Legendary Crafting (Bifrost)

Legendary Crafting (Bifrost)

in Crafting

Posted by: Ryan Mozo.9581

Ryan Mozo.9581

Hi guys (and girls)!

So first off this isn’t a complaint about Legendary Weapons… I have a couple legitimate questions.

I’ve been trying to work my way to creating my first legendary weapon, The Bifrost!

My main question comes from the “Gift of Bifrost” component. I’m sure this applies to other Legendaries as well, but for the sigil, do you have to use the one that is in the recipes on GW2Wiki and places like that? For the Bifrost it says I have to use a Superior Sigil of Nullification, but can that be replaced for any sigil?

A second question comes from the Gift of Fortune component. For the Mystic Clovers, what are your recommendations for acquiring those? Should I use the recipe to make only one at a time, or use the one to make ten (once I get to that stage)?

Thanks in advance for the help

Legendary Crafting (Bifrost)

in Crafting

Posted by: Zyk.3597


1) You have to use the Sigil specified.
2) From what I understand, most people use the recipe for one, since it reduces the variance in a very luck-based situation. The odds aren’t necessarily better, it’s more that your luck won’t be quite as “streaky”.

Good luck!

Legendary Crafting (Bifrost)

in Crafting

Posted by: Acidicore.3264


I used both the one and ten method. Made it to 34 with one’s and then made another 40 with tens…I think after ten tries (though I did get ectoplasm back…a lot of it, and lodestones too) and then the last three shortly after using one’s again. I’d suggest saving up over the course of a month, and then getting the materials and try crafting them all at once. Making one at a time will probably demoralize you, since there’s times you won’t see a clover for several tries.

At least then you’ll be able to weigh your effort by what you’ve produced in a single batch, as opposed to sporadic attempts. We’re creatures of visual stimuli, and seeing that you’ve made 12 clovers out of thirty in one sitting instead of throughout a month enforces you to stay on course that’s it’s possible. Chances are you’ll make more clovers than that, just an example.

Make sure you’re making clovers WHILE gather other materials, don’t focus on one thing and then the next, else it’ll feel like it’ll take forever to finish.

Legendary Crafting (Bifrost)

in Crafting

Posted by: Vol.5241


For all my legendaries I have used the 10 recipe, it seems to have a higher chance at clovers. But of course, you also have a chance of getting the junk ones.

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Legendary Crafting (Bifrost)

in Crafting

Posted by: kiba.2768


for the first 77, i used singles until i got so sick of clicking, i went with 10x when i hit 37 until i got 77.

for the second 77, i did it in 1 sitting, 10x until 70, singles until 77. it took me less than 2 minutes. much more satisfying.

my odds ranged between above 40% with the first attempt and better than the reported 33% on the second(not that it mattered since i would have just spent an extra 30 seconds getting to 77 no matter what in 1 sitting)

Legendary Crafting (Bifrost)

in Crafting

Posted by: Nozdrum.2894


Would use the 10-recipe, unless you are a fan of clicking ( or wrote a script ).

Legendary Crafting (Bifrost)

in Crafting

Posted by: Qori.9671


i did singles at first , and failed a couple of 10’s and swore I wouldn’t do the 10’s anymore , then I got 7 clovers from singles and did the final 70 with 10’s. I still needed alot of the tier 6 mats and the 10 recipe gives back the most of those. I also sold alot of the tier 6 mats to buy more ectos. If you get lucky and get a lot of blood it can help pay for more attempts. I wish I had just saved alot of those mats now but I was just rushing to get it done. Patience is probably one of the best things to have working on a legendary , unfortunately I have little =P

Legendary Crafting (Bifrost)

in Crafting

Posted by: Ryan Mozo.9581

Ryan Mozo.9581

Cool, thanks everyone! Congrats on your legendaries (if you have since acquired them). Hopefully I’ll be joining you soon haha

For the sigil though, I feel like the nullification thing is kinda pointless… I would much rather have sigil of force or something that would help me 100% of the time, rather than 60% of the time ON the off chance of getting a critical hit.. So multiply those percentages and well.. I’d rather have something else haha..

Legendary Crafting (Bifrost)

in Crafting

Posted by: Izaya.2906


Cool, thanks everyone! Congrats on your legendaries (if you have since acquired them). Hopefully I’ll be joining you soon haha

For the sigil though, I feel like the nullification thing is kinda pointless… I would much rather have sigil of force or something that would help me 100% of the time, rather than 60% of the time ON the off chance of getting a critical hit.. So multiply those percentages and well.. I’d rather have something else haha..

you could always change the sigil on your Bifrost after you make it…

Legendary Crafting (Bifrost)

in Crafting

Posted by: Atroras.9481


Not that I’ve have had much experience, (only 20 clovers so far ><;) but I believe the 10 recipe gives back much more than the 1’s recipe.

Why I believe so is due to this:

Let’s say we are talking about T6 mats. According to the wiki, 1 clover recipe gives 1-5 T6 mats. Say for easy calculation, 10 clover recipes gives back 10-50 T6 mats.

So if this is the case, I am able to receive numbers like 38 T6 mats on 10 clovers as compared to 1 clover recipe which means it HAS to be either 3 or 4?

I’ve not much data on this.. so I would appreciate too if anyone can correct me if I’m wrong. =D

Eisteria. Asuran Ranger.

Legendary Crafting (Bifrost)

in Crafting

Posted by: novalee marie.2458

novalee marie.2458

I did the single clover method. Tried the 10 clovers a couple times and failed each time. So I switched to single recipe. I just made them every time I got an ecto. My luck was absolutely horrid with the clovers. I went through a stack and a half at least of shards… Ah well, it worked out in the end.
Like someone else mentioned, you can change the sigil after you make the bifrost. Good luck!

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