(edited by Cries Of Sorrow.5864)
So i’ve been finally considering to get a legendary, but with the recent talk in the air about new legendaries, craftable precs,ascended armor and ofcourse the 500 crafts. So i’m not sure what to do. I don’t wanna get shafted after buying the precursor since from there on the comitment is made. Any thoughts would be very appreciated, in how long of a time frame we will see these additions to the game. 2 months? 5 months? That’s pretty much it.
Legendary was crafted.
(edited by Cries Of Sorrow.5864)
I would also like an estimate for this, I don’t want to waste weeks farming/crafting stuff I won’t even need for legendaries. At least say that the two main gifts current legendaries need (Gift of mastery, Gift of fortune) will be usable on new legendaries.
I would also like an estimate for this, I don’t want to waste weeks farming/crafting stuff I won’t even need for legendaries. At least say that the two main gifts current legendaries need (Gift of mastery, Gift of fortune) will be usable on new legendaries.
i feel you man
I’m going to guess that the Gift of Mastery and Gift of Fortune will stay the same, as will the 100 Icy Runestones. So you can always work on that part and hope that by the time you get to the specific bits, there will be more news.
I am in the same boat, having just started the Minstrel. I’m worried that they’ll release a better legendary focus, but luckily for me, the Minstrel specific bits are cheap. I would love some feedback from the devs, but I doubt we’ll get it. Something like that could possibly shock parts of the economy.
I don’t wanna get shafted after buying the precursor since from there on the comitment is made.
This is the wrong way to approach crafting a legendary. Unless you find it early on, the precusor should be the absolute last thing you worry about (this includes throwing things into forge to try and get it). When I crafted my legendary, I went in the following order:
1) map completion
2) clovers
3) t6 mats, dungeon tokens, badges of honor, ore, etc
4) icy runestones
5) precusor
The order can be different for each individual but the precusor should always be the last. The reason is you always have a chance at finding a precusor along the way. Leaving the precusor last also will confirm your dedication to the particular legendary that you want. Trust me, after you collect everything up to the precusor, you will not pull the final trigger unless you are 100% sure on the legendary that you want. Another tip is to not do any of the combines until you have gathered all the materials and are ready to make the final product.
A guildmate of mine ‘thought’ she wanted to craft twilight and got dusk before getting anything else. She went ahead and made the gift of twlight before collecting any of the other mats. By the time she completed getting all the other mats, she changed her mind about twlight and now she is stuck trying to crafting twlight in the hopes to sell/trade for frostfang. Don’t get caught up in this….crafting a legendary is hard enough as is. Don’t make it harder on yourself.
I would just wait until we get more word of what the new legendary process will consist of. Certainly work on the gifts of fortune and mastery as someone suggested. There are 2 legendaries I want but I am holding off until they release at least the visuals of the new ones.
Also, stock up on t6 mats because there is high speculation that they will be used to craft the new tier of materials.
I don’t wanna get shafted after buying the precursor since from there on the comitment is made.
This is the wrong way to approach crafting a legendary. Unless you find it early on, the precusor should be the absolute last thing you worry about (this includes throwing things into forge to try and get it). When I crafted my legendary, I went in the following order:
1) map completion
2) clovers
3) t6 mats, dungeon tokens, badges of honor, ore, etc
4) icy runestones
5) precusorThe order can be different for each individual but the precusor should always be the last. The reason is you always have a chance at finding a precusor along the way. Leaving the precusor last also will confirm your dedication to the particular legendary that you want. Trust me, after you collect everything up to the precusor, you will not pull the final trigger unless you are 100% sure on the legendary that you want. Another tip is to not do any of the combines until you have gathered all the materials and are ready to make the final product.
A guildmate of mine ‘thought’ she wanted to craft twilight and got dusk before getting anything else. She went ahead and made the gift of twlight before collecting any of the other mats. By the time she completed getting all the other mats, she changed her mind about twlight and now she is stuck trying to crafting twlight in the hopes to sell/trade for frostfang. Don’t get caught up in this….crafting a legendary is hard enough as is. Don’t make it harder on yourself.
Sorry, might’ve added this: Already got the gift of mastery/clovers and halfway there t6 wise, to me buying the prec is the begining of the goal not the end. As i said ‘making the comitment’. I’ve thrown 200G in the forge hoping to get Sparky but from there i called quits so will have to do with buying.
I would just wait until we get more word of what the new legendary process will consist of. Certainly work on the gifts of fortune and mastery as someone suggested. There are 2 legendaries I want but I am holding off until they release at least the visuals of the new ones.
Also, stock up on t6 mats because there is high speculation that they will be used to craft the new tier of materials.
Yes indeed, have been thinking of just piling money keeping t6 and wait what the future beholds
Why wait? At the very least, you should continue to farm as usual. Even if the materials needed change drastically from what you farm now, you can always sell them and put the money toward anything you would need in the future.
Who knows, they may not release the new legendary stuff until the end of the year or next year. No reason to waste valuable farming time.
I am in the same boat, having just started the Minstrel. I’m worried that they’ll release a better legendary focus, but luckily for me, the Minstrel specific bits are cheap. I would love some feedback from the devs, but I doubt we’ll get it. Something like that could possibly shock parts of the economy.
Actually that could be a good thing, considering that the ‘top end of town’ (precursors, full legendaries, more expensive items for sale) are owned and more or less controlled by the elitists and gold sellers. Knocking them off their pedestal, albeit briefly, could be what the economy needs.
Sorry, might’ve added this: Already got the gift of mastery/clovers and halfway there t6 wise, to me buying the prec is the begining of the goal not the end. As i said ‘making the comitment’
. I’ve thrown 200G in the forge hoping to get Sparky but from there i called quits so will have to do with buying.
I wouldn’t reply to this, only that I saw someone with me last night farming the pavilion have Spark drop for them. There were some congratulatory messages, and a lot more ’s.
But I will agree that precursors are way too hard to find anywhere else except on the TP, and I have been holding off buying one because, although there are legitimately lucky people who put up precursors for sale on the TP to offset the cost of something else high-end that they want, it’s largely controlled by the rich kids and gold sellers and that’s not someone who I want to be buying a high-end item from.
They have promised us a better way to get precursors for over half a year.
So dont hold your breath… Farm as usual, when you have the gold decide if you want to farm some more or simply buy it then and there. Its that simple.
If I had ingredients and all the gold to buy a precursor, I’d still make the legendary. Why? Because it’s always given you a goal in the game. If a way to craft a precursor comes… Dualwield legendaries. Make it another goal.
I hope that precursor prices tank because the prices has always been ridiculous but there will probably be some catch to precursor crafting/acquiring.
The only thing legendary in this game is the RNG. Everything else is fun!
(edited by sonicsix.5713)
in the wiki thers a list of promisas that they made http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Upcoming_changes_and_features
some about good things
I am in the same boat, having just started the Minstrel. I’m worried that they’ll release a better legendary focus, but luckily for me, the Minstrel specific bits are cheap. I would love some feedback from the devs, but I doubt we’ll get it. Something like that could possibly shock parts of the economy.
Actually that could be a good thing, considering that the ‘top end of town’ (precursors, full legendaries, more expensive items for sale) are owned and more or less controlled by the elitists and gold sellers. Knocking them off their pedestal, albeit briefly, could be what the economy needs.
I don’t think that it would only knock those people down. It would affect more than just the prices of precursors and expensive items.
Here’s the thing with legendaries and precursors and any other long-term investment skins: ask yourself, how much do you WANT that skin? Is it going to be a skin that a few months or a year later you can be “ooooo I still love it, it’s sooooo pretty/cool/ridiculous”?
The answers to those self-reflection questions should dictate whether or not to make a legendary, regardless of what the future holds for new skins. Making a legendary based on your own uncertainty is probably not worth it. I’m still happy with my Sunrise, Moot, and Quip months after they’ve been made.
I would agree, however a legendary item is a long-term commitment, ie. it takes a very long time (this time last year it was a stupidly long time to acquire the materials, let alone the 1 in a million precursor drop), and if you’re not going to equip that legendary item after creating it then clearly you’re in it only for the money. Remember it takes another investment in gold to list it on the TP at a legendary price. Which is why I made my comment earlier about gold sellers and the elitist rich kids with the parent’s credit cards. The casual player can’t afford these items but the hardcore’s can, and equipping one because “I’m more hardcore than you” I believe is the wrong way to go about it.
For most of us, and I think this is how Anet would want it, it’s about achieving something over a long time and feeling proud and satisfied with that achievement (and your 5 AP’s for equipping #1 legendary). It’s something that you created and no one else. The look of the item for those people who did it for achievement’s sakes, is secondary to the actual doing of it. Those people wouldn’t care how it looked let alone what anyone else thought of it.
And this is where there is a big disparity between people who made them and those who bought them. There’s no telling who did what, so to me at least, that was a massive mistake on Anet’s part. The other mistake, obviously as everyone who has posted about legendaries this past year will know, is that the items (gifts) to creat the legendary are all account-bound, yet when that final purple item, the weapon itself is created, it’s soulbound. I believe this is wrong, so do most people, and like the gifts, that legendary should be account bound and freely transferrable to any toon you wish.
No waste it on gem shop.
The other mistake, obviously as everyone who has posted about legendaries this past year will know, is that the items (gifts) to creat the legendary are all account-bound, yet when that final purple item, the weapon itself is created, it’s soulbound. I believe this is wrong, so do most people, and like the gifts, that legendary should be account bound and freely transferrable to any toon you wish.
The final Legendary, when it pops out of the MF is not soulbound. It can be transferred via bank or mailed to someone else, or posted on TP for sale, which is what some people have done.
It is “soulbound on equip”.
Yes we realise it’s ‘on equip’ soulbound… I think you know what I mean, that most players want to be able to freely transfer it to any character on their account as they wish, whenever possible. Please read the last part of that post again.
Yes we realise it’s ‘on equip’ soulbound… I think you know what I mean, that most players want to be able to freely transfer it to any character on their account as they wish, whenever possible. Please read the last part of that post again.
Considering other high end equipment isn’t that way, I don’t think this is ever going to happen. Not very “Legendary” for a hero to loan out his uber-weapon to all his bunk mates.
Considering you will be able to arrange stats the way you want in an upcoming patch on legendaries, I’d expect a little more flexibility with these items, and the dev’s are being generous as to let us even do that. I think account-bound would be more agreeable, but stat-change is a huge bonus.
Also don’t get in on the debate of the merits of what is legendary with these items and what isn’t, it’s one that can’t be won. Why did they even decide that putting them up on the TP was a good idea? Not very legendary either.
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