The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~
I want to ask the community what I should do in regards to my Precursor. I am a casual player due to family, spouse, kid and full time job. I have very limited time on when I can play the game…which is okay. I don’t mind the 45 minutes – 1.5 hours of game play a night. So anyway as of 1 month ago I decided to go for my Legendary shorbow because I had most of my materials. Today, as I write this post, I have everything except my Precursor. I have about 248m in the bank but with the Precursor being 750m minimum on the TP with only 3 available. My question is, at my rate of gameplay(45mins -1.5hr a night) it will probably take me about 2-3 months or so to get the remainder gold to buy my Precursor. Should I wait it out and save up…..or take the 248m and try to gamble it and get my Precursor? I definitely don’t want to lose all of my gold and not get anything.
So, my question to the community: What should I do?
This is a tough one since the Lover jumped up in price a few days ago. If you don’t want to waste your money, I’d say keep saving. You can gamble in the forge, but there is a chance you’d spend all that gold and get nothing. Another reason to continue saving is just in case the Scavenger Hunt happens…ever. It could happen before you hit the 800g you need (or w/e it ends up being) and then you’ll have gold and your precursor. That’s what I’m hoping happens. I’m almost done with everything except the precursor for Frostfang, but I don’t think I’ll save up to buy it. I’ll just start working towards the stuff for the Moot.
I definitely do not recommend you gamble, especially since you’re casual. It’ll be tough to get that gold back since you play so infrequently.
Since you don’t play all that often, I suggest you take a look at investing, which is different than power trading. You could grow your money that way (or lose some of it). But you need to be smart about it.
I was thinking of waiting for the scavenger hunt as well, but I think I read somewhere that it wasn’t even in Alpha stage. Which kind of worry’s me that it could be months away. After the new patch and updates to the Dreamer I have had an itchy finger lately when it comes to the TP and gambling…stressful.
You could always do both by running dungeons and buying shortbow exotics using tokens, while saving money from runs
wait, you’re a casual and you have 248g in bank? :o
I HIGHLY recommend you wait, namely for a few reasons:
1) It will likely take you multiple months(most likely more than the 2-3 you listed, as prices will likely climb). In this period of waiting the scavenger hunt will likely come out or at the very least be more flushed out in what it will entail.
2) The MF is a VERY unforgiving beast. I had good luck receiving exotics from it with 4x 80 rares, and was able to almost keep even(maybe a slight loss per day). However, due to RNG, you might get nothing but rares or you might get the pre on your first try. Unless you are comfortable with “wasting” near 300g on the MF…I would wait.
3) You never know what will happen update wise. I was lucky to get a buy order filled for the shortbow prior to the patch. The order got filled literally hours before the patch went and near doubled the price of the bow(got it for 380g, now close to 700+). Who knows when something like this might happen again.
My honest advice is to keep doing what you are doing/just play the game and enjoy it. On top of that, look into playing the TP: you have enough gold that you could very easily get a decent return on your money without much time invested. Seriously, you could easily be making a few gold a day(~5g) just from a couple minutes work either doing bulk low cost goods or trying to get buy orders filled for rares/lodestones/cores.
I suggest that the OP forgets the idea of a legendary with all those real world commitments, unless (of course) he wishes to dole out real money for gems for gold.
If you have everything for your legendary and 248m in the bank then you are not classified as a casual gamer.
If you can acquire that kind of wealth by ‘casual’ game playing that small amount of time than I say go for the gamble. Shouldn’t be hard for you to make up any losses. lol
Scavenger hunt is far off.. still in creative thought stage. Prices on precursors are likely to keep climbing.
OP: if you do decide to go the MF route, for the love of ALL that is holy, please PLEASE do not try an craft the shortbow. You are MUCH better off crafting one of the other higher priced pre weapons and selling/buying your pre you want + getting some extra gold at the end.
OP: if you do decide to go the MF route, for the love of ALL that is holy, please PLEASE do not try an craft the shortbow. You are MUCH better off crafting one of the other higher priced pre weapons and selling/buying your pre you want + getting some extra gold at the end.
lol. Please look at The Lover prices on the Trading Post and then get back to us.
As it stands, the SB precursor is the most expensive precursor, edging out Dusk by 1c. (750 vs. 749.99.99). Which sucks, because I’m in the same position as the OP re needing only the precursor.
I’m not in the same position, I still need lots of mats; however… That ‘The Lover’ price… Precursors just keep going up, insanity
If you have everything for your legendary and 248m in the bank then you are not classified as a casual gamer.
If you can acquire that kind of wealth by ‘casual’ game playing that small amount of time than I say go for the gamble. Shouldn’t be hard for you to make up any losses. lol
Scavenger hunt is far off.. still in creative thought stage. Prices on precursors are likely to keep climbing.
I’m definitely a casual player. The 248m is everything I have saved up from beta. I don’t buy anything from the TP except WvW food. I have no other expenses.
I’m starting to wonder if gambling is a reasonable idea. If theres only 3 Lovers left, I cant imagine prices are going to come down anytime soon. So at my current rate it will probably take 3-4 months instead of 2-3.
I’m not in the same position, I still need lots of mats; however… That ‘The Lover’ price… Precursors just keep going up, insanity
It is indeed, insane. Anet, please do something!!
Two things I can suggest:
1) Wait for luck to drop one.
2) Convert your stuff and focus on another legendary.
Don’t gamble it.
There’s a very real chance that you’ll use up all your money and have nothing, then you’ll want to quit the game.
I’m in a similar boat, tbh I have given up on a legendary, the mystic toilets odds are so low, 0.3% for a precursor and 20% for an exotic when 4 rares are flushed I have read that it just does not seem to be worth it. Maybe in a couple of months i’ll see if I can craft the rares myself to have a go if i’m still playing.
It’s tedious and boring but I run ac 1,2, and 3 everynight and make 3-5g depending on drops. I’d say save your gold and keep making it and hope for a posivtive change to these prices. Plus you can always use the tokens to get exotic’s and try your luck in the MF that way.
(edited by Highvoltage.7946)
Don’t gamble it.
There’s a very real chance that you’ll use up all your money and have nothing, then you’ll want to quit the game.
Almost happened to me. Foolish for me to think just because another guy got it, that I could.
300g later, nada. Thanks for recognizing my skills and dedication arenanet, oh wait getting a legendary takes none.
I have a different opinion. With 200g you can buy/craft a CRAPton of 80 rares and throw them in the Forge. With the exotic return being around 20-25%, you can recoup much of the losses and continue the hunt. I think in the long run, the MF is the way to go. I know this from personal experience. I think I lost around 10g per batch of 100 lvl 80 rare crafted weapons. If you do the math, with precursers costing 500g+ (for the demanded ones), you’d need to be very UNLUCKY to not get one. Think about how many combines you could do with 500g…
I just posted a new thread about a theory/coincidence that happened with me. RNG may be RNG, or I might of stumbled upon something. either way, I have my precurser and have never had over 300g to my name…
Just my 2c…
Don’t gamble it.
There’s a very real chance that you’ll use up all your money and have nothing, then you’ll want to quit the game.
Almost happened to me. Foolish for me to think just because another guy got it, that I could.
300g later, nada. Thanks for recognizing my skills and dedication arenanet, oh wait getting a legendary takes none.
If your current gold pool isn’t “easy” to come by, then you should just avoid gambling the MF. Beside the possibility of beating out the price hike to eventually buy one, if ANet decides to do something that will bring down precursor prices (eg another Karka event), you will need a good amount to take advantage of these situations.
In the meantime, use other means to dabble in the MF eg Dungeon weapons.
hello. the best choice you can do is try mistic forge with 50g.
if you aim for legendary and you want to play the forge, you cant go in bankrupt. the first time i tried the forge i found dawn when i was almost naked. the best advice i can give you is: dont waste all your funds in a row.
also rares didnt work for me so id say go for exotics, they worked 2 times with me.
Are legendarys meant to be for casuals? Is it the goal of a-net to have almost everyone with a legendary in 2months? Though you got pretty much money on the bank for that playtime per day! Respect for that!
PS: Id save the money
ok here is what ill say im working on my legendary greatsword Eterinty i need 2 legendary great swords. im still working on covers and the dreaded precursor. what I would say is yes wait for a scavenger hunt although anet has no team for it atm. and there might be a chance that they will release new legendary weapons in an update.
I want to ask the community [..]
So, my question to the community: What should I do?
Just give up on it. Grinding and working like this will only end in tears. Just do without the “legendary” item that everybody thinks they are going to acquire. We can’t all be the hero, despite the rhetoric.
The spoon is a lie.
How do you have everything for legendary, (world completion, 500 badges of honor, all T6 mats, the 77 clovers, 250 ecto’s, obsidian shards, 240g+, etc…..) yet only play under 45 – 1.5 hours a night? Let’s assume you’re really quick and get your daily done in 10 minutes (lol yeah..) I just.. dont.. ok whatver.
If you can make that much gold being that casual, just keep doing whatever the hell it is you’re doing, share it with me, and save up and buy your precursor.
How do you have everything for legendary, (world completion, 500 badges of honor, all T6 mats, the 77 clovers, 250 ecto’s, obsidian shards, 240g+, etc…..) yet only play under 45 – 1.5 hours a night? Let’s assume you’re really quick and get your daily done in 10 minutes (lol yeah..) I just.. dont.. ok whatver.
If you can make that much gold being that casual, just keep doing whatever the hell it is you’re doing, share it with me, and save up and buy your precursor.
You can’t unless you play the post. And I think we’re stretching the lines on what defines a casual.
wait, you’re a casual and you have 248g in bank? :o
Its very easy to make money, BUT “Easy to make money but hard to keep it.”
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