Extremely frustrated. Help me pls.
if you want to craft yo should find a crafting guide on the internet.
However, I recommend you not to do crafting as a beginner. the items you craft can be bought from the trading post a lot cheaper than the value of the materials.
crafting in this game have 2 purposes. to level up quickly ( but also cost a lot of money ) and to make legendary weapons.
if you want to craft yo should find a crafting guide on the internet.
However, I recommend you not to do crafting as a beginner. the items you craft can be bought from the trading post a lot cheaper than the value of the materials.crafting in this game have 2 purposes. to level up quickly ( but also cost a lot of money ) and to make legendary weapons.
you can also profit from crafting tho its hard but not impossible witch gives it 3 options.
but crafting is not a must for getting anything.
crafting is a little hard to understand at first but after a little time you get used to it
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Hey, welcome to the game-
So as a guardian, you can only wear heavy armor, so you might look into Armorsmithing. You (and all characters) can also wear jewelry, so Jewelcrafting is another good one. Then, you can buy weapons from the BLTC, or make another character for Weaponsmithing/Artificing (one covers swords/shield/mace, the other staff/focus/scepter). Alternatively, you can pick up cooking.
I recommend Armorsmithing and Jewelcrafting because the only overlap is metal, and you can make equipment for 11 slots on your character. Plus jewelcrafting will be useful for all future characters.
You can only have 2 crafting professions active on any particular character at a time. You can switch professions at any time, but there’s a fee to switch into one you already have progress in (40 silver at skill level 400, if I recall properly). So I advocate having alternate characters for different crafting disciplines (e.g. my mesmer is my tailor/cook, my elementalist is my artificer, my ranger is leatherworking/jewelry, my thief is weaponsmithing/huntsman).
Crafting is not complicated once you “get it.” All disciplines but food/jewelry work on this principle: Component1+Component2+Insignia/Inscription = weapon.
E.g. Staff head + staff shaft + mighty inscription = mighty staff.
Inscriptions are wood/cloth+blood/fangs/totems/venom sacs/scales.
So a simple +power staff would require a mighty inscription, which is a green wood dowel (made from a plank made from logs) + vial of weak blood.
The most important thing to remember while leveling up your crafting is that discovering new recipes (e.g. the first time you combine staff head + staff shaft + mighty inscription) is worth A LOT more experience than making the 2nd/third/etc.
It’s also a good idea to do your crafting on Thursday nights, because WvW gives your server a crafting bonus, and it’s usually maxed by then. (Bonuses reset on Friday nights).
However, as Black Wolf said, crafting is a bit of an investment. You probably will not find, in the course of natural play, enough materials to fully level up your profession. So you will have to buy materials from the BLTC. Many of which are very cheap! However, the equipment you want is much more likely to be even cheaper, since the market is flooded with equipment made from people leveling up crafting. On the other hand, once you have a crafting discipline leveled up, it’s ``free’’ equipment for your alternate characters / friends. You’ll find the materials (mats) you need to make your armor as you level up the alt, so you can just craft the equipment you want. On the other hand, you could have just sold those materials and bought the armor off the BLTC.
I enjoyed leveling up my crafting, and I didn’t use a guide (you don’t really need one once you’ve got it figured out…except maybe cooking). I never went into it expecting to craft for profit, so I’m not as jaded as many people
Good luck!
Fort Aspenwood
What are you looking for from crafting?
For many players, crafting is simply a way to gain levels quickly. The reason for this is that you gain experience every time you progress a crafting profession; you will gain 10 levels for training a profession from 0 to 400 (the max). The best professions for leveling a character are Cooking and Artificing.
If you are looking to craft gear for yourself, you’re going to want Jewelcrafting, Weaponsmithing, Armorsmithing, and/or Artificing.
If you want to do a lot of crafting to make money in the long run, you’re going to want leveling Weaponsmithing, Artificing, and/or Huntsman, as weapon crafting is where the bulk of the money is.
Cooking is useful for every character; it’s cheap and easy to level up, and provides useful bonuses at every stage of the game.
If I were starting a new Guardian today as my first character, I would choose Weaponsmithing and Jewelcrafting as my first two professions – and I would seriously consider Cooking instead of Jewelcrafting as well. Weaponsmithing is going to always be useful, both in making gear while leveling up and giving you access to good recipes at max level. Jewelcrafting is very useful while leveling up, as you’re going to have a lot of trouble finding trinkets to equip without buying them from other players, and jewelcrafting will let you make them yourself.
I would avoid the armorsmithing professions. They have very little use at level 80 and are pure money sinks – their only real value is to craft a few legendary components, IMO.
Ok, so, jewel and weaponsmith or weaponsmith and cooking or cooking and jewel?
You can pick just 2, i can’t have 3.
You can change between them at will, you are not limited to only two, just two at any given time.
You can change between them at will, you are not limited to only two, just two at any given time.
But it is too expensive, isn’t?
You can change between them at will, you are not limited to only two, just two at any given time.
But it is too expensive, isn’t?
Crafting is mainly used for powerlevelling alts as the materials needed are either expensive to buy from the TP or take a long time to accumulate whilst playing.
You can change between them at will, you are not limited to only two, just two at any given time.
But it is too expensive, isn’t?
Changing crafts costs 40s (at lvl 400 craft). Tho 40s may sound much at lvl 14 but later it is just a pocket money.
On topic. Do not force yourself to craft if you just started the game. TP is filled with cheap weapons for levelling and you WILL drop more than enough to equpi yourself till you reach lvl 80. Keep all crafting materials tho. You may need them later if you decide to pick up crafting or to make legendary. At least you will have some saved to quickly sell to buy some lvl 80 exotics when you reach that level.,
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU
If you ever need help from another guardian, add me in game.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/