guilds to rent out space in the actual non-instanced cities for a gold fee (a gold sink) or use the instanced version for free — But no one else but guildies can visit.

3. Random Reward System

Randomness for loot is horrible if that’s the only way you reward your players. Fractals of the Mist has Pristine Relics — Please use this system along with the random factor so people, again, can at least see the “finish line” rather than rely on dumb luck and a prayer. However --- DO NOT make it a grind. The halloween achievement of close 50 (or more.. I am not in the last tier yet) halloween doors is a horrible way to extend the life of your halloween holiday event. Do you think players like to run same events 50+ times and think it’s still FUN? It’s not —- The dragon bosses (like maw, wurm) are only ran repeatedly because of the rewards —- It’s not fun though anymore. The first 3 times it was.. now its just repetitive because you need the loot.

These are my 3 suggestions.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Hagger.6854


1) Challenging PvE content with progression – My ideal progressive challenging content would be a system that rewards you with account bound items based on doing it a certain number of times as well as a chance at RNG drops that can be sold/traded.

2) Guild System improvements – Last online, unified influence system to allow for a guild to span multiple servers, easier ways to communicate without representing with all your guilds.

3) Reward system that is not so gold focused – One major issue with GW2 right now is that a lot of people tend to focus on the path of least resistance for money. Challenging content is not something people will do once they have their achievements as long as it is not the easiest way to make money. This whole issue can be relieved somewhat by introducing skins and items that are account bound in locations that provide a challenge.
4) New zones – I want to see new high level zones. We have not had a high level zone since Southsun (excluding temporary zones) that provides a permanent location in the game. I understand that there are not many systems in place to drive traffic towards a new zone currently, but this would need to be in place as well. Southsun should not be an excuse to not make a new zone (If it is for ArenaNet currently). It should absolutely be improved, but the only reason most people don’t go there is because there is no reward system that makes it compelling enough currently to go there.

5) More compelling events in the world with long lasting results – The event system is great in it’s current form, but it needs to evolve. The sense of permanenence that events once had has been shattered completely. Events that scale was a great start, but events need to last a long period of time with rewards to support it. The invasions were a great start to this, but there should be more. This would also be a great structure to support new reward systems and zones.

6) Dungeon Rewards – Simply put, dungeon rewards are not good enough. Even with the money that you get at the end, it is not worth the time. Looking back, the system would have been great; but now we have updated rewards across the game and dungeons have already been shrugged off as one of the least rewarding parts of the game.

7) Skin Locker – The amount of skins we have is absolutely getting insane. We need a place to infinitely withdraw them from. Without a system that encourages the collection of all the skins in the game people could very well end up getting overwhelmed by the amount of skins, and just stop caring about new ones. I understand ArenaNet needs to make money, but perhaps a way to unlock skins permanently to withdraw them with the cost of a transmutation stone. Living story meta achievement skins should be free when they are unlocked as part of this system and skin sets from the gem store should not cost to withdraw once purchased the first time.

8) Ascended Availability – I understand that weapons were just introduced and that armor is being introduced later this year, but there needs to be more ways to get these items. People who like to play a ton of alts get royally messed up over this. You should not HAVE to craft to get these items. I know they are available via RNG, but there is no time gated method of acquiring these items otherwise. All other ascended gear in the game has these mechanics, but weapons/armor only have crafting. Yes, I know that crafting is time gated, but everything else (short of Backs) have 2-3 time gated mechanics to acquire them.

9) Fractal Rewards – Fractals need a better reward system. The amount of time you have to put into a fractal run at higher levels is absolutely insane compared to the amount of reward you get out of it. This is especially an issue when you compare it to other, more rewarding parts of the game.

1) Better Reward system – This is absolutely the most important thing that sPvP needs right now. There needs to be a system that can stand the test of time and provide a compelling sense of progression for sPvP players.
2) Reward Crossover – While better rewards are part of this, I feel like this is an independent topic. A better reward system alone would make a ton of people happy and potentially bring in some new sPvP players, but this is what will really do it. sPvP players and PvE players should be able to benefit from both sides of the coin. An sPvPer should have ways to earn money, experience, karma, and PvE skins in sPvP. If a PvE player earns skins through other parts of the game, they should be able to bring it into sPvP. I understand that currently this is the main reward structure and skins are an indication of progression, but as part of a changed reward system for sPvP this won’t matter as much.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Traveller.7496


1) Why is the emphasis on Living world instead of more traditional content updates

2) Guild updates (GvG, Guild Halls, better mechanics for guild management etc.)

3) World bosses – you haven’t quite found the right balance – many of them are just super long and boring, some, like Teq, are virtually unfinishable

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Nretep.2564



  1. Balancing (between classes, traits, utilities, runes, sigils, stat inequality, retaliation, confusion)
    -> Condition dilemma/ heal dilemma/ tank dilemma (not holy trinity, but a bit balance)
  2. New content (maps, mobs, dungeons, paths) >> temporary content
  3. QoL/ color blind mode/ UI customization

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: unleashed.8679



things i also want to be adressed, but i think they cant be discussed well

  • Boss design
  • Harder contend
  • RNG/loot luck
  • new maps
  • downscaling

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Yid.3024


1. Living World/Living Story (both its concept and implementation)
2. Reward-oriented content design vs. Experience-oriented content design
3. Open World (how we are using it and how to use it better, kinda overlaps with living world/living story discussion I guess)

Edit: Oh, I forgot to add. Currently I get the impression that Balance team is paying attention to pvp almost exclusively. PvE (and wvw too) deserves more balance attention than it gets now.

(edited by Yid.3024)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Geoffroy.3685


1. Precursors, loot, and other RNG mechanics
2. Alt-friendliness and Ascended items
3. Living story (addressing concerns about the last updates — Tequalt / Twilight Assault / B & M)

Bonus : for a game oriented around cosmetic rewards, a gear locker would be really nice.

Amelia Ivardottir — Falconeer (Greatsword & Bows Ranger) — Volcanus
Emmeline Ivardottir — Duelist (Sword & Focus Mesmer) — Sunrise / The Anomaly

(edited by Geoffroy.3685)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Craywulf.5793


Well based on the three options you listed you can adjust/improve the FUTURE development of Living Story, which many have said needs to increased quality (code word for “substantial or meaningful” update). Or you can focus on the NICHE (Roleplaying) which holds no bearing on the performance of game currently. Lastly you can attempt to fix the PAST (Ascended gear) by bringing some statistical fairness as well as reducing the RNG.

My vote is on the future. Living Story is going be your bread and butter for this company to make money. I would suggest focusing on how to improve temporary content, by reducing the amount grind for cosmetic rewards. You’re better off appeasing the players with grind if the content is permanent. Lastly, while Tequatl was great event, it created a massive flux of overflow. To reduce this you should have also created an alternative PvE event so not everyone is pouring into Sparkfly Fen. In other words you need two events going on in separate zones to reduce the overflow.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


After a couple of days we will choose the number 1 topic in each area and then create the threads within the specific areas for us all to discuss, brainstorm and share our opinions on.


My choice is:


  • New zones and more complete lore (not few hints and silence…)! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!
  • housing/guild halls//real home instance that reflects your achievements (not achievement points that are useless, I’m saying about real achievements)
  • Alt-friendliness and Ascended items (like for example after crafting few, allowing re-crafting existing exotics to ascended so we wont need tons of mats and transmutation stones, again and again) – comes from 8 character player…


  • Making WvW more stable (all buildings are waiting for zerg to be taken why other server sleeps)
  • WvW progression account wide
  • Can we make it more like field progression (instead of threating each target as separate thing)
  • Transfer look from PvE to PvP (make look not bound to PvP lvl) it stops me from focusing in on PvP
  • New play styles / maps!

(edited by Septemptus.7164)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: LordByron.8369


1) ASCENDED tier/Grind

2) class balance (stop treating pvp players as Pro and PvE ones like “casuals” thank you!)

3) TP rewards BALANCE/totally broken economy

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: daros.3407


For PVE:
1) Ascended gear and its crafting, farming, grinding
2) Challenging content (like tequatl lately) and its rewards
3) Conditions and support in PVE (i play zerker and i am fine with it, but anyway i dont feel PVE is balanced becouse anything else then zerker in party slows dungeon progresion so people generaly have no reason to go anything else then zerk gear.)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Midnight.9205


1.) The DR mechanic and it’s impact on players who wish to farm
2.) The lack of new and varied armor sets
3.) Rewards for time and effort

For me personally, the second poster in this thread summed up exactly what I’d like to see some discussion and work on.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: niteskate.3641


Can we also think a little “outside the box”?

My suggestions:

1. Personalized enemies. The game tracks the way I play my char and creates enemies (that e.g. exploit my weaknesses). And once a day, somewhere in Tyria, a special veteran jumps out of the crowd, says “You meddled with our affairs long enough…” and engages me. The veteran keeps statistics on how he is defeated and e.g. uses condition removers in next fight or another different mob is created for the next encounter.

2. Personalized tasks. Expand on the daily achievements and (maybe weekly) send players to areas they have not seen / seek out a certain mini dungeon / kill a certain boss, etc.

3. Player influenced content. Players earn tokens and rent NPCs to defend, say, a camp in Orr. As long as players spend tokens they can have NPCs hold a camp (lasting impact on the world). Over time mobs adapt to the NPC defense, so ppl have to change these NPCs / upgrade canons, etc. occasionally. Make a LEGO system to create JPs, escort events, challenges and other types of events.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Conner.4702


1. Living Story
2. Rangers
3. Ascended Gear

When I read the OP I just facepalmed though. PVE is to broad to ask people their petpeeves and than pick from that. This thread needs a follow up thread with the 10 most wanted and have people rank their top 5 from that. Count up the tallies at the end and you will have a better idea of what the larger group cares about.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: MeGaZlo.9516


Oh my God .. why almost no one remembers the roleplaying element? Without elaboration of RP – the game turns into nothing but grind (which, I want to note, everyone complains about) . Increased sense of presence . Increasing the “depth” of the world. More dialogues. Greater influence of personality on the game. Greater variety of merchants. More animation. More emotions . More PvE aimed minigames. Realisation of idea of ?a city clothing (not just “buy in -gem store”) More interaction with the surrounding objects. Implementation services of gem store in PvE (barbershops for example) . Game needs something that just takes time and gives cosmetic awards. The game has a huge potential in this area. If this aspect will not be developed, all become just “go there to farm it. Complete this to get that”. And a bunch of complaints on the forum that “no fun” and “you promised that the grind will not be”.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Bezayne.6459


1. New permanent instead of temporary content
2. QoL changes
3. More challenging content

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Pifil.5193


1) Condition Stack Caps
(If you have 100 people in an encounter 25 bleed stacks isn’t enough.)

2) Ascended Gear
(The sheer grind required to craft it, the resulting problems with gearing alts or creating alternate weapon sets for different builds.)

3) Living World Story Telling
(The story is told in a very disjointed and drawn out way in game and so it’s difficult to keep track, also there’s very little of note happening in the game)


Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Zplus.4217


1. RNG and DR should never have existed together.

2. Ascended gears and its alt-UNfriendliness.

3. Skin locker, extend it out of pvp and put it into the rest of the game.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


1) New zones. With hearts and dynamic events, vistas, skill points, and new jumping puzzles. The whole free exploration thing was my favorite part of the game. NOT zones like Orr or Southsun. Regular zones for all levels, new max level zones like Frostgorge.

2) Expanding professions (horizontal progression!)… new skills, traits, weapons. Maybe new professions.

3) Stopping the loot pinata releases that are just a bunch of grind and RNG, and releasing new personal-story-like content which has real impact for the player, CAN BE SOLO’D or scales for a group. A longer release schedule is totally fine for me if we get quality content.

4) Player housing and all the items, trophies, storage, and customization that could go with it.


Thank you so much for the fantastic game, and for requesting this feedback.

(edited by Fozzik.1742)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: HikariNoTen.1402


1- Guild activities
2- PVE profession balance (especially Condition damage vs direct damage)
3- Order missions (durmand priory says : fetch X item in Y)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Samuirai.4561


1: Ascended Items / Crafting – more awesome skins, new receipts, new legendaries, ARMOR,…
2: Living World – more subtle story updates like the cut forest in Kessex Hill. And more Story about the Elder Dragons
3: Dungeons – more difficult dungeons. UW maybe

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Fror.2163


1. Alt-friendliness (regarding gear, content reward, unlocks, gem-bought tools)
2. High end content (fractals, dungeons, temples, world bosses, etc.)
3. Making each class/build matter (zerk is too powerful, conditions are underwhelming, “support” is laughable).

Frór (yes, with the accent!)

(edited by Fror.2163)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Natsu.2589


1. Roleplaying (support for RP, clothing, animations, housing, guild halls, mounts …)
2. Living World (Let’s talk about much more permanent stuff and how it could be done.)
3. Skills (viability, cooldowns, variety, look and feel and so on)

(edited by Natsu.2589)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Tyrannus Blade.3408

Tyrannus Blade.3408

1 – Armour cosmetics. (Armour needs to be tailored to fit more races than just humans properly, Charr especially.)
2 – Better world bosses. (Not like Tequatl though. Tequatl style fights should be instanced for the huge guilds who wish to take on such a challenge. Also don’t just go “MOAR HP, TIME LIMIT!” Like the Shatterer)
3 – Better combat. (If GW2 had Dark Souls’ level of combat brilliance…)
4 – Alt-friendliness. (Account wide dyes and fractal levels for example.)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

1) Class balance (why are some professions way more favored then others?)
2)Temporary content – if possible nothing should be temporary. Think about it like skyrim, your choices change the world, but you can always start another game. Relive the moment. In gw2 for most stuff you can’t.
3) Diminishing returns. Reward vs effort.
4) Achievements – (will they keep going downhill in a way that it takes more effort time and time again to do same amount of dailies/monthlies living story?
5) more area’s. (aka area’s like Shaemoor).
7) t6 mats becoming to expensive.
8) Bloodstone dust, future of this?

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Markadis.9012


PVE list:

1: Expansion
2: Dungeon
3: Living Story

A video to coincide with my thoughts on PVE:
Extra Credits: When Difficult Is Fun

edited to move WvW related items into the WvW thread

Server- Blackgate
Characters- Levicus (Ele); Levicus Gear (Eng);
Levicus Shield (War)

(edited by Markadis.9012)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Alt friendlyness (Gearing)
Risk/Reward balance
Karma (lack there of)
Build/Gear type balanced (DPS/Support)

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

(edited by Aberrant.6749)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Aramarth.8546


1. Guild Management
2. Guild Halls/Castles
3. Create desireable loot exclusive to areas/instances of PvE with low population

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: MrDmajor.7084


1. Refining Combat and Class Balance –
2. New Zones + Expanding Lore
3. Horizontal Progression + New Skills & Weapons

ArenaNet does NOT play Guild Wars 2. This can’t be.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Zoid.2568


1) Weapon/Skills and Traits – Viability and options, customization, how to improve
2) Guilds – Guildhalls, GvG, Upgrades, Guild Missions
3) Crafting – Recipes, funfactor, how to improve

1) SPvP – Funfactor, balance issues, how to improve
2) E-sport – How? Why? When? Is it possible with the current SPvP mode?
3) WvWvW – How to improve

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: meikodesign.6471


1) Class balance
> Build diversity. Each class must be competitive in each aspect of PVE (Solo, DJ, FotM, WB).
> New skills/New weapons

2) Pet/Monster AI
> Too easy to kite them without speed on you or cripple on them.
> They should try to avoid AOE and your skills (with an ICD) and they should use theirs interrup skills when necessary. Right now they just use theirs skills with RNG.

3) Skin locker
> Extend it out of pvp and put it into the rest of the game.

Lunavi – Ranger 80 ~ Charr Kuttery – Warrior 80
Little Lunavi – Ranger – Rank 4x
[CPC] Insert Coin – Vizunah Square [FR]

(edited by meikodesign.6471)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


1) Class balance, in ALL forms of play, but especially PvE
2) New zones
3) Reasons to go to existing dead zones

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Knaifhogg.5964



1. Attribute balance (condition cap / healing power mostly useless / bosses either doing no damage or killing you even if you’re tanky).
2. Tequatl (What’s your idea here? Raid content + wait time + overflow + slightly better than average loot)
3. Open up all dungeon paths (no HP sponge bosses, less OP silver mobs (everybody skips them, or classes shunned for not being able to do what’s required), time required in check, dungeons changed more quickly (don’t have to revamp entire dungeon to see SE p2 is boring and long and bad overall))

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Wulfic.6278



1) New Maps with a new story
2) New Dragon Boss Battles
3) Hearts of renown on all maps PLEASE ( I love them so much :C )


1) GvG
2) Deathmatches without ctp
3) Delete the downed system from PvP


1) Capes !!!!!!!!
2) Mounts ( just for the looks )
3) New races ( TENGU kitten )

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Faylinn.3280


1) I would absolutely love to see far more variety with all armors. Light armor doesn’t have to be skimpy to look good; A proper battle mage type outfit would be pretty cool as well as a more medium-armor type look but obviously not nearly as good as heavy armor.

2) Housing! It would be great to choose my character’s homes, like a plant-environment for sylvari or a more technologically advanced home for asura. The customization could be wonderful, and even more so with guild halls.

3) Emotes. These things carry reaaally far, and it’s kinda confusing at times. I’d like to see the overall range reduced, but I’d still love to see more emotes, like /hug, /giggle, /sigh, and /nod. These would be really fantastic.

~Tarnished Coast Forever <3~
Proud Elementalist of [PiNK]