Why I think that crafting is broken

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Big Boss.6248

Big Boss.6248

Crafting needs a huge overhaul. The amount of time and gold that needs to be spent in order to level your crafting skills is ridiculous.

http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/12521-arenanet-andrew-mcleod-talks-crafting-in-gw2/page__st__450#entry599372 anet post linked to by the gw2wiki. We’re apparently supposed to be able to level crafting as I level my character by making items useful to me without having to craft a bunch of “junk,” I have been doing just the opposite though being forced to craft a bunch of “junk” and forced to go back and farm previous areas I have long since out leveled.

At this point after sinking hours into a crafting system that has returned nothing to me other than raising some level I’m about to say kitten it and just ignore crafting as a whole and only use gathering to get my daily.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Felix.2613


If you have been crafting a bunch of junk, than thats because the concept of discovery has gone over your head.

You should only be making discoveries to raise your skill level.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: antimatter.2579


Why would you want to make it easier… imo its easy enough as it is and dumbing it down does nothing but devalue the whole game.

“Sa souvraya niende misain ye.”

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Suzuka.4718


making discoveries = bunch of junk as its low lvl compared to my lvl.
If this wouldn be the case, i had to farm a lot (i actually already did this to get to 125, but i cant find good farmin spots for 40-50 lvl as i did for early stuff, and buying through the TP is faaaar to expansive)
Point is = buying gear for low money via TP gets me easy good gear instead of wasting a lot of time farming creeps. And i dont rly care about the xp as you lvl fast enough already in this game.
I dont rly see the point here.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Rabs.6072


What crafting profession are you using? I’ve never run into “grinding” (neither needing to farm mats, or grinding items) on any of my characters, up to 250 skill so far.

1) Only craft via discovery. This is simple for the armor professions, just make a new set of armor every 5 levels.

2) If you are a tailor or leatherworker, always ALWAYS break down drops for cloth/leather unless you need to wear it.

@Suzuka: It is impossible to have everything of your level discovered and not unlock the next tier. Impossible. You either let your crafting slip under your level by ignoring it for too long (and thus craft low level items), or you didn’t do discovery properly somehow.

All 5 of my characters are in their 30’s+ and have always been able to craft above their level.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Sigma.9746


The problem comes from how the materials quickly outlevel your crafting; it’s why Jute and Copper go for so much. Really, in a game with such an in-depth crafting system there really shouldn’t be random drops of Greens or below

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Fluffycalico.2715


The problem comes from how the materials quickly outlevel your crafting; it’s why Jute and Copper go for so much. Really, in a game with such an in-depth crafting system there really shouldn’t be random drops of Greens or below

If you want to make crafting better make it so there are no random drops of green or higher

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Gryf.6387


sorry Rabs but that i cannot believe …. to craft by discovery you need to have the blue colored fine materials and you need TONS of them … you cannot tell me you you get them by just doin the zones and not FARM them … in low lvl till lvl 30 yes they drop like crazy … but then the drops fin out and the higher you get the more farming you need to even be able to craft lvl appropriate gear … but most of times you outlvled the gearstep allready ….

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: dybryd.1358


I think it’s clear that farming mats for crafters is supposed to be a way for lowbies to make gold, and to promote use of the trading post by both crafters and farmers.

It’s good for the game: encourages an active economy. Prices won’t settle for the next little while – especially with that huge cooking change just a couple days old – but I think it’s clear that the system is “working as intended.”

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Big Boss.6248

Big Boss.6248

I make sure I craft everything in discoverable mode, I have not used the same recipe more than once unless a friend throws some mats at me to make a gun or something. “Trash” is me making a bunch of different weapons that I don’t even use but need to because I can’t make 15 types of Greatswords and Bows, even more worthless because random drops are giving me better gear that’s at my own level.

Seriously either get rid of leveling all together or make the amount of mats needed to make inscriptions/insignias much lower and much easier to obtain.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: morrolan.9608


This quote is simply wrong: “If you level your crafting disciplines up as you level, your crafting skill should be raised simply by crafting useful stuff for yourself.”

I started as tailor and jeweler, I farmed stuff and I used discoveries as much as I was able and there simply weren’t enough raw mats to enable either of the crafting skills to keep pace with my level without a huge amount of farming, which is a grind and not fun.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: crises.7649


Crafting needs a huge overhaul. The amount of time and gold that needs to be spent in order to level your crafting skills is ridiculous.

This is simply not true. I may had spent about 2-3 gold (for sure not 3g!) and im already 400 in armor and 380 in jewells. And a little bit of farming (3-4 runs) for gold and silver.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: blink.4239


Crafting needs a huge overhaul. The amount of time and gold that needs to be spent in order to level your crafting skills is ridiculous.

http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/12521-arenanet-andrew-mcleod-talks-crafting-in-gw2/page__st__450#entry599372 anet post linked to by the gw2wiki. We’re apparently supposed to be able to level crafting as I level my character by making items useful to me without having to craft a bunch of “junk,” I have been doing just the opposite though being forced to craft a bunch of “junk” and forced to go back and farm previous areas I have long since out leveled.

At this point after sinking hours into a crafting system that has returned nothing to me other than raising some level I’m about to say kitten it and just ignore crafting as a whole and only use gathering to get my daily.

I have to disagree with everything said here. It’s all about discovering the highest possible items you can discover at a given time. That’s how you maximize experience gain. Moreover, many of the things you make you can sell at a 50% profit. Specifically the recipes that cost karma.

I had 5 gold at 118 tailoring on Sunday. I decided “to hell with it I’ll just buy the mats and see how far I can go.” At the end of the day I was at 400 tailoring with 1 gold +3.5 gold worth of stuff on the auction house.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Big Boss.6248

Big Boss.6248

This is simply not true. I may had spent about 2-3 gold (for sure not 3g!) and im already 400 in armor and 380 in jewells. And a little bit of farming (3-4 runs) for gold and silver.

You’re at end game then and missing the point of this post, I’m talking about leveling crafting as your leveling your character, I have yet to make anything useful and to get from level 100 in weaponsmith to level 125 cost 1g 30 s which, at the time, was a third of all my gold for no return.

I have to disagree with everything said here. It’s all about discovering the highest possible items you can discover at a given time. That’s how you maximize experience gain. Moreover, many of the things you make you can sell at a 50% profit. Specifically the recipes that cost karma.

I had 5 gold at 118 tailoring on Sunday. I decided “to hell with it I’ll just buy the mats and see how far I can go.” At the end of the day I was at 400 tailoring with 1 gold +3.5 gold worth of stuff on the auction house.

Maybe you missed my other post but I ALWAYS make sure to use discovery mode while crafting.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Wolfbane.4073


100 – 125 in weaponsmith cost you 1g 30s??
Serisouly you either got ripped off on the mats or crafted the wrong items.
All you have to do is at the start of a tier (When you get a new ore use) craft all your ore into ingots in one go this will level you roughly around 10 levels then you have another 3-5 levels left where crafting planks will still gain you exp.

After this you count your inscription mats and judge how much you can make in one go and decide what weapon parts to craft so that each one will be a new discovery. (usually only get 1 level even that if done over the ore and planks.)

Then you craft all your lower inscriptions and discover your items before moving on to the higher inscriptions as if you do it the reverse way you run the risk of outleveling your lowers and you lose that level of exp.

For me jumping from a new tier to masterwork has only taken me 2 builds. I craft one of every inscription Greatsword, and one of every inscription shield. Crafted shields are useless but they use less ore unless your making axes or hammers.

Doing it this way also gives you say 8 Greatswords upon completion so you chuck them in the mystic forge (or i do) and you get a green that is more appropriate to your level. Do it with masterwork (greens) and more often than not you will get a rare.

Its very simple if you think it through before you begin.

If you think its hard to get the lv 30-40 items god help you when you only need the lv 80 stuff.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: WhiteCrow.5310


Yeah no, the crafting doesn’t need to be any easier than it already is. What are you expecting OP? This is an MMO, it by and large is already a time sink. Do you have any idea how many people are at 400 crafting already? I think instead of putting down the system, you need to reconsider how you’ve managed your mats and what you chose to craft.

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Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Jentavi.8154


Are you serious? The crafting system is very easy if you use common sense. It’s really not that hard. It’s also very rewarding, i’ve had crafting sessions in which i did 2-5 lvl’s each time! On top of that, i always was able to craft the gearset i wanted and mostly the set for 5-10 lvl’s higher already aswell.

If you’re having a hard time crafting, you’re doing it wrong

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Big Boss.6248

Big Boss.6248

Yeah no, the crafting doesn’t need to be any easier than it already is. What are you expecting OP? This is an MMO, it by and large is already a time sink. Do you have any idea how many people are at 400 crafting already? I think instead of putting down the system, you need to reconsider how you’ve managed your mats and what you chose to craft.

Oh I’m sorry, I was expecting Anet to follow what it has already said. Maybe if you had been reading and not just the opening post you would realize that I’m trying to level crafting as I level so I am able to use the gear I make, however the consensus is to only level up crafting when you hit end game when it is financially possible.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I think it’s clear that farming mats for crafters is supposed to be a way for lowbies to make gold, and to promote use of the trading post by both crafters and farmers.

It’s good for the game: encourages an active economy. Prices won’t settle for the next little while – especially with that huge cooking change just a couple days old – but I think it’s clear that the system is “working as intended.”

I think it’s also clear that “as intended” is not in line with the blog post (and clarification) about crafting. I made tailoring gear up to level 10/15 (counting the mask) and I was in no way ready to craft the next tier of items. I had to grind out a bunch of useless discoveries to go up in ranks (like everyone else is doing) to move on to level appropriate stuff. Because of the butter nerf I can’t get beyond level 20 gear without going out of my way to join the skale killing train for their blood.

I’m mass producing useless items (six or seven different masks, but all of them are useless to me except one) just to gain levels. The system was designed this way. So many of the ArenaNet blogposts outlining their design goals and how their systems are going to work are flat our untrue to the live experience.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Yeah no, the crafting doesn’t need to be any easier than it already is. What are you expecting OP? This is an MMO, it by and large is already a time sink.

What I expect is anets goal of no grind and FUN.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: blink.4239


I have to disagree with everything said here. It’s all about discovering the highest possible items you can discover at a given time. That’s how you maximize experience gain. Moreover, many of the things you make you can sell at a 50% profit. Specifically the recipes that cost karma.

I had 5 gold at 118 tailoring on Sunday. I decided “to hell with it I’ll just buy the mats and see how far I can go.” At the end of the day I was at 400 tailoring with 1 gold +3.5 gold worth of stuff on the auction house.

Maybe you missed my other post but I ALWAYS make sure to use discovery mode while crafting.

Okay. Are you discovering things way below your level range? If you’re only gaining 1 level per discovery, you’re doing it wrong.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Sinte.3590


I 400ed both of my professions as soon as I hit 80,without using the trading post (Mostly because it didn’t work before I was in full orange gear).

You’re doing something wrong if you’re having a hard time with leveling crafting.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Ambrosiaa.6054


Are you serious? Crafting is a walk in the park right now. I’ve literally spent less than 1g to get my jeweling and leatherworking to 200+ each. And i’m only lvl 50. What’s up with casuals these days? You expect to reach the end so easily and then complain afterwards that there is nothing to do.

Go and farm the crafting materials for god’s sake. Don’t expect yourself to be able to obtain everything you need just by lvling.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Gurpsmeister.9068


Crafting is pretty easy right now. Once you establish a pattern of discovery you’ll sail thru the levels. I’ve also never farmed for materials, there were a few times where I bought one or 5 of something but never in excess (Except when I built a rare set of lvl 65 armor..and ouch..I regret it)

Honestly crafting is fine and fun, I just wish there was a profit in it. The game got it right in that what can be crafted is actually useful, but there’s still really not a big market for it over what drops from zone to zone. Maybe this changes later but so far, no money for me.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


I find the crafting system just fine. It doesn’t need a thing done to it. (well except what they have already planned to do)

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Dalrick.5461


I felt this way at first as well, when I started leveling. I barely hit level 20 leatherworking with the many materials I thought I gathered. But once I started discovering how the game works, how incredibly useful the store collectibles option in the inventory is, I managed to level my profession 90% of the time without having to buy additional mats to get to 400.

It is true, however, that had I only crafted items I could use for myself, it just wouldn’t work to level alongside my character’s level. Then again, it’s also true that I would receive atleast one item I could use.

What I did was make all insignias (with mats I gathered subconsciously while leveling) then combine them with the two parts that make an armourpiece and invent a new recipe, which often gives 1-3 levels at a time, depending.

I am not sure about this, but I think making 15x the same item will not reward you as much experience as inventing a new recipe does.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Trey.2135


Leveled my artificing from 30 to 382 at a net loss of 1g. I jumped up 8 levels, so it was worth it I think. I’ll make the money back plus mats in a few hours in some 60+ zones.

I did like others said and sweetspotted my discovery bonuses. I figure there’s an even more efficient way to progress crafting, too.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Toxe.5340


Crafting needs a huge overhaul. The amount of time and gold that needs to be spent in order to level your crafting skills is ridiculous.

What? Crafting is already simple and easy and until you hit level 385 there is no reason to buy any stuff from the Trade Post.

I see nothing wrong with the crafting system and in fact, comparing it with other MMOs, I think it’s one of the better ones.

You should never try crafting in Everquest 2.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Prodius.2910


All one has to do is look at the Trading Post to see there is a problem.

When Tier 1 materials are as expensive as tier 3 and 4 it tells you that people are having to farm materials long after their level has progressed.

Crafting should closely follow the level progression and the end game crafting should be the grind. As it is now copper ore is 20C, Iron is 7C. platimun is 12C and Mithril is 27C. Jute scraps are 30C, Cotton 16C, Wool 19C, linen 12C and silk 25C.

That’s the market equivalent of Aluminum being a precious Metal and Denim jeans the same as designer silks.

This is clearly not a good market atmosphere and the market doesn’t lie.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: lukemon.9782


Anyone who has taken up weaponsmithing AND armorsmithing will tell you how painful and monotonous it is to find the required fine materials. Right now crafting is a complete waste of time and I was really disappointed with it.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Big Boss.6248

Big Boss.6248

I want to know how many of you kittens that are having an easy time are running jewelcrafter? Any crafting class that requires insignias or inscriptions is kitten.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Elric of Grans.7684

Elric of Grans.7684

I cannot understand how anyone can state that you never need to `grind’ out garbage discoveries.

The Weapon crafts are perfect examples. Most classes would not even be able to use all the weapon types, let alone actually do so. More than likely, you need two or three discoveries per tier for your own purposes, so lets argue six discoveries (three weapons, fine and masterwork). After refining, that is still 38 levels you need to grind out on garbage.

The Armour crafts are better, as you will have six items you need (up to 12 levels, twice when you include masterwork) plus refining (25 levels), but that still leaves some levels where you need to waste resources on something you do not need to get to the next tier. This equates to a full set of other gear.

Rare materials seem pretty uncommon too. I am an explorer kind of player. My highest level character has cleared all 1-15 and 15-25 zones, and already begun on the 25-35 zones. To keep that character’s crafting ability up to their level (ie the best items they can craft at at their character level), I have had to purchase materials (or spend a lot more time grinding than I already do). The average player clearly cannot do this in general play, they you would get even less materials than I do.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Valhingen.4957


Crafting is fairly easy in this game. I have to admit that I am only at 200 WS / 200 JC but so far, after the initial copper rush, it’s plain easy. I do not even have to farm anything, I just go to the crafting area after a few hours of gaming and can level up without any issues. Maybe you should read/view some guides about discoveries and do not try to level two jobs that need the same ressources (like WS and AS).

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: BigBadB.4860


Crafting needs a huge overhaul. The amount of time and gold that needs to be spent in order to level your crafting skills is ridiculous.

Ironically, I feel completely the opposite – I think it’s far too quick and easy for high level characters to max any crafting skill they choose.

And honestly, if you think this crafting system is a time sink, you really should play some older MMOs…

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Athanasius.3875


2) If you are a tailor or leatherworker, always ALWAYS break down drops for cloth/leather unless you need to wear it.

Careful, now the Trading Post is always up you’ll want to check prices for mats on there first. Once you’re seeing 40+ copper as the vendor price of an item it can easily be better to sell it and then buy minimum-priced mats from the TP instead.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Athanasius.3875


Anyone who has taken up weaponsmithing AND armorsmithing will tell you how painful and monotonous it is to find the required fine materials. Right now crafting is a complete waste of time and I was really disappointed with it.

This is likely true of any 2 crafting disciplines that both use Fine Crafting Materials.

I started with Leatherworker and Weaponsmith (I play a Thief), but dropped Weaponsmith around skill 60 when it became clear that the two would be competing too much for Fine Crafting Materials. So I levelled Jeweler instead of WS and now have that up around 385 and LW at 400.

Unless I’m mistaken Jeweler and Chef are the only two that don’t require Fine Crafting Materials, so taking one of those along with a FCM-using discipline is the way to go (at least until you hit 400 in the FCM-using one, make everything you could need and so can switch to a 3rd discipline).

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: BigBadB.4860


Anyone who has taken up weaponsmithing AND armorsmithing will tell you how painful and monotonous it is to find the required fine materials. Right now crafting is a complete waste of time and I was really disappointed with it.

This is likely true of any 2 crafting disciplines that both use Fine Crafting Materials.

True, but Armor and Weaponsmithing are a particularly bad combo as they both use a lot of ore.

From my (admittedly limited) experience so far, I’d suggest avoiding this combo if you want to craft as you level and make gear for yourself, unless you don’t mind a fair bit of material farming.

Either of them + Jewelry is a much easier option for crafting while you level.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Artyrus.4190


I’m sorry but I’m going to call it like I see it.

All I hear is someone who is crying over spending 2g getting his crafting leveled, WHEN, if he had just killed a few extra mobs while leveling, he wouldn’t have been ripped off by the trading post.

I have 400/400 Armorsmithing and Jewel crafting. They were not hard to level, JC being a complete joke in my mind. Armor smithing was at times, I admit, a little frustrating. However, i quickly learned my folly. Whenever I was leveling I would bee line it straight for hearts and other objectives, only doing the bare minimum to get completions. I caught on very quickly to this being a horrible idea. Instead, I slowed down a little bit, and in my normal course of play, if i happened to find a spot where mobs were dropping some crafting materials, i would tear them all apart. Literally took me like 5 extra minutes, tops, and all of a sudden, I have more crafting mats than I know what to do with.

Nothing is wrong with the game. I’ll even throw you a tip- mobs that have been alive for a long time have stacking loot tables and experience. If you kill a few mobs and you see mats dropping like crazy…guess what. It’s been hours since someone killed them… SLAUGHTER THEM FOR GREAT JUSTICE AND LOTS OF MATZ. But instead of doing logical things, you impulse bought and now are raging about it. That’s not healthy for the community and it’s not the sort of “dumb things down for me plz” attitude anyone respects.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Wazabi.1439


I think crafting is too easy in this game…This is the first game where I capped both my crafting in 2wks. My last push was 2.5G spent to push artificing from 325 to 400…and that’s because I bought 95% of the mets I need. You need some planning to level craft in order to be efficient.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Song.7509


I really think its not the fact its too easy some of the drops you need you cannot get a few drops after spending 1hr or more is a little tedious and I am about to give up. I look on the TP and see the overpriced drops from traders and I cant get enough cash to spend on 15 items to make 1 tailor recipe. I dont play full time MMOs and I have a real job so when I come here I expect to be some extra drops of items I am seeking at least out of every 3 mobs drop one …not every 20-30 I get one bone shard. Its supposed to be fun.. I left one MMO because of the grind – not to join another game that has the same of implementation of grinding.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Tuathaa.7210


I think the crafting is fairly easy in this game, and I’ve crafted some nice useful items for myself. Thing is, if you want to discover all recipes and such, there is some grinding involved, but most people won’t discover everything.

I’m thinking crafting should be a difficult if you really want to master it and for special high level items it should be HARD. Otherwise there’s no money in it and nothing special to get to the highest level.

I like the way it’s built right now, that there is some grinding involved in getting the rare recipes. You can still level your crafting easily and be on the same level as the zones you’re in, if you don’t bother discovering EVERYTHING. Not everything should be easy. I’m hoping that end game crafting of really awesome items will involve some difficulty, allowing only the most devoted crafters to pursue it.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Hexcaliber.5714


It seems many fail at reading comprehension, that, or some are simply in too much of a hurry to post “your doing it wrong” (*s) that they ignore the real issue.

This is not about levelling crafting by zooming through with discoveries, ok, got it? We all know we can use discoveries to level crafting, its not rocket science, despite how smart it makes you feel to tell others they are wrong.

This game, we were told, we would be ale to craft our gear as we go, because we can have two crafting professions that means weapons AND armour for many, and level our crafting in line with our adventure level doing just that, and ONLY that, ok, not too hard a concept to grasp?

We want to craft level appropriate gear, with stats that are useful to our char. Crafting items with five or six useless stats that are no good to us, using up our mats is the issue; it means in order to make complete sets of gear as you level, you end up having to grind mats, something areanet claimed would NOT be required.

Players were also told they could level by using crafting, and ONLY crafting, it’s clear that is more horsekitten, anet clearly failed to understand their own economy. Because of the shortfall in the availability of fine mats, crafted items sell for less than it costs to produce them; this would leave pure crafters in a financial deficit, and in the absence of credit loans, not viable at all.

The only players that should need to buy mats through trade posts, are dedicated crafters that sell crafted goods in bulk for profit, and do not use game time to hunt for their own mats; that is simply not possible at present, despite the claims it would be.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Wazabi.1439


It seems many fail at reading comprehension, that, or some are simply in too much of a hurry to post “your doing it wrong” (*s) that they ignore the real issue.

This is not about levelling crafting by zooming through with discoveries, ok, got it? We all know we can use discoveries to level crafting, its not rocket science, despite how smart it makes you feel to tell others they are wrong.

This game, we were told, we would be ale to craft our gear as we go, because we can have two crafting professions that means weapons AND armour for many, and level our crafting in line with our adventure level doing just that, and ONLY that, ok, not too hard a concept to grasp?

We want to craft level appropriate gear, with stats that are useful to our char. Crafting items with five or six useless stats that are no good to us, using up our mats is the issue; it means in order to make complete sets of gear as you level, you end up having to grind mats, something areanet claimed would NOT be required.

Players were also told they could level by using crafting, and ONLY crafting, it’s clear that is more horsekitten, anet clearly failed to understand their own economy. Because of the shortfall in the availability of fine mats, crafted items sell for less than it costs to produce them; this would leave pure crafters in a financial deficit, and in the absence of credit loans, not viable at all.

The only players that should need to buy mats through trade posts, are dedicated crafters that sell crafted goods in bulk for profit, and do not use game time to hunt for their own mats; that is simply not possible at present, despite the claims it would be.

Maybe you should give a solid example on how “crafting as you go” is suppose to be? I picked artificing…so I should only be crafting 1 staff and 1 scepter every 25 crafting level to level them up?

No one said you don’t have to put in effort to craft. It is possible to craft your way to lv80…but I don’t think anyone says it’s gonna be easy. I’ve only spend 1 hour to grind for small venom at earlier level…got about 60 of them…that’s it… I’m max at artificing right now.

Crafting is already too easy to level, that’s why there are tons of crafters out there all selling the same stuffs…that’s one of the reason why they can’t turn a profit, and no one that I know buy mets from TP, craft and then sell it.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: xenogias.1768


What crafting profession are you using? I’ve never run into “grinding” (neither needing to farm mats, or grinding items) on any of my characters, up to 250 skill so far.

1) Only craft via discovery. This is simple for the armor professions, just make a new set of armor every 5 levels.

2) If you are a tailor or leatherworker, always ALWAYS break down drops for cloth/leather unless you need to wear it.

@Suzuka: It is impossible to have everything of your level discovered and not unlock the next tier. Impossible. You either let your crafting slip under your level by ignoring it for too long (and thus craft low level items), or you didn’t do discovery properly somehow.

All 5 of my characters are in their 30’s+ and have always been able to craft above their level.

My only question is how are you keeping up on proper stats for your character AND doing all the discoveries when it starts costing you 8 of each fine material per? You cant. Not without farming for paticular fine mats or buying them from the AH. And you certainly arent keeping up with every craft. You can get to the next tier without farming specific ones sure. But thats not making a set of gear for yourself with the stats you want now is it? Crafting is broken. I have given up on crafting and started selling all the mats and guess what. I keep my character in all greens/golds with runes/sigils every 5 levels AND still make a profit. With crafting all I was doing was losing money. Thats a broken system. The only ones that do not realize it are crafting diehards and to you people I must say, thanks for all your money!

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: blink.4239


The hardest profession to level is tailoring because the mats are hardest to farm. Need convincing? Look at the auction prices of the highest level cloth (gossamer) and the highest level wood/metal (ancient wood log/orichalcum). It’s nearly 5 silver for a single gossamer scrap. An ancient wood log is like 1.4 silver. I don’t recall what orichalcum ore is worth, but its somewhere in between the cost of a gossamer scrap and an ancient wood log.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Godvega.9476


Crafting needs a huge overhaul. The amount of time and gold that needs to be spent in order to level your crafting skills is ridiculous.

http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/12521-arenanet-andrew-mcleod-talks-crafting-in-gw2/page__st__450#entry599372 anet post linked to by the gw2wiki. We’re apparently supposed to be able to level crafting as I level my character by making items useful to me without having to craft a bunch of “junk,” I have been doing just the opposite though being forced to craft a bunch of “junk” and forced to go back and farm previous areas I have long since out leveled.

At this point after sinking hours into a crafting system that has returned nothing to me other than raising some level I’m about to say kitten it and just ignore crafting as a whole and only use gathering to get my daily.

it seems to me that you just want it handed you. crafting is easy your just not doing it right

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: goshon.8527


What is really ridiculous about this thread is how many people are knee-jerk responding without gaining any scope of context. For future posters, the OP is not complaining about how hard it is to level crafting in general, he’s stating that he’s finding it difficult to keep his crafting relative to his current character level. He’d like to produce product that he can use currently, not powerlevel his profession when he’s reached level cap.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: blink.4239


What is really ridiculous about this thread is how many people are knee-jerk responding without gaining any scope of context. For future posters, the OP is not complaining about how hard it is to level crafting in general, he’s stating that he’s finding it difficult to keep his crafting relative to his current character level. He’d like to produce product that he can use currently, not powerlevel his profession when he’s reached level cap.

Maybe you didn’t read this part:

Crafting needs a huge overhaul. The amount of time and gold that needs to be spent in order to level your crafting skills is ridiculous.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: goshon.8527


What is really ridiculous about this thread is how many people are knee-jerk responding without gaining any scope of context. For future posters, the OP is not complaining about how hard it is to level crafting in general, he’s stating that he’s finding it difficult to keep his crafting relative to his current character level. He’d like to produce product that he can use currently, not powerlevel his profession when he’s reached level cap.

Maybe you didn’t read this part:

Crafting needs a huge overhaul. The amount of time and gold that needs to be spent in order to level your crafting skills is ridiculous.

I not only read that, but I continued to read the posts by Big Boss.6248, and saw that he expanded this statements, hence my comment “knee-jerk”, as most people reacted to what you quoted, and not the several other posts.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: blink.4239


What is really ridiculous about this thread is how many people are knee-jerk responding without gaining any scope of context. For future posters, the OP is not complaining about how hard it is to level crafting in general, he’s stating that he’s finding it difficult to keep his crafting relative to his current character level. He’d like to produce product that he can use currently, not powerlevel his profession when he’s reached level cap.

Maybe you didn’t read this part:

Crafting needs a huge overhaul. The amount of time and gold that needs to be spent in order to level your crafting skills is ridiculous.

I not only read that, but I continued to read the posts by Big Boss.6248, and saw that he expanded this statements, hence my comment “knee-jerk”, as most people reacted to what you quoted, and not the several other posts.

But he’s clearly complaining about how hard it is to level crafting, despite whatever silly nuance his argument has about not being able to keep up crafting with leveling.