Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

in Crafting

Posted by: Freshcutboy.6398


I know how to cook and armorsmith and I wanna know if I can make good money off of one of those two skills. I’m not looking to be rich, just wanna make profit. Is there sumthin I can mass produce and sell? Does anyone have a specific guide?

Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

in Crafting

Posted by: Berkut.2837


I am no expert on this, but omnomberry bars are worth close to 4s each on the market right now. Think it only takes one omnomberry plus some other materials to make a bar, so if you can farm omnomberries (or if the ingredients are cheap enough on the tp). You might be able to make a profit off of selling the bars.

Edit: They are also popular on the tp due to the magic find boost (I buy them, so I would be a customer of yours :P) so they should sell well.

Auri Nimayil: Lvl 80 Thief (Kaineng)

Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

in Crafting

Posted by: mosspit.8936


Just take note of the vanilla bean cost and factor in the 15% listing fee. Test it out using a small sample size first.

Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

in Crafting

Posted by: Freshcutboy.6398


Thanks for the advice but the omnomberry cost almost the same price as the bar on the TP. I’d make 1c profit lol.

Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

in Crafting

Posted by: Berkut.2837


:(. Woops, didn’t know they were that expensive.

Auri Nimayil: Lvl 80 Thief (Kaineng)

Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

in Crafting

Posted by: Esrever.8613


no money in any crafting. or minimal.

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

in Crafting

Posted by: Inoence.6907


Well, you could make profit if you gather them by yourselves but it does not really work otherwise.

You create 2 Omnomberry Bars with the recipe. But the expensive ingredients are vanilla beans and omnomberries of course. The other ones may be bought cheaply from the TP or Master Chef. I just gonna calculate the profit (Using GW2Spidy)

  • Calculating with Omnomberry for 3.20s, Butter for 13c, Egg for 35c, Vanilla Bean for 1.98s.
  • The buttermilk may be aquired through karma but its not really much.
  • All of the sugar etc may be bought at Master Chef and cost 80c per 10 i.e. 8c per 1.
  • All prices off the TP calculated as current sell price.
  • Cost: 6.06s
  • Omnomberry Bar sell price: 3.73s
  • Omnomberry Bar sell price x 2: 7.46s
  • Subtract 15% fee: 7.46s x 0.85 ~ 6.34s
  • Profit: 0.28s

The profit is 28 copper…
Conclusion: Either use the Omnomberry Bars for yourself or gather the materials (At least the Omnomberry)

Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

in Crafting

Posted by: Berkut.2837


XD Oops, well, ok, omnomberry bars are not a profit then.

While not really a crafting thing, you could always try salvaging rares/selling rares. Could also try making exotics in the mystic forge. I recently sold two exotics that I got from the forge for close to 10g (The Silence, which sold in a couple days for I think around 4 gold, and Coldsnap, which was on the market for like 2 weeks but sold for 5 and a half gold). I might have been able to make more by just selling the yellows I put in, but I have probably made at least 30-40 gold off of the mystic forge exotics that I have sold.

Auri Nimayil: Lvl 80 Thief (Kaineng)

Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

in Crafting

Posted by: arabeth.2361


The answer to “can I make money crafting with X skill” is no.

More specifically: it’s possible, but it requires so much time and effort playing the trading post that most will recommend simply farming as it is much easier and likely more profitable (and there is no risk, as opposed to playing the TP).

Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

in Crafting

Posted by: Gilosean.3805


You can if you gather the ingredients yourself. But no, buying ingredients on the TP and crafting it’s going to net you much.

Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

in Crafting

Posted by: Daulnay.4971


The answer to “can I make money crafting with X skill” is no.

More specifically: it’s possible, but it requires so much time and effort playing the trading post that most will recommend simply farming as it is much easier and likely more profitable (and there is no risk, as opposed to playing the TP).

It requires effort, judgement, patience, and speed. You can, if you are skilled, make money reliably. As much money as grinding in Orr? Probably not. But good money if you are not level 80 yet. Think of it as a kind of economic PvP, and you’ll have a good sense of what it takes to make money.

Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

in Crafting

Posted by: Heimlich.3065


The answer to “can I make money crafting with X skill” is no.

More specifically: it’s possible, but it requires so much time and effort playing the trading post that most will recommend simply farming as it is much easier and likely more profitable (and there is no risk, as opposed to playing the TP).

It requires effort, judgement, patience, and speed. You can, if you are skilled, make money reliably. As much money as grinding in Orr? Probably not. But good money if you are not level 80 yet. Think of it as a kind of economic PvP, and you’ll have a good sense of what it takes to make money.

Agreed. The thing is that nobody on a forum can or should tell you how to make money in crafting. If I’m making 5g/day crafting Level 42 Chocolate Chip cookies (for a made-up example), then I’m not going to tell you about it so you can compete with me.

We all buy some/all materials from the same trading post and we all sell to the same trading post. A profitable & high-volume crafting business can be wrecked by the addition of one or two determined competitors.

Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

in Crafting

Posted by: Kozai.8269


I have sometimes seen someone mention a way they had been making money on the TP, once they have switched to something else. The overall nature of the TP, though, is very dynamic. I’ve twice now happened to stumble on items which had margins between buying the raw materials and crafting the end result of at least 100%. I watched both narrow to more like 10% within minutes.

Thus, to the OP, if your question is “is there any one or two items I can make over and over, and always make a good margin on”, the answer is no. If your question is “having learned a craft (armorsmithing and cooking are actually good ones for this), can I, with a fair amount of research and practice, spot money-making opportunities in one or both of those crafts at any one moment on the TP”, the answer is yes. You will have to learn the TP as well as the craft to do it, though, and don’t expect to make money vastly faster then farming until you have built up a fair amount of capital.

Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

in Crafting

Posted by: Banjal.7328


You can’t make money with any of the crafting skills.A-net made it so the only way to even get alot of gold is to buy Gems then sell them for gold.

Can I make money Cooking or Armorsmithing?

in Crafting

Posted by: xExitium.5198


Cooking, no.
Armorsmith, yes.
Jeweler, yes.
Weaponsmith, yes.
The rest I’m not sure, didn’t have those profession.

Profiting from profession isn’t easy, from time to time you loss profit.
Unless you hunt mats yourself & sell them if item profit is higher than total mats profit.