Sword that glows
There’s always the great sword Volcanus. Pretty sure you should be able to make other fire weapons similar to it though.
Randrys – Warrior
Hey Budd, thanks but I mean sword and Darksaga thanks a ton! Though fiery dragon still looks so much cooler….maybe I should buy a GW1 and get my HM points….?
A guildie told me i will need at least 3 months to get the 10 points to the fiery dragon, So im doing the firebringer instead.
Well me myself, i prefer the firebringer it looks really good.
there is also the possibility of Icy Dragon Swords, there are models/items in the database that fit the sword but so far i’ve yet to see anyone wield it, either an unknown Mystic Forge recipe, a very rare drop from Claw of Jormag or currently not added to the game.
Edit: there is Currently a “Jormag’s Breath” on the Trading post for 100g, and has the IDS icon, so they do certainly exist.
just a note, those flaming swords do nothing to illuminate in dark rooms (like jumping puzzles).
just a note, those flaming swords do nothing to illuminate in dark rooms (like jumping puzzles).
The fiery dargonsword actually does. Not sure about the others though.
it does?? Unfair! my flamethrower (which, you know, shoots flame) does nothing =/
it does?? Unfair!
my flamethrower (which, you know, shoots flame) does nothing =/
My guess is it does this because it requires gw1 HoM. I know that my AC swords at night do not light an area. Which stinks because i actually like my AC skin better.
Infinite Light….charged lodestone…..
perfect, but does that really work as a light source?
Infinite Light….charged lodestone…..
perfect, but does that really work as a light source?
Eh, before you go charging off to craft this you might want to read all the threads about charged lodestones. Keep in mind you need 250 to craft this sword, and right now they’re selling for 2.65g each.
Better off buying a precursor than shelling out 500g for the lodestones lol
Well your options are pretty slim but to be honest if your buddy is saying it will take 3 months to get 10 points he is lying or doesn’t know how to get points. 3 points for linking accounts, 3 points for 5 titles, 2 point for any statue. That is 8 of 10 right there. 1 point for getting a pet to lvl 20, 1 point for each hero statue (easy). You could get this within a week or two if you have a group of friends that are half decent that could run you through the content (3-4hrs a day). You would need both tyria and the eye of the north expansion though. Really it should be quicker but that as a loose estimate.
Jormag’s breath
50 skill points 50 mystic coins 100 orichalcum swords (600 ore) 50 corrupted lodestones ….So approx. 63g assuming 3s per ore and 90s per lodestone.
50 skill points 30 mystic coins 250 orichalcum swords (1500 ore) 50 molten lodestones ….So approx. 70g assuming 3s per ore and 50s per lodestone.
Infinite Light
would cost over 500g
Stonehenge Grr – [Heap]
Mad Memoires: Complete Edition actually lights things up really well and any class can wear it.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
Mad Memoires: Complete Edition actually lights things up really well and any class can wear it.
This is very true and it is free. Probably the best short term option.
Stonehenge Grr – [Heap]