(edited by Treplos.5182)
Ecto salvage stats / spreadsheet
I’d keep track of the other materials it salvaged for also. I know a lot of people who will salvage Cloth/Metal/Wood but not Leather. Generally you’re getting another 20-80c of mats off each salvage too. You may see a pattern in weapons vs armor, or different types IE spears vs shields.
Hi, thank you for doing this. And yes there are some statistics I would like to see:
I’ve had a sneaking suspicion for quite some time that the stats on Mystic salvage kit are incorrect.
One day I ran out of mystics, so I bought a few batches of Master salvage kits. I noticed the rates of getting higher quality mats was much higher, even though they both are listed as 25%. I thought it was a fluke. But I tried again and again and keep getting the same results. Typically, 25 Master’s will get me more oris/gossa than 100 Mystics will.
I don’t salvage for ectos, I just sell the rares because it’s safer. But if you are salvaging whites/blues for ori and gossamer, I would love to see some numbers.
@ NoOneShotU.3479
Hmm … the main purpose for this was to determine the salvage rate of Ecto from yellow items (or exotics), using different tools, and whether it’s a profit or not.
In fact, I did not count salvage mats, runes or sigils, which -as u state- would add a bit mote to the net gain, perhaps upwards of 1s if you include mats + rune/sigil.
@ Darx.9842
You should have tabulated your results
I normally use the “Basic SK” (10% to recover rare mats) on Whites. I vendor Blues / Greens. But I may as well test with Master SK and see; however tracking all mats would be cumbersome, or are you only interested in tracking rare ones like Ori, Goss, Hardened Leather, etc? Also did you use the Mystic Sk with 250 charges or just the regular one? They are supposed to be the same but I am just wondering
I don’t salvage for ectos, I just sell the rares because it’s safer. But if you are salvaging whites/blues for ori and gossamer, I would love to see some numbers.
One of the main reason behind this sheet is to see whether salvaging for Ecto is really more profitable -vs- simply auctioning off the items, and if so by how much. Also to check the actual salvage rate (0 to 3).
@ NoOneShotU.3479
Hmm … the main purpose for this was to determine the salvage rate of Ecto from yellow items (or exotics), using different tools, and whether it’s a profit or not.
In fact, I did not count salvage mats, runes or sigils, which -as u state- would add a bit mote to the net gain, perhaps upwards of 1s if you include mats + rune/sigil.
@ Darx.9842
You should have tabulated your results
I normally use the “Basic SK” (10% to recover rare mats) on Whites. I vendor Blues / Greens. But I may as well test with Master SK and see; however tracking all mats would be cumbersome, or are you only interested in tracking rare ones like Ori, Goss, Hardened Leather, etc? Also did you use the Mystic Sk with 250 charges or just the regular one? They are supposed to be the same but I am just wondering
I don’t salvage for ectos, I just sell the rares because it’s safer. But if you are salvaging whites/blues for ori and gossamer, I would love to see some numbers.
One of the main reason behind this sheet is to see whether salvaging for Ecto is really more profitable -vs- simply auctioning off the items, and if so by how much. Also to check the actual salvage rate (0 to 3).
I’m just interested in ori and gossamer, I think I’m going to start keeping track myself as well. I don’t salvage for leather as it goes for vendor price on the TP. Yes I did use the 250 charge mystic which claims 25% chance for rarer mats, but I believe it’s false and more around 10% or less. Master’s seems like it actually provides the advertised 25%.
Also, I’d suggest reading this thread, other people have been doing some numbers as well: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/bltc/Stealth-nerf-on-ecto-drops/first#post690895
I’m very much interested in your ecto-salvaging research, great job
Yes I did use the 250 charge mystic which claims 25% chance for rarer mats, but I believe it’s false and more around 10% or less. Master’s seems like it actually provides the advertised 25%.
I’ve always wondered actually if Ectos fall into the same “rare material” category as Ori, Goss, etc, or maybe they have a separate % ?
(edited by Treplos.5182)
Great work. I have never gotten an ecto from a 74 rare. Did you use any in your research or were those 74s exotic?
Great work. I have never gotten an ecto from a 74 rare. Did you use any in your research or were those 74s exotic?
Really? Just bad luck then. According to Wiki, lvl 68+ has a chance to give 0 to 3 ectos, exotics 0-5. [Confirmed]
(edited by Treplos.5182)
Ok thanks. In that case I’ll keep up the faith.
The only thing is, you’re negating the fact that each black lion salvage use, in it’s self, is valuable, as each kit is rather expensive to get.
@ Ryoki Hokishami.2756 … I’ve actually considered that. Personally I had 3 BLSK which I got for free by just playing the game, and I play casually. I expect the same with others.
With the current cost of Gems (x100 =~ 70s) , buying a BLSK for 300 Gems just to salvage Ectos is not a good idea anyway: you only make money if you get 2 Ectos or more per salvage, which is a great risk/gamble.
I can easily add an extra column to deduct the cost of using BLSK, but I am still unsure if that would be right since I do not think people buy BLSK for Gems to salvage Ectos.
(edited by Treplos.5182)
To point out someones err; Master is 25% for rarers.
That being said; some data for you.
Lv 80 crafted rare item.
3364 salvages – 3028 ectoplasma (0,90) with mystic salvage kit (“25%”)
306 salvages – 386 ectoplasma (1,26) with BLTC salvage kit (“50%”)
For profit side; 1-3 silver per ectoplasma depending on price shifts.
Oh yeah, BLTC is good, if you get it for free, otherwise go for master, unless you want bulk and create few mystic salvage kits.
Outsource rng → profit.
If you take into consideration the price of the black lion kit, your profits disappear, unless you get a really good runes.
But even with a good rune, a mystic salvage kit is better despite the 20% chance to not get the rune.
And with a mystic kit you’ll still lose money in the end because 90% ecto and the runes won’t cover the price of the rare most of the time.
Ecto salvage rates are not affected by the type of kit used, nor by any magic find equipment. This has been tested quite extensively, and the results are in some thread on the gw2 subreddit, that you could look up if you want. Knowing this, you can save a lot of cash by using lower quality salvage kits for ecto salvaging.
People up above were talking about Orichalcum and Gossamer as being “rarer” materials… how is a white, rarer than a white? They are no more “rare” from ANet’s standpoint than mithril or silk.
Ectos being exotic grade are a “rarer” material. I’ve noticed that I get more ecto with a BL kit than with a Mystic kit. However, as other people have stated, a BL kit is way too expensive to buy and profit from the additional ectos. I just got mine when I was trying (and failing) at getting a cool skin from the chests at Halloween time.
I only use BL Kits because I got lots from chests and dailies and personal story. Gotta use them because they dont stack in Bank.
And I only use Crude for everything else. Its free (cheap karma amount) and gives me really same chance to get rarer mats. Just the other day I got 2 Ori out of 5 Metal scraps and 4 Goss out of 9 white Light gear so besides more space taken from inventory, its just as effective. Plus the space shouldnt matter much, 12-15 slot bags are cheap and anyone farming should have these bags to hold. I myself only bring 2 stack of Crude along.
To point out someones err; Master is 25% for rarers.
Yeah you are right, sorry about the confusion.
So, what some are saying here is that “Crude SK” and “Master/Mystic SK” have the same chance of getting Ori/Goss, as those are not considered “rarer mats”? And that only Ectos are actually the “rarer mats” listed on the SKs?
Can we get any sort of clarification or confirmation from ANET please?
(edited by Treplos.5182)
To point out someones err; Master is 25% for rarers.
Yeah you are right, sorry about the confusion.
So, what some are saying here is that “Crude SK” and “Master/Mystic SK” have the same chance of getting Ori/Goss, as those are not considered “rarer mats”? And that only Ectos are actually the “rarer mats” listed on the SKs?
Can we get any sort of clarification or confirmation from ANET please?
Clarification and confirmation from ANet is not really needed. There have been extensive tests done that demonstrated the lack of correlation between salvage kits and ecto rates to a very precise degree. There is absolutely no benefit to using a high level salvage kit to get an ecto unless you want a higher chance at gossamer/oric as well.
I have always liked statistics and spreadsheets. Most recently I did similar work for Rift (Mage Gear List) and SWToR (Slicing Table).
So, yesterday I started a simple spreadsheet to keep track of my Ecto salvaging stats as a small personal project, but I thought I may as well share it and see how that works. The sample is obviously quite small so far, but I intend to log everything from now on.
- I wonder if people are interested in something like this. If so, I can try to open up the sheet to gather public data.
- Are there other stats of interest that players would like to see?
- Also, has anyone else already done something similar?
Here is a pic so far:
http://i.imgur.com/FQtVy.jpgAny feedback is welcome.
You should also record the type of item salvaged. In my spreadsheet, I record the level, quality, and equipment slot it goes into, because it would not be unlikely for weapons and armor to have different average salvage rates.
Just salvaged 10 rares, got 2 ectos, mystic salvage kit. Very disheartening if u dont use black lion kit u might be in for a bad time.
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
Just salvaged 10 rares, got 2 ectos, mystic salvage kit. Very disheartening if u dont use black lion kit u might be in for a bad time.
Ten trials isn’t nearly enough to establish an average. Also, the rate of ecto salvage for Level 67 and lower items is 0%. If you didn’t exclude those from your sample, then you’ll have badly-skewed data.
Actually any data presented by anyone is skewed to begin with. That is their attempts and their RNG. This will never transpose to anyone elses chances at RNG, that is a fact. What happens with one person WILL NOT happen to another to any noticable degree which would allow people making nifty charts to say “this is the way things are.”
All were over lvl 70 mate from grenth event.
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
I’ll go ahead and add my information for my spreadsheet. I don’t feel like uploading it, and I have information that might be confusing to anyone trying to read them, so I’m just going to type out what i have in a condensed and easier way to understand.
Keep in mind I’ve only started doing this yesterday.
All items are level 80 rares and I’m only using the black lion Salvage kit. Once I’ve reached a certain number, I’ll start another spreadsheet using master kits, to compare them.
Total tries: 68
Total # of Ectoplasms salvaged: 97
Average # of Ectoplasms per salvage: 1.426470588
current chance to get 0-3 ectoplasms per salvage
note: these percentages were rounded.
0 ectoplasms: 25%
1 ectoplasm: 29.5%
2 ectoplasms: 23.5%
3 ectoplasms: 22.0%
From my information so far it looks like each category has a 25% chance to happen, that is a 25% chance to get 0, 1, 2, or 3 ecoplasms per salvage. However, I don’t think this is accurate and once I’ve done a lot more, hopefully I’ll start to see the percentages getting closer to their actual value.
Currently, I’ve lost around 30 silver rebuying the black lion kits, from salvages 19-68. The first 25 runs I did very well, but the last 25 runs I did very poorly, which only proves I’ve yet to collect the data needed for a well rounded numbers.
Please remember that these numbers are not large enough to give a good sample size, and you should disregard them until larger sample sizes from various people have been collected. I just wanted to post my progress here on this thread. Once I feel like I’ve gotten a big enough sample size, I’ll post another topic showing everyone my results.
@ Sarathor.2409 … it would be really nice if you could share your info with me, at least the info I am interested in, as per the below.
Here is a 2-pic album of my latest updates; I am trying to get some more samples from guildies as well.
I added more info to the sheet, like T6 mats and upgrades (runes/sigils). The list is largely automated now as well. I just really need more samples.
PS: I double-checked and lvl 68+ rares do give Ectos, like the Wiki says.
If anyone is salvaging items and would like to help, can you note down your salvage info as per the table and share here?
What I need, per item:
(1) Quality and Level of item.
Example: R71 / rare lvl 71 / E78 / exotic 78 / exo 78
(2) Lowest Selling Price of item on BLTC (if you were to sell it for profit instead of salvage).
Example: 20s 30c / 20.30c / 0.2030
(3) Number of Ectos salvaged, if any.
Example: 2 ectos / 2e
(4) Number of T6 mats salvaged, if any.
Example: 2 ori ore / 2 ori / 2 oo
(5) Lowest Selling Price on BTLC of the salvaged Upgrade item (Rune/Sigil), if any.
Example: 3s 2c / 3.2c / 0.0203
(6) Type of Salvage Tool used.
Example: Mythic SK / Mythic
Something like:
R78, 20s 60c, 1 ecto, 2 ori, 2s 40c, Myth
(edited by Treplos.5182)
Ok I uploaded my spreadsheet for public review.
Tell me what you think and if people are willing to fill in data.
PS: The purple headers on top of the sheet are the only data parts that need to be entered, as per my previous post; the rest is done automatically.
(edited by Treplos.5182)
I think theres a bug or something… Just salvaged 6 rares with BLK while farming (had item DR on) got 1 ecto. Logged out for 2 hours come back crafted 6 rare GS’s slavaged them with BLK got 12 ecots. WTF.
I think theres a bug or something… Just salvaged 6 rares with BLK while farming (had item DR on) got 1 ecto. Logged out for 2 hours come back crafted 6 rare GS’s slavaged them with BLK got 12 ecots. WTF.
According to ANET official word, there is no DR on salvaging.
Rest is just bad/good RNG.
Yeah i saw that post too but srsly 1 ecto from 6 rares never salvaging with DR just to be on the safe side ._.
Sadly it’s possible, although the chance of not getting any Ectos using BLSK for 5 consecutive times is quite small (if that’s what happened with you). It’s just a bad streak which was countered by a good streak as you experienced :P
In total, I’d say you made a profit from the 12 rares.
(edited by Treplos.5182)
from personal experience chance for ectos for me is around 0.9 ecto per weapon with lvl 71-80 rare weapons out of maybe 50 attempts.
Actually any data presented by anyone is skewed to begin with. That is their attempts and their RNG. This will never transpose to anyone elses chances at RNG, that is a fact. What happens with one person WILL NOT happen to another to any noticable degree which would allow people making nifty charts to say “this is the way things are.”
A sample of 3,300 salvages is big enough for the rate to be correct, imho.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.
Obviously the more the better, but 3,300 sample size is good imo to determine a trend or a pattern at least; I wish I had that much data ;P I can open the sheet for public if people are willing to help.
(edited by Treplos.5182)
Hey guys,
I created a data entry form for my spreadsheet, in hopes that people would help me with data gathering. So, please, use it if you can when you are salvaging for ectos; it only takes a few seconds for each item.
>> I simplified it a bit for less confusion and restricted it to only what needs to be entered.
>> If you are unclear about what some things mean, hover over each category and check the notes.
>> I included 3 samples at the beginning to give you an idea.
>> You only need to enter the data in columns C through N, which have purple headers, (don’t touch column B). Here is a quick recap on what each column should include:
(C) Quality Color and Level of item: Rare is yellow background and Exotic is orange background (only lvl 68+ give ectos btw).
(D) Check the Black Lion Trading Post (BLTC or AH) for the Lowest Selling Price of the item (as if you are going to sell it for profit instead of salvage).
The format is: 00g . 00s 00c (i.e: “0.2018” means 20s 18c and “1.5000” means 1g 50s).
PS: Items bought for Dungeon tokens obviously have no BTLC price, since they are soul bound.
(F) Number of Ectos salvaged, if any. If you get nothing, enter “0”.
(H to K) Number of T6 mats salvaged, if any (i.e. Orichalcum Ore, Gossamer, etc).
(L) If you get an Upgrade Component (like a Rune or Sigil), enter its BTLC Lowest Sell Price. Again, the format is: 00g . 00s 00c
(N) Type of Salvage Tool used.
PS: Salvage tools have automatic color-coding for easier tracking: “Black Lion SK” = dark orange, “Mythic” = light orange, “Master” = yellow. Just write the name and the sheet does the rest. Also, if you use some other kit, just enter its name, like Basic SK.
If you have any problems, PM me or post here.
(edited by Treplos.5182)
To point out someones err; Master is 25% for rarers.
That being said; some data for you.
Lv 80 crafted rare item.
3364 salvages – 3028 ectoplasma (0,90) with mystic salvage kit (“25%”)
306 salvages – 386 ectoplasma (1,26) with BLTC salvage kit (“50%”)For profit side; 1-3 silver per ectoplasma depending on price shifts.
Oh yeah, BLTC is good, if you get it for free, otherwise go for master, unless you want bulk and create few mystic salvage kits.
Can you please share the raw data, I’d like to plot the distribution function
Data size is up to 90 samples now.
I made a lot of enhancements and added a separate RESULTS sheet for quicker overview.
The data is clear, and from my experience as well, the only time you make a profit salvaging items for ecto is when you use a BLSK. Any other time you will lose money unless you’re exceptionally lucky. The game is designed to make you a loser unless you pay real life money. So much for no advantage etc…
*Just salvaged 47 level 80 rares, half weapon half armor, got about 58 ectos out of it with BLSKs. I believe that would have been even less if we used regular kits, which in and of themselves are expensive enough as is.
I’d like to know if there is a difference between using different quality salvage kits to salvage SOLELY for ectos. That is, is there a difference in “drop rate” of ectos when using crude or basic salvage kits as compared to when using Black Lion Salvage Kits? Regardless of the answer could whoever answers please substantiate this with evidence/ a reply from a dev?
Thank you very much.
The data is clear, and from my experience as well, the only time you make a profit salvaging items for ecto is when you use a BLSK. Any other time you will lose money unless you’re exceptionally lucky. The game is designed to make you a loser unless you pay real life money. So much for no advantage etc…
*Just salvaged 47 level 80 rares, half weapon half armor, got about 58 ectos out of it with BLSKs. I believe that would have been even less if we used regular kits, which in and of themselves are expensive enough as is.
This has been my thought so far. It seems on average, Mythic and Master do not make profit, so better sell item instead of using them; BLSK is the way to go to make ectos.
I’d like to know if there is a difference between using different quality salvage kits to salvage SOLELY for ectos. That is, is there a difference in “drop rate” of ectos when using crude or basic salvage kits as compared to when using Black Lion Salvage Kits? Regardless of the answer could whoever answers please substantiate this with evidence/ a reply from a dev?
Thank you very much.
Yea me too :P
From my understanding and observation so far, I am almost sure that Ectos are the “rarer mats” listed on the kits, and as such, lower grade kits like “crude” or “basic” will/should yield less Ectos. However, I am too poor to take the risk atm to test those out.
The good news is, I have a “Data Entry Form” for people to help out! If you feel basic salvage kits should be included, please feel free to test them and record the data in the “entry form” and I will be more than happy to make the adjustments to the sheet to include any new kit and compile its data.
Otherwise, you can send me the rares and I will do the tests myself and send you back whatever mats I get, or you can simply donate the rares for research.
(edited by Treplos.5182)
Sample size is up to 112. A pattern is emerging.
^ Yes that’s what about pretty much everyone I’ve talked to says as well – but then again most of them have never really tried using lower grade kits to salvage in the first place. They’re just saying so based on raw speculation.
It would be very much appreciated if anyone could contribute to the research regarding lower grade salvage kits on rate of ectos salvaged.
Sample size is up to 174 and growing daily.
I was wondering if people like to see more calculations on other data like costs and profits.
I was testing a theory of mine in regards to salvaging items for ectos, and I think I might be on to something. The theory is that you shouldn’t salvage the item after you have been killing mobs/farming, that you shouldn’t salvage two items within a minute or so of each other, and that you shouldn’t salvage more than like 5 items within an hour or two. I haven’t done enough testing to get more accurate times or a large enough sample size, but I have made a lot of money testing my theory.
Since testing my results have been unreal. Now, I have mainly salvaged exotics, which could make a big difference in the rates so keep that in mind. By sticking close to my theory from up above, I was able to salvage 46 ectos in 21 tries. At the start I salvaged 15 in a row that yielded 2 or 3 ectos (following my theory of waiting in between, no more than x, not after farming, etc). It wasn’t until I forgot to wait a minute in between salvages that I got only 1 ecto. So I waited 12 minutes and salvaged 3 more while waiting over a minute in between each one and got 3 ectos each time.
Now, I used a BLSK every time and all of the items I salvaged were lvl 70+ exotics except for 1 lvl 69 rare that gave me 3 ectos. It would be interesting to see if anyone else has tested this theory or would like to test this theory and post their results.
Summary of theory (feel free to adjust):
1. Don’t salvage after farming/killing mobs (while you have DR on you)
2. Don’t salvage items in rapid succession (i.e., wait a minute or two in between)
3. Don’t salvage more than 5 items within an hour or two (this is just a rough estimate and in fact, I didn’t salvage more than 2 or 3 within 5-10 minutes or 5 within a couple hours)
Also, I have tested a similar theory on the Mystic Forge while promoting T5 fine crafting mats to T6 and have noticed an interesting pattern. If you promote mats in the forge, try switching up the order in which you place the mats and don’t promote more than like 5-8 times in a row or you will probably begin seeing returns of 5 much more often.
Good luck!
Ty for your info, but In regards to diminishing returns on salvage, the Devs have stated more than once that there is NO DR on salvage. You will need a really big sample size to prove them wrong
The data is clear, and from my experience as well, the only time you make a profit salvaging items for ecto is when you use a BLSK. Any other time you will lose money unless you’re exceptionally lucky. The game is designed to make you a loser unless you pay real life money. So much for no advantage etc…
*Just salvaged 47 level 80 rares, half weapon half armor, got about 58 ectos out of it with BLSKs. I believe that would have been even less if we used regular kits, which in and of themselves are expensive enough as is.
This has been my thought so far. It seems on average, Mythic and Master do not make profit, so better sell item instead of using them; BLSK is the way to go to make ectos.
I’d like to know if there is a difference between using different quality salvage kits to salvage SOLELY for ectos. That is, is there a difference in “drop rate” of ectos when using crude or basic salvage kits as compared to when using Black Lion Salvage Kits? Regardless of the answer could whoever answers please substantiate this with evidence/ a reply from a dev?
Thank you very much.
Yea me too :P
From my understanding and observation so far, I am almost sure that Ectos are the “rarer mats” listed on the kits, and as such, lower grade kits like “crude” or “basic” will/should yield less Ectos. However, I am too poor to take the risk atm to test those out.
The good news is, I have a “Data Entry Form” for people to help out! If you feel basic salvage kits should be included, please feel free to test them and record the data in the “entry form” and I will be more than happy to make the adjustments to the sheet to include any new kit and compile its data.
Otherwise, you can send me the rares and I will do the tests myself and send you back whatever mats I get, or you can simply donate the rares for research
If Ecto are rarer mats. Then crude salvage shouldn’t give you any at all since its 0%.
So I’m sure that Ecto isn’t rarer mats. However, Ecto is a Special mats. This is also stated clearly on official wiki.
Let view it from another point.
If Ecto rarer mats, why don’t we get Fine Mats (Bone, Fang, Claw etc..) off salvaging?
(edited by xExitium.5198)
If Ecto are rarer mats. Then crude salvage shouldn’t give you any at all since its 0%.
So I’m sure that Ecto isn’t rarer mats. However, Ecto is a Special mats. This is also stated clearly on official wiki.Let view it from another point.
If Ecto rarer mats, why don’t we get Fine Mats (Bone, Fang, Claw etc..) off salvaging?
You’re correct. Ecto are not “rarer” mats. Rarer mats refers to the chance of getting Tier+1 common materials from salvage vs . Tier+0. I.e. a Level 80 Acolyte Coat can give Silk Scrap or Gossamer Scrap, and Gossamer Scrap is the rarer material.
It does appear, from this data, that the BLSK has a somewhat-higher rate of Ecto-salvage (something that wasn’t true previously). Mystic/Master kits give ~0.92-0.95E/Salvage, while the BLSK gives ~1.27E/Salvage.
BLSK is expensive enough that an extra 0.35E/S is not enough of an advantage for me. A BLSK costs 300 Gems, which, if you convert Gold->Gems->BLSK is 5.1G for 25 uses (or 20 silver per use).
21 tries
That’s not enough data for anything.
If Ecto are rarer mats. Then crude salvage shouldn’t give you any at all since its 0%.
So I’m sure that Ecto isn’t rarer mats. However, Ecto is a Special mats. This is also stated clearly on official wiki.Let view it from another point.
If Ecto rarer mats, why don’t we get Fine Mats (Bone, Fang, Claw etc..) off salvaging?You’re correct. Ecto are not “rarer” mats. Rarer mats refers to the chance of getting Tier+1 common materials from salvage vs . Tier+0. I.e. a Level 80 Acolyte Coat can give Silk Scrap or Gossamer Scrap, and Gossamer Scrap is the rarer material.
It does appear, from this data, that the BLSK has a somewhat-higher rate of Ecto-salvage (something that wasn’t true previously). Mystic/Master kits give ~0.92-0.95E/Salvage, while the BLSK gives ~1.27E/Salvage.
BLSK is expensive enough that an extra 0.35E/S is not enough of an advantage for me. A BLSK costs 300 Gems, which, if you convert Gold->Gems->BLSK is 5.1G for 25 uses (or 20 silver per use).
21 tries
That’s not enough data for anything.
True that BLSK seem to have better rate. Like you say BLSK need gem & convert it into gold, doesn’t that mean u almost double paying per ecto? -.-
If Ecto are rarer mats. Then crude salvage shouldn’t give you any at all since its 0%.
So I’m sure that Ecto isn’t rarer mats. However, Ecto is a Special mats. This is also stated clearly on official wiki.Let view it from another point.
If Ecto rarer mats, why don’t we get Fine Mats (Bone, Fang, Claw etc..) off salvaging?You’re correct. Ecto are not “rarer” mats. Rarer mats refers to the chance of getting Tier+1 common materials from salvage vs . Tier+0. I.e. a Level 80 Acolyte Coat can give Silk Scrap or Gossamer Scrap, and Gossamer Scrap is the rarer material.
It does appear, from this data, that the BLSK has a somewhat-higher rate of Ecto-salvage (something that wasn’t true previously). Mystic/Master kits give ~0.92-0.95E/Salvage, while the BLSK gives ~1.27E/Salvage.
BLSK is expensive enough that an extra 0.35E/S is not enough of an advantage for me. A BLSK costs 300 Gems, which, if you convert Gold->Gems->BLSK is 5.1G for 25 uses (or 20 silver per use).
21 tries
That’s not enough data for anything.
True that BLSK seem to have better rate. Like you say BLSK need gem & convert it into gold, doesn’t that mean u almost double paying per ecto? -.-
Possibly even more than double the cost. A Master’s Savlage Kit charge is around 60 copper (15 silver for 25 uses). I value a BLSK charge at 20 silver, so I’d never use that to get an extra 1/3 of an Ecto. I’ll use those for valuable Runes and Sigils instead.
Ty for your info, but In regards to diminishing returns on salvage, the Devs have stated more than once that there is NO DR on salvage. You will need a really big sample size to prove them wrong
Yeah, but the devs have been wrong before. Won’t hurt to try it out.