MF soulbinding items?

MF soulbinding items?

in Crafting

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I just put 4 minor runes into the mystic forge. It gave me 1 minor rune (of sanctuary).

Which is soulbound.


MF soulbinding items?

in Crafting

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


No idea. It’s nick named the mystic toilet for a reason.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

MF soulbinding items?

in Crafting

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I’ve put in all sorts of things before without getting them back soulbound. Is it specific to runes? Some sort of glitch?

MF soulbinding items?

in Crafting

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


It might be that one of that that specific rune is just soulbound by default (Like the monk runes, for example. The ones you get from ascalonian catacombs) and it was in the mystic forge rune table. Either way, there’s nothing Anet will do to fix your situation. They might fix it in the future, but you’re stuck with that, I’m afraid.

I’ve never tried it, but maybe you can reforge it.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

MF soulbinding items?

in Crafting

Posted by: LameFox.6349


The item itself doesn’t concern me at all, it’s utterly valueless. The issue is that if I put something worthwhile in there I might get something that is valuable, but completely useless to me, and be unable to sell it (or even put it on another character).

I really dislike the idea of non-recipe combinations returning soulbound items.

MF soulbinding items?

in Crafting

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


I agree. It sucks. But most things related to the MF suck. Good luck in the future.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

MF soulbinding items?

in Crafting

Posted by: papryk.6273


It happened to me a few times and each time it was when I had a ring back from the MF…the ring was always soulbound. Dunno if it’s a bug or just working as intended…

MF soulbinding items?

in Crafting

Posted by: inbetween.5623


Runes of Sanctuary are bound by default. You only get them from HotW and if you pick them up from chests or buy them with dungeon tokens theyre always souldbound on acquire. Similar to most trinkets that you pick up, soulbound on acquire. Yes Monk runes are also like this.

MF soulbinding items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

I just put 4 minor runes into the mystic forge. It gave me 1 minor rune (of sanctuary).

Which is soulbound.


Because Stupid is as Stupid Does. Not you of course, I mean the Devs.

Account Bound I understand. Soul Bound should not be a thing, but it is.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

MF soulbinding items?

in Crafting

Posted by: majorkong.9073


Yes the MF can give you something like 8 different soulbound runes.

MF soulbinding items?

in Crafting

Posted by: LameFox.6349


After further testing I found it spits out the monk ones occasionally too.

Not sure how to feel about this. These items were junk, but this has the potential to be very annoying if it can happen to more valuable things. You’d essentially be left with using it, or if that’s pointless, putting it back in and wasting what should have been a good return. The chances of improvement are low already without this.

Really seems like if you get it from the forge, it shouldn’t be bound. Or should just not show up, if that would mess with some grand design they have going. I assume it’s to stop people making gold reselling dungeon rewards, but MF returns are nothing like that consistent and it seems unnecessary to make MF-produced runes soulbound.

MF soulbinding items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Xamon.5783


Nightmare, Sanctuary, Forge, Orrian, Monk and maybe some more I can’t remember at the moment are soulbound and to make it worse all tiers are soulbound. Good thing is all can be reforged in MF except Superior… Funny and not sure if intended…xD

MF soulbinding items?

in Crafting

Posted by: LameFox.6349


…yeah that’s what worries me. I don’t want to make something like a superior rune of do-not-want and be unable to do anything with it. Better it just doesn’t appear at all or isn’t bound.

Is there a way to get confirmation if this is intended? Or do I have to just submit a bug report and wait to see if it changes someday?