Changing disciplines

Changing disciplines

in Crafting

Posted by: undouble.1472


I have a L-80 ele, who is “now” an “Artificer/Leatherworker”. I find that I can’t change disciplines for this character. Is that because I’m a L-80?? or is this a “bug” that needs adjusting??

Changing disciplines

in Crafting

Posted by: Blackhair.6245


Talk to the trainer of the profession you wish to learn. Then choose to learn the profession, you will be given the option to unlearn one of your professions. Choose one of them and you will have learned the new profession.

It is not bugged as I have just tried it on an alt and being level 80 doesn’t effect anything.

Changing disciplines

in Crafting

Posted by: Riffian.5908


Important to note that you will note lose any current progress towards the disciplines you have already learned, and can go back to it at any time by going to the respective trainer and paying a small fee to switch back. (Learning a new crafting discipline from level 0 is free).



Riffian – 80 Warrior – Red Guard [RG] – Blacktide

Changing disciplines

in Crafting

Posted by: Turial.1293


Yup, you can easily switch back to your old profession and all recipes discovered will be there, you can jut have 2 active at a time.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Changing disciplines

in Crafting

Posted by: undouble.1472


I have a L-80 ele, who is “now” an “Artificer/Leatherworker”. I find that I can’t change disciplines for this character. Is that because I’m a L-80?? or is this a “bug” that needs adjusting??

That’s fine, but when I try to change “disciplines”, my existing ones are “blacked out” and I don’t get the option to change to another—————The “disclaimer” on cost is there, but the option to actually change is not.

Changing disciplines

in Crafting

Posted by: forever.6908


I have a L-80 ele, who is “now” an “Artificer/Leatherworker”. I find that I can’t change disciplines for this character. Is that because I’m a L-80?? or is this a “bug” that needs adjusting??

That’s fine, but when I try to change “disciplines”, my existing ones are “blacked out” and I don’t get the option to change to another—————The “disclaimer” on cost is there, but the option to actually change is not.

Did you talk to the master crafter you want to change to?

Changing disciplines

in Crafting

Posted by: undouble.1472


Of course——-but when the “skill” icons are all blacked out, it’s rather difficult to change anything!!!

Changing disciplines

in Crafting

Posted by: Zapan.7460


not sure what you mean with the skills icons are blacked out…
here is that describes aspects related to crafting. here is a video guide too:

To change a profession/discipline:
1) Go to crafting station of the discipline you want to learn.
2) Talk to the master craftsman. (if a master craftman is bugged try talking to one in a different town)
3) Pick the Teach me the craft from the chat options (conversation with NPC).
4) You then pick which discipline you will disable from the chat options.
Now you can use the new crafting station.

Only 2 crafting disciplines can be active at one time. Last night, I changed from Cooking to Leatherworker using the LA work stations.

I had a character that was unable to click the master crafter Artificer the other night and I’m rank 400 with that character in that discipline. I was about to logout for the night anyways, was merely wanting to sell some stuff first, and didn’t pay it any attention or report it. The next day, I could target and talk to the NPC. /shrug